Conversation Questions

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,680
  • Pages: 12
Conversation Questions - What if..? If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? How much would you give to family and friends?

If you were told that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

If you were asked to give a speech in front of two thousand people, would you do it?

If you worked in a bank and a bank robber came in with a gun, what would you do? What if he only had a baseball bat?

If you went skinny dipping and a stranger saw you, what would you do?

If your son stole your car, would you report it to the police?

If you saw a colleague stealing at work, would you report them?

If you could go to the moon, would you go?

If you were walking through the forest and you saw a tiger, what would you do?

You were invited to a friend’s house for dinner and they served your least favorite food, what would you do?

If you found a wallet with one thousand dollars in it and an I.D. card, what would you do?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go?

If you bumped your car into another person’s and nobody saw you do it, would you leave your contact details or just drive off?

If you had the chance to ask God a single question, what would you ask Him?

If you were president, what would you change about your country?

If you were lost in the jungle with no way to call for help, what would you do?

If a stranger came up to you in the street and told you that their child was very sick and needed a thousand dollars for the operation, would you give it to them?

If your doctor had just told you that you had a month to live, how would you use the time left?

If your cell phone fell into the toilet, what would you do?

If someone’s underwear was showing, would you tell them?

If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam while the teacher was not looking, what would you do?

Conversation Questions - Music

What is your favorite type of music?

How many CD's do you have?

Who is your favorite band/group?

Who is your favorite singer?

How often do you buy new music?

Do you own any old vinyl records?

Have you ever downloaded any MP3's from the Internet? Did you have to pay for them?

Do you agree or disagree with this sentence? "Downloading free MP3's from the Internet is wrong because it takes money away from the original artists."

Have you ever been to a live concert? If so, tell us about it.

Do you think that music stars earn too much?

Does certain music bring memories to your mind? If so, which ones and why?

Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones? How do they make you feel when you play them?

Is Karaoke popular in your country? Can you sing?

Do you like heavy metal?

Have you ever played in a band?


Conversation Questions - Television and Radio Do you think TV can be educational? Why? Why not?

What is your favorite radio station?

What is you favorite television station?

Do you listen to the radio? How often?

What is your favorite television program?

How often do you watch television?

In your opinion, is TV too explicit at times?

Should there be more programs directed towards children or young people?

Which type of shows do you normally watch?

Why are talk shows/game shows so popular?

Which do you prefer games shows or talk shows?

Why do you watch TV?

When do you watch the most TV?

Do you think that children watch too much television?

At what time do you think it is suitable to show programs of a sexual nature?

At what time do you think it is suitable to show programs of a violent nature?

How many televisions and radios do you have in your home? What about your car?

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Conversation Questions - Politics Who is the current leader of your country?

What are the strongest political parties in your country?

Do you believe in democracy?

Did you vote in the last election?

How often do you have elections in your country?

What are your views on communism?

Are there any women politicians in

What is the average age of politicians

your country?

in your country?

Where are your houses of parliament?

Are women allowed to vote in your country?

How old do you have be to vote in your country?

What do you think about politicians?

Who did you vote for in the last election?

What makes a good leader?

Who is your favorite past government official?

Would you like to have so much responsibility as a politician?

Do you think the current official is popular with the people? Why/why not?

What would you do if you could run the country for a day/week/month/year/term of office?

What qualities do you think are most important for a leading government official?

Why do you think it's important to vote?

At what age do you think people should be able to vote?

Should voting be compulsory?

Who should be allowed to vote?

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Conversation Questions - Food and Drink Do you like fast food?

Is obesity a problem in your country?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite drink?

What is your favorite dessert?

What is your favorite type of candy?

What is the most disgusting food you have ever had to eat?

Would you ever eat live maggots? What about if I gave you $1000?

Which foods are good for you?

Which foods make you fat?

Do people in your country eat dog? Do you?

Which country do you think has the strangest eating habits?

Can you cook?

Do you like cooking?

What is you favorite dish?

What would you do if you were invited to dinner but you didn't like the food? Would you eat the food regardless?

Could you ever be vegetarian?

Could you ever be vegan?

What foods are traditionally eaten at: births / weddings / funerals in your country?

Which food could you NEVER give up?

Have you ever eaten something and then had to spit it out again? What was it?

What is the best meal you have ever eaten and where was it?

What is the worst meal you have ever eaten and where was it?

What's your favorite cuisine (Chinese/Thai etc...)?

Have you ever used food for something other than eating?

What is your favorite drink, alcoholic (if appropriate in your culture) and non-alcoholic?

Conversation Questions - School Life What is your favorite subject?

What subjects are you best at?

What subjects are you worst at?

What foreign languages do you learn?

Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

What is the most difficult subject?

What is the easiest subject?

How many days a week do you go to school?

How much homework do you have to do?

How do you get to school?

Do you want to go to university? Which university do you want to go to?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What time do you start school?

What time do you finish school?

Do you have school dinners? What are they like?

Who is your best friend at school?

How often do you have exams?

What is your happiest school life memory?

What is your worst school life memory?

When you were at school, did your school provide a cooked lunch? Did you like it?

When you were at school, what job did you want in the future?

Describe your perfect teacher.

How much homework did you have to do in high school?

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Conversation Questions - Easy Introduction Questions What's your name?

How old are you?

Where do you come from?

How tall are you?

Are you married?

Where do you live?

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Do you have any children?

What do you do in your spare time?

What sports do you like?

Do you have a car?

What's your religion?

What's your favorite film?

What's your dream for the future?

What's your job?

Do you have any pets?

What kind of music do you like?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

How many people live in your home?

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Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Do you like me?

Do you think I am handsome/beautiful?

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Conversation Questions - Would you ever...? Would you ever adopt a child?

Would you ever cheat on your partner?

Would you ever "take a bullet" for someone else?

Would you ever slap someone for something they said?

Would you ever go skinny dipping?

Would you ever lie to your partner?

Would you ever give money to a beggar?

Would you ever donate money to a charity?

Would you ever marry someone your parents didn't approve of?

Would you ever eat raw meat?

Would you ever donate blood?

Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?

Would you ever consider doing a dangerous job?

Would you ever steal anything?

Would you ever join the army?

Would you ever do a bungee jump?

Would you ever date somebody ten years older than you?

Would you ever date somebody ten years younger than you?

Would you ever complain in a restaurant if the food didn't taste good?

Would you ever do a parachute jump?

Would you ever give your life to save another's?

Would you ever eat a grass hopper?

Conversation Questions - Work and Employment Where do you work and what is your current position?

How long do you plan to continue working where you are?

Do you have to work overtime? If so, how often?

How many days a week do you normally have to work? Is this usual in your country?

Do you like your job? Why? Why not?

How important is promotion to you? When was the last time you were promoted?

What jobs in your country are considered to be good jobs? Why?

What would be your dream job? Why?

When you were a child, what job did you want to have when you were older? Why?

Have you ever been fired from a job? When? Why?

Have you ever been unemployed? How long for?

How do you feel about your boss? How do you think he/she feels about you?

Where do you see yourself being in five years? Ten years?

Have you ever failed a job interview? Do you know why?

Would you describe yourself as a workaholic?

What do you think is the worst job in the world?

Conversation Questions – Money If you had to choose between wealth and no love; and love with no wealth which one would you choose? Why?

What are you saving your money for?

"Money makes the world go round." Do you agree? Why? Why not?

Can money buy love? Why? Why not?

What's the average salary in your country?

If you won the lottery, or some other type competition, and won lots of money, what would you do with it?

What's the most expensive thing that you have ever bought?

How much money have you spent today? What did you spend it on?

Do you ever give money to charity? If so, how often and how much?

Is it possible to be rich, even if you do not have lots of money?

How important is money to you?

Have you ever given money to a beggar?

Have you ever been in debt?

Which is more important, love or money?

How much money did you spend yesterday?


Conversation Questions - Pets and Animals Do you have any pets? Tell us about them.

Do you have a dog? If so, do you allow your dog to sit on the sofa?

Are vets expensive in your country?

Are there animal rights groups in your country?

Do you own any unusual pets? Do you know anybody that does?

What is your favorite animal? Why?

If you could be any animal, which one would you be?

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

What animals do you think are to scariest?

What wild animals can be seen in your country?

Some animal rights groups think that livestock should not be transported long distances while they are still alive. What do you think?

What do you think about animal testing?

Can you name some extinct animals? What effect do you think the extinction of certain animals will have on us and the way we live our lives?

Do you think that people who abuse animals should be punished? If so, in what way?

Have you ever ridden a horse?

Are there any animals that you are afraid of?

Is there any kind of meat that you would not eat?

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

Have you ever been bitten by an animal?

What do you think about wearing animal furs?

Conversation Questions - Love and Relationships

Are you married?

Describe your perfect man/woman.

Finish this sentence: Love is __________

How do you feel about homosexuality?

At what age do couples usually get married in your country?

Is sex before marriage acceptable in your country?

Are arranged marriages common in your country? How do you feel about arranged marriages?

How do you feel about relationships where there is an age difference between the man and the woman?

Would you ever go out with somebody that was ten years older than you? If not, why not?

Is marriage important to you? Why? Why not?

Is it culturally acceptable to live with a partner before marriage in your country?

At what age are men and women allowed to get married in your country?

What is the age of sexual consent in your country?

Are you a romantic?

"Love makes the world go round." Is this sentence true or false?

What's the difference between loving somebody and being in love with somebody?

What is the most romantic thing somebody has done for you?

What is the most romantic thing you have done for somebody else?

Conversation Questions - Age

What do you think are the main differences between the youth of today and the older generation?

Do you think that young people "have it too easy"?

A common complaint from the younger generation is that old people complain too much. Do you agree?

Why should we respect our elders?

What age do you think is the best to be? Why?

In your country, at what age is somebody considered to be an adult?

Woman usually live longer than men do, why do you think this is?

At what age do people in your country retire? Do you think that this is a fair age?

Some people think that the youth of today are spoilt. What do you think?

Do younger people in your country usually give up their seat on a train

or bus for an older person?

Do you think that younger people today, have less family values?

In some countries it is traditional for retirees to go and live with their children. Is it the same in your country?

Define middle aged.

At what age are people permitted to drink alcohol in your country? What other age restrictions exist in your country?

What do you plan to do when you retire?

At what age do people usually graduate from university in your country?

At what age do children start going to school in your country?

Does ageism exist in your country? In what ways?

At what age do people usually get married and have children in your country?

In most countries, politicians are middle aged and older. Is this true for your country? Do you think that younger politicians could do a better job?

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