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  • October 2019
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Satine Sargsyan EDEL 481.1001 02/20/2019 Lesson Plan #2

UNLV Student:

Satine Sargsyan

PSMT Name:

Teresa Zakrzewski

Lesson Plan Title:

Model and Draw 2 Digit Subtraction

Lesson Plan Topic:

How Do You Record 2 Digit Subtraction?



Estimated Time:

60 min

Grade Level:


School Site:

Thiriot E.S.

1. State Standard(s): -

2NBT.B.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 2NBT.B.9 Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations.

2. Teaching Model: -

Direct Teaching

3. Objective(s): (Lesson objectives will be initially written on the board in 2nd grade language for all students to understand what they are going to be accomplishing that day. (Lemov’s Strategy #8 “Post It”, Strategy #7 “4Ms”) - Students will model 2 digit subtraction using ten blocks. - Students will use their models to transfer their knowledge of subtraction into algorithm (long subtraction). - Students will explain how regrouping helps them solve subtraction problems. 4. Materials and Technology Resources - Go Math Workbooks


Projector Elmo Laptop Whiteboards Subtraction activity cards and workmatts Pencils and dry erase markers Instructional Procedures:

Vocabulary (Lemov’s Strategy #4 Format Matters) - Subtraction - Difference - Regrouping - Model - Tens and Ones a. Motivation/Engagement: - Start a discourse (Lemov’s Strategy #22 Cold Call,)with students to recall what regrouping means (breaking 1 ten into ten ones), and what question we should ask ourselves before subtracting 2 digit numbers (ex. in 52-36=? problem, they need to ask whether they can subtract 6 from 2. If the answer is no then they should do regrouping.) - Do GoMath Student Interactive Exercise with the laptop to try to answer the question of the day, which is how they record 2 digit subtraction. Walk students through all the steps during the video.




b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: Start off by a word problem to explain recording of 2 digit subtraction. (ex. Mr. Kelly made 47 muffins. His students ate 23 of the muffin. How many muffins were not eaten?) Ask students: 1. What are you asked to find? 2. How can you blocks to help you solve the problem? 3. Do you need to regroup the blocks? How do you know? 4. How many tens blocks and ones blocks are left? Model with ten blocks and break apart numbers in order to show all the steps going into regrouping of numbers. Provide 3 other problems. Model the numbers with base ten blocks and then write the long subtraction for the problem. This will be the first time students are seeing numbers written above the digits in the Tens and Ones columns to record regrouping in subtraction. Discuss how regrouping of 1 ten as 10 ones is reflected in the recording below the model. Repeat the above steps for the other 2 problems. Once all the problems are solved, have students complete “On Your Own” page where similar problems are provided to check their understanding.


c. Closure: Once students are done with “On Your Own” section, go over the problems by asking them to come up to the board and show their classmates how they approached the problem and explain their steps.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners: - For ELLs preview vocabulary that is used in the lesson at the beginning and end of the lesson. - Students who successfully complete “On Your Own” section of the lesson, can challenge themselves on “Problem Solving” section, where there are word problems and require multiple steps before reaching the solution. - Provide individual support for students who are struggling with the regrouping concept by doing small discussion with them during their individual work time. 7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative: (Lemov’s Strategy #18 Check for Understanding) - Circulate around the classroom during “On Your Own” section, to target any students who are struggling with a concept. (My students know they should raise a hand when they are stuck on a problem during this part of the lesson). - Activate and assess prior knowledge by asking questions about previous lessons. (What was the one important word we have learned from yesterday’s lesson? Why is it so important in subtraction? What was the question that we should always ask ourselves before subtracting two numbers?). - At the end of the writing, pass out the ten blocks and subtraction activity cards that are packed in ziplocks. Students will be expected to work in partners. Each partner will take turn to draw a card and write down the problem on the workmatt sheet, and try to solve it either by using manipulatives or the algorithm. Students will help each other if they see their peer needs help with the problem. (Lemov’s Strategy #21 “Take a Stand”). While they are working on the game, the teacher will circulate to assess their problem solving skills, address any difficulties, and use positive feedback to encourage their learning. (Lemov’s Strategy #44 Precise Praise”) b. Summative: (Lemov’s Strategy #20 Exit Tickets) - Pass out summative quiz next day, once students have done the homework and have a better grasp of the concept. 8. Homework Assignment - Students will tear out their homework page of the lesson which needs to be turned in the next day.

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