Council For Standards In Energy Assessment

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  • Words: 1,278
  • Pages: 7
CoSEA COUNCIL FOR STANDARDS IN ENERGY ASSESSMENT I am pleased to announce that initial steps have been taken to create CoSEA. It has been felt by some in the Energy Assessment Industry that there is a need for an organisation that represents all the different stakeholders and can provide a united voice for the Industry to CLG, politicians, public, commercial interests and the media. It is also felt that we continue to have difficulties within the Industry with inconsistent standards and that we need a common forum where these issues can be resolved. In the medium-term, CLG would wish to see the industry being self-regulated. Moves have been made towards this but many are of the opinion that the proposed timescale for this is too long. CoSEA aims to offer a framework whereby self-regulation could be put in place more rapidly – and in a way which reflects the wishes of the Industry. Even if CLG does select another independent body to oversee accreditation, there will be a need for a Trade Association that can represent Industry views to that body. The name has been chosen to express simply the purpose of the organisation. Hopefully, it is easily memorable and also conveys the subliminal idea that energy efficiency need not lead to discomfort. At this stage, nothing is definitively decided. It will be up to the provisional members and subsequently the National Council and Trustees that they elect to determine the future of the organisation and how it works. What follows here is a set of proposals, a business model, from which to start. •

Organigram o

Composition of Committees


Composition of Executive


Operational Protocol

Proposed Membership Fees




National Council


DEA/HI Representative Organisations

Accreditation Schemes


Training Providers


Service Providers “Panels”

Commerc ial / DEC / Aircon


CoSEA National Council Voting: Chairman / President 2 representatives from each Faculty Committee plus Trustees Non-voting: Executive, Secretary, Observers as appointed/invited by Council Remit: To examine proposals brought forward by Faculty Committees and, if appropriate, adopt them as Council policy. To supervise and direct the Executive.

Representative Organisations Committee Voting: 2 representatives from each member organisation Non-voting: Executive, Secretary Remit: To discuss issues raised by Energy Assessor members and to jointly agree on issues and policy proposals to be discussed and acted upon by National Council and Executive.

Accreditation Schemes Committee and Sub-Committees Voting: 1 representative from each member Accreditation Scheme Non-voting: Executive, Secretary Remit: To discuss issues of joint interest and to agree upon issues and policy proposals to be discussed and acted upon by National Council and Executive.

Training Providers Committee Voting: 1 representative from each member Training Provider Non-voting: Executive, Secretary Remit: To discuss issues of joint interest and to agree upon issues and policy proposals to be discussed and acted upon by National Council and Executive.

Service Providers Committee Voting: 4 representatives elected from within the Faculty membership (large companies > £250,000 p.a. turnover) 4 representatives elected from within the Faculty membership (small companies <£250,000 p.a. turnover) Non-voting: Executive, Secretary Remit:


CoSEA To discuss issues of joint interest and to agree upon issues and policy proposals to be discussed and acted upon by National Council and Executive.

Executive It is proposed that there be a Chief Executive supported by a Secretary. There could be financial and operational advantages in sharing secretarial help with another Trade Association or not-for-profit representative organisation. The preliminary budget has been calculated on a basis of the Chief Executive working 0.4 fte (2 days per week) with the Secretary working full-time hours. The Acting Chief Executive will be in office only until the first full meeting of the National Council. At that time, the National Council will consider the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive. Initially, the Acting Chief Executive will provide premises. National Council will determine the future operational base of the Executive. During the launch of the organisation, the Acting Chief Executive will not be taking any salary but will reclaim reasonable expenses.


CoSEA Calendar May 2009 Register Company Issue Invitations to Prospective Members Receive Provisional Membership Applications (with part fees – to be deducted from 200910 subscription) Launch Website June 2009 Host meetings of Provisional Committees. Elect Provisional National Council members. Host Provisional National Council Appoint Trustees Ratify budget and membership subscriptions Ratify Committee / Sub-Committee composition Move to Limited by Guarantee status Ratify Constitution Payment of provisional membership subscriptions July 2009 Committee Meetings National Council Meeting Trustees Meeting

1st week 3rd week 3rd week

September 2009 Payment of membership subscriptions (01.10.2009 – 30.09.2010) October 2009 Committee Meetings National Council Meeting Trustees Meeting

1st week 3rd week 3rd week


CoSEA Operational Protocol Formation: A proposed calendar (see above) has been established for the formation of the organisation. Meetings: Initially, it is suggested that meetings take place on a quarterly basis with Committees to meet two weeks before National Council. This will allow adequate time for the Executive to circulate Minutes and resulting Agenda to National Council members. Committees may feel it necessary to meet at more frequent intervals, either in person or by e-conferencing. Or it may be more appropriate to form Working Groups to discuss specific technical or legal issues. This is to be agreed as necessary by National Council. It is suggested that the Chief Executive be given delegated powers to select a venue for meetings. To reduce travel time and costs both for the Executive and for Council / Committee members, meetings will be scheduled whenever possible to take place consecutively. It is proposed that Committee members will meet their own travel expenses to meetings. Chairman / President: It is suggested that a Chairman / President be elected annually by the National Council. For continuity, a Vice-President should also be elected with the intention that this person succeed to be President. Chief Executive: The Acting Chief Executive Officer will oversee formation of the organisation until the first full meeting of the National Council. The National Council will decide at that meeting whether to ratify the appointment of that person to the permanent post or to conduct a recruitment process. It will also set the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer. Constitution: A draft Constitution will be prepared for discussion at the first meeting of the provisional National Council. The Constitution as agreed will then need to be ratified by the appointed Trustees to enable transfer to Company Limited by Guarantee status. Confidentiality / Data Protection: It is recognised that the Executive may be privy to commercially sensitive information. All due care will be taken to ensure that such information is not disclosed to other parties and that Data Protection Act requirements are met.


CoSEA Proposed Membership Fees Membership subscriptions will for future years run from 1 October to 30 September. For provisional membership during foundation, members will be asked to contribute the fixed element of the membership subscription by 30 June 2009, with the balance by 30 September 2009. Members of the Representative Organisations Faculty: £100 plus £3 per member (energy assessor only – member numbers at 30.06) Members of the Accreditation Schemes Faculty: DEA: £1,000 plus £0.03 per lodgement (lodgements 01.07 – 30.06) NDEA/DEC/AirCon: £500 plus £0.20 per lodgement (lodgements 01.07 – 30.06) Members of Training Providers Faculty: £1,000 plus £5 per qualified candidate (year from 01.07 – 30.06) Members of Service Providers Faculty: £1,000 (>£250,000 turnover) £200 (<£250,000 turnover)

It is recognised that many potential members have diverse Industry interests which would involve them in more than one of the Faculties. Appropriate levels of membership subscription for such members will be a matter for decision by the National Committee.


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