Draft National Listing of Above Code, High Performance, and Green Building Programs Submitted by Britt/Makela Group, to the Building Codes Assistance Program, August 19, 2009 Prepared by Michelle Britt and Josh Enterkine Contact: Michelle Britt Assumptions: Local municipalities (permitting agencies or utilities) implemented voluntary or mandatory programs. Above code/ green building codes (or standards), high performance building codes (standards) were used to describe the programs. The term stretch code may apply to some of the phased, mandatory programs. Process:
We conducted research via the internet, e-mail, and telephone
Sources of information: Green Building Initiative
State Chapters of Building Officials, or ICC Greener Buildings
Database of State Incentives for Energy Efficiency
Searching state by state with keywords listed above Contacting regional energy code groups Contacting state energy offices National Association of Counties
Emphasis is on local municipality programs with energy at their core, although several water conservation programs were also included.
The list does not include federal agency programs, university or higher education programs, or a complete list of school districts that have a The list includes several rebates, but avoids the multitude of utility rebates offered for thus and such appliance or efficiency improvement Caveats: * More programs exist. The scope and time frame of the project determined the search stopping point. * In documenting the programs, we strove for accuracy, but given the volume of data we uncovered, the variabilities of jurisdictions' websites, ability to contact staff, and time frame of the project, there may be errors. We will make every attempt to correct those found.
rvation programs were also included.
mplete list of school districts that have adopted CHPS, or most state energy codes. The latter information is readily available on BCAP's or ICC's websites.
h appliance or efficiency improvement
n BCAP's or ICC's websites.