Corrige Bac L 2008

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 592
  • Pages: 2
Correction Baccalauréat 2008 LV1 Anglais – filière L - réalisée par –


Compréhension 1) a) It is addressed to Vic and Deepa. Their father is looking at it. b) Consequently, the narrator’s name is Vic. 2) While they are looking at the postcard, they are fascinated and absorbed. 3) a) “He” refers to Vic’s father. b) The reason the character keeps the postcard is because it portrays the place he has always wanted to go to. The city differs from his hometown in that it is full of things to do. Because of his status in society, it seems to be an unattainable dream. l.16 “it was his dearest wish to visit that centre of the universe once in his lifetime” He is also convinced that having friends from Europe gives him a higher social status. l.20 “proud reminder not only of his yearning but also of his European friend”. 4) a) The narrator’s parents first discuss that they disapprove the Bruce’s sending their kids alone on a long trip due to the fact that this is risky behavior. They also can’t comprehend how they could afford a trip that was so costly. They chastise the Bruce’s for taking advantage of the family’s wealth. b) The father is referring to the historical concept of British colonial supremacy. If something were to happen to a British citizen, the government would do anything to protect their citizens. The father realizes that his children are not considered “first-class” citizens; therefore he has a very negative attitude. 5) a) Vic and Deepa terribly miss their friends. They don’t have as much fun as they used to have with them. They are daydreaming about them and how much fun their friends must have in London. b) Their vision of London is exotic. They imagine the city as a big theme park.

6) a) The mother decides to make her child travel as well. She brings them on a trip to Nairobi and Monbasa for the August holidays. b) The mother thinks that the whole family has the right to have fun and to be entertained just like any other British family. Furthermore, travel all around new places will give them a new outlook on life and plenty of new experiences to tell their neighbors and friends.

7) a) The narrator is on the train, on his way to Nairobi. b) The narrator just understood that there were plenty of wonders in this country too. He feels like he is part of Kenya, the country where he grew up. Even though he’s British because of his family and his genes, his heart belongs to this place. It looks like he just realized at this precise moment that he fell in love with this country.



Nous étions mi-juillet ; un mois et demi depuis qu’ils étaient partis. Six semaines ressemblent à une éternité pour un enfant à cette époque de l’année. Le samedi dans les galeries marchandes, nos jeux étaient devenus ternes et avaient perdus de leur fougue. Je me souviens de Deepa, Njoroge et moi-même assis devant le magasin sur le sol en ciment de la véranda devant notre magasin, imaginant tour à tour, à quelle choses passionnantes nos deux amis devaient se livrer : promenades en bus impériale et taxi, visites de tous ces châteaux, palais et ponts à propos desquels nous avions tant lu, shopping dans des magasins merveilleux qui regorgeaient de bandes dessinées, de caramels mous et de chocolats. Si, l'un d'entre nous ne savait plus quoi dire, il était éliminé.

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