Consolidated Report

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,044
  • Pages: 3
CONSOLIDATED REPORT The student visited three different organizations for his institutional visits work on the broader areas of education, health and livelihood. Besides the student worker also had the opportunity of getting some insights into the various other organizations visited by his classmates. The organizations visited by the student were; 1. Meljol(education):- an organization working for the development of citizenship skills among the children by focusing on their rights and responsibilities and provides the opportunity to build themselves in a right way to adjust in the society. Important financial education is also provided to the children. the organization also tries to bridge the gap between the children’s from the privileged families with the ones from the underprivileged families by giving them tine and space to interact among each other in a common platform. 2. Integrated Child Development Scheme, mankhud project (health):- it is a programme run by the govt. of India in collaboration with the state Govts. Of the country. It is a programme run parallely throughout the country. The main vision and mission of the scheme is to eradicate malnutrition and mortality of childrens ranging from 0-6 years of age. The project is running all the schemes under this scheme and playing a very important role in keeping the children’s and mothers of the area in a proper health condition. 3. MAVIM (livelihood):- it is a govt. aided organization working for the empowerment of women through the promotion of SHGs. The organization plays an all-round role in bringing about the complete and effective change into the life of the marginalized women from the lowest stratum of the society by providing them the needed platform to express their problems and also to fight for their removal. The organization also provides different employment opportunities to the women by giving them various life skill training. The organization also monitors the progress of the SHGs through the help of the sahayoginis and different outreach officials. Besides visiting these three organizations the student discussed about the different areas of work carried out by the various organizations. The list of the organizations visited under the various headings was as follows:1. EDUCATION. • Bal Kalyan Nagri:- it is a govt. run organization which is an orphanage home where children below the age of 16 yrs are given shelter and looked after. The children are also provided both formal and nonformal education. • Doorstep:- it is an organization working for the welfare of the street children’s. The org. provides the street children with education facilities by giving them evening classes after making them interested in earning education inorder to live a more dignified life.

BIDM (Bombay Institute of The Deaf and Mute) :-the organization works for the providing of equality of opportunities to the students by understanding themselves and their disability. Education from calss nursery to class ten are provided to children in both hindi, Marathi or English mediums. • Special cell for Child labour:- it is a govt. project working for the rescue of childrens below 14 yrs from hazardous works and giving them education. 2. HEALTH. • SION HOSPITAL:- It is a Govt. hospital where there is a medical and psychiatric social work department. It provides special professional services to the mentally charged populace who are seeking their service. • Urban Health Centre:- it is a primary health centre which works in collaboration with BMC and an Hospital. • All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:- this pioneer institute is commited to providing rehabilitation services to persons in all categories of locomotor and associated disabilities. • Kripa:- “together we can make a change”. It works with people afflicted with chemical dependency and HIV infection. 3. LIVELIHOOD. • PRAYAS:- it is an organization working on the neglected, street and marginalized street childrens, youths and womens in more then 5 states of the country. • SATHI:- it is an organization working with the homeless youths of the streets of Mumbai. It works in mainstreaming them by assisting in whatever possible ways such as giving them training in economic activities and also formal education to the interested youths. • KOSHISH:- it is an organization working for the deaf population. It tries to inculcate in the target group the confidence and ways to overcome hurdles and integrate into the society. The Students overview on the whole process:- the student from the exposures to the various organizations and the various orientation and also the discussions with the accompanying faculties and also the classmates was able to have a somewhat clear picture of the whole social scenario on the broader areas of education, health and livelihood. The student worker also understood how these problems were leading to all the mayhem prevailing in our country as to a great extent if a person doesn’t have the means of livelihood he would not be able to earn enough to look for his own health and also his families health and would also not be able to provide the requires education to his childrens. The student could gather firsthand experience of the different types of interventions carried out by the different organizations in the similar fields but through different perspectives, or how

different needs are met through a single form of intervention. The student also found out that there was a cyclic relation between all these social problems which needed to be looked upon on a very serious scale. The interventions should be very much intensive and the whole mechanisms of looking into these areas should be based on a very professional standard it should not be like someone doing charity for the other marginalized people. It is the right of every individual in our country to have all the reach to health, education and livelihood, so a proper mechanism should be there to look into the root cause of all this problems. Only when the problem of livelihood is erased from the society can we expect of health for all and also education for all. But the student also has the understanding that the problems of health, education has different dimensions to themselves as there are different forms of health and educational needs such as mental health, vocational education, non-formal education etc which all contributes to the upliftment of the marginalized section of the community.

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