Vladymyr Cebec Landaeta Fortis to provide Heider an amount of 15 Golds, and Heider return the amount of 16 golds at Vladymyr Cebec Landaeta Fortis (15 of the loan, 1 bonus). - 10 immediately be paid upon signing the contract Wednesday, 28 October of 2009 days eRepublik 708. - After 3 golds were paid more the following week Wednesday, 4 November 2009 days eRepublik 715 - The final payment will be 3 golds on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Day 722 eRepublik
- If the grace period expired, the Beneficiary dies or is permanently banned the value of the loan or the company which is used will be delivered to the Lender.
- If the contract or signature is changed by the Lender, without mutual agreement, the beneficiary is exempt from making payments missing. - If the contract or signature is changed by the Beneficiary, without mutual agreement, the Lender shall return the GOLD and company that use will be delivered. - If the Lender dies or is banned permanently, the beneficiary will be exempt from making any payment. - If the Beneficiary doesn't pay the loan twenty one (21) days after since the firm of contract, the company which is used will be delivered to the Lender.