Consumer Rights - Brochure

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 263
  • Pages: 2



Arbitration results in a decision


that is legally binding. After hearing both sides and considering evidence, the arbitrator makes a decision. Both the consumer and

Caption describing picture or graphic.

business must abide by the arbitrator’s verdict. DYLAN DOW

C o m p l a i n t P ro c e s s

M e d i at i o n

C l a s s - Ac t i o n S u i t

Contact the place of Purchase

Mediation involves the use of a third

A class-action suit is a legal action by

- Most complaints are handled

party who tries to resolve the com-

one party on behalf of a group of

plaint between the consumer and

people who all have the same griev-

the business. A mediator suggests a

ance. In this type of lawsuit, one per-

compromise between the two par-

son or a small group represents the

ties. This process helps the parties

interests of many others. The settle-

work out their own mutually agree-

ment may result in a refund to all

able solution to the dispute. If the

consumers involved. If they cannot

parties agree to it in advance, an-

all be identified, the funds are some-

other third-party action may be used.

times given to public education pro-

thre 

Contact the Company Headquarters -Call the customer service depart-

ment 

Involve a Consumer Agency -Call a local, state, or federal gov-

ernment agency 

Take Legal Action -Get a lawyer involved

grams or schools.

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