Constellations Year 5 Unit Plan Template

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  • Pages: 4
Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

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Unit Overview Unit Title Constellations Unit Summary This unit to address the followings: Goal – To study on: 1) the definition of constellation. 2) identifying the constellations from the stars formation. 3) the importance of constellation for the human. Roles – Students will take a role as: 1) Astronaut 2) Astrology Students Audience – Primary School Students Set of tasks – Task student required to create 1) a brochure Product – 1) Poster Evaluation – Poster scoring sheet. Subject Area Science - Investigating The Earth and The Universe Year/Form Year 5 SK Approximate Time Needed 3 weeks, 30 minute class periods and 4 class periods per week Unit Foundation Targeted Curriculum Specifications and Benchmarks 1.1: Understanding the constellation. © 2000-2007 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes Students will able to:

1. State what constellation is? 2. Identify the constellation. 3. State the importance of constellation.

4. Create a poster. Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question

What are things that you can find in the space?

Unit Questions

1) What can you see in the sky during the nightfall? 2) What is constellation? 3) What are the importances of constellation?

Content Questions

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

How do go into the space? How these constellations looked liked? Where should you see the constellation? When should you see the constellation? What does the constellation indicated?

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline Before project work begins

Questi oning

• •

Journal Feedba ck

Students work on projects and complete tasks

Poster scoring sheet

Poster checklist

After project work is completed

Poster rubric


Assessment Summary Questioning occurs throughout the unit to probe student thinking and allow student reflection. Teacher conferences are held to provide feedback, guide and assist students throughout the project, and adjust instruction as necessary. Students use a poster checklist to monitor their progress and a rubric to assess their creative work. Unit Details Prerequisite Skills

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Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

Instructional Procedures Week 1 Pose the essential question, What are things that you can find in the space? Begin by asking students about things that they can find in the space, either from their previous lesson, reading a book or magazine or watching the television. In small groups, have students begin to talk about things in space that they know and brainstorm their thoughts, examples, and ideas. Bring the discussion back to the whole group and chart the group’s responses. This is a great opportunity to talk about things they know and exists and things that are probably just their imaginations. Pose the unit question, What can you see in the sky during the nightfall? Ask students to collect information about activities they do outside the home during the nightfall. After that, state the activities they have collect the information with the place that suits the activities. Teacher shows slide presentation containing the things that exist in the space. Some of the examples is showing the stars and the formations of constellations. Week 2 Pose the unit question, What is a constellation? To get student involved in the field guide activities, pose the content question, How does the constellations looked like? Teacher distributed some flashcards for the groups and let them recognize which formation of stars they have ever encountered. Teacher showed the presentation slides consisting the constellation. The pupils were given worksheet each for them to complete before the class is over. Week 3 Then, tell students that their task will be to work as a team to create the poster and students need to collect the information for it. Besides that, teacher will ask students to play a role as an astronaut or astrology students. Teacher explains the steps to completed organizer process. Students may plan their ideas using the poster and each group has drafted their stories whether to be an astronaut or the astrology students. They can elaborate their stories by make an action in group as an astronaut or the astrology students. Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Resource Student

Provide more support, using teaching assistants, parents, and student helpers.

Provide written and oral instructions in a variety of ways

Allow extra time for completing assignments

Work with a parent or a teacher's aide for assistance

Provide teacher-created templates to guide work

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Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

Gifted Student

Nonnative Speaker

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Encourage the students to create poster about constellation and the seasons.

Have the students to share information of places.

Use cooperative grouping.

Encourage the students to play a role as an astronaut. Encourage the students to explore the internet about information of the constellation.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera

Laser Disk




Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equip.

DVD Player



Internet Connection


Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet

Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software



Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Supplies

Reference books in the library. Mahjong paper for the poster. Flash card. Internet Education Resources

Internet Resources

Constellation – Wikipedia Constellation – Science Year 5 Other Resources


Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation. Copyright © 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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