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Cool Test 1

/ 25



1 Read and number the corresponding pictures. (2 points) 1. A: Are they pencils?

3. A: Are they school bags?

B: No, they aren’t.

B: No, they aren’t.

A: What are they?

A: What are they?

B: They’re pens.

B: They’re lunch boxes.

2. A: Are they erasers?

4. A: Are they notebooks?

B: No, they aren’t.

B: No, they aren’t.

A: What are they?

A: What are they?

B: They’re sharpeners.

B: They’re books.

2 Read and colour the school objects. (3 points) This is my classroom. The board is pink and the desks are purple. All the books are yellow and the notebooks are green. My school bag is orange.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 1


3 Now complete the questions. (4 points) 1. What colour is the board?

It’s pink.


are the notebooks? They’re green.


? They are purple.


? It’s orange.


? They’re yellow.

4 Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue. (3 points) OK


Jenny: Hello, Chris! Chris: I'm




Jenny: I'm




are you? , thanks. And you, Jenny?


Chris: That's

. Thank 5

Jenny: 6



! Bye, Jenny! you!

5 Match the questions to the answers. (5 points) 1. What's your favourite personal item?

a. They're rollerblades.

2. Is she Jenny?

b. No, they aren't.

3. Are Chris and Jenny students?

c. It's my iPod.

4. What's your favourite colour?

d. Yes, they are.

5. Is the skateboard pink?

e. It's a watch.

6. How old are you?

f. Yes, she is.

7. How are you?

g. I'm fine, thanks.

8. What's this?

h. Yes, it is pink.

9. What are those?

i. It's red.

10. Are they bikes?

j. I'm ten.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 1


6 Read the text and state if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). (3 points) Hi! I'm Timmy. I'm eight and I'm a student. My favourite item is my tablet. It's black and white. Black is my favourite colour. My school bag is black, my pencil case is black and my bike is black.

1. He's Tommy. 2. His favourite item is his bike. 3. His bike is blue. 4. His tablet is black and white. 5. His favourite colour is green. 6. His school bag and his pencil case are black.

7 Look at the text in exercise 6 and write a similar one about you. (5 points)

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 1


Cool Test 2 Name:

/ 25 Date:

1 Look, read and circle the correct option. (3 points)

1. Olivia is Antonio’s sister / brother. 2. Peter is Anna and Alberto’s son / grandson. 3. Isabel is Angela’s niece / aunt. 4. Bobbie is Peter’s cousin / uncle. 5. Olivia is Anna’s granddaughter / daughter. 6. Angela is Antonio’s nephew / niece.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 2


2 Look and complete the sentences. (3 points)

1. Andy

hasn’t got

a pencil. He has got

a ruler and he

has got

a sharpener.

2. Pam and Tess

school bags but they erasers.

3. Anna has got a pen. She

a glue stick but she


4. Jim and Todd

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable


Cool Test 2


3 Solve the crossword puzzle. (5 points) o a



e u e a n

4 Read and colour the pictures.(4 points)

Lilly has got long black hair and green eyes. She has got yellow hands and orange legs.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Frank has got short red hair and brown eyes. His neck is blue and his feet are purple.

Cool Test 2


5 Read the descriptions in exercise 4 again and answer the questions. (7 points)

1. Has Lily got short black hair? 2. Has she got green eyes? 3. What colour are her hands? 4. Are her legs yellow? 5. Has Frank got red hair? 6. What colour is his neck? 7. Are his feet purple?

6 Write a short description of your best friend. (3 points) This is my

He / She's got

His / Her

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 2


Cool Test 3 Name:

/ 25 Date:

1 Ask and answer questions about where the family members

and items are. (6 points)

1. Where is the parrot?

It’s in the dining-room.







Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 3


2 Describe the house in exercise 1. (2 points) In this house, there's

There are

3 Complete the sentences about the pictures. (3 points)

1. The notebook is on the chair.





banana sandwich


Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

lunch box. tray.

Cool Test 3


4 Answer these questions about you. (6 points) 1. Is there a blue pen in your pencil case? 2. Are there three books in your school bag? 3. Are there two rulers on your desk? 4. Have you got a pet? 5. What's your pet's name? 6. Is there a window in your bedroom?

5 What are these pets? Unscramble the words. (3 points) 1. b-r-b-i-a-t: 2. r-h-m-a-s-e-t: 3. r-r-t-p-a-o: 4. e-u-t-t-l--r: 5. g-o-r-f: 6. s-h-i-f:

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 3


6 What's your favourite room in your house?

Write a paragraph. (5 points)

My favourite room in my house is

I love this room!

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Cool Test 3


Cool Test 4

/ 25



1 Unscramble and number the pictures. (5 points)


1. lyf


2. lypa het smrud 3. pakse rceFnh 4. dera cusmi 5. kema soty 6. xif acsr 7. onir 8. od camig skitrc 9. evdir 10. eprpaer hisus

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 4


2 Match the phrases. (3 points) 1. speak

a. a bike

2. read

b. high

3. ride

c. music

4. play

d. French

5. jump

e. ballet

6. dance

f. the guitar

3 Mark (3 or 7) the things you and one of your friends can or can’t do. Then write sentences. (4 points)


ride a bike


play tennis

use a computer

play baseball

You Your friend

I can


but I can't



My friend can




Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

but he / she .

Cool Test 4


4 Look at the table. Then ask questions. (4 points) 3 = can

7 = can’t


read music


play the drums 3

Peter and John



fix cars 7


? No, she can't.


? Yes, they can.


? They can drive.


? She can't read music.

5 Number and answer the questions about you. (6 points) 1. What can



2. Can you make


3. Can you speak


4. What can’t you


5. Where can you

you do? I can read music and sing.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 4


6 Look and write what the robots can and can’t do. (3 points)

R2 can draw a house.

CO9 and RED can


It can’t iron.

They can’t


Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 4


Cool Test 5

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1 Label the fruits and vegetables. (5 points)


2 Number the children. (2 points) 1. I like milk.

2. I hate onions.

3. I don’t like hot dogs.

4. I love ice cream.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 5


3 Ask and answer questions about your partner

and mark (3) the chart. (10 points)
















Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 5


4 Read the text and draw. (4 points) Look! There is a tray on the table. There is a lot of food! Hmm... yummy! There are ten carrots. There are two tomatoes, seven pears, six oranges, three apples... Oh, look! There is also a cake, nine cookies and a banana!

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 5


5 Put the parts of the food words together. (2 points) sand






which burger

6 Write about your food preferences. (2 points) I love

. I like


. I don't like . I hate

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

or .

Cool Test 5


Cool Test 6 Name:

/ 25 Date:

1 Read and mark (3 or 7) the sentences. Re-write the incorrect ones.

(6 points)

This is an Australian Platypus. The platypus has got fur, or hair, that covers its body. It can swim in a river and it can walk too. The platypus lays eggs, but the babies drink milk. They live near rivers, but they are difficult to find. It is easier to find platypuses in a zoo!

1. 7

The platypus is from Austria. The platypus is from Australia.


The platypus has fur.


The platypus can swim.


The platypus can’t walk.


Baby platypuses drink milk.


There are platypuses near the ocean.


You can’t find platypuses in a zoo.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 6


2 Read and write A, B, or C. (5 points) There are many interesting animals on earth. Unfortunately, many of them are endangered species. Read about some of them. Blue Whale It is the largest animal on earth. It is 30 metres long and it weighs 100 tons. The blue whale eats four tons of shrimp every day! This animal can live about 110 years. The sound it makes is really cool. You can hear it 850 kilometres away.

Woolly Spider Monkey This is a small monkey that is no taller than 50 centimetres. It lives in the rainforest. Fruits and nuts are part of its diet. The spider monkey has very special hands, but it can’t climb with them. It uses its cool tail to do it. The spider monkey’s tail is almost 90 centimetres long!

Tiger It lives in Asia. A tiger usually has more than 100 stripes, or lines, and all of them are different! Rabbits, pigs, and fish are part of its diet. It can swim and climb trees. A cool fact is that baby tigers can’t see when they are born, but they can see at night when they get older.

It is sad to see how many animals disappear every year. Let’s do something about it!

A. Blue Whale

B. Spider Monkey

1. It eats shrimp.

C. Tiger


6. It lives in the rainforest.

2. It can see at night.

7. It can’t climb with its hands.

3. It has got a long tail.

8. It lives about 110 years.

4. It makes loud sounds.

9. Its babies can’t see.

5. It lives in Asia.

10. It eats fruits and nuts.

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 6


3 Solve the crossword puzzle. (5 points) 6


8 1

f e a t h e r f e a t h e r


10 9

3 5 4

4 Choose one of these animals and write about it. (3 points)


has got

Its favourite food is

. It hasn’t got . It can

. It lives in

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

. , but it can’t

. Cool Test 6


5 Unscramble these words related to housing. (3 points) 1. l-t-f-a: 2. t-t-g-c-o-a-e: 3. c-s-k-r-p-e-y-a-r-s: 4. w-g-b-n-l-u-o-a: 5. i-o-o-l-g: 6. t-h-u:

6 Answer these questions about your house and the plants and

animals around. (3 points)

1. Where do you live? 2. What animals can you see around your house? 3. Are there any plants or a garden in your house?

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Test 6


Cool Answer Key Cool Test 1 1 Read and number the corresponding pictures.

From left to right: 3, 1, 2, 4

4. T 5. F 6. T

7 Look at the text in exercise 6 and write a similar one about you.

2 Read and colour the school objects.

Students’ own answers

Students colour the school objects.

3 Now complete the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What What What What What

colour colour colour colour colour

is the board? are the notebooks? are the desks? is the school bag? are the books?

Cool Test 2 1 Look, read and circle the correct option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

4 Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How fine OK you cool Thank

2 Look and complete the sentences.

1. Andy hasn’t got a pencil. He has got a ruler and he has got a sharpener. 2. Pam and Tess haven’t got schoolbags but they have got erasers. 3. Anna has got a pen. She has got a glue stick but she hasn’t got crayons. 4. Jim and Todd have got notebooks but they haven’t got books.

5 Match the questions to the answers. 1. It’s my iPod. 2. Yes, she is. 3. Yes, they are. 4. It's red. 5. Yes, it is pink. 6. I’m ten. 7. I’m fine, thanks. 8. It’s a watch. 9. They’re rollerblades. 10. No, they aren’t.

sister grandson aunt uncle daughter niece

3 Solve the crossword puzzle.

6 Read the text and state if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). 1. F 2. F 3. F

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

1. leg 2. arm 3. feet 4. head 5. nose 6. foot 7. ear 8. mouth 9. eye 10. hand

Cool Answer Key


4 Read and colour the pictures.

5 What are these pets? Unscramble the words.

Students colour the pictures.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

5 Read the descriptions in exercise 4 again and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

No, she hasn’t. Yes, she has. They’re yellow. No, they aren’t. They’re orange. Yes, he has. It’s blue. Yes, they are.

6 Write a short description of your best friend.

Students’ own answers

rabbit hamster parrot turtle frog fish

6 What’s your favourite room in your house? Write a paragraph.

Students’ own answers

Cool Test 4 1 Unscramble and number the pictures. From left to right: 8, 10, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 7, 9, 5

Cool Test 3 1 Ask and answer questions about where

1. fly 2. play the drums 3. speak French 4. read music 5. make toys 6. fix cars 7. iron 8. do magic tricks 9. drive 10. prepare sushi

the family members and items are.

1. Where is the parrot? It’s in the dining-room. 2. Where are Grandma and Grandad? They’re in the garden. 3. Where are the lunch boxes? They’re in the bedroom. 4. Where is the shirt? It’s in the bathroom.

2 Describe the house in exercise 1.

2 Match the phrases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Students’ own answers

3 Complete the sentences about the pictures. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The The The The

notebook is on the chair. banana is on the table. sandwich is under the lunch box. ruler is on the tray.

speak French read music ride a bike play the guitar jump high dance ballet

3 Mark (3 or 7) the things you and one of

4 Answer these questions about you. Students’ own answers

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

your friends can or can’t do. Then write sentences. Students’ own answers

Cool Answer Key


4 Look at the table. Then ask questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Can Lucy read music? Can Peter and John drive? What can Peter and John do? What can’t Lucy do?

5 Number and answer the questions about you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5 Put the parts of the food words together.

What can you do? Can you make toys? Can you speak English? What can’t you do? Where can you swim?

Students’ own answers

6 Write about your food preferences. Students’ own answers

Cool Test 6 1 Read and mark (3 or 7) the sentences. Re-write the incorrect ones. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

6 Look and write what the robots can and can’t do.

1. R2 can draw a house. It can’t iron. 2. CO9 and RED can play football. They can’t fix cars. 3. SVA and GUL1 can make toys. They can’t prepare sushi. 4. 6T8 can play the drums. It can’t play the piano.

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B

From left to right, top to bottom: grapes, banana, orange, lemon, pear, onion, peas, peach, potato, tomato

From left to right, top to bottom: 2, 4, 3, 1

7 The platypus is from Australia. 3 3 7 The platypus can walk. 3 7 There are platypuses near the river. 7 You can find platypuses in a zoo.

2 Read and write A, B or C.

Cool Test 5 1 Label the fruits and vegetables.

2 Number the children.

hamburger sandwich hot dog cupcakes

3 Solve the crossword puzzle.

3 Ask and answer questions about your partner and mark (3) the chart. Students’ own answers

4 Read the text and draw.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

feather fossil wing explorer lion beak tail

Students’ own drawings

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Answer Key


8. rabbit 9. nail 10. horn

4 Choose one of these animals and write about it.

Students’ own answers

5 Unscramble these words related to housing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

fl at  ottage c skyscraper bungalow igloo hut

6 Answer these questions about your house and the plants and animals around. Students’ own answers

Cool Kids 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2015 Photocopiable

Cool Answer Key


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