Corporal Punishment Could Shape In Many Ways

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  • Words: 559
  • Pages: 3
Name: Mamdoh Alzhrani Tutor: Jason Layer Class: Upper intermediate 3

Bridge programme Reintroducing Corporal punishment into UK schools

Actual length: 533 words Submitted: 10th MAR 2009

Reintroducing Corporal punishment in UK schools

Corporal punishment could shape in many ways, spanking, smacking, slapping, and whipping, belting, pinching, biting, pulling hair and other unpleasant ways. These methods are all considered to be a corporal punishment .in one way or an other, corporal punishment increases the problems rather then solving them. Supporters argue that reintroducing corporal punishment into schools is necessary to discipline children. Should it be reintroduced to schools again? Critics argue that reintroducing corporal punishment into schools in UK is not the smartest action to do to children or schools. However, Critics argue that reintroducing corporal punishment into schools is wrong because of two main reasons. The first one is Reintroducing corporal punishment into schools will affect students emotionally, Psychologist warning of punishment has reach the peak when Scientist research found that effect of corporal punishment are increasing." The Family Research Laboratory of the University of New Hampshire conducted a large study involving over 3,000 mothers of 3 to 5 year old children during the late 1980's. The women were interviewed in 1986, 1988 and 1990. They found that 63% of the mothers had spanked their child at least once during the previous week. Among those that spanked, they hit their children a little over 3 times per week, on average". Although, statistics in Britain shows that 63% of mothers surveyed in 1985 said they start spanking babies before they are a year old. In Britain, almost all four year olds are spanked (97% of a big random sample of British children). Three quarters of that British sample were still spanked regularly 1 - 6 times a week and one in eight was spanked at least once a day. These statics emphasis punishment could take place in a wide range, for example in Saudi Arabia a man was caught abusing his child for two

year, the child moved directly to Psychologist clinic to treat him and fix the damages in his personality after a long period of abusing. The second reason is Reintroducing corporal punishment into schools will affect students physically, by forcing them to perform things they are not able to do, or attempts to punish or control the child, which attempt has escalated to produce physical harm ,for example, exercising in a wrong way or denying them of lunch. These physical punishment harm children respectively in schools, whereas activities are much more required and often in sport classes.

In Conclusion, corporal punishment should not be allowed in UK schools and the responsible institutions should replace any physical punishment with educational methods depend on the right methodology of psychology principles in order to improve the educational process, It might be the best solution to disciplines the children and to teach them the manner of behave, without any physical or emotional damage, the applicable educational punishment, could be more wise and effective such as informing the parents about their children behavior, private lesson for any one may behave badly and other solutions may performed to guaranty that children are a wear of their behavior and their mistakes and ready to be more carful about their attitude without any physical including all ways of spanking, shouting and pinching or emotional punishment.

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