Contest's Rubric For Class Observation

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 724
  • Pages: 3
Elementos a considerar en la evaluación de los docentes en la visita a clase. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

a) Uso de la lengua Inglesa b) Planificación de la clase c) Implementación del Plan. d) Desarrollo y trabajo de las distintas habilidades e) Uso de recursos f) Manejo de conflictos en el aula g) Rapport con los estudiantes h) Valoración de los aprendizajes

Criterios para la evaluación del concursante


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Language Use Weak Achieves Achieves successful Language is clear, pronunciation, lack communicatiion but communicatiio. The coherent and fluent. of fluency and of lacks fluency and use of vocabulary, Uses a wide appropriate continuity. structures and vocabulary and has a vocabulary which pronunciation is very good Inaccurate hinder appropriate and pronunciation. pronunciation and there are not very communication not very rich frequent mistakes. and/or vocabulary. understanding Planning

It hasn't got a clear It hasn't got a clear Well structured. Centred on learners' aim. Focused on aim and is not Clear aims but fails needs and teaching. Lacks focused on learners' to take into account characteristics. Clear clear structure. No needs / interests. learners' needs. aims. Well structured. cohesion among Learners loose Main focus still on Leads to learning / tasks. confidence. Varied input rather than acquisition. activities. intake.

Implementati Teacher did not Incoherent Plan followed but Plan followed with on of Plan follow a plan for the implementation of problems with flexibility. Allows for class. Hit and miss plan. Hit and miss timing and clarity of incorporation of repertoire of nature present. instructions still learner's input and activities / tasks. Complex present. decision making. Rich Instructions unclear instructions. Time Management implementation in all or messy. lost on unnecessary conflicts still senses. management present but not of a issues. serious nature. Skills


articulate Lacks


in Integration present Articulate




integration of skills. the integration of but cohesion still implementation of Very limited use of skills but needed for skills integration the skills in class. techniques allow seamless treatment activities. Dwells too much on learners to use of all skills in an discrete skills skills in a discrete appropriate way. treatment. way.

Handling of Learners indifferent Learners unwillingly Learners work Learners work Conflicts / aggressive / not accept to cooperatively but collaboratively paying involved. Teacher accomplish tasks. management issues attention and overlooks problems Spurs of conflict interfere with negotiating meaning or handles them arise constantly learning activities. with their classmates. inappropriately. and teacher tries to Teacher still needs handle them, to get a grip on this although issue. unsuccessfully.

are of adequate to tasks set used to their full adequate and relevant outstanding quality or topic and / or their potential or are of to the task and topic. and have been used and use has been messy dubious suitability to They have been used creatively accurately. and disorganized. the task and topic set. correctly. Resources

Use of resources


not Resources were not Resources are

both Resources

Teacher not willing to Teacher's attemptes at Adequate Very good help. Sticks to plan. establishing rapport communication with communication with Rapport with Teaches "the class" are sporadic. Learners learners. Ready to learners. Both teacher Learners but fails to establish fail to connect to help when asked. and learners enjoy the rapport with learners. teacher's teaching Encourages autonomy class and each other's Learners their work it style or tasks set. Is and procces taken into company. is done in a not systematically account to evaluate processes and mechanistic way taken into and make decisions The without really consideration. regarding course products of both teaching and learning are reflecting on the Assessment tasks are planning. systematically assessed. issues. given "for the record".


No feedback on Insufficient, Assessment given Timely assessment on performance given to inadequate feedback. mostly on products. process and product, learners. Excessive corrections. Little attention paid to strengths and Untimely feedback. process. Learners weaknesses constantly unaware of their given. strengths / weaknesses.

La entrevista El Tribunal entrevistará al aspirante después de cada clase sobre los siguientes aspectos:

a. b. c. d.

a) la clase presenciada. b) una situación relativa al ejercicio del cargo. c) criterios relativos a la coordinación de la asignatura. d) nuevas tendencias de la disciplina y su didáctica.

Cada entrevista se puntuará de 1 a 10 y tendrá coeficiente 10.

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