Consciously Knowing God

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,233
  • Pages: 3
Consciously Knowing God Beyond A Religion By Joshua Thoughts for Renewing Your Spiritual Awareness Preface: –

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I chose to write this publication with no indication to my surname, as no measure of wealth or publicity should be given to my self. I write on behalf of the human consciousness, which has existed and flourished, without any commercial value, its entire existence. At this time, the scientific field and the spiritual fields of the western world are being challenged by the appearance of a new awareness arising. The voice of all living things SOURCE is becoming stronger. This is not to be considered New Age in a derogatory classification, as this is an awareness of an already existing mechanism coming into focus progressively, as nature, God, science, whatever confines you have given it, allow for This writing is not meant to defy the church of God, to speak ill of the ways of the Judeo-Christian belief systems, but to raise questions of urgency to those who have so strongly adhered to a faith in God without the progression God intends. And yes, God intends progression. Would the world have moved into its social direction of today, shifting from religious acceptance of slavery to an opposition (and collective awareness) of slavery, if God were not progressive? Would there be a messiah and savior to a system that intended to be idle, fester and seize up? Waiting and watching the tyranny of power exist as martyrs to a system we so hesitate to call “God’s will,” in order to be rewarded later for the suffering we allowed to endure before us? That is to be simple and define God as a system, which would be bound to a structure we can define. But can we define God? In many ways, yes. Completely though? If God is greater than our understanding, that is to say humankind “stands-under” God, much like we stand under the stars and sky of a seemingly infinite universe, God must leave room for progression… Yet why are so many who consider themselves followers of this progressive, infinite God, completely sold out to a system that is bound to a set doctrine, created after the crucifixion of the Christ? And this is not to deny the moral and ethical guidelines of doctrine(s), but to challenge the walls of the doctrines of all belief systems, especially when based on Christ’s teachings. If a doctrine intends to reveal an infinite God, it should be left open ended – By closing the doors to additional information from the SOURCE, we are never going to progress, but only create new, misguided doctrines. And a God that is broken into over 30,000 denominations to fit your flavor of life

is not the progression you need. It may even be progress in the wrong direction, tightening the knots in the wadded ball of the natural string of the SOURCE. The state of our worldwide denominations does show the natural instinct for progress inside of the body of followers, however. And this instinct, as I understand, is the true Holy Spirit, beneath all the waste and filth and corridors of misdirection piled on our hearts and minds, screaming from the bottom, and its voice stifled by an idle, idealistic and cemented belief system. But I warn you, cracks are beginning to form.

In this series I am inviting the reader to discern their system of beliefs, based on three direct analyses of biblical scripture from the words of Jesus, revealing an awakening of hearts, minds and souls:

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You Are A Devine Being You Cannot Be Bound You Have Amnesia

You need no religious status; you may benefit more without one, although some general understanding of how the western Christian church works may help. This includes compassion for Christians and devout “believers” who, in great outstretching desires to know God greater and glorify God by their acts, rule out the infinite progressive nature of our spiritual purpose, denying self and jeopardizing their full potential as a human and child of God at this time on earth. For the past 30,000 years, God has been personified, defined and given bounds in order for man to grasp onto the infinite, not to hold it down. Now, the time has come in this dimension on earth, that man is able to extend his understanding of the infinite. Many who are lost (inside religion) will be lost further in the illusions of the established system, despite optimistic interpretations of Revelations, which only scratch the surface of the trials lost souls will face. It is an immediate concern for all human kind to come together as one in an understanding that God is our SOURCE, we are all “of God” in some way, and the layers of illusion will be thin at times… thin enough to see through if you tap in to the true, undeniable guidance of the light amongst darkness. The true meaning of “Church” is a body of understanding people… open to God. Jesus never wanted a religion, constructing a box around our SOURCE, and that is why he was killed. Consciousness is found in discernment and meditation – Think For Yourself Question Authority Collective Consciousness is a stream or river of overall undeniable awareness we are all a part of, and will be increasingly in tune to.

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- Allowing revolutionary spiritual discernment to flow - “Veil off eyes” without fear of another brainwash - Lower and higher dimensions – how they might work with our purpose - An Infinite put in a box – Defying closed off doctrines and duality by 2011 - Government control – not always a bad thing, but a stepping stone we have had enough of this time around - Apostle Paul and his example of the necessary human transformation and suffering for the progression of religion (through government, Catholicism and his influence on the Gospels) - Manifesting false sense of spiritual fulfillment - Does hell exist? Said who? Define “Hell” – “The Kingdom of Heaven is within thee” - Jesus may have “died for you” but for greater reasons than your accused “sin” - You are not born with sin - You came from the one sperm that made it through to become life – that is divine and great, do not deny it! - Devil masquerades as angel of light - Spiritually thirsty religions are being fed salt water from a sea of deception instead of fresh water from the stream of consciousness *If you are aware of the scriptures, and hold tight to them, I am going to let you come to terms with what may lead you to agree or disagree, and free my self from quoting the Bible out of context, in your opinion. If the “word of God” is not limited to a box, may you find and discern for your self the truth of God’s progressive nature. I will leave you with this (define for yourself the term “behavior”): “And let not your behavior be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.” (Romans 12:2)

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