Copias 8 English 3&4.docx

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The man answering a survey in a health club. (Keep in mind comparatives and superlatives)

I: Why did you decide to go to a health club? Man: I was ________________ (fat) and __________________ (heavy). Since my son was born I haven´t done too much exercise. I: Why did you choose Henley Manor? Was it ____________________ (cheap) than other places? Man: No, in fact it is _________________________ (expensive) of all. I: What is your opinion about this place?

Man: This is ______________________ (wonderful) place I have ever visited. Here, you have the possibility to feel ______________________ (good) if you have been stressed. There is a big variety of activities that help you to be ___________________ (fit) and ____________________ (relaxed) at the same time. I: So, would you recommend this place to your friends? Man: Absolutely. This is ___________________ (good) experience I have ever had. It’s ____________________________ (effective) than the others I know.

Source: Designed by EFLB1level.Sara Gómez


This second conditional (IMAGINARY SITUATIONS) reading gives you a chance to practice your reading comprehension skills while you see examples of the second conditional. Read the story and complete the test at the bottom of the page. Good luck!

If I Won The Lottery

I can imagine what my life would be like if I won the lottery. Wow! I could do so many things, and my life would be so different. I would love the chance to change my life with the money. The first thing I would do is buy a big, new house. I live in a small apartment, and I have always dreamed of living in a big house in the country. With all that money, I could buy anything I wanted. I don’t have a car right now, so I would buy a new car. Or, I might even buy a new motorcycle. I like motorcycles, and I can imagine myself driving down the highway with the wind in my hair. Of course, I if I won the lottery, I should give some of the money to charity. I would probably give my money to a charity that helps sick children. Also, if any of my friends needed anything, I could help them pay for it. I know many people that have student loans, and I could help them pay the loans back. That would make them very happy. Plus, if I won a lot of money, I would certainly save some of it in the bank. Also, I think that if I won a huge amount of money, I would open a business. I love to cook, and I have always wanted to open a restaurant. With all that money I could open a fancy restaurant. However, I know one thing I would not do is travel. I have a friend who won $100, 000 in the lottery three years ago. She took the money and travelled for three months. I think she is crazy. Travelling is nice, but then she had nothing left after her vacation. I think, however, that the only problem with dreaming about the money I could win is that I have never even played the lottery before. As they say: “You can’t win if you don’t play.”

1. 1. Question What would the person NOT buy if she won the lottery? 





2. 2. Question What would the person NOT do if she won the lottery? 

Save money

Give money to friends

Pay off student loans

Give money to charity

3. 3. Question Why would she open a restaurant? 

She likes to cook.

She likes fancy restaurants.

She is a great cook.

They are a good investment.

4. 4. Question Why would she not travel? 

She has travelled a lot before.

Her friend did not have fun travelling.

It is too expensive.

She would be left with no money when she finished.

5. 5. Question Do you think she will win the lottery? 

No. She did not buy a ticket.

Yes! She is lucky.

No. It is too difficult with only a few tickets.

Maybe. It depends on her luck.

(taken from Learning English Online)

READING EXERCISE 2 One of the great pleasures of modern life is the fact that thanks to modern technology, we can now visit the far corners of the earth. More and more people are travelling far distances and discovering what the world has to offer. It is so exciting to plan these trips, but there are lots of things that need to be considered before we leave our hometown. I am going to Colombia for a few months and I found this excellent webpage that offers advice on travelling alone.

Read through the article below and then try to complete the gaps with the missing vocabulary. Is anyone travelling at the moment? Did you travel to learn English, to work or for pleasure? Has anyone done any volunteering while they’ve been away? I hope you find the article useful! Lesson by Caroline

Missing words:        

Qualities - characteristic Liberating - free (makes you feel free) Vulnerable - capable of being hurt Preparation - plans or arrangements that you make to prepare for something Fundamental - basic; more important than anything else Muggers - people who attack people in order to steal their money Invaluable - very useful Curve - a line which bends continuously and has no straight parts

Travel Advice Going off and travelling alone can be a very _1. __________________ experience as well as a great exercise in personal development and a resounding statement of independence. But it's not just about vainly trying your luck against the challenges that lie ahead. It's a steep learning _2_________________ that we attempt to scale when we set off on an adventure alone for the first time and the thrill of achieving such a goal does not come lightly. Certain _3_____________________ are required of a lone traveller to enable him or her to get by safely and securely. Common sense and an acute sense of personal responsibility are also essential. Doing as much research as you can squeeze into your life before you go helps to reap great rewards later on. Learning about your destination(s) allows you to have a good idea of what to expect and therefore a solid foundation on which to begin your adventure. Learning about the _4____________________ cultural differences is essential, and learning a few words of the language doesn't go amiss either. Getting lost can open the door to an even more eventful adventure than you bargained for, but it can often happen at the most inopportune times. A good map is _5______________________ and so is some knowledge of the public transport system. You're out to have a good time, of course, but remember that as a tourist you are a target for thieves and _6__________________________ and sometimes worse things. Getting excessively intoxicated with alcohol or other substances makes you extremely _7____________________________, not to mention the fact that it's dimly looked upon by most other cultures. Penalties for flirtation with illegal substances can be more severe outside of Europe too.

Taking care of yourself while travelling abroad on your own encompasses many things, from protecting yourself from harm to staying healthy, from staying out of trouble to avoiding being robbed. How to go about it begins with your own selfawareness, followed by some thorough _8______________________, and rounded off with a nice helping of common sense. (Taken and Adapted from Click On 3)

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