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  • Words: 11,339
  • Pages: 38
From the options A, B, C and D, choose the form that best fits the function state, to complete the dialogues below! Mike : Hello, Slater. Did you have a good trip? Slater : It was not too bad. In fact I managed to sleep a bit. --1-- (to express satisfaction) Mike : Is that all your luggage? Slater : Yes. Wait a minute. The small bag is missing. --2-- (to express dismay) I must have left it at the duty-free shop. Mike : --3-- (to reassure) We can ask the security guard to get it. Which shop was it? 1.

To express satisfaction A It was so quiet. B The passengers slept. C The seat was really comfortable. D It has made me feel rested.


To express dismay A Oh dear! B What a nuisance! C Where could it be? D I remember now.


To reassure A Don't cry. B Don't worry. C Are you sure? D We'll look for it.

Mother Daughter Mother Daughter Mother

: : : : :

The pot's hot. --1-- (to warn) --2-- (to reassure) I'll use a pot holder. Could you lay the table for me? Of course. --3-- (to offer) That's all. Everything else has been done.


To warn A Beware! B Don't touch it! C Leave it alone. D I just took it off the stove.


To reassure A I can cook. B I'm not stupid. C I'll be careful. D I've done it before


To offer A Is that all? B May I help you? C It's a pleasure to help. D Is there anything else I can do?

Wife Husband Wife Husband Wife Husband

: : : : : :

If you don't hurry, we'll be late for the show. There's plenty of time. --1-- (to complain) Plenty of time? The show starts in twenty minutes. It takes only ten minutes to get there. We can leave now. --2-- (to express relief) --3-- (to advice) It's bad for health to be so anxious about everything.


To complain A Why are you in a hurry? B It's only six o'clock. C I won't take long. D You are always so impatient.


To express relief A Good. B That's better C Thank goodness for that! D It's about time!


To advice A Slow down. B Don't worry. C You must be patient. D You need to relax a bit more.

Siok Moi Indra Siok Moi Indra Liza Siok Moi

: --1-- (to apologize) I got held up by the heavy traffic. : That's all right. It's always like that on Saturday evenings. Have you met Liza? : --2-- (to refute) : Come and meet her then. Liza. I'd like you to meet Siok Moi. : --3-- (to greet) : Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you. Indra has told me so much about you.


To apologize A I'm sorry I'm late. B I know I'm late. C Forgive me for being late. D I'm terribly late, aren't I?


To refute A I don't know. B No I haven't. C You know I haven't. D I can't remember.


To greet A Good evening. B How do you do? C How are you? D I think we've met before.

Jennifer Kate Jennifer Kate Jennifer

: Kate, I'm having a get-together in my house on Wednesday night. --1-- (to invite) : I'm sorry Jennifer. I won't be able to. I promised my mother I'd have dinner with her on Wednesday night. : --2-- (to accept an apology) How is your mother by the way? : She's fine, thanks. She often asks me about you. : --3-- (to convey greetings)


To invite A Are you free? B Would you like to come? C I'm sure you'd like to come. D If you come, you'll enjoy yourself.


To accept an apology A Take it easy. B You're welcome. C That's all right. D I don't mind.


To convey greetings A Give her my regards B I hope to see her soon. C Tell her that I appreciate it. D Tell her that I asked about her too.

Amy : Mother, I have something to tell you. Mother : What is it? Amy : --1-- (to confess) Mother :How did it happen? Amy : I was dusting the shelf and knocked it over. Mother : --2-- (to scold) That's the second vase you have broken. I'm going to deduct some money from your allowance each week. Amy : --3-- (to protest) It was an accident. Mother : It'll teach you to be more careful. 1.

To confess A I didn't finish the dusting B You won't believe what I've done. C Promise me you won't get angry. D I have broken your favorite vase.


To scold A Not again! B How could you? C You are really careless. D Don't go into my room again.


To protest A Oh no! B That's not fair. C I'll complain to Father. D I don't have enough pocket money.

Aileen : Doctor : Aileen : Doctor :

Doctor, I've had this rash on my skin for over a week. It has not cleared up. --1-- (to sympathize) Let me look at it. --2-- (to express anxiety) What could have caused it? Some types of food can cause a mild allergic reaction or it could have been caused by some chemical. Have you used a different brand of cream or lotion on your skin lately? Aileen : Yes, I have. I tried a new face cream last week. Doctor : I'll prescribe some medicine. If the rash doesn't clear up, come and see me again. --3-- (to comfort) Aileen :Thank you. 1.

To sympathize A I'm sorry. B I'm sorry to hear that. C Don't worry about it. D It's going to be all right.


To express anxiety A I'm rather worried. B It's quite itchy. C Can you cure it? D Will it become worse?


To comfort A Cheer up B Cheerio! C Good luck. D Take it easy


: That hand is going to hurt quite a bit, Mr. Lee. I'll prescribe some painkillers. Mr. Lee: I've got plenty of aspirin at home. Doctor : They won't be of much use. You'll need something stronger. --1-- (to remind) Mr. Lee : --2-- (to clarify) Doctor : Yes, until it stops hurting. Mr. Lee: --3-- (to express regret) Then I would not have injured my hand. 1.

To remind A Take two a day. B Don't take too many. C Don't forget to take them. D You had better take them.


To clarify A Take the pills. B Do I have to take them? C I don't like taking them. D How long do I have to take them?


To express regret A I could have been more careful. B Why wasn't I more careful? C I wish I had been more careful. D I'll be more careful.

Cynthia Shannon Cynthia Shannon Cynthia Shannon Cynthia

: : : : : : :

--1-- (to compliment) Where did you buy it? It was a present from my sister. My goodness! Your sister always gives you presents, doesn't she? Yes. --2-- (to praise) I wish I had a sister like that. Unfortunately, I'm an only child. Well, you have many cousins and friends. That's true. --3-- (to express appreciation) They care about me too.


To compliment A That's a new blouse. B That's a pretty blouse. C Is that a new blouse? D I've never seen that blouse.


To praise A I'm so lucky. B She's very rich. C She's so generous. D She often goes shopping.


To express appreciation A I'm happy about that. B I'm fond of them. C I should be more thankful. D I really appreciate that.

Mother : Did you break that plate, Simon? Simon : No. --1-- (to blame) Mother : Please come here Tyler. Look at this broken plate. Tyler : I'm sorry Mother. --2-- (to defend) Mother :--3-- (to forgive) Be more careful in future! 1.

To blame A Please ask Tyler. B Tyler broke it yesterday. C It could be Tyler D It was someone else


To defend A It was an accident. B I'll buy another one for you. C Please don't scold me. D You shouldn't take sides.


To forgive A Certainly. B Nevermind. C I won't scold you. D I hope you won’t do it again.

Janet Aunt Janet Aunt

: : : :

Hello, Aunt. --1-- (to invite) Hello, Janet. --2--(to enquire) Yes, she is. She'll be here in a minute. Would you like a cold drink? --3-- (to accept)


To invite A Do come in. B You are most welcome. C How nice to see you. D It's a pleasure to see you.


To enquire A How are you? B Is your mother at home? C May I see your mother? D What are you doing at home?


To accept A Thank you. B I'd love one. C Could I have one? D I hope it's not too much trouble.

Tiara : Azlea, do you know where Jumbo Shopping Center is? Azlea : It's along the main street. You drive on until you reach the crossroads where the 1st street meets the 2nd street. You know where it is, don't you? Tiara : Yes I do. Azlea : --1-- (to direct) It's just at the corner. --2-- (to describe) Tiara : Have you shopped there yourself? Azlea : Yes, I have. The prices are very reasonable. --3-- (to recommend) 1.

To direct A Look out for it. B It's the only crossroads there. C Turn left at the crossroads. D Make sure you don't miss it.


To describe A It's a big building. B It was opened recently. C You can't miss it. D You'll see many people there.


To recommend A I bought a lot of things. B My friends like to shop there. C It is a good place to shop. D They often have sales there.

Jason Sean Jason Sean Jason Sean Jason Sean Jason

: : : : : : : : :

Sean, have you heard the news? What news? Our hockey team lost the finals. --1-- (to express disbelief) It's true. I was there. --2-- (to express disappointment) They practiced so hard. Yes. --3-- (to take leave) Why are you in such a hurry? My girlfriend is waiting for me at the canteen.


To express disbelief A Oh no! B What a pity! C That's not possible. D How did that happen?


To express disappointment A I'm sorry. B How unlucky! C Poor things! D They must be disappointed.


To take leave A Let's go. B Are you coming? C I have to go now. D I'll see you tomorrow.

Mother : John : Mother : John : Mother :

John, sweep up all the fallen leaves and water the plants. --1--(to remind) --2-- (to argue) Why don't you ask Andy? Andy's busy preparing for his exam. What about Liza? Stop arguing. --3-- (to order)


To remind A Why didn't you do it? B You are supposed to do it. C You always keep forgetting. D The garden looks untidy.


To argue A It's Andy's turn. B I'm not free. C I did it yesterday. D Why must I do it always?


To order A You're lazy. B Do as you're told. C It's rude to argue. D You should obey your parents.

Peter Joel Peter Joel Peter Joel Peter Joel

: : : : : : : :

Well, will you accept my offer? I need to talk it over with my partner. He may not agree. How much time do you need? Would two days be enough? --1-- (to compromise) If I don't hear from you by Thursday, I'll assume the deal is off. You are sure you don't want to change the terms? --2-- (to confirm) The terms are quite fair. --3-- (to promise)


To compromise A Let me think about it. B I don't think so. C It's too short a time. D Can you make that a week?


To confirm A I'm sure. B I'm afraid I can't. C I've made you a good offer. D I don't want to bargain anymore.


To promise A We'll see. B That settles it. C I hope to persuade my partner. D I'll call you in two days.

Son : Father, may I borrow your car? Father : --1-- (to express surprise) My car? You must think I'm crazy. You've just got your license. Son : Well, that proves I can drive. Father : You don't have enough experience to handle a car like mine. --2-- (to suggest) Son : --3-- (to protest) Father All the better. It won't matter so much if you damage it. 1.

To express surprise A What? B Oh no! C Oh dear! D Can you repeat that?


To suggest A Borrow your mother's car. B Why don't you borrow your mother's car? C Your mother's car is easier to drive. D Go and ask your mother to lend you hers.


To protest A I like yours more. B Your car is new. C But hers is so old. D You have never let me borrow anything of yours.

Frank : Whoever killed her must have hated her very much. I wonder what she was doing there. Rod : --1-- (to speculate) Her car was found a few meters away from her body. Frank : Were there any fingerprints? Rod : --2-- (to deny) Whoever did it was wearing gloves. Frank : We have a list of suspects. we'll have to check them out. --3-- (to instruct) 1.

To speculate A How was she killed? B We have to find out who killed her. C Perhaps she was going to meet someone. D I think she was going to meet someone.


To deny A I'll find out. B I don't think so. C No, there weren't. D Of course not.


To instruct A I want to interview them. B Do you want to interview them? C We'll have to interview them. D Ask Todd to set up the interviews.

Rose Salesgirl Rose Salesgirl Rose Salesgirl

: : : : : :

How much is this microwave oven? It's $850. --1-- (to bargain) That's beyond my budget. --2-- (to refuse) Do you have a cheaper model? Yes. --3-- (to suggest) It's only $600.


To bargain A It's quite expensive. B Do you offer a discount? C Can you reduce the price? D I'm afraid I can't afford it.


To refuse A The prices are fixed. B I'm afraid I can't. C It's a very good price. D I'm giving you a fair price.


To suggest A What about this one? B This model is smaller. C Do you like this one? D I think you will like this one.

Customer Salesgirl Customer Salesgirl Customer

: : : : :

I want to return this shirt. --1-- (to claim) I'm afraid you can't. --2-- (to demand) Once the shirt has been washed, it's non-returnable. You're being rude. Where's the manager? --3-- (to threaten)


To claim A The color is too bright. B The color ran when I washed it. C My wife doesn't like it. D I have changed my mind.


To demand A Take it back. B I want my money back. C Why can't you? D That's not fair.


To threaten A I want to see him. B Tell him I want to return this. C I want to complain about you. D You are supposed to help customers.

Tom Father Tom Father Tom

: : : :

Father, could you buy me a pair of rollerblades? --1-- (to announce) Rollerblades are not safe. You can get injured if you fall. I'll be very careful. --2-- (to appeal) Anyway they cost a lot of money. I think books will be more useful. --3-- (to ask for opinion) : I have enough books. I prefer the rollerblades.


To announce A It's my birthday next week. B Have you forgotten my birthday? C You haven't bought me a birthday present. D That's what I want for my birthday.


To appeal A I promise. B Please say yes. C I won't ask for anything else. D After all it's my birthday.


To ask for opinion A You can't deny that. B I'm sure you'll agree. C Don't you think so? D Would you like some books?

Gina Sue Gina Sue Gina Sue

: : : : : :

The train is delayed again. --1-- (to express annoyance) How long do we have to wait? About forty minutes. What a waste of time. Let's have a drink while we wait. --2-- (to give a reason) --3-- (to approve) Let's go.


To express annoyance A Oh no! B This is boring. C How irritating! D I don't believe this.


To give a reason A There's a coffee shop nearby. B It'll help to pass the time. C It won't take long. D Don't you think it's a good idea?


To approve A All right B I agree with you. C That's good idea. D Why didn't I think of that?

Joel : The food in the canteen is going from bad to worse. --1-- (to complain) Hugh : Let's complain to the food committee. Joel : --2-- (to discourage) Many others have complained but nothing has been done. Hugh : Does the headmaster know? Joel : --3-- (to express ignorance) 1.

To complain A I'm going to complain. B I refuse to eat here. C This soup is tasteless. D The food outside is better.


To discourage A It's no use. B Is that a good idea? C Do you think it's wise. D Let's not waste our time.


To express ignorance A I think so. B I'll find out. C I don't know. D Let's ask him.

Oprah Ellen Oprah Ellen Oprah Ellen

: : : : :

Hello, Ellen. you are looking worried. --1-- (to express concern) I'm rather upset. I failed the Mathematics test again. --2-- (to express sympathy) Have you thought of getting some tuition? I think I'll have to. I'm sure you'll be able to do better. --3-- (to encourage) You have to practice a lot. : Thanks for the advice.


To express concern A Can I help? B Tell me about it. C What's the problem? D I hope nothing is wrong.


To express sympathy A You need help. B I'd like to help. C That's not so bad. D I'm sorry to hear that.


To encourage A Cheer up. B Don't be worried. C Just keep on trying. D There's always another time.

Draco : Look! There's Miss Ashley. --1-- (to express preference) Susan : I like her too. She knows what she's talking about. Draco : Yes. --2-- (to criticize) They constantly crack jokes and we don't learn much during their lessons. Susan : You are talking about that new teacher, aren't you? I think he doesn't have much experience. Draco : You may be right. --3-- (to compare) As they have more experience, they know what to do. 1.

To express preference A I like her. B She's good teacher. C She's my favorite teacher. D Do you like her?


To criticize A Some teachers can't teach. B We have too few teachers. C Lessons are so boring. D There isn't enough time for studying.


To compare A Older teachers are better. B Do you think older teachers are better? C Young teachers are inexperienced. D We need more experienced teachers.

Amber Emily Amber Emily

: : : :

I want to take part in the school Talentime. That's nice! (to support) --1-I like to sing but (to express doubt) --2-Don't worry. (to praise) --3-- I'm sure you'll make it.


To support A Shall we sing together? B You won't be nervous will you? C I am sure you can win a prize. D I have heard you singing.


To express doubt A I hope it will not affect my studies. B I'm not sure I can get through the audition. C My parents do not encourage me. D I have no time to practice.


To praise A You have a good voice. B The others are not so good. C Practice makes perfect. D Just do your best.

Mrs. Suzanne : Eric, your hair is too long. (to advice) --1-Eric : (to disagree) --2-Mrs. Suzanne : Please listen to me. You'll look more handsome if you get your hair trimmed at least. Eric : Really? You're flattering me. Mrs. Suzanne : I really think you'll look so much better after a haircut. Eric : (to consent) --3-1.

To advice A You look untidy. B You will be noticed by the discipline teacher. C When are you going to cut your hair? D You should have your hair cut.


To disagree A I believe I look better with a long hair. B I dislike going to the barber. C I don't think so. D I like the way it is.


To consent A What's on the head is not important, it's the stuff inside which counts. B Mum, you really are persistent! C All right, I'll have it cut this evening. D Mum, I'm too busy to go to the barber.

You Tim You Tim You Tim You

: : : : : : :

Hey! --1-- (to check) Yes and you ... Wait a minute, you're Karl. Oh! How are you? I'm fine. Where are you off to? I'm going to a friend's house. How are your parents? --2-- (To reply) Are you back in the US for good? No, I still have another two years to go before I finish my studies. --3-- (To enquire) I heard that it is very different.


To check A Rally, my friend, how are you? B I'm Karl C You're Rally aren't you? D I know you. You were my classmate.


To reply A Oh! They are fine. B Why are you so concerned? C They would love to meet you. D Maybe, they are fine.


To enquire A Will you be staying long? B How is life over there? C Life must be very difficult there. D Was it very cold over there?

Neighbor Sharon Neighbor Sharon Neighbor Sharon

: --1-- (To complain) Can't you quieten down? I have to get up for work at 5 a.m. tomorrow. : I'm very sorry. I'm afraid we got carried away. : You should be. This noise must stop. It is past midnight. : Could you give us another twenty minutes? --2-- (To promise) : All right, no longer than that or I'll call the police. : --3-- (To assure)


To complain A Why are you so so noisy? B The music and noise from your house is deafening. C You kids are too much. D Will you please be more considerate?


To promise A I promise to chase everyone away. B We don't always have a party, do we? C I promise that we will be noisier now that you have complained D I promise that the party will end by then.


To assure A Go ahead and call them. B Don't worry. I'll keep my word. C You're such a wet blanket. D I'm not afraid. My father's a police inspector.

Cop Joe Cop Joe Cop Joe Cop Joe

: : : :

Is it true that your car was stolen? --1-- (To confirm) I'm sorry to hear that. How did it happen? I parked it at the back lane near my office. When I went to get it after work, it was gone. : --2-- (To ask) : Yes I did. I hope it will be recovered soon. : Don't worry the police have a good track record against car theft. : --3-- (To express regret)


To confirm A How did you know about it? B Yes, it was stolen yesterday. C News travels very fast, doesn't it? D No, my car was never stolen.


To ask A Did you make a police report? B Did you see who stole it? C Are you sure you locked it? D Is it insured?


To express regret A I wonder if there were any witnesses. B I should have repaired the faulty alarm system. C It's a wonder that nobody saw the thieves. D If you happen to see my car, do call me immediately.

Barry Leon Barry Leon Allan Barry Leon Barry Leon Barry 1.

: : : : : : : : : :

--1-- (To greet). It's been such a long time since I last saw you. Hello, Barry. How are you? I heard that you are a businessman now. Yes, that's right. By the way, meet my colleague, Allan. --2-- (To introduce) Hello, Barry. Please to meet you. Pleased to meet you too, Allan. Do join us for lunch, Barry. I'm sorry. I can't possibly join you. I've an appointment with a client. --3-- (To suggest) I think I have your address. I'd love to.

To greet A You are Leon, aren't you? B Fancy meting you here, Leon. C Who are you? D How are you Leon.


To introduce A Barry, meet Allan. B I'm sorry I did not introduce you to each other. C Allan meet my old acquaintance, Barry. D Do you know each other?


To suggest A Are you coming over to my house? B Do you know where my house is? C My house is in St. Lorenza Street. D In that case, why don't you come over for dinner at my house this Saturday?

Mrs. Smith Mrs. Black Mrs. Smith Mrs. Black Mrs. Smith Mrs. Black

: Roy's final exam is just three weeks away and his plaster cast has not been removed yet. --1-- (To express worry) : How is he feeling now? : Much better but he still has to stay in bed. : Don't worry then, Raynie. I am sure that he will be discharged before the examination. : --2-- (To express annoyance) I warned him that this might but he did not heed my warning. : Roy is a cautious rider. --3-- (To defend).


To express worry A He will sit for his exams if he is allowed to. B The exam results will be used for admission into college. C I'm worried that he might not be able to sit for the exam. D He does not want to sit for his exams.


To express annoyance A Whose fault was it? B I told him to ride the bicycle fast. C He likes to cycle around late at night. D He is an obedient and careful boy.


To defend A I'm sure he did not cause the accident. B Roy should be punished for his disobedience. C You did not advise Roy properly. D Don't let Roy ride that bicycle anymore.

Liu Mark Liu Mark Liu Mark

: I am so sleepy. --1-- (To state) : Did you go to bed late last night? You look very worn out. : Yes, I not only slept late but also got up early to watch the World Cup match. : --2-- (To express surprise) : I am an ardent football fan. In fact, I have watched so many of the World Cup matches. : --3-- (To comment)


To state A My eyes are wide open. B Why I am always feeling like this? C I almost fell asleep during the lesson. D How do you manage to look so fresh the whole day?


To express surprise A You are a football fan, aren't you? B I don't like football at all. C Hey, I didn't know that you are a football fan. D Football is for guys only.


To comment A Yesterday's match was a fast paced and exciting one. B I fell asleep halfway through. C The team I supported lost. D I hope that Spain will enter the finals

Sirius : Hong There's a terrible smell coming from somewhere. Do you know where it is coming from? Black : Oh! It's from the uncollected rubbish heap over there. --1-- (To complain) Sirius : The stench is unbearable. --2-- (To clarify). At least that was what I thought. Black : --3-- (To compare) Nowadays, they are not regular at all. Sirius : I think we should complain to the relevant authorities. Otherwise, diseases will spread rapidly. 1.

To complain A Great! Now that's what we need. B The garbage collectors are so lazy and irresponsible. C This neighborhood used to be the cleanest. D Isn't anybody doing anything about it?


To clarify A Isn't rubbish supposed to be collected on Mondays and Thursdays? B Who's throwing the rubbish there? C Did you see the culprits? D How can people be so indifferent to this problem?


To compare A They used to be very efficient. B Now they have disappeared. C The whole neighborhood looks disgusting. D I hope that the authorities will do something about it.

Prefect : It is past 8 o'clock. --1-- (To question) Leona : My school bus broke down. --2-- (To explain) Prefect : Most of the students who come late give this excuse. How do I know if you're telling the truth? Leona : I can provide you with the school bus number. Prefect : I don't believe you. --3-- (To accuse) I'm sending you to detention class. Leona : That's not fair! Here call the driver at this number if you don't believe me. 1.

To question A School starts at 7.45 sharp not at 8.00. B You can't come to school at any time convenient to you. C Late again! When are you ever going to be early? D Why are you late for school?


To explain A Do you know why? B So I had to wait for the public bus. C So what if I'm late? D This is the first time.


To accuse A You are not telling the truth. B Why don't I trust you? C That will not prove anything D Come one, you can come up with a better excuse.

Mal Elvis Mal Elvis Mal Elvis

: : : : : :

I have never been to this place before. It is called Paradise Restaurant. --1-- (To praise) I agree to that. --2-- (To express pleasure) That's an understatement! I have never had a more hearty lunch! --3-- (To ask for opinion) I'm the worst restaurant critic, Mal. If I say the food is delicious, I'm sure the others will agree.


To praise A It is an expensive restaurant. B An old couple runs this restaurant. C Haven't you heard of this restaurant before? D The service here is excellent.


To express pleasure A But this place is filthy! B Wow! Look at the number of people eating here. C I don't feel like going home anymore. D The seafood and vegetable dishes are tasty


To ask for opinion A That settles it. We are having the reunion dinner here. B The restaurant is perfect for the reunion dinner. C Do you think all our former classmates will enjoy having the reunion dinner here? D I would love to come to this restaurant again.

Nina : What do you want to do during the holidays? Ronnie : --1-- (To express desire) Nina : What? You mean you are going to jump from a plane!? Aren't you afraid of heights? Ronnie : No, I think it's fun. Don't you think so? Nina : No, --2-- (To express preference) Just imagine being up there all alone. What if something happens? Ronnie : If you are careful, by the grace of God nothing will go wrong. Nina : I suppose you are right. Ronnie : --3-- (To volunteer) Nina : No, thanks. I'm not really keen on it. 1.

To express desire A Why do you want to know? B No, I don't have anymore. C I want to go parachuting. D Yes I do but it is a secret.


To express preference A I'd rather go cycling which is safer. B I believe you are wrong. C as a matter of fact you are right. D why do you think it is fun anyway?


To volunteer A Would you like to join me? B Don't be a chicken. C I dare you to take up this sport. D I could get my father to teach you if you're interested.

Samuel Jackson Samuel Jackson Samuel Jackson

: I'm warning you. If you don't turn down the volume, I'll call the police. : But the music is not loud at all. Besides, the other neighbors are not complaining. : --1-- (To give opinion) Otherwise, you would not be doing this. : --2-- (To express anger) I would appreciate it if you could be more polite. : I'm talking to you respectfully. I've had enough! I'm calling the police. : --3-- (To defy)


To give opinion A Can't you listen to some other kind of music? B I think that you have a hearing problem. C I thought that I could talk to you rationally. D Why am I wasting my time trying to talk some sense into you?


To express anger A Thank you but you can keep your opinions to yourself. B How nice of you to say such a thing! C You don't have to raise your voice at me! D Well, now that you have said it, I guess I should see a specialist.


To defy A Go ahead. I'd like to see you do that . B Oh, please don't. I beg you not to. C You wouldn't do it if you knew what was good for you. D Who? The police? Yaaa hoooo!

Oliver Scott Oliver Scott

: : : :

Scott, my friend, wait up. May I borrow your Geography notes? What! And how do you suggest that I prepare for the test? --1-- (To urge) Do you understand what I just said? --2-- (To express irritation) You spend your time talking instead. Oliver : --3-- (To express resentment) If you don't want to lend me the book, just say so. Scott : I'm sorry, Oliver. You'll have to get the notes from someone else. 1.

To urge A I want it right now! B Will you please give me what I need? C Oh come on! The test is only on the day after tomorrow. D Shall I lend you my notes?


To express irritation A Why can't you take down the notes that the teacher gives? B I'm sorry but Terry has borrowed my notes. C You should know better than to ask for my notes. D My notes are incomplete too.


To express resentment A As if you don't talk in class. B Look, I don't have to stand here listening to your lecture. C What else is there to do during such a boring lesson? D Do you know that I had a nightmare?

Arin Sammy Arin Sammy Arin


: Ah! This is life. Don't you just love the river, Sammy --1-- (To admire) I can just relax and forget all my problems. : What problems can you possibly have? You're doing well in school and your father has decided to send you abroad to study Law. : But I don't want to do Law or go overseas! I'd rather take up graphics designing at a local college. : Now that's a problem. --2-- (To tease) A real 'chicken, aren't you? : Laugh all you want, Sammy. Personally, I don't see anything funny in the situation. If I go to abroad, I'll be away for about three years. --3-- (To hope)

To admire A You look handsome today. B Mmmm ... Nature is so beautiful. C The fishes here are so big. D The sun is giving us a nice tan.


To tease A You are scared to stay away on your own. B What's so great about local universities? C I'm sure you'll get used to the life over there. D I would jump at a chance to study abroad if I were you.


To hope A I'm going to miss home a lot. B I just hope that I'll be able to change my father's mind. C I wish that my father will come with me. D You don't seem to understand my problems.

Pat Luna Pat Luna Pat Luna Pat

: : : : :

Hey, Luna! I heard that you are going to The Mall today. Do you want to get something from there? Yes. Please buy me the bag that I showed you the other day. I'm not sure whether I'm going. --1-- (To assure) Thanks a lot, Luna. Do you have enough money with you? If you don't , I'll withdraw some for you. : That won't be necessary. I have enough. --2-- (To suggest) I might be able to bargain for lower price. : Okay, then. --3-- (To remind) If you're buying one as well, make sure it's of a different color.


To assure A I will definitely go with you. B But, don't worry. I'll definitely buy the bag if I go. C But, I shall surely go tomorrow. D Don't worry about me. I'll be back by three o'clock.


To suggest A How about $100? B Why don't you buy it yourself? C It would be easier if you gave me the money now. D Let me buy it first.


To remind A Make sure that you come back by three. B Don't forget that I want the red bag, not the blue. C Be firm when you bargain. D Remember, don't pay more than $90 for it.

Ginny : I hate History lessons! --1-- (To complain) I don't understand why we are forced to study things that are so unnecessary. Alex : You're always complaining about everything. History is important because it tells us about our past. Without knowing our past we will have no reason to be proud of our heritage. Ginny : --2-- (To express doubt) This is the era of Science and Technology. Alex : Money is not the most important thing in life. --3-- (To express an opinion) After all, life is not a bed of roses, you know. Ginny : Actually, when you put it that way, I see your point of view.


To complain A It's so unnecessary. B I'd rather do some science experiments. C What do you think, Ginny? D It's such a boring lesson and I don't need it for my future.


To express doubt A I feel that I'm being forced to study History. B I'm not sure whether it would help me earn a living C Why should I be proud of my heritage? D How can History make me proud of my heritage.


To express an opinion A I think that learning about the great men and women of the past gives us strength and motivation to overcome obstacles. B It's not as important as History. C Money can be earned and spent, but History will live forever. D Without History, life would not be worth living.

Aaron : Madam, be careful when you cross this busy street. Here, let me help you carry those bags. Nana : I have been standing here for fifteen minutes. --1-- (To express gratitude) I was afraid that I would have to stand here all day. Aaron : Look! There's a pedestrian bridge over there. Let's use it to cross the road. It's much safer. Nana : --2-- (To explain) I doubt I can walk that distance. Aaron : --3-- (To warn) 1.

To express gratitude A You're a kind boy. B You better leave me alone or else! C Thank you so much for the offer. D No, thanks. I can manage on my own.


To explain A I'm old and weak. Besides, I'm very tired. B Oh! I didn't see that. C The pedestrian bridge does not serve its purpose. D Well, you go ahead and use it. I'll cross here.


To warn A But Madam, you can be fined if you're caught crossing the road here. B In that case, I'll follow you. C I'm sorry. I'll not help you break the law. D You are a very brave woman, Madam.

Susie Ray Susie Ray Susie Ray Susie

: : : : : : :

--1-- (To accuse) It was brand new when I lent it to you. Hey! I'm returning it as it was when I borrowed it. Is that so? --2-- (To scold) Suits me fine! If Madam Malkins asks, I am going to say you did it! I'm sure she'll never believe you because you are known for telling lies. --3-- (To express anger)


To accuse A Thanks for returning my book. B You scribbled in my book! C Why haven't you returned the book I lent you? D Don't forget to return my book!


To scold A You've always envied me, haven't you? B I'm sorry. I thought that you did it. C I will prove that this is your handwriting. D Why can't you tell the truth for once?


To express anger A How dare you call me liar! B I have always spoken the truth and you know it. C Let's see who Madam Mui will believe this time. D Forget it! I'm sure that Madam Mui will believe me.


: Can you believe that? She went to another doctor who diagnosed her as having chicken pox. Karen : --1-- (To express shock) I thought people get such things at childhood only. Jean : That's what I thought too. Hey! What's that smell? Something's burning! Karen : --2-- (To express dismay) Jean : Is it burnt? Karen : Yes and it's black as charcoal. --3-- (To express regret) Jean : I'm sorry. We were so engrossed in the conversation that you forgot all about the chicken. 1.

To express shock A That's interesting, isn't it? B So what? Almost everyone I know has already had chicken pox. C Chicken pox is a mild disease. D What! At her age! She's ninety years old!


To express dismay A Yes, I smell it too. B Oh no! That must be roast chicken in the oven. C Do you know where it is coming from? D You sure have a sharp sense of smell.


To express regret A I should have kept watch. B Well, I'll just have to make another one. C I'm sorry, Jean. You'll have go to without dinner. D It's all your fault. All my effort has gone to waste. Leave me alone.

Mrs. Tink Mr. Tink Mrs. Tink Mr. Tink Mrs. Tink Mr. Tink Mrs. Tink

: What were you discussing with Mr. Lim on the telephone just now, dear? : --1-- (To announce) I think it'll very exciting. : You have just been discharged from the hospital. --2-- (To express disbelief) : I am. Besides, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. : I know he did. --3-- (To remind) : Don't worry. I'm in good hands. There are doctors in the group. : Really?! Are they bringing the hospital with all its equipment along too? You are going to need it in case you fall ill again.


To announce A Oh, nothing dear. B You were eavesdropping! C We are planning to hike up Elps Mountain. D Just catching up with some news.


To express disbelief A You can't be serious! B The hike will do wonders to your health. C You're always up to some mischief. D Hey! That's a good idea.


To remind A That's why I'm encouraging you to go on the trip. B You never pay attention to what I have to say. C He also advised you to be cautious and not to take up strenuous exercises. D Why do you have go against the doctor's advice?

Kenneth Marla Kenneth 1.

: Look at the mess this place is in! The chairs are all over the place! And look at the muddy floor! --1-- (to express dissatisfaction) : Wow! It looks like a herd of buffaloes has passed through this room You'll take ages to get this place in shape. However, not to worry, my friend ... --2-- (to volunteer) : Really? --3-- (to express appreciation) But don't you have your own responsibilities?

To express dissatisfaction A Why is it that I am always left with the donkey's work? B Why did I volunteer to do this job? C What will I be paid to clean this dirty room? D Who is responsible for clearing up this mess?


To volunteer A we can get some volunteers for this job. B worrying won't help in any way. C I shall help you clean it up. D we can leave it till tomorrow.


To express appreciation A Don you mean it? B That's not going to help very much. C Let's go and make a complaint. D That's very kind of you

Eugene Ryan Eugene Ryan

: Hello. --1-- (to express sympathy) How are you feeling now? : Much better, thanks. But it's very boring being in bed all day. --2— (to express appreciation) How are things in the office? : The same. But we all miss you and your jokes. You must try to get well quickly. --3-- (to advise) : I will. Please send my regards to everyone at the office.


To express sympathy A I was told that I had a stroke. B I had such a shock when they told me about your heart attack. C It was a real surprise to hear that you are in hospital. D I am really sorry to hear about your illness.


To express appreciation A Oh, you shouldn't have come. B It's kind of you to visit me. C Many people have dropped in for a chat. D I wish I had more visitors.


To advise A Get as much rest as you can. B I hope you get better soon. C Try to come back soon. D You'll soon feel better.

Orie Ticket seller Orie Penny Orie Penny Orie Penny Orie 1.

: : : : : : : : :

I need two tickets, please. Sorry, but we have no more tickets. Oh no! --1-- (to express regret) What's wrong, Orie? --2-- (to inform) Oh dear! --3-- (to ask) Oh, I don't know. What would you like to do? How about going for a movie? That's fine with me.

To express regret A The show has already started. B I should have come earlier. C I was looking forward to seeing the circus. D The tickets can't have sold out so soon.


To inform A There are no more shows. B This circus is useless. C The tickets are sold out. D We are most unfortunate.


To ask A What shall we do then? B We have no choice. C Let's go for a movie. D We can always come tomorow.

Heather Mary Heather Mary Heather Mary Heather Mary

: : : : : : : :

Hello, Mary. It has been quite some time, hasn't it? Oh yes, eight years to be exact. Do you remember Carmen? The law student? Yes, that's right. --1-- (to inform) --2-- (to express admiration) And do you remember Rita? She is now a mother of three children! --3-- (to express surprise) She had always admired singlehood. Well, I'm really happy for both Carmen and Rita.


To inform A She's a lawyer now. B I met her last week. C We were bosom buddies. D Time really flies.


To express admiration A Are you sure? B That's fantastic news! C Thanks for telling me about her. D What do you mean?


To express surprise A You don't say! B Oh, I see! C That's too many! D What a pity!

Mina Jack Mina Jack Mina Jack 1.

: : : : :

Hot day today, isn't it? I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. --1-- (to suggest) I can't. --2-- (to express anxiety) Leave the examination aside for a few hours. --3-- (to advise) I do agree with you but, at present, there is so much that I have to cope with. : Need any help?

To suggest A We need a break. B Let's have a game of tennis. C Go and study in the library. D The library is much cooler.


To express anxiety A The exams are just around the corner. B My mother has such high expectations of me. C There are stacks of dishes in the sink. D I will never understand chemistry.


To advise A I'm sure you'll do brilliantly in the exam. B You'll work better if your mind is fresher. C I am desperately looking for a tennis partner. D They are at least two months away.

Teacher Brandon Teacher Brandon Vincent Harry Teacher

: : : : : :

Brandon, were you in the class during recess time? --1-- (to admit) Did you open my drawer and take my wallet? No, I didn't. Mrs. Lim, I definitely saw Brandon open the drawer. I was also in the class, Mrs. Lim. Brandon was sitting near me. --2— (to defend) : --3-- (to threaten) Now which one of you is lying? And, why?


To admit A I came in after recess. B Yes, I was. C I didn't open the drawer. D No, I wasn't.


To defend A He did not go near the drawer. B I saw everything that happened. C But I didn't see what happened. D I didn't see him open your wallet.


To threaten A You can't both be telling the truth. B If I don't find the thief, I'm going to make a police report. C I think that you must be the thief, Harry. D I am really very disappointed in both of you, boys.


: This is the loveliest place in the world. --1-- (to express admiration) Don't you agree? Sunny : The beach is a perfect place for a sentimental person like you. As for me, -2-- (to express preference). Mark : A cinema is such an uninteresting place. --3-- (to advise). Sunny : Well, one man's meat is another's poison. You can have your beaches and I'll enjoy my cities. 1.

To express admiration A It's so quiet and serene. B Can we come again next year? C I never want to go home. D It's a pity the water is polluted.


To express preference A it's much better than going to the cinema. B I would rather go to the cinema. C some people would prefer to go to the cinema. D it's sometimes a change from the cinema.


To advise A Why should you like to go there? B Don't you find the air stale? C You should try to spend more time in the cinema. D You should learn to appreciate nature.

Fonda Harod Fonda Harod Fong

: : : :

Could you lend me three hundred dollars, Harod? --1-- (to ask) I want to take Amy out to dinner at a posh restaurant. Well, I'm sorry. I don't have that much money to spare. even if I did, I wouldn't lend it to you so that you can spend it all on a dinner date. --2— (to suggest). : --3-- (to explain) So, I want to treat her to a really special dinner.


To ask A Don't you have any money of your own? B Do you think I'm a millionaire? C What do you need so much money for? D Why ask me for money?


To suggest A Let's eat at home together. B Why not go somewhere cheaper? C Why go somewhere so expensive? D You shouldn't spend so much money on food.


To explain A It's a special occasion. B It's none of your business. C Mind your own business. D That's mean of you.

Mother : Well, did you get the job with the ACDC? Joe : No, they turned me down. They said that I was inexperienced. --1-- (to express disappointment). I've tried for so many jobs without any success. Mother : I know just how you feel. After leaving school, I found it very hard to get a job. Joe : --2-- (to ask) Mother : About five months. I must have applied to fifty firms before I landed a suitable job. So, you see, --3-- (to advise) 1.

To express disappointment A It's a real letdown. B Don't give up on me. C I'll give another try. D I'll try not to despair.


To ask A Where did you find a job? B How did you finally succeed? C When did you give up your job? D How long was it before you found a job?


To advise A still water run deep. B one swallow does not make a summer. C never say die D a stitch in time saves nine.

Mrs. Lai Mrs. Tan Mrs. Lai Mrs. Tan Mrs. Lai

: Where were you all morning, Mrs. Tan. : Oh, I was out shopping. Look, I bought this blouse. --1-- (to ask for opinion). : --2-- (to compliment) I really like the color. And the lace is so delicate. --3-- (to exclaim). : Not really. It cost less than thirty dollars. : That's really cheap! The blouse that I bought yesterday cost seventy five dollars.


To ask for opinion A How much did it cost? B It's really very beautiful. C It must have cost a fortune. D What do you think of it?


To compliment A Good gracious! B Simply exquisite! C How extravagant! D That's more unusual!


To exclaim A It must have cost a fortune! B May I ask how much you paid for it? C Did you get it in Super 88? D It looks like something from a boutique.

Pammy Sue Pammy Sue Pammy Sue Rammy 1.

: : : : : :

Oh look, there's an injured cat on the road! --1-- (to give opinion) Let's see what we can do. It's still alive, --2-- (to pity) Let's ring up the SPCA. What's that? That's the "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals". They'll come over at once and give it medical aid. : --3-- (to agree)

To give opinion A Let's go off quickly. B I think it's been hit by a car. C I don't know what to do! D Why are people so mean?


To pity A What shall we do? B But, oh! It's in pain! C I'll punish the person who did this! D But I'm sure it won't live long.


To agree A Why didn't I think of that! B The cat is breathing heavily. C Yes, I'll go and find a phone booth. D Let's tell our parents first.

Boy : Tourist : Boy : Tourist : Boy : Tourist :

Hi, you look lost. Can I help you? Yes, I'm trying to get to the railway station. --1-- (to give directions) Straight on and turn left at the BCC building? --2-- (to disagree) You'll see the railway station right after the turning. Oh, I see. --3-- (to express surprise) I didn't expect that.


To give directions A I'm afraid I don't know how to get there. B Well, just walk straight on till you reach the BCC building. C Why don't you ask that man over there? D Well, I need to get to the railway station myself.


To disagree A Yes, that's right. B Are you absolutely sure? C I hope you're right. D No, turn right at the BCC building.


To express surprise A I've been there before! B It's so close by! C Do you live close by? D You've been very helpful!

Eileen : Well, so here you are! Did you notice the time? Now it's your turn to sit alone -- I'm going home. Josh : --1-- (to apologize) Something went wrong. Eileen : Well, go on, explain. It had better be good. Josh : Well, you see, --2-- (to explain) That's why I'm late. --3-- (to express regret) Eileen : Oh, it doesn't really matter. I hope this won't happen again. Josh : Oh no, it won't. 1.

To apologize A Please don't leave. B Go if you like. It doesn't matter. C I'm so sorry. D I'm sorry you feel that way.


To explain A I got on the wrong bus. B I'm not really to blame. C Let me explain what happened. D I have a good reason.


To express regret A I'm sorry you had to miss the show. B You should learn to be more understanding. C I'm not used to taking the bus. D What shall we do now?

Kelvin : Hello, may I speak to Alan, please? Alan : Alan speaking. Kelvin : Oh! Alan. I'm ringing to inform you about the football match we've arranged to go to this afternoon. --1-- (to express regret). Alan : That's all right, but why the sudden change in plans? Kelvin : --2-- (to explain) Alan : I am sorry to hear that. --3-- (to reassure) Kelvin : Thanks. I'll contact you sometime later. My parents are going to the hospital now. I have to go along. Alan : All right. See you later. 1.

To express regret A We have to make sure of the time. B I'm afraid I can't make it. C I would like to attend it after all. D I will be able to go with you.


To explain A My grandfather took a turn for the worse. B Did you know that my grandfather is ill. C Let's make it tomorrow instead. D I'm awfully sorry, Alan.


To reassure A We'll miss you at the match. B I'm sure he'll be better soon. C Phone me later if you can. D Old people are so frail.

Johnny Policeman Johnny Policeman Johnny Policeman

: Excuse me. : Yes, can I help you? : Could you please tell me the way to Bank of America? I'm a stranger around here. : Of course. --1-- (to direct) Will you be able to find your way now? : Yes, thanks a lot. --2-- (to compliment) : You're welcome. --3-- (to express good wishes)


To direct A It's not too far away from here. B Can you see that junction? C It's located at that junction. D I'll have a free moment in a few minutes.


To compliment A You're very helpful. B Have a nice day. C I think I can find it now. D I wonder why I didn't see it.


To express good wishes A I think you'll be able to find it now. B Be careful when crossing the street. C Have a nice day. D I'm glad to help.

Baron Mandy Baron Mandy Baron Mandy Baron

: : : : : : :

I heard they serve the best fried chicken in town. That's not true. --1-- (to condemn) Well, which is the best dish? I like the steamed tiger prawns best. You like that too, don't you? --2-- (to criticize) You'll make me a poor man soon. In that case. I can have my meal by myself. Goodbye! --3-- (to pacify)


To condemn A The chicken here is all right. B I don't like the chicken here. C The chicken here is awful! D The chicken here is heavenly.


To criticize A That's a very good suggestion. B Why do you always suggest the most expensive dish? C I like tiger prawns but they are expensive. D Yes, I do.


To pacify A Don't be so easily offended! B Please come back. I'm sorry. C Goodbye! See you some time. D I wish you wouldn't lose your temper all the time.

Nash Milo Nash Milo Nash Milo

: Hey, man! Why the hurry? Where are you off to? –-1-: Hello, Nash! I'm going to the post office to get first-day covers for the Commonwealth Games. : Are they on sale already? : Yes, since yesterday. There is only a limited stock. -–2-: In that case, I'd better go with you. I want to get some too. : Hurry then, before they're all sold out. --3--


Where are you off to? A To suggest B To demand C To inquire D To offer


There is only a limited stock. A To reply B To request C To warn D To inform


Hurry then, before they're all sold out. A To express happiness B To express shock C To express urgency D To express gratitude

Michael Aileen Michael Aileen Michael Aileen Michael

: : : : :

Eileen! Can you please bring me the torchlight? --1-All right, Dad. (A while later) What are you doing, Dad? I'm trying to fix the lights. What's wrong with them? I have no idea. --2-- They don't light up when I switch them on, but I can't seem to find the problem. : Maybe an electrician can fix it. --3-: Yeah, I guess so.


Can you please bring me the torchlight? A To request B To explain C To inquire D To discuss


I have no idea. A To express uncertainty B To express confidence C To express an idea D To express hope


Maybe an electrician can fix it. A To suggest B To inform C To request D To explain

Timmy : Harry : Timmy : Harry :

Excuse me, can you recommend me a good hotel in this town? Sure. The Resort's Palace is a reasonably good one. --1-Where is it located? Walk down this road for about 200 meters. --2-- You won't miss it. It has a blue and purple facade. Timmy :Thanks for the information. --3-Harry : You're welcome. 1.

The Resort's Palace is a reasonably good one. A To admit B To request C To clarify D To suggest


Walk down this road for about 200 meters. A To give details B To give directions C To give reasons D To give suggestions


Thanks for the information. A To express regret B To express gratitude C To express disappointment D To express excitement

Celia Vani Celia Vani Celia

: : : : :

How was it, Vani? It was tough for me. I should have spent more time on my books. --1-It was all right for me, I think. I spotted two questions. --2-Wow! I'm sure you will do well. I hope so. --3--


I should have spent more time on my books. A To express disappointment B To express regret C To express surprise D To express confidence


I spotted two questions. A To inform B To complain C To explain D To suggest


I hope so. A To express satisfaction B To express confidence C To express hope D To express dismay


: Let's swing it higher and faster. --1--

Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob

: : : : :

No, we'd better not. That's dangerous. Don't worry too much, Bob. I'll do it. It'll be fun. Don't do that. You will hurt yourself badly if you fall. --2-You are just too timid. Come on, give it a go. No, I won't. --3--


Let's swing it higher and faster. A To plan B To inform C To complain D To suggest


You will hurt yourself badly if you fall. A To express anxiety B To warn C To express annoyance D To show fear


No, I won't. A To express shock B To express denial C To express a firm decision D To express eagerness

Carrie Bach Carrie Bach Carrie Bach

: : : : :

Where shall we go? --1--. (To suggest) There's a beautiful park where we an camp. --2--. (To express keenness) How do we get there? We can either take a bus or cycle there. I think cycling will be fun. We can explore on our own, stop and rest when we feel like it. : --3--. (To agree)


To suggest A I'm going to Rim Garden. B I want to go to Rim Garden. C How about Rim Garden? D Rim Garden is only two kilometers from here.


To express keenness A That sounds interesting. B I'll follow you. C That is too far away. D Shall we go there then?


To agree A That's a good idea. B That's out of the question. C That's impossible. D That is all we have to do.

Amy Miss Chan Amy

: Excuse me, Miss Chan. --1-- (To apologize) : This is the third time in two weeks that you have been late. What's the matter with you? If you continue to be late, --2-- (To warn) : --3-- (To promise)


To apologize A I'm sorry I'm late. B I'm sorry, I must have come late. C I'm sorry, I can't come early. D I'm sorry, I have to cycle a long distance.


To warn A I'll talk o you later. B I want to see your parents. C I'll send you to the discipline teacher. D I want to see you come early from now on.


To promise A I will try to be early tomorrow. B I will come early from now on. C I can't come early because I have to help my parents D I will try and keep my promise.

Mary Salesgirl Mary Salesgirl Mary Salesgirl

: : : : : :

How much is this blouse? It's $24.00. --1--. (To bargain) --2--. (To refuse) This is a best-buy item. But look, there is a stain on the sleeve. --3--. (To give in)


To bargain A Can you please cut it to $20.00? B Can I have it for $20.00? C Can't you give it away for $20.00? D Can't you see, I have only $20.00?


To refuse A I don't think you can bargain. B I can't decide. C I'm afraid not. D Please wait, I'll ask my boss.


To give in A I don't like it. B Give me the money, then. C Hurry up, then. D All right, then.

Ann Mark Ann

: Mark, I'm organizing a birthday party for Vivian at my house on Sunday night. --1-- (To invite) : I'd love to. --2-- (To decline) I have to help my neighbor with his homework. : That's too bad. --3--. (To suggest)


To invite A Are you free to come to the party? B I would like you to come to the party. C Come to the party, please. D I'm inviting you to the party.


To decline A But I can't. B But why is it in your house? C But it's too late. D But I must go now.


To suggest A What shall we do about that? B How about helping your neighbor earlier? C What would happen if you don't go? D Do you really have to go?

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