Conqueror Reward Series

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  • Words: 56,022
  • Pages: 146
By David Caspian And Sarah Secoy Conqueror’s Reward The first book in the Conqueror’s Reward Series:

Prologue Diun’ja was the greatest warrior his people had ever seen. He had won many battles and much honor. As was custom the strongest was chosen for the breeding as was his reward. A world was chosen to spread his seed and through this spread his perfection as his people saw it. It was an isolated world where his progeny could grow. Earth was its name and the inhabitants would be unaware of the true purpose of this alien visitor.

Mistaken for the Homeless Diun’ja traveled from the landing site dressed in street clothes that his people had given him to better blend in. He was lured by the city lights of L.A. Even from a distance it drew his attention. In this place there were many opportunities to meet potential mates allowing him to spread his genetic material. Diun walked the streets of Los Angeles taking in all the new sights. There were buildings he had never seen, and many people dressed in strange garbs. He must have wandered a good portion of the city before he decided to rest. Uncaring of the cold he fell asleep on a park bench in the middle of a park. Diun awoke to feel something tap his foot and a woman’s voice. Shifting where he lay he caught sight of an attractive brunette in a uniform. It was the middle of the night and a full moon hung overhead. The badge she wore said police on it. Diun ignored her and went back to sleep. There was another tap on his sneakers this time more insistent. Annoyed he rolled over to face the cop and found a second one with black hair done up in a pony tail. She had tanned skin and the features of a Hispanic woman. Her body was tight and slender. This time she had been the one who had tapped his boot. The other woman was backing up her partner when the black haired woman said, “Alright buddy time to get a move on or we’ll have to put you in the squad car and take you downtown.” Diun disliked the threat that was implied in her voice and rose to his feet. Growling he returned the challenge staring down at the two women. The second one moved for her taser firing it at him. The jolt that would have put down a full grown human no matter what size he was didn’t bother Diun. For him the jolt was barely noticeable though it was clear what she tried to do. Picking up the dark haired one by her uniform he tossed her into the second one easily. The two women fell to the ground together unconscious from the impact. The attack now answered he moved off no longer interested in staying there. On his way out he found their cop car and to avoid possible pursuit he decided to put it out of commission. Jessica and Patrice woke up to find the homeless man gone and rushed to the cop car. Exiting the park they found it laying there tipped over on the street. Looking inside they found the radio ripped out and the camera inside the car destroyed.

Patrice pissed off, kicked the side of the car. She couldn’t believe something like this had happened. It took awhile before her partner was able to calm her down. They decided to walk back to the station and possibly wave down a police car along the way before one of them spotted the perp up ahead. Diun had just started walking away when he heard someone yell, “Freeze!” Standing in front of a wall he merely sprang over it landing in a crouch on the other side before continuing on. Both women looked at each other in disbelief. Finally Patrice after a moment led the way after him leaping to catch the top of the wall. Hoisting herself up she offered a hand to her partner who did the same. After landing on the other side they unholstered their guns continuing the pursuit. “Shouldn’t we just let this one go and call for backup?” Jessica said as they continued to follow his trail. Looking for any sign of him Patrice replied, “And tell them what? That we lost the perp after he somehow managed to knock us out, flip our car, and leap over a wall right in front of us? Are you nuts? They’ll laugh us right out of the station! Now come on!” Patrice said leading the way. Jessica was close behind when she saw Patrice disappear suddenly and she moved around a nearby corner. Jessica wasn’t able to get a shot off as she followed and was caught by surprise with a punch to the gut. The wind knocked out of her she folded to the ground her legs giving out. Patrice was on the ground in a similar position holding her gut, and barely keeping herself from puking. Looking up Jessica saw the perp looking down at them waiting to see if either of them got up. Both women’s bodies had never taken a punch that hard and would take them a little while to recover. He picked up both their guns now loose on the ground and tossed them on the building they were leaning against. Satisfied that they were in no condition to follow he turned around. Patrice managed to catch her breath and got up. Charging she tried to leap on his back and catch him in a sleeper hold. Jessica’s partner had a good grip and had taken many other much larger opponents by doing just that. This time however Jessica saw the man quickly turn around and catch her with one hand by the throat. Shaking his head in disgust at this continuing annoyance he decided that no other choice but to embarrass them to try to end this. He intended not to hurt them seriously and would hold back. Letting her go he ripped open her sleeve tossing it aside then backed away. Patrice not getting it attacked again with a punch only to lose another piece of her clothing.

Jessica soon began to see the rules. Every time he was attacked Patrice would lose something. Deciding to hit him while he was distracted she aimed low for the back of his legs aiming with her nightstick. A hand caught her near the collarbone and squeezed before she could even bring the weapon to bare. Jessica’s eyes rolled up into her head as she passed out. By the time she woke up Patrice was riding the man they had just been fighting. Sliding up and down on his cock she felt him cum coating her insides. Jessica was so shocked she could only stare at the whole scene aghast. Pushing Patrice’s heaving body off so she rolled onto her pile of clothes beside him Diun got up. Jessica was soon given a face to face with his huge member still stiff, and hard now wet with her friend’s juices. The moon light illuminated his tan skin and powerful form as smiled the smile of a predator stalking his prey. Even now his pheromones were beginning their work but Diun was growing impatient. He was beginning to like the softness of these human women. Even now he yearned to feel their velvety softness envelop his pole as he fucked Jessica as he had her friend. The other one had been less resistant he found this one far more admirable. She reminded him of one of his own species’ women. Mating among his people were far more violent in comparison. A male had to prove his prowess by showing his strength. The act fueled their hormones of both causing the mating to become much more heated. The other one had begun to show him some new things before she finally lost it and mounted him riding him to the end. Grasping Jessica’s hips he pulled he up onto her knees. Positioning her in front of him he was given a pleasing view of her crouch. Ripping a big enough hole to expose her beautiful pussy he rubbed it with his fingers stroking her. Jessica sucked in a breath gasping at how good it felt. Slipping his fingers inside he copied his earlier actions with Patrice. Stroking her he teased her pussy until she begged for release. Smiling Diun slipped his cock in easing it in inch by inch. Grasping her hips he buried himself all the way up to the hilt. Jessica sighed in contentment as she felt his full length buried inside her Jessica’s body shivered with anticipation. “Fuck me please fuck me!” Jessica cried out. Needing no more encouragement Diun gave Jessica what she wanted. Grasping her hips plunge his hips forward as he used her hips to pull her back against him giving hard deep

thrusts. Building up a hard pace skin could be heard slapping against skin as their two bodies slammed together. “Ah, ah, ah aaah!” Jessica screamed passionately a Diun hammered into her. “I’m gonna cum!” Jessica yelled after ten minutes of this her body squirting out her juices all over him. Her whole body spasmed as the orgasm wracked her from head to toe. After pulling out his sperm on its way into her womb he got up and got dressed. Two women were now pregnant in this surprising turn of events. Jessica was still gasping for air shivering in the cold night air when Diun left the two of them. It would take awhile before her or Patrice were in any condition to head home and get dressed. Both were sore but still feeling the effects of their orgasms as they tried to recover. Seeing him leave Jessica wondered who the stranger was and where had he come from? There was no doubt that she and Patrice would remember this night for the rest of their lives. They would call their sergeant later and try to explain how their car got flipped, and try to get it returned to the station. Even now Jessica knew they would have to lie. Who would believe the truth? Sniffing his fingers Diun licked Jessica’s juices off his reveling in the taste. No one had told him how good human women tasted down there. Their cum tasted ever so sweet, and satisfying. His taste buds went wild as he licked his fingers clean his thoughts turned to idea of eventually getting more.

A Female Hiker To avoid any further trouble from the police Diun decided to move away from the city for a while heading out to the hills. He had discarded most his clothes preferring to leave them behind once he reached the safety of the hills. Already he began to dislike their constriction, and how they made his body feel hot as he hiked up the hill towards the Hollywood sign. He felt quite free like this without the restrictions of human clothes. A young female hiker was making her way up the path and spotted the naked man up the slope. His body well formed not too muscular. His species were not built to get much bigger for they were far denser than humans. Though his skin looked soft like theirs it was in fact stronger than any metal after dealing with strong gravity from his homeworld. The woman stood dumbfounded looking at his alluring body every bit masculine. She made an audible gulp as he neared her, his pheromones filling her nostrils and making her body excited. She looked down in shock to find her nipples already hard and her pussy juices soaking her panties and pants. She had extra set of clothes in her backpack and she would need them as Diun ripped open her shirt before planting a hard kiss on her. In a second movement he tore her pants open tossing them aside. Monica a petite blond with small breasts and sexy curved ass stood now naked in front of the well-hung Diun. How all this had happened she didn’t know but she didn’t argue with her luck as he bent down and picked her up hoisting her right off the ground. The strange man must have been 6’4 towering over her at Monica’s height of 5’2. All the natural lube her body was producing was about to be put to the test as his massive member buried itself into her helpless body. Hanging off him she was jarred by the impact as he began to fuck her Monica’s orgasms coming all too fast. Every nerve in her body was so sensitive and she didn’t know how long she could last like this. Part of her felt like she was going to die by being fucked to death her body finally giving out under the strain. Monica felt like a rag doll and was loving every minute of it. Never before had she felt like this with every other man, and she didn’t want it to stop. Sweat covered her body and her breaths came in gasps. Monica felt like she was running a marathon as she seemed to climax without end against this seemingly tireless machine of a man. With a loud growl she felt him cum inside her spurting his great load. Monica whimpered as she sensed that the experience was over and this strange man would leave her.

“Please don’t leave me. I have a house not far from here. You could spend the night there and leave in the morning if you wish.” Monica suggested hopefully. Diun nodded seeing such a thing could prove useful. Helping her dress he carried her back to her home because her legs could no longer carry her for a time. Diun found clothes from one of her old boyfriends that he had left there inside her closet. Some of the more baggy sweats and t-shirts fit him and he picked the most ideal to wear. He had decided that though he might have to wear human clothing it was not necessary to be uncomfortable. Before he left Monica begged for him to take her one more time. This time he experimentally tried a slower pace to see how she handled it. These human women appeared to be more fragile than the females of his species. It wouldn’t do to kill one of his mates so he tried things more slowly. Her responses to this change further encouraged this. Monica wrapped her legs and arms around him meeting each thrust. Pumping in between her legs Diun became fascinated by this response. Normally his species simply took what they wanted hard and fast. Now it was not nearly pheromones that were bringing her to orgasm but his improving technique. He sensed every reaction before she made it anticipating her. It was a new experience not simply breeding but giving a part of himself. The sound of her breathing, and her smell heightened his own pleasure. Kissing her neck where it met the shoulder he heard her gasp out, “Yes, Yes. That’s it! Don’t stop! Ohhh Sh----ttt!” Diun felt her cream all over his cock her mouth hanging open. She kissed his neck as she tried desperately to catch her breath her chest heaving. Diun had been unaware he was even capable of this and it was a welcome discovery. Monica’s orgasms were fewer but more intense as her body was barely able to contain it. On the last one she passed out overwhelmed and exhausted. Diun was sure even now that a child would soon begin to grow in her womb. In a matter of weeks not months she would give birth to a healthy child that would be his. He had not talked to her the entire time at least not verbally. He merely communicated his intentions unconsciously as was common among his people. Monica would raise her hips during sex allowing him better access or give him a

glass of water when he wanted it earlier that morning. He could achieve this after making a conscious effort to communicate it. Speech had been forgotten years ago among his species. Even now he was barely relearning it instead he decided to stick to sensing her intentions just as she sensed his. It began with an image or emotion. Sometimes it was hard to describe. He simply knew what she wanted. It was a beautiful feeling when dealing with humans. Their emotions were less raw like a pouring river and more like a gentle stream. Diun found it soothing as he let it flow through him mixing with his own emotions. He communicated how beautiful he thought she was at that moment gently planting that image in her mind. Like a flower she opened up to him it was Diun’s turn to gasp as he felt the full impact of it. The thought of this woman carrying his child filled him with unusual pride. Normally his people did not open themselves to the thoughts of their partners especially when they considered them inferior. By all accounts that is what humans were. His people were the picture of physical perfection. None suffered from any physical ailment or disease. They were tougher and stronger. Their minds sharper than the greatest of the humans able to anticipate an opponent, and take preemptive actions to defeat them even before combat commenced. Diun remembered each battle he had ever fought in and those that belonged to his forbearers. In his DNA were the memories of thousands of males and females from his line that came before him. Each lesson had helped shaped him adding to his own personality and strengths. He had proven his line to be superior and all had bowed before him acknowledging his perfection. The new title of Nafi had bestowed to him for he was the first to ever rise to such a height. Even after he had bred with the unwed females of legal age many more of his own people’s women awaited his seed seeking to share in his superior genetics. Why did he not feel as honored by that notion as he once had? Was it perhaps that he felt a kinship with these humans? In the beginning their two species had not been dissimilar. His people had advanced far because their desire to prove their own genetics. When a new species came their genetics strengths were added to their own, and those who were not strong were merely breeding stock to make their children strong. Eventually the weak were bred out and only the powerful remained.

Diun’s mind now turned to the woman on the bed before him. Her name was Monica and he saw her dreams and desires. She wanted children one day but had been told that she couldn’t. Despite this he sensed that his DNA had already fixed this problem. The first sample had healed her imperfect womb and the second had planted his seed there. In their coupling he had and sensed their potential. A new doubt was placed in his mind: Did he really want to leave is progeny to fend for themselves? Why not stay and see them grow up? Perhaps he could even see what they would do on this far removed world, and what of the mother’s of his children? Diun had no doubt his children would act out of the ordinary. While some might not notice their mother’s soon would. Eventually they would seek out their birthright as warriors yearning for the call of combat. Even now Diun remembered his past experiences. It had a strong pull among his people. Through it genetics were proven as with every other physical or mental competition. That same drive would exist in his young no matter what the humans tried to teach them. Why he worried about such things when none of his kind had before he didn’t understand. Putting these thoughts aside he kissed her cheek tenderly an image of tenderness he had seen in her mind. She would have her wish for a child and he had provided the opportunity. Walking out of the house he headed towards the lights of the city. Already exciting possibilities filled his thoughts and he was eager to see what else he could learn from these humans.

Naughty Librarian Diun decided in light of all he had learned already he should do some more studying on humans. Heading back into the city he eventually found a library where he could have access to books to learn from. Picking out books on sexuality he placed his hands on each page reading it by touch. Each impression from a former reader gave him the information the book carried within it. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn’t notice a librarian sneak up behind him. “Find what you needed?” She asked a smile on her face as he turned. Diun calmly turned to look at her returning her smile. Sending her the impression he hadn’t she replied, “Would you prefer a book on sexual positions?” This startled Diun as he noticed that he hadn’t consciously communicated it. Was this a side effect of having sex with humans? How else had they begun to affect him that he had been unconscious of? Why had his people not told him of this risk? Diun had never heard of anything like this happening in the past. Recovering quickly without her noticing Diun smiled acknowledging her question. Looking at the floor shyly Dana tried to gather her courage as she tried to think of what to say. “If you want I would be happy to show you some personally.” Dana said blurting out her innermost desires. Her hand quickly covered her mouth as she realized what she had just said to him. Dana wanted to simply get away her face burning with embarrassment. Diun was intrigued as the freckled red head blushed. He had never seen anything like it. Reaching out he stroked her face surprised it was not red hot due to its color. Smiling as he looked into her deep blue eyes he nodded indicating he was interested. Dana couldn’t believe it. “We could meet here after work.” Dana suggested. Diun frowned at this. He did not like the idea of waiting. Seeing his reaction Dana’s tongue licked her lips simply trying to wet them. What Diun saw was an action that inflamed his arousal.

He had read about the act of kissing and was eager to try it. The act had in fact reminded him of it. Using his stroking hand on her face as subterfuge he reached into her mind lightly plucking out an image. It was her version of the perfect kiss. Taking her in his arms his mouth hungrily sought hers just like in the image and his tongue parted her lips. Moving around he stroked the inside of her mouth with it concentrating on her enjoyment. Dana felt herself cum right there and then wetting her panties. Wrapping her arms around his neck she deepened the kiss feeling his strong arms wrap around her. When he broke the kiss Dana desperately tried to kiss him again but he stopped her, his finger pressed against her lips. Dana whimpered her eyes begging to continue the intimate act. Controlling himself and his growing need to have her Diun planted the image of her home in Dana’s mind. Nodding in agreement as if he had said it verbally she led the way out the door. Finding her car they drove back to her house. Once they were inside Dana closed the door behind them. When she turned around Diun began kissing Dana’s neck making it hard for her to concentrate. Something was still causing her to hesitate so Diun stopped. He wondered what was wrong and she gave him her answer, “I’m a virgin.” A questioning look came over his face after hearing this. He did not understand the full implications. The impression he was getting didn’t make sense. She knew about sex but was nervous about her first time. His people were never nervous. They had too much memory to call from. Surety was a part of being who he was. Taking his hand she led him to the bedroom. Inside was the usual furniture along with a T.V. and VCR. Turning on the television she pressed play on the VCR. Images came on to the screen of a man and a woman having sex. Seeing it Diun nodded understanding. That was how she knew. Like him who already knew how to have sex from his memories, she had learned over time from these images on the screen. Touching the VCR he read from it that she used it quite often for this purpose, as well as something more. He saw her touching herself while watching as well as using some strange object. Pleasure was attached to this image and he wondered what it was. Even now he could hear a steady hum attached to this new image. Moving to one of her drawers Dana took out a vibrator showing it to him. Taking it he looked it over and handed it back wanting her to show him how to use it.

Removing her clothes shyly she moved to the bed. Dana felt so self conscious in this situation. She had never done this with a man in the room before or anyone else for that matter. Laying there with her head propped up by the pillows Dana began to stroke it across her pussy. It buzzed and vibrated sending tingles through her body. She seemed to focus on her clitoris a lot pressing it there and holding it before moving on. As soon as she was good and wet she slid the vibrator inside herself. Once it was all the way in she began to move it in and out fucking herself with it. Diun watched in wonder moving in closer for a better view. An image on the screen caught his attention. Dana had forgotten to turn it off. Its sounds filled the background as she continued to play with herself. The sound of one woman cumming had caused him to look at it. A man was licking the woman’s pussy and she was running her fingers through his hair. Diun liked this image and was eager to try it for himself. Searching for the word from among her memories his mouth moved clumsily trying to say it, “I…try…please?” Dana stopped slowly removing the toy and handing it to him while it was still on. Taking it he positioned his head over her pussy so he was lying on top of her. Using the vibrator at first he teased her clitoris pressing it firmly against her clit and then removing it. Facing his cock Dana had her own ideas about teasing and began to lick and play with it. Her fingers and tongue stroked it playing with its length. Diun gasped at the sudden sensation unprepared for it with his attention directed elsewhere. As she began sucking it firmly in her mouth he tossed aside the toy and began licking with enthusiasm. Dana made sounds to show her appreciation. She was so wet and delicious that Diun practically tried to suck and lick off all he could of her juices. Dana came many times this way making him cum with her as well. What she lacked in experience she made up with passion. Apparently Dana liked how Diun’s sperm tasted as well. To her it tasted like a sweet syrup and she couldn’t get enough. About the fifth time Diun had to get her to stop or she would have kept on going until her jaw got sore. Lying there next to each other they kissed tenderly while Dana rested and relaxed. Diun was eager to cum inside her after she had caught her breath. Dana was only happy to oblige. Climbing on top she mounted him and began to move her hips up and down riding his cock. Now she was in control, and the one time that Diun tried to get too involved fucking up into her she shook her head to stop him saying, “Wait a minute baby you’ll like this.”

Moving her hips in a circle she ground into him like the porn movies had shown her. It took awhile to get the hang of it but eventually she got the response she wanted. Diun grasping her hips began to spurt inside her the stimulation too much. How many times he came she didn’t know but each one sent her into a mini orgasms and she liked it. She had never seen a man do that in any of the movies and was so proud of herself for causing it. By the time it was over he was exhausted as well. Both of them were covered in sweat as they slipped underneath the covers. Dana cuddled against him and Diun enjoyed the feeling wrapping one of his arms around her and kissing her forehead. For the first time he found himself wanting to tell her everything but he knew he shouldn’t. How could she understand and what if she turned away from him because of it? These new emotions began to unsettle him and he decided to leave the next day when she left for work. There was something dangerous about this woman he had not dealt with before. Part of him was screaming to get away from her. Kissing her goodbye he waited until she was out of sight before he left. As he walked down the street in search of something new another emotion surfaced and he did not recognize it. It made him feel bad for leaving her and not trying to explain. It was an emotion humans called guilt. What he didn’t realize is that during the experience he had done something without realizing it: Diun had stopped using pheromones.

A Stripper’s Surprise While walking the streets Diun met a mugger. Pointing a gun at him the man urged him into an alley. Little did the mugger realize just who he was dealing with. “Give me your money!” The mugger yelled keeping the gun on him. As close as they were Diun could feel the evil of the man and see the images of the innocent people he had killed. Some he had raped, while others he had murdered in cold blood uncaring of how much they suffered before they died. This made Diun angry though he couldn’t explain why. Moving forward he felt the impact of the bullet on his skin and ignored it. The bullet did not penetrate or even hurt. The mugger panicked and kept firing without any better luck only stopping when a punch from Diun leveled him breaking his jaw. Taking the gun Diun crushed it into a hunk of metal in his hand easily, dropping it on the ground beside the mugger. Liking the man’s overcoat he saw little harm taking it from the unconscious thief. When he thought of it the man might have tried to kill him and done the same as he put it on. As part of that thought process he had little trouble taking any of the man’s money or the valuables he had stolen. Touching the man’s sleeping mind he picked out the image of a pawnbroker nearby who unknowingly sold the stolen goods from time to time. The mugger had used many of them to cover his tracks and not cause suspicion. Walking there Diun sold the watches, rings, and other things that he had found on the mugger. The money was pretty sizable because most had been expensive, and Diun added it to the cash he had already taken. Thanks to what he had already learned Diun knew how much each bill and coin were worth. Walking the streets he walked in front of a strip club where a man called out to him, “You interested in a good time friend? Plenty of pretty ladies inside just waiting for a fella like you.” Diun sensing no danger from the man or from anything inside, he shrugged and entered the building walking right past the man. He was a large fat man with a big buzz cut and a good set of muscles on him. Judging by the look of him Diun guessed he was also there just in case of trouble. The man smiled pleasantly at him waving him inside. It was dimly lit inside with flashing lights and mostly empty chairs around little tables surrounding a stage. The stage was towards the middle of the room against one of the walls.

There were a few guys inside, but they were just some of the regulars who frequented the place. Most were middle aged guys or older men looking to get away from the troubles outside and see a good show. Diun watched some of the women as he took a seat at the bar with some of the other men. “What will you have stranger?” A pretty little blonde bartender in nice black shirt vest and black slacks asked. Seeing what the nearest man had been drinking he pointed at it. The drink was a hard whiskey. The lady poured and all the men who happened to glance over at him were impressed when he just downed it unfazed. Sitting there Diun wondered what the purpose of the drink was. It held a slight warmth going down but that had been it. Looking at the other men he saw varied degrees of reactions from them as they continued to drink. Everyone one of them seemed to enjoy the aftereffects if not the taste. Putting a bunch of money down Diun asked for the bottle. Handing it to him the bartender had a amused smile on her face that quickly disappeared as she watched him drink. Downing it with ease Diun opened his throat chugging the contents of the bottle. When he was finished he set it back down again not drunk at all. Waiting for a few moments he sat there patiently wondering when he was going to start feeling as the other men felt. After awhile he grew disappointed staring at the bottle as he waited when nothing happened. Looking around he found everyone at the bar staring at him their mouths wide open. Uncomfortable under all those eyes Diun moved to one of the tables near the stage for a change in scenery. There were some chairs surrounding the stage itself. An attractive Latin woman with nice tan skin a beautiful ass and shapely legs motioned him over. Unsure of what to do he stayed at his seat unwilling to move. One of the other strippers who had been talking to a regular came over to Diun and said, “She wants you to go over there big boy. Don’t worry she doesn’t bite.” The stripper who had said it was an older blonde woman with a sizable bosom and nice curves. She was still quite pretty and had an aura of sexiness about her that seemed so natural. “After you’re finished you can have both of us if you want. By the way my name is Emily and the one eyeing you on stage is Candy.” The blonde said.

Getting up at her urging Diun made his way to the stage taking a seat. The woman started posing in front of him arching her back and giving him a view of her still covered pussy and tits. Diun watched the show curious. While interesting it didn’t feel private like he wanted. He was growing to dislike the attention of other eyes, it proved to be distracting. Seeing that she wasn’t getting his full attention Candy danced a little closer now her pussy was only inches from his face. Smelling its sweet scent and feeling her closeness Diun started to pay more attention. “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you like me?” Candy said concerned. While her tone had been playful when she said it there was genuine concern behind it. It had been a long time since she had actually had to try to keep a man’s attention. Obviously either this man felt uncomfortable in present circumstances or he had something else on his mind. Part of her job was to make him comfortable and forget about other worries. A happy man came back because he had been satisfied in the past. Coming up behind him Diun sensed Emily’s presence. “Maybe it’s the crowd. He seems to not like it. I saw him looking around while your back was turned. Perhaps he would prefer some private time.” Emily suggested. Smiling as she understood Candy said, “Would you like to have both of us sweetie?” Diun looking at each of them and nodded. After Candy finished her show she and Emily each took one of his hands and led him into one the private rooms. Both women were very wet and hot from being so near to him. Technically the pheromones that Diun was pumping out without thinking about it weren’t even necessary. Diun was a lot more handsome than the average joe who came in here and both women were eager to have a little fun. Taking their tops off each woman gave him a lap dance feeling his hardening cock as the rubbed against it, and were impressed by the size of it. While Emily was giving him a dance her friend watched Diun’s hand move to Emily’s pussy rubbing it. Candy was surprised when her friend didn’t move it away immediately and instead seemed to go with it. Rubbing her clit through the fabric of the g-string bathing suit Diun felt her grinding against him increase. He quickly loosened the strings on each side of her bottom revealing her pussy. The reason soon became clear as Emily squirted all over the place gasping as she was overcome by an orgasm. Diun had safely moved her clothes out of the way just in time.

Candy could only watch as Diun set her friend on the ground getting up off the cushioned seat they all had been using. Rubbing some of the juices dripping from Emily’s pussy Diun coated them on his rock hard member. Getting behind her while she was on her hands and knees he entered her ass slipping in easily with all the lube. Emily had never cum that much in her entire life and was now glad of it. Her cum now allowed Diun to fuck her virgin ass with minimal discomfort. Fucking her ass like he would her pussy Diun went nice and deep causing Emily to shake as another orgasm hit her. Jealous of her friend Candy quickly removed her own bottoms and took a position right next to Emily looking back at Diun expectantly. Smiling Diun pulled out of the other stripper and entered her pussy. At first he plunged in and out for a few moments until she too came squirting all over his cock. Pulling out he pressed his cock against her asshole. This time he plunged in halfway in one move. The force of it caused Candy to tighten from shock of the sudden intrusion gripping him. There had been no pain thanks to the lube but she had expected a little more warning and there had been mild discomfort. Diun gave her a second to get accustomed to him before he finished burying himself in her until he was all the way in. Candy braced herself for the fucking she knew was coming but it never came. She looked back at Diun after a moment puzzled at this and saw a smirk on his face. Candy realized that this man wasn’t about to do anything until she begged for it. “Fuck my ass baby. Please fuck my tight little ass. I need you baby!” Candy said begging just like he wanted. Satisfied Diun started fucking her ass just as he had done with Emily. “Harder baby! Fuck me harder!” Candy called out the music outside covering her shouting but everyone in the room could hear her. Grabbing her firmly around the waist Diun started slamming his hips forward catching her surprise. Orgasms began to hit her faster than she was ready for them as he pounded into ass relentlessly. “F---k, f---k, f---k, f----ck!” Was all that could be heard from Candy after awhile. Pain began to mix with pleasure and she asked him to stop. Collapsing to the floor she lay there breathing hard covered in sweat.

Rolling onto her now sore backside she soon got a view of Diun moving back to Emily. Locking eyes with Candy he gave her a conspiratory grin. Candy nodded smiling as she knew that poor Emily was about to get exactly the same thing. Watching Diun give it to her friend made Candy all hot and she played with her pussy. Cumming just as Emily came Candy saw her own fingers all drenched with her cum from masturbating. Seeing it Diun pulled out of Emily moving towards Candy. Candy was almost afraid he was about to take her ass again and quite frankly she didn’t know how much more of that she could take. When Diun instead sucked on her wet fingers licking them clean and then moved to her pussy to begin licking it instead she found it a welcome surprise. Candy’s head fell back as she came all over Diun’s tongue. “I…think I have a few more in me as does my friend.” Candy said catching her breath. Who was this guy and where had he been her whole life? Smiling teasingly Diun went back to Emily making Candy jealous. Slipping between Emily’s legs he looked at Candy the entire time as he fucked her friend finally cumming inside her. Candy was worried that she wouldn’t get any now that he had finally cum and was disappointed at the thought, but as he left Emily laying there on the ground his cock stood at attention. Getting up eagerly Candy wanted him to lift her up and fuck her and Diun did just that. Wrapping her arms around his neck she moved in time with his powerful thrusts kissing his face and neck as she came three more times. On the last one Diun’s tongue flicked repeatedly across her right nipple as he licked and sucked her breasts before cumming inside her pumping his jism into her. Leaving half the money he had brought with him Diun kissed the women goodbye after getting dressed. Walking out of the strip club he made his way outside joining the city foot traffic.

The Great Awakening Diun wandered all day touring most of the city. As the sun began to set his thoughts turned back to Dana and the short time they had spent together. What was it about her that he couldn’t get out of his mind? Was it her smile? That in itself warmed his heart, or was it something much deeper? Standing in an empty parking lot he wished to be alone with his thoughts away from the distracting sights and sounds of the city. In the blink of the eye he found himself in the middle of a forest. Looking around he wondered how he had gotten there. Diun had never experienced something like this before. How had he traveled outside the city in such a short time? Going over the last moments before transporting himself instantly to this place Diun remembered his thoughts had been about Dana. Curious at this discovery he focused on her trying to search through his feelings about her to learn more. He remembered the sense of goodness he had felt from her and her openness. She had felt a connection with him that made her automatically comfortable. Diun had not had to try with her. Everything had felt so natural and he had truly enjoyed it. It was not simply lust but something different, something more. Finding this feeling interesting and wonderful he dwelled on it living in the moment. Like gas to a flame the dark flame he had used to win so many battles sprang forth showing on each hand at first. It was made from psychic energy that he had learned to control over the years. He alone had learned to master it while the rest of his people were incapable of achieving it. Turning white it began to spread over his body covering him from head to toe. Just like all the other times when it had stayed on his hands Diun felt no pain or suffered any damage. The same warmth was there like before but he felt the heat within him grow stronger. The heat went from the outside in meeting at his core it sprang out again in a powerful chain reaction. Diun barely kept himself together when the shockwave of psychic energy began to build up in his body. Diun called for help as his mind began to shutdown and he saw only a white light. Dana heard Diun’s voice calling for help and rushed to her car driving out of the city in the direction of his call. As she drew near Dana saw a flash of light ahead and immediately stopped her car.

A shockwave rushed towards her and she ducked down unbuckling her safety belt to get to the floor. It struck the car sending spinning for several moments before it came to an abrupt stop next to a few downed trees. Getting out of the vehicle she found the trees on either side of the road knocked down. From all evidence she had been on the edge of the effected area. Diun’s voice still called to her but is was weak and barely a whisper. She climbed over a number of fallen trees before she found him in an open area free of trees and vegetation. Floating in the air he shown like a miniature star brightening up the entire place. “Diun, is that you?” Dana called out. The light from Diun dimmed until he was his old self again floating to the ground. When his feet finally touched the ground Diun sighed in exhaustion falling on his back. Dana rushed to his side cradling his head. “Hello, fancy meeting you here.” Diun said with a tired smile. Raising an eyebrow Dana said, “Well it seems your speech has improved. If nothing else that’s something. So…wanna tell me what happened?” Getting up slowly with her help Diun replied, “It seems when I experience a deep emotion it affects the control of my powers. Now they seem to be stronger than ever, and I am witnessing new ones as well.” Looking around at the devastation Diun said, “Somehow I think I am responsible for all of this.” Glancing around Dana nodded saying, “You wouldn’t be wrong. Perhaps we should stop from the top. Who are you exactly?” “Well there is an easy way to do this that is really going to hurt or the hard way which won’t but will take some time.” Diun offered. Thinking it over Dana said, “I guess I’ll take the easy way.” Bracing herself she felt Diun touch her forehead with his fingers and a searing heat stabbed into her brain. The heat was followed by a series of images that flooded into her mind until the pain disappeared all of the sudden. Opening her eyes even though she didn’t remember closing them Dana found her mind filled with uncountable images. “You wanted to do what?” Dana said coming at him threateningly.

Raising a hand in warning Diun replied, “I should point out that hitting me would hurt you a lot more than me. In fact all I’ll feel is the impact. With that in mind I am a very different person now though I can now understand why you would be angry.” “Well at least you know that!” Dana said kicking him in the balls and then crying out in pain. Slightly grimacing Diun said, “I admit that hurt a little. Do you feel better now?” Rubbing her sore foot Dana said, “Good it was worth, and yes I do. Now that that’s done where do we go from here?” Hearing the distant sounds of sirens approaching Diun said, “My suggestion would be to get your car and head home before they arrive.” Looking in the direction of the sirens Dana asked, “Exactly how are we…” A single flash of light occurred and they were back at her house damaged car and all. Turning to Diun she found him rubbing his temples. “Got a headache?” Dana asked. Giving her a tired look Diun answered, “Yes, I suppose you are enjoying this as well.” Walking up to him Dana kissed him on the lips pulling his mouth down to meet hers. The kiss was short and sweet. “Forgiveness is a human emotion too.” Dana said looking into his eyes. Taking his hand she led him inside.

Feeling A Little Hungry Dana awoke the next morning to find Diun eating ice cream. From the look of it she saw it was her French vanilla. “Hey!” Dana said as she watched him eat another spoonful. Swallowing Diun said, “What? I woke up this morning and was really hungry.” Walking over to the ice cream container she found it empty. “So you ate all my ice cream!” Dana said. Shrugging Diun replied, “It tasted good. You have really good taste.” “Don’t try to kiss up. You owe me a new container of ice cream.” Dana said. Setting down the spoon in the now empty bowl Diun said, “But I don’t have any more money or a job for that matter.” Writing on a piece of paper she peeled off a notepad on the counter Dana handed it to him. Looking it over Diun said, “This looks like a list of chores.” Nodding Dana replied, “Yes it is, you can do it or get a job. Good luck on that without anything like a birth certificate or a social security number.” His shoulders sinking in resignation Diun got to it. He waited for Dana to leave before a smile appeared on his face. It was now time to see what he could do with his new found powers. Focusing he pictured each of the windows opening and saw each one had indeed opened. Moving furniture out of the way with his mind he levitated each rug to her washer in one of the back rooms. Picking up the detergent by hand he stuffed the smaller ones inside. Pouring the in the cleaner he started the washer. The larger ones he levitated near the window. Shaking out the dust using one motioning hand, he collected the dust using his other hand. With another gesture with the same hand he forced the dirt outside. Finishing his “dusting” job Diun moved on to cleaning with sponges in the bathrooms and kitchen. Finishing mopping he moved all the furniture back, smiling as he looked around at the now clean house barely an hour after Dana had left.

The question was what to do now? Diun bored decided to head out into the outside world. T.V. as it turns out didn’t really appeal to him. After watching for a couple of minutes he lost interest. What he needed was something active to do. The world itself now seemed to have a new depth to it as he walked among the crowds of people. Each of them appeared to have varying degrees of white and black colors that highlighted them. A number of them fit into a comfortable gray. It was the darkest of them among the flood of people that interested him the most. Following a few of them Diun watched some gradually turn darker and darker while others went totally dark in one moment. Diun saw each decision and was able to anticipate it. After a time he was even able to intervene easily with a mere suggestion to just turn them around. Some of the harder cases found a ghostly figure whose eyes had a frightening fiery stare. Unnerved they chose to run rather than face him. In the end it saved them from getting hurt. It was easy to trick them by placing images in their mind. One however didn’t seem to care how scary he seemed and pulled a gun on him in the middle of a convenience store. The shotgun started to swing toward him and Diun moved too fast for the gunman to level it on him. Grasping the stock he jerked it up towards the ceiling allowing it to discharge before he cracked it back in the man’s face knocking him out. Unconscious with a bloody nose the man just laid there in front of the register. When he started to leave Diun heard a voice behind him. “Hey mister you forgot your reward!” The teenage girl behind the register said. Handing him some money at the door she thanked him for his help. Nodding Diun made his way to a nearby supermarket and bought some groceries. Finding a place where he wouldn’t be seen Diun blinked back to Dana’s kitchen. Once there he stored away some of the groceries sitting down after making himself a ham sandwich. Dana liked them a lot so he made another one for her and placed it inside a sandwich bag. Storing it in the fridge he cleaned up after himself. When Dana got home Diun said, “House is clean and your ice cream is in the freezer.” He failed miserably when it came to hiding his smirk as he saw the look of shock crossed her face.

Finishing the sandwich he had made Dana said, “Well considering all you have done today I think you deserve a reward.” Washing dishes Diun replied, “No that isn’t necessary. I was happy to help out.” A change in her mood caused him to perk up and turn around. Removing her top Dana took a spoon out of one of the drawers. Next she took out the new ice cream container from its place in the freezer. Setting it on the table she started unbuttoning her blouse looking at him seductively. When the last of the buttons were undone she tossed it aside. Opening the container she dug some ice cream out using the utensil spreading it over her nipples. Motioning him over Dana smiled. Returning it Diun licked the ice cream off her nipples running his tongue over their entire length not missing a drop. The sensation of cold ice cream and then his warm mouth on her breasts was lovely. As he got into it Dana wished he would suck her toes just like that. Dana had always fantasized about a guy doing that to her. She thought of it sometimes when she played with herself. Taking her hand Diun led her to the shower in her room washing her body from head to toe while they were inside. Dana wondered what would be next as he handed her a towel after drying her off with another one and said, “Let’s move to the couch.” Following him there hand in hand Dana sat down and Diun knelt down in front of her. Taking her left foot he brought it to his mouth while keeping eye contact with her. Licking and sucking her toes he watched her gasp and squirm. Gripping the couch the act totally turned her on. “Fuck me!” Dana cried out. Pausing a question on his face Diun said, “But your other foot…” Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt Dana said, “I said fuck me!” Getting up Diun quickly got undressed as she unwrapped her towel exposing her naked body. “Yes maam!” Diun said positioning himself and entering her pussy. Grabbing both her feet he began to fuck her while continuing to give her toes some much needed attention. It didn’t take her long to cum like this loving what he was doing to her.

Noticing Diun was still hard and ready to go Dana said, “Against the door baby. I want you to fuck me against the door.” Picking her up Diun positioned her so her back rested against the front door. “Now give it to me Diun baby. Let’s see what you’ve got.” Dana said stroking his chest and kissing him. Their tongues moved inside each other’s mouths. Taking his cue Diun plunged into her with short thrusts so as not to hurt her. “Tell me when you get close baby. I want you to fuck my tits and cum all over them.” Dana said her head leaning back. Diun nodded continuing to fuck her without missing a beat. When he felt the first signs of his body getting close he pulled out letting Dana down. Laying on her back she cupped her breasts together waiting for him expectantly. Straddling her chest Diun moved his hips back and forth fucking his cock between her beautiful freckled tits. After a few moments Diun’s cock exploded shooting ropes of sperm directed over her tits and neck. Looking down at the evidence of his climax Dana said, “Nice pearl necklace.” Seeing the puzzled look that crossed his face Dana said, “Never mind. Dirty joke.” Laying down beside her Diun smiled up at the ceiling enjoying the afterglow. “So how did you pay for all that food?” Dana asked curious. “I got a job.” Diun said with a pleased look on his face, “And you know I think I’m pretty good at it.”

Epilogue Diun sat by the bed in the hospitable room with his new wife. He smiled as she held their little girl Daniella. Looking on her with pride Diun prayed to Pree’mus his god, and creator of all that he had not made a mistake granting her the power that had been bestowed upon him that fateful night years ago. While his other children would have the physical strength of the Harreden she would grow into new powers they would not possess. The only half human among them she would represent the strengths of both races. Calling on the ancient words of worship buried in his genes and long forgotten by his people he asked that she become a moral person and strong enough to face the trials ahead. Taking her from her sleeping mother’s arms Diun held his little girl so wondrous and beautiful. “Hello my little one. I will do my best to raise you in the best of both worlds. This I promise you. You will grow up to be a fine woman one day, and know that no matter what I will always love you.” Diun said kissing her forehead.

By Cylis Derrens Slave On Mars

Part 1

Liam Fish was one of the youngest astronaughts to ever walk on the moon. An eighteen year old man he was the poster boy of NASA: incredibly smart with super male model good looks. The media loved him and he had his easy picking of young available women. His body was of a slim build but had enough muscle to it to not make him totally slender. He stood at about 5’10 and had deep blue eyes with blond hair cut to about a medium length to keep it manageable. If there was any feature that he wasn’t totally proud of it was his hands. They were not ugly by any means but quite the opposite. He always remembered hearing the comment on how pretty they were from the women that noticed them. In response Liam had the tendency to keep gloves on or try to stick them in his pockets when he first met women uncomfortable with this description. Very self conscious about them he would notice the difference between hands at that of others, and had performed a lot of manual labor to help callus up his palms making them more manly. A young bachelor Liam was spending that particular morning on the red surface of the Mars with his little Mars rover alone. He had just checked in when he noticed a Mars rock of some interest. Getting out of the little vehicle he made his way up the small hill and bent down to pick it up. You can imagine his surprise when something struck him from behind sending electric currents through his body putting him down. As he rolled over his vision growing dim Liam thought he saw a feminine figure in front of him, which was strange because there weren’t any women on his team. Stunned and unable to move he found he was helpless against whoever had done this to him. Lifted off the ground he felt as if he were being carried for some distance. The sound of an explosion could be heard as he slipped off into unconsciousness.

Liam awoke to find a metal collar on his throat attached to a long chain. Feeling a cold air touch his skin Liam shivered. Besides the collar he noticed that he was naked and in a cage of some kind in the middle of a dark room. Feeling the car he noticed it had a metallic smoothness but was warm to the touch as if accepting his heat easily like an extension of his body. A light turned on over head as a tall black haired woman entered. She must have been over six feet from the look over and larger than him in both width and size. Her body was covered with a blue cloth that covered, and secured her breasts in place while a loincloth of the same color covered her pussy. Unlike most human clothing it did that if just barely. Upon closer inspection Liam could see the hint of nipples even under her makeshift bra, but strangely enough in comparison while her loincloth that hung freely between her long smooth legs did actually hide her pubic area. Liam guessed the material they used for clothing was not totally dissimilar from Earth own linen fibers which their women also used especially in Ancient Egypt. If this were any indication of their culture Liam guessed that this area was more important to hide while the breasts and everywhere else weren’t. Looking at the rest of her body she had no visible scars on her bare skin or birthmarks as he could tell. At first glance she would have looked like slightly tan Caucasian or Latin female depending how you looked at it. Liam had seen many Italian women with similar features. The differences between this woman and human woman could be seen in her broader, and definitely taller frame as she easily towered above him. If he were to notice any interesting adornments on her there was a bracelet on her left wrist, which was covered in a strange writing that Liam didn’t recognize from any of his studies of ancient or modern cultures on Earth. Her eyes were a deep lovely brown and her face held no hint of makeup but also seemed to have no flaw to it. Her eyebrows were trimmed to keep them from growing wild and her skin on her face was smooth without any hint of hair. Her body was toned and in perfect shape but had a feminine smoothness to it along with all its curves. Rocked abs and toned arms and legs gave her the look of stability and strength.

Even her hands were a strange mixture of femininity and power as he could from how they looked from where he sat. Part of Liam wondered exactly how strong she was, but part of him didn’t want to find out. The woman had trimmed nails on her hands and feet that were also unadorned but manicured. She wore no foot wear choosing instead to walk bare foot just like him. Gazing down at him she was indeed beautiful but it was her smile that made Liam curl up into a ball in a corner of the cage. It was the look of a predator open and hungry, and right now she was looking at him. When he thought about it everything about this woman seemed to match the description of Lioness beautiful but also dangerous. A sudden cry of pain from somewhere down the hall outside the room caused Liam to jump at the sound of it. “Sssh it’s alright come here.” The woman said soothingly opening the cage for him. When he hesitated a smile almost sweet showed on her face as the strange woman said, “You don’t want me to come in there after you do you? Your pilot did that earlier and as you can hear the results were not pleasant.” It was only then that Liam recognized the cry he had heard earlier. Slowly gathering his courage he slowly got up approaching the cage door. “That’s it. Such a good boy. My aren’t you lovely. Much better than the others.” She said as he crawled out. The cage had been too small to stand up in and Liam found it a relief to stand up. “There you go. Doesn’t that feel better? Now turn around for me so I can have a good look at you.” She said looking him over taking a seat in a cushioned chair. Glancing at the open door as he turned around Liam made a sudden break for it. Right when he reached the threshold a hand that seemed to come from nowhere caught him, and threw him back inside. Landing hard on his back pain shot through his body. Before he could rise, the same hand grabbed a handful of his hair lifting him up and he cried out in pain. Turning to see who it was Liam saw a brunette who was a little shorter than the black haired one, but held a strong resemblance to her. Liam guessed that they were sisters by the look of them. The second one was dressed similar to the first one except that her clothes were green not blue. Even her hair and eyes were the same color adding to the uncanny resemblance between the two women.

“Don’t look at me slave!” The brunette said snarling and giving him hard slap to the face. Now he was experiencing first hand the power hidden in those beautiful hands of theirs, and it hurt like hell. Wincing in pain he immediately turned away from her. This did not seem to stop her from wanting to punish him further. “You shouldn’t have run.” The second woman said grasping his throat from behind while twisting his right nipple hard. Pain shot through his body and he tried to get away but the brunette held him in place choking him when he struggled too much. Liam stopped struggling and instead stood there whimpering as she continued to twist, and pull his nipple until it changed color. Judging by her breathing she was quite enjoying this. “That is enough Sen’ya. I believe he has learned his lesson. Now come to me my precious.” The first woman said motioning to him. Looking back fearfully at the second woman Liam was eager to get away from her. Moving hurriedly at first he slowed as he neared the woman sitting before him. Patting her lap she indicated she wanted him to sit down. Doing as he was told he trembled as she stroked his chest softly gasping as she touched his still pained nipple. “Sen’ya is very cruel isn’t she my lovely? But I’m not. I reward good behavior. My name is Sanna’ya but you can call me mistress. We Harreden females alien to your home planet of Earth. Out of curiosity we wanted to meet some of your males, and see what you might have to offer. Out here alone it will be sometime before your people can even confirm you disappearance especially when we are mimicking your progress reports at the schedule times. By the time they figure out you are missing it will be far too late. Now I want you to do something for me.” The dark haired woman said whispering in his ear. Taking a deep breath to calm himself Liam decided submission was the best policy right now. “What is it mistress?” Liam asked.

“There is my lovely boy. Your mistress wants you to taste her and make her cum. Can do that for me?” Sanna’ya said. When Liam thought about it that didn’t sound so bad. Glancing back the smiling Sen’ya he would have done just about anything to keep away from her at that moment. When comparing the two of them Sanna’ya seemed the safer option between them. At least she didn’t seem out to hurt him. Nodding Liam said, “Yes mistress.” “Good. Now get on your knees in front of me.” Sanna’ya said giving him his cheek a kiss before letting him up. Getting up Liam immediately turned to face her, sinking to his knees. Spreading her legs Sanna’ya waited patiently for him to start licking. Deciding to move her light blue loincloth out of the way Sanna’ya revealed her lovely clean shaven pussy. It was a breathtaking sight Liam had to admit and he also had to admit that he might enjoy this. Kneeling before her Liam noticed his cock hardening almost immediately as he smelled her pussy. Curious he moved in giving her lips a testing lick. What he found was a sweet glorious taste that sent his taste buds wild. No longer hesitating Liam immediately moved in licking fervently at the tall woman’s pussy trying desperately to get as much of her sweet cream as he could. Sanna’ya gasped in delight at her eager slave who was quickly bringing her to an orgasm. Even as she came Liam did not stop but kept going; wanting more. Gasping Sanna’ya’s breathing increased as she experienced her first time ever receiving head. In their studies of human culture she had heard about it and wanted to experience it herself. Now she was glad she had as Liam seemed well adept at it. The feeling of his wet tongue on her pussy made her adore her little slave all the more for being able to do this to her. Harreden males love making technique was fairly straight forward, just like most Harreden. The main purpose of sex was breeding not pleasure like this. Pleasure was merely a side effect not the focus. The humans had a different outlook on sex and Sanna’ya found herself envying their females.

“Oh he’s so eager. I have never felt this good. But enough my sweet come here.” Sanna’ya said, “I want to reward you.” Now Liam was reluctant to leave despite the promise of a reward, but still he took a seat on her lap as she commanded. “You are such a darling little man. You should really try one of these humans sister. Of course you’ll have to be nice to them first, that should pose as a problem for you.” Sanna’ya said gently tilting his head back, so she could kiss his lips. “They do seem to enjoy our sexual fluids a lot more than normal. I wonder…” Sen’ya began then stopped looking at the other woman. Looking from one to the other Liam got the sudden feeling that they were communicating based on changes in their facial expressions despite not doing so verbally. It took only a few moments before they were done. “An interesting idea. I shall have to try it.” Sanna’ya said beginning to stroke Liam’s already erect penis with one hand. Taking a hold of his member Sanna’ya started to jack him off starting out slowly, before gradually increasing the speed. Soon her hand was a blur, her pheromones causing Liam to provide much needed lubrication as he started to have mini orgasms. Sanna’ya like her sister was quite adept in her mental abilities and experimentally used them on Liam’s pleasure centers in his brain. In less than a minute Liam was cumming spurting semen all over the place gasping for air. Sweating heavily he leaned his head back his hair and body soaked. It was a first time for Liam as well since it was the first time a woman had jacked him off like that and he found it such a turn on. Sanna’ya’s fingers had done their work expertly not hurting him once during the entire thing. The cool air from the room quickly began lower his body temperature back to normal. While Sanna’ya smeared some of his cum on her hand bringing it to her mouth Liam was only beginning to recover. “Ummm he’s delicious. I have never tasted anything like it. So sweet and tasty.” Sanna’ya said closing her eyes with a smile relishing its creamy and sugary texture and taste on her tongue. “An interesting feature in relations between our species. It seems we share a taste for each other. Perhaps you should run a study on it.” Sen’ya suggested her eyes locking with Liam’s in a way he didn’t like.

Something told him she was trying something but her sister was too preoccupied to notice. “I suppose I could. Hand me a test tube for the collection.” Sanna’ya said trying to hide her excitement at the thought of this discovery. A proud scientist she lived for things like this. Secretly she was also curious if breeding worked both ways not just Harreden male to human female. Technically there was no law or custom among her people that said they couldn’t do such a thing, but it still wasn’t looked highly on. According to her culture Liam was considered an inferior species. While having sex with them to improve their species genetics was encouraged as Diun’ja was doing right now on their world walking among them, breeding with them in the way she was thinking was not. One didn’t invite an inferior sentient to share in all their advantages, not until they had proven themselves worthy. Unfortunately for everyone else concerned Sanna’ya was becoming quite attached to this male. While he was physically lovely she sensed a certain potential in him. It was not surprising in her mind bearing on the fact that their two peoples looked so much a like. Humans were not unlike her own ancestors in the beginning, before they had begun their genetic advancement. While smaller and weaker physically they were the closest species in relation the Harreden had ever encountered to themselves. Sanna’ya’s thoughts were interrupted from further scrutiny on the subject when her sister entered. Making sure her mental shields were firmly in place she smiled at her, and reached for the container. Sen’ya handed it to her with her own mind equally blank to her sister. It was not an unusual occurrence for Harreden to be very private blocking all others out. Open minds revealed weakness and strength was the only admired among their general society. Making Liam cum one last time Sanna’ya had him stand up while she left to begin her experiments. Getting up Liam was left facing Sen’ya has her older sister was leaving. “Do not abuse him sister or you will feel my wrath! Take him to my room I will return there in a few hours.” Was all Sanna’ya said as she left the room. “Oh I wouldn’t think of it.” Sen’ya said looking at Liam the whole time a feral smile appearing on her face.

Closing the door behind her Sen’ya said, “Well it seems we are alone, and to put it bluntly I too am curious about you. I have studied your human culture and found many interesting things.” Her eyes looked away towards the wall behind him. Turning around Liam noticed a table covered with a black cloth sitting against it. Looking back at Sen’ya he wondered what was under there. “Oh you’ll find out soon enough slave. Now place your hands on this wall and spread your legs.” Sen’ya said pointing to the wall to her right not far from the door. Doing as he was told Liam heard her say, “Stay there and don’t turn around or you’ll regret it.” Making sure to do just that Liam waited for whatever she planned to do the tension building. When he felt something press against his asshole he involuntarily jumped which earned him a hard smack to this ass. Sucking in a breath he heard Sen’ya say, “I said don’t move bitch! Now hold still.” Taking a deep breath Liam tried to steady his nerves before Sen’ya started to force the object she was holding in. Slipping it in inch by inch Liam moaned as new nerve endings seemed to come alive making the entire experience highly pleasurable. When Sen’ya had the dildo all way in she switched it on, causing Liam to grit his teeth to keep from moaning. “I know you like this bitch now tell me how much of a whore you are, and how you love this.” Sen’ya said whispering into his ear. It took all of Liam’s self control not to say it. Secretly he knew she was right but he wasn’t about to admit how turned on he was. He refused to give her that final satisfaction no matter what the cost. When he didn’t say anything Sen’ya started to withdraw the dildo slowly saying, “Well I guess if you don’t want it I can always stop.” Without realizing what he was saying Liam cried, “No!” Pausing the dildo almost out of his ass Sen’ya said, “What is it slave? Do you have something to say to me?” Closing his eyes Liam fought with himself, part of him not wanting to submit. The pleasure she promised was far more than he had ever felt in his life, and already he could feel his will weakening.

“Well?” Sen’ya asked patiently. “I am a whore and I love it.” Liam said choosing to give in. “And whose whore are you?” Sen’ya asked. “Yours mistress.” Liam said. Kissing the back of his neck Sen’ya said, “Such a good little slut. Here’s your reward.” Slipping the toy back in all the way Sen’ya began fucking his ass slowly and deeply building a rhythm. As she worked his tight hole Sen’ya would look at the look of pure ecstasy on his face, and how he closed his eyes moaning like a whore. As these feelings grew more intense Liam felt his legs turn to jelly and he began to slip slowly to the floor, his legs weakening. The fucking did not stop even as ended up on his knees the constant slow in, and out motion of Sen’ya’s thrusts into his ass continuing to bring him pleasure. Sen’ya began kissing his back leaning her body weight behind each thrust causing the toy to travel further in than ever before. This caused Liam to cry out, “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” As new nerve endings were exposed to the toy fucking him as it traveled deeper and deeper. Just as he felt himself building to an orgasm Sen’ya stopped withdrawing the toy. Tears came to Liam’s eyes at the loss of fulfillment. Whimpering he was not sure what he had done to deserve this. All he wanted was the final release that was being denied to him, and felt so open and vulnerable. “Please mistress.” Liam begged. “Silence slut! Now get on your feet and turn and face me.” Sen’ya barked. Rising as he had been told Liam turned around letting the tears fall his body and mind broken. Taking him by surprise Sen’ya grabbed him by the waste hoisting him clear off the ground before he knew what was happening. Opening her mouth she engulfed his hard cock in one movement taking him into her mouth and down her throat. Liam quickly wrapped his legs and arms around her head afraid of falling looking back down at the ground.

As Sen’ya began licking and sucking him Liam’s eyes grew wide at the incredible sensation. As Sen’ya’s mouth began to suck and lick him harder Liam found his orgasm was fast approaching, her tongue and the suction she was giving him working their magic. The closer he got the weaker he became as all of his strength was going directly to his building orgasm, and soon he let go his arms and legs growing slack as the first climax took him. Only Sen’ya was keeping him from falling at that point as he began spurting in her mouth. With each massive spurt Liam’s body contorted and relaxed powering it down Sen’ya waiting throat and his prostrate pushed to its limits. Held there completely helpless and dominated Liam’s mouth hung open in a voiceless series of cries as he continued to come again and again. When Sen’ya gulped the last bit of his creamy fluid down into her belly she set him gently down on the ground. As his feet touched the floor she saw that his legs could not support his weight at first and his eyes were in a daze. His body was burning up from being overworked and the strange collar he was wearing seemed to take on the coldness of the surrounding air using it to bring his body temperature back to normal levels. A light slap to his face brought him back to his senses as he looked drowsily at her his face and body now totally drenched in sweat. Even his hair was completely soaked as she looked him over. Holding him up until he started to recover, she soon released him watching him stumble as he tried to stay on his feet. Lifting his chin with one hand Sen’ya looked directly into his eyes saying, “This will be our little secret won’t it my little slut?” Liam was only able to nod, his mouth now incapable of forming coherent words. Satisfied with his answer she patted him on the butt, before jerking on the chain to lift him onto the balls of his feet. “That’s my nice little whore. Now kiss me.” Sen’ya said holding the chain tightly so he could go back down. Bending her head down she stopped inches above his uplifted face. Understanding what she wanted Liam stood on his tippy toes, and kissed her lips tasting the saltiness of his cum on them before she let him back down.

Sen’ya led him out of the room by his chain, taking him down the simple and cold metallic hall to a door that looked just like the others. There was a roof high above their heads and the hallway itself seemed to go on forever, without end. It was obvious wherever he was it was much larger than a small building. As they continued down the hall a sudden lurching jolt caused him to almost topple over, while Sen’ya sensing the oncoming jolt merely braced herself on her powerful legs not even budging. “Hmmm, it seems we are taking off to leave your solar system. No one will save you now.” Sen’ya said. Opening the door to Sanna’ya’s room up Sen’ya led him inside where he saw books and other objects in bookcases against the wall. A large bed dominated the middle of the room and Sen’ya pushed him towards it. “Sleep now. My sister shall be along in an hour or two.” Sen’ya said closing the door and locking it behind her. Thankful for a chance to rest after the whole tiring ordeal he had been through Liam slipped under the covers and fell asleep.

Part 2

Liam remembered everything that had happened the night before including Sanna’ya coming into her room as he slept. He opened his tired and sluggish as he felt her slip under the covers next to him. Lying against him she noticed how soft he was compared to the males of her own species. She loved his pale skin blonde hair, even his pretty little hands. Slipping her fingers between his she kissed them rubbing his face causing him to stir a little. Gentling pulling him towards her Sanna’ya moved the smaller human male on top of her. Liam enjoying the softness of her bosom soon nuzzled his head between her ample breasts falling asleep again. Seeing his eyes close Sanna’ya smiled stroking his hair and kissing the top of his head tenderly before falling asleep herself. The next day Sanna’ya got up and found a loincloth for him to wear giving it to him. “I have a lot of work to do my sweet. Sen’ya will take care of you while I’m gone. Now give us a kiss.” Sanna’ya said as he got out of bed refreshed and aware. Obediently he walked over to his gentle mistress and let her kiss him on the lips. Sanna’ya sighed contently loving the beautiful male standing before her. From him she sensed a great degree of openness except in one area of his mind. Shrugging it off she thought it might just be part of human behavior to block off parts of his mind and not the whole. Stroking his hair one last time Sanna’ya said, “There is a shower right over behind that compartment. Just press the red button and it should open. Enjoy yourself my lovely Liam I will miss seeing you.” It was quite a shock given the circumstances to be called by his actual name. Liam’s reaction to it was an unexpected surprise to Sanna’ya as he immediately embraced her.

Giggling at his show of gratitude Sanna’ya returned his embrace happy to see him overjoyed at the simple gesture. Gently extracting herself as he seemed unwilling to let go, and just stay like that Sanna’ya left him in the room heading to her lab. Liam did his best to hide his worry at the thought of Sen’ya returning. Touching the red button he saw a hidden door slide open in the metallic wall revealing a bathroom with a shower against the wall. It was low to the ground not totally unlike a communal shower except it had only one faucet. The bathroom was filled with all the usual amenities as if Sanna’ya had designed it to bring him a piece of home or perhaps enjoy it herself. The floor itself was tiled and the sink was made of white marvel with a stainless steel faucet and knobs. The walls were a light blue color matching the color of clothing she chose to wear, and a fluorescent light illuminated the room from overhead. Where she had gotten all these things Liam didn’t know, but it must have taken some effort. Taking it all in he realized that she might have visited Earth itself before deciding to capture her very own human male, probably for the reasons she had mentioned. The shower was surrounded by glass, and Liam stepped up to it opening the door by its handle stepping inside. In front of him he saw a series of buttons and he had the feeling he should press the one to the far left. When the button was pressed warm water shot out of the faucet spraying all over his body. Washing himself with containers carrying fluid that looked like soap, he cleaned himself from head to toe. In the end he still had his head under a steady stream of water when Sen’ya entered. He seemed to sense her presence more than anything else turning to look at her. “Hello my little whore. Did you sleep well?” Sen’ya said. Nodding Liam kept his apprehension around her under wraps. “Yes mistress.” Liam answered. “Good I brought you your breakfast. On your knees.” Sen’ya said producing a container of clear fluid. Doing as he was told he was curious what was in the container. “Smell it first.” Sen’ya said bringing the glass container under his nose for him to sniff.

Taking a whiff Liam inhaled the strong scent of Harreden cum. Already the female hormones inside the fluid began to do their work on his body acting as a powerful aphrodisiac. Handing the container to him Sen’ya said, “I made it specially myself just for you. Now drink up, and don’t want to see you waste a drop.” Looking at the medium sized container full of fluid it seemed a daunting task. There was far too much in there for him to swallow particularly in one sitting. Growing impatient Sen’ya took the container from him saying, “Lean back and open your mouth bitch!” The last bit came out in a growl. Not wanting to displease her further Liam leaned his head back, and opened his mouth looking at the ceiling. Tilting the container Sen’ya poured too much into his mouth and first causing him to choke and sputter spilling some of the liquid. A hard slap to his face caused him to cry out. “Again!” Sen’ya moving his head forcibly back into position. Opening his mouth open as far as it would go, Liam tried desperately not to spill anymore barely managing it. Before she finished pouring the last bit into his mouth Sen’ya told him, “Don’t swallow until I tell you to.” Closing his mouth immediately upon receiving the last drop he stayed as he was. “Now taste it. Let it roll all over your tongue, and look at me.” Sen’ya said looking down on him. Meeting her eyes Liam stayed on his knees. “It’s good isn’t it?” Sen’ya asked. Liam nodded acknowledging that indeed it did. “Good now swallow it, and afterwards you can lick up all the cum you spit back up. You disgusting whore.” Sen’ya said. Taking a series of gulps Liam forced Sen’ya’s cum down his throat until there was none left in his mouth. Sen’ya made him open wide just to make sure.

“Now start cleaning.” Sen’ya commanded with a snap of her fingers. Crawling Liam licked every drop off the floor not missing a single one. “Good now wash yourself off slut. You’re dirty.” Sen’ya said. When he was done she took him to what looked a park inside the structure they were in. Above them was an artificial light made to emulate the sun. Sen’ya had him run leading him by the chain around his neck until he grew too tired to run. Finishing his exercises Liam was then led back to Sanna’ya’s room where Sen’ya left him alone. Sanna’ya arrived soon afterwards pausing as she saw his face. “What happened?” Sanna’ya asked concerned as bruise was beginning to form. “I slipped in the shower. Forgive my clumsiness mistress.” Liam said unable to meet her eyes. Sensing he was lying Sanna’ya gently probed his mind and was surprised to notice him stiffen immediately. The answer to this and his secrecy soon became apparent. Seeing images of her sister taking advantage of Liam was enough to invoke her anger. Taking a deep breath she set it aside for a moment sensing for his unusual reaction to her probing. What she found was very interesting. Apparently Liam was a rarity even among his species. Inside his mind were all the dormant abilities of a powerful psychic and mentalist. As she searched deeper she found that the spark had been lit when she and Sen’ya had begun to use their mental powers on him. In doing so they had actually managed to awaken that part of his brain and now it was becoming more and more aware. He no doubt was already experiencing some its effects in the form of hunches or feelings. Nothing constructive as yet like her own but he was growing stronger. It was a fascinating new development that excited Sanna’ya, but first thing was first. “Liam I am not going to hurt you but I need to tell me the truth. Did my sister give you that mark on your face?” Sanna’ya asked calmly. Bowing his head in shame Liam said, “I’m sorry mistress. I was weak.”

“You needn’t be. It is obvious my sister used her influence on you and betrayed my trust. If you were any other male this could be overlooked but you are special and I sense great potential in you. In time you could grow to be my equal mentally if not physically. Would you like me to teach how to control her? I believe you definitely enjoy the experience.” Sanna’ya said an impish smile appearing on her face. Sanna’ya kept him close for some time after that saying that he would be a useful subject in her experiments. This gave Sen’ya no opportunity to find Liam alone. When finally Sanna’ya said she was done with her tests and left Liam in her room one afternoon Sen’ya immediately came to him. Opening the door she stepped inside wearing the same green clothes she always wore freshly cleaned like all the others. What she expected and what she got were two different things as she heard the door slam shut and lock behind her. Startled she turned back to the door only to find herself turning back towards Liam against her will. With barely a gesture Liam pushed her mentally a back against the door. As Liam slowly approached Sen’ya’s pussy involuntarily became wet as her body became more and more turned on. Not all of this was do to Liam but also to the Harreden female’s deep seated desire to be dominated. Finding her hands suddenly pinned above her head flat against the door Sen’ya could do nothing as Liam slowly inserted his fingers into her pussy stroking her g-spot. “Whose the slut now whore? You like this don’t you? Say it you big slut!” Liam said. “Yes I do. I love it!” Sen’ya said her pussy gushing out a fountain of cum spraying the both of them and filling the room with her heavy aroma. Standing on his tippy toes made it look like he was going to kiss her saying, “Good then you are going to love this you tall fucking slut!” As she was about to kiss him his mind hidden from her, Liam suddenly crouched down and started pushing his entire hand inside her pussy. Thanks to a little pressure on his part and Sen’ya’s well lubed pussy, her body quickly opened up allowing him inside in the space of a few moments. Deep inside Liam began fucking her using his entire fist hitting against her cervix pushing as far as he could go.

Sen’ya was wracked by orgasms a steady puddle forming between her legs as she gushed like a fountain her mind and body stimulated. “Oooooh!” Sen’ya moaned helpless against the relentless fist fucking Liam was giving her. Pulling out Liam released his hold on her letting her fall flat to the floor face down. Sen’ya didn’t have time to catch her breath as Liam entered her ass in one quick thrust, burying himself up to the hilt. Thrusting into her like an animal he savagely took her ass. Sen’ya moaned in ecstasy loving every second of his brutal thrusts. “How do like getting your ass fucked bitch? Get used to it. Because from now on while I might consent to being your sister’s submissive, you are my slut now. When I call you are going to do whatever the fuck I say and beg me to fuck you. But do you know what whore? I gonna give your sister all the children she can handle because that what we both want. But you’re not going to get jack shit not for awhile. For right now your ass and your fucking mouth are the only holes that are going to get any action, not that worthless pussy of yours. If you want me to get you pregnant you’re going to have to earn it, and it starts today. Now scream you fucking whore! Say my name and let me hear you beg!” Liam said into her ear. Sen’ya began to panic at the thought not having this dominant human’s seed working inside her. Every instinct inside Sen’ya driven by her genes’ need to procreate seemed to come alive all at once as Liam told her what he was going to do to her. “No! Please let me have.” Sen’ya cried out. “Too late I feel myself getting close. I think I’ll cum in your ass this time.” Liam said teasing her. “Please I’ll do anything you ask, say anything you want!” Sen’ya said desperate. Pausing for effect Liam said, “Whose slut are you? Who do you belong to?” Part of her knew he might be just toying with her, to break as she had broken him but there was still a chance that he would have mercy on her. “Yours. All yours master.” Sen’ya said submitting to him fully.

“Alright turn over slut.” Liam told her pulling out of her ass and giving her cheeks a hard smack. Opening her mind to him showing her gratitude, she turned over onto her back letting him do whatever he wanted to her. Slipping into her he began to build up a rhythm finding her pussy had already tightened back up. Wrapping her arms and legs around him she moved in time with his thrusts saying, “Thank you master. Please cum in my pussy.” With one final thrust Liam held himself fully inside her as he came with her quickly following. Kissing him tenderly and holding him close to her Sen’ya thanked him again for his gift. It was then that the door to the bathroom opened and Sanna’ya revealed herself. “Well hello little sister. It seems our young male has two mates instead of just one. If nothing else he will be the envy of many of the males among our people.” Sanna’ya said chuckling at the scene before her. “Yes, it seems he is far stronger than I originally anticipated. The added bonus is he is indeed beautiful.” Sen’ya said kissing his lips again. “That he is. Shall we all get some sleep now? Pregnant women do need their rest.” Sanna’ya said. As they all rose slipping underneath the covers together Liam’s mind went back to Sanna’ya’s description on Harreden fertility. “Males and females are equally fertile among our species. One sperm is all that is needed to get pregnant of course all males in either of our two peoples provide much more than is truly needed. For us pregnancy is certain so one needn’t worry about it.” Sanna’ya said when Liam asked about it. Now as the two women cuddled on either side of him Liam found that the Harreden approach to pregnancy was very infectious, already he found the idea of being a father one of the proudest moments of his life.

The End

By Cylis Derrens


Chapter 1 David moved through the high school girls' locker room. He was eighteen and in his final year of high school. It was late in the afternoon during cheerleader practice. Melissa was taking a shower and David couldn't resist the opportunity. Seeing her take a shower David stripped out of his clothes leaving them on a nearby bench. Entering the shower area he turned on the one next to her when Melissa's back was turned. She was washing the shampoo out of her hair. Putting his body under the warm water he drenched himself in it. He heard a gasp of surprise to his left from Melissa as she finally noticed him. "Is there something wrong?" David said turning to her the water running down his body. "What are you doing here?" Melissa said looking to see if anyone else was around. "I came to see you of course. I thought since you and your boyfriend broke up you could be feeling a little lonely. I thought I could offer a little relief from that." David said looking into her eyes as he approached her. "We shouldn't do this. You should go before someone sees us." Melissa said looking around again nervous. "So you do like me. I thought so. Why worry? The cheerleaders won't be done for another half hour. Come here." David said pulling her toward him. Their wet bodies came together and she could feel his cock brush against her thigh. Looking down she saw it and her breathing became heavy. "It's okay you can touch it." David said. Biting her lip she reached down and stroked it. "It's so big. It can possibly fit in me." Melissa said looking at the size of it. It grew hard in her hand. She had never seen one so big. "It'll fit, don't worry. You'll like it I promise." David promised before he kissed her. Melissa moaned in pleasure on how good it felt as his tongue moved in her mouth. She found herself cumming right then as the sensations he was producing got her all hot and bothered.

She came hard Melissa's body stiffening, her juices squirting down her leg and mixing with the running water. Melissa couldn't believe his kiss had actually had that effect. "Did you like that?" David asked withdrawing his mouth. "Yes." Melissa said feeling so hot and horny for him. She wanted more. "Do you want me inside you baby? Tell me." David whispered in her ear. "Yes David give it to me." Melissa said laying down on the shower room floor. She looked up at him her eyes beckoning for her to take him. Smiling David slowly slipped between her legs guiding his cock in. Melissa's pussy spread itself for him. Her pussy was now wet enough that he was able to do so without discomfort. David sighed at the feeling of her pussy hugging his large member. Moving in and out he thrust in her. Melissa found herself moaning loudly as he built up a slow rhythm. The water that covered their bodies made them slippery as he moved against her. As she came again Coach Withers entered the locker room heading towards her office. She had forgotten something after water polo class yesterday. Walking past the showers she stopped as she saw them. Shocked at first her eyes took in the scene of the two students fucking on the shower room floor. David she knew from him hanging around the water polo girls but the girl was a stranger. Watching David thrust into the pretty willing girl made Aaron Whethers hot. Before she knew it she had unzipped her jeans and hand slipped one of her hands inside. Playing with her pussy she rubbed it with her fingers as she watched the two of them. Cumming she gave a stifled gasp which caused David to look up. Melissa was too busy enjoying the cock still pumping inside her to notice. His eyes met hers and he smiled. Embarrassed at being caught playing with herself in this situation. She quickly zipped up and hurried out of the locker room leaving the two alone. She sat in her car for ten minutes when Aaron heard someone tap her driver's side window. Turning her head she saw it was David. She rolled down the window nervous at what he would say. Her career could be ruined by this young man if he decided to tell anyone. "Did you like what you saw?" David asked with an amused look. "Yes." Aaron admitted not seeing the point in lying to him. "Good." David said flashing sexy smile. Even now Aaron could remember what his naked body looked and blushed. He was a very handsome and confident young man. She had seen more than one girl fall head over heels for him. "What are you going to do?" Aaron asked not daring to guess his intentions. "For now nothing, but I will see you after graduation. You will call me at this number that following night. Meet me here after you call." David said handing her a slip of paper with his cell phone number on it. "I will be looking forward to your call. May sure you dress up in something nice. See you later Aaron." David said calling her by her first name.

Chapter 2 David watched her drive off smiling to himself. He had always had an effect on women for as far back as he could remember. Women far older than he had thought him cute, while girls his own age had been attracted to him. He could remember many times when girls would offer him flowers for kisses when he was very young. When he was eleven he had easily seduced his fifteen year old baby sitter. David had sex with her right on the living room couch. His mother had never suspected a thing as the two of them had been very careful. His mother eventually decided David didn't need a babysitter anymore and stopped calling Lisa. Despite this David stayed in contact and was invited to a lot of parties with older kids, where he was able to easily blend in with them. Thanks to his Harreden inspired accelerated growth David had actually hit adulthood at thirteen. David had actually been going to college parties for four years now and almost no one realized that he was actually underage. When Lisa invited to a party after seeing him walk school as she happened to drive by, he jumped at the chance. They drove back to his house to pick up a few things. Not long after heading inside David met her out front at the curb where her car waited wearing a black backpack. While driving to Emily's house Lisa asked what was in it. "You'll find out later." David said. There was music pumping inside and they were passing around the beer. Spotting Emily Lisa introduced him to her. Calmly taking the cup of beer Emily was holding he set it down on a nearby counter. "I have something you'll like much better." David said taking both girls' hands. Leading them down the hall he found an empty room and closed the door behind them. The girls sat on the bed as he slipped off his pants revealing his rock hard cock. Emily gasped at the sight of it looking at Lisa with envy. Pointing at Emily on the bed David motioned her forward indicating a spot right in front of him he said, "On your knees." Following his instruction Emily was given a close up view of his swollen member as it stood at attention before her. Reaching out she stroked it marveling at how it looked. "Good baby now put it in your mouth." David said. Emily looked up at him and then back at his member concerned. She had no idea how she planned to fit enough of it in her mouth. Seeing the look that crossed Emily's face David decided to make it easier. "Just open your mouth baby and move you tongue and I'll do the work." David said. Opening her mouth she watched David slowly proceed enter her mouth. Bracing his arms against a nearby wall he slowly began to fuck her mouth. As he moved inside her mouth

she began to taste him. Licking the head as it ran over her tongue she heard him moan. Twirling her tongue around it she coaxed more out him finding his cum to be sweet and delicious. Taking the mouth fucking he was giving her she began to move her head along his length loving it. Moaning as well now she sucked his cock for all it was worth stroking it with her hands now too. When David's back arched signaling his orgasm, Emily clapped her lips around the head of his cock allowing none of his cum to escape. He came in huge spurts and Emily gulped them down enjoying it like it was a sweet creamy dessert. She wanted more but David lifted her up. "You have to earn more Emily baby. You're gonna give me whatever I want or no more for you. Do you understand?" David said looking into her eyes. Emily nodded in agreement to his terms. Looking down at his well lubed cock moistened by saliva and the last traces of cum David said, "Now that I'm all lubed up it's time to claim yet another hole. On your hands a knees girl!" Emily hesitated and David smacked her ass hard. Yelping she jumped as his hand made contact. While it hurt it was also a major turn on. "I said on your knees!" David said raising his voice. Emily immediately got on her hands and knees in anticipation. She loved this strange turn of events. Bending down he whispered in her ear, "You like that don't you? You like me smacking your little ass. Admit it." Giving her ass another hard smack he heard her moan. Switching from cheek to cheek he smacked each cheek several times. "Say it!" David said. "Love it! Please spank me while you fuck my ass!" Emily said desperately. Lisa played with herself all wet and hot as she watched David enter her friend's ass slowly. Emily gasped and moaned as he started to fuck her. As he spanked her she got more and more into it thrust her ass back into him. Lisa couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was the first time Emily had ever experienced anal and, she was acting like it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Unable to stand it anymore Lisa got down her hands and knees so he would do the same. Chuckling David backed out of Emily's ass moving behind Lisa. Emily wasn't happy about being denied the orgasm she had been so close to. Smiling mischievously as she watched him fuck her friend's ass nice and deep she crawled behind David. A flick of her tongue was his only warning as she began to lick his balls as they swayed back and forth. Under all this attention David came suddenly in Lisa's ass. "You're going to learn to wait your turn my little plaything." David said driving her to the bed with a few well placed smacks to her ass. "Stay there, and don't turn around." David commanded. Doing as she was told Emily heard him unzip his backpack but she stayed still like she was told. David snapped a pair of handcuffs on her cuffing her to the bed post as she lay on the bed. She felt something enter her pussy slowly making its way deeper and deeper. Once it was all the way in she felt it suddenly turn on vibrating inside her pussy. Emily's pussy was so sensitive that she came immediately. Laying there bound she was helpless as she continued to climax listening to the steady buzz of the vibrator and Lisa's

lustful cries. Finally after what seemed like an eternity of this pleasant torture she felt someone get on the bed near her. David's still hard cock pressed against her asshole before he pressed it in her hole giving little resistance. The vibrator still lodged inside her added to the sensation. Emily was in heaven as David's cock plunged in and out of her ass. With one final cry she came one last time exhausted and sated.

Chapter 3 David's life was filled with many random sexual encounters, and there was a reason behind this. His sexual drive was far ahead of any human and had actually grown quickly into a full-blown addiction. Even when he tried to control it he could only last so long before it plagued his mind. Eventually focusing on anything else, school included became a lost cause. In reality though he could make any woman lust after him, but he could not control his own. It would take a rare woman to love such a man: a woman that David doubted would ever come. He tried many times to make his relationships with women work, but his addiction always ended up ruining things. Either David slept with someone the girl knew or a rumor got back to them exposing his little adventure. Afterwards it was always the same: The girl would end up breaking up with him, and he would be to blame. It was these things that were on his mind as he waited in the parking lot after graduation. Aaron would be along shortly and David put aside any thought that would interfere with his enjoyment. Relationship problems could wait until tomorrow. Today there was only sexy little female coach who was now fair game since he had graduated. David was many things but he was not totally amoral. Now he wouldn't have to worry about her getting fired as long as they were careful. At worst it would just look a little embarrassing not illegal since he was no longer a student, and had never been in any of her classes. As she arrived in her car and pulled up next to him on the curb David smiled. Opening the passenger door he got into the car and they drove off. Heading towards a motel room that David had already paid for his hand crept up her dress rubbing her panties. Moving the armrest he scooted toward her leaning down. "What are you... oooh my!" Aaron said suddenly having trouble focusing on the road. She swerved a couple of times before she managed to keep the car straight. David just before he sensed she was about to cum. As they continued on he rubbed her every once in awhile to keep her nice and hot. Aaron was so wet and eager that she was tempted to pull off the road a few times, and risk being seen having sex on the side of the road. Wetting his fingers he slipped the inside stroking her pussy. Aaron had finally had enough. Gritting her teeth to focus her attention on the road she found a good place to turn off. Parking she leaned back into the driver's seat waiting for him to finish. Curling

his two fingers inside David rubbed her slowly until she was about to cum. At the last second he slipped his fingers out of the way and licked with his tongue waiting. Aaron came in a flood gushing all over his face and the car seat. David loved licking up ever trace of her cum he could find finally wiping his own face clean. As he started to kiss her allowing to taste herself, that is when the flashlight shown on them from outside her window. A male cop was staring at them and motioning for Aaron to roll down her window. David Innez the son of Patrice Innez a sergeant on the force knew his mother was not going to like this. She had never known about his sexual history and now was not the best time.

Chapter 4 David awoke from a strange dream he could not remember to a stormy night. Lightning flashed in the night sky lighting up his room. Next to his window stood a dark lady that David immediately recognized from the past memories of his ancestors buried in his Harreden DNA: Te'henna the Harreden version of the devil. She was the enemy of Pree'mus the Creator and was everything he was not; his opposite. The Harreden worshipped her for the power she bestowed upon them. It however was power with a price this David knew. The Queen wore the bra-like support top that all Harreden females wore in her image, along with a short skirt slit at both sides to allow freedom of movement. The fabric was similar to white linen from earth and barely hid what was underneath. "What do you want of me Dark Lady?" David asked not bothering to hide how anxious he was in her presence. Te'henna would see it none the less. Her eyes could look into any soul, and see their greatest dreams and worst nightmares bringing either to life. David tried not to shiver in fear under her gaze. Te'henna had many names or titles that the Harreden called her by: Dark Lady, My Queen, Your Magnificence, Your Worship, etc. Te'henna noticed that David had called her the least of these titles. "Do I detect a worshipper of Pree'mus?" Te'henna said approaching him a dangerous glint her eye. It took every bit of David's willpower not to back away into the wall behind him and just stay still. "No my Queen." David said quickly hoping she didn't sense the truth. Like his father before him David was a worshipper of Pree'mus. It was the reason for feeling so bad for what he had done in the past to women. Pree'mus demanded morality from his worshippers while Te'henna did not. If anything you could say she discouraged it.

"Good, my precious little beauty. You are a fine specimen of the male sex. I must admit I have been looking for a consort to serve me and be my companion. Your passion for pleasure and gluttony I find fascinating as well as alluring. No woman can resist you if you desire her. You are powerful and magnetic in this arena. I imagine you would prove quite worthy of that honor." Te'henna said flashing a cold smile. Any other Harreden; half human or not would have loved to receive her attentions. David on the other hand knew clearly who she was, and was terrified at the thought of such a thing occurring. "While I can't express my gratitude for you presenting me with this honor, I must admit I feel unworthy of it." David said trying to present his most charming smile. Te'henna's hand shot out catching him by the throat. David suddenly found himself being lifted off the ground as if he weighed nothing. Tightening her grip Te'henna drew him close looking into his eyes. "You are turning me down?" Te'henna asked. Fighting for air David said, "Of... course... not. There... must... be... others. That's... all." Releasing him so he fell on the bed Te'henna replied, "Unfortunately there isn't. You my dear boy have potential, a potential I intend to show you. In time you will seek me out or face the consequences. You think things are bad now. The truth is I will make things far worse if you continue to reject me." "And what are you offering if I should decide to join you?" David said calmly after catching his breath. "Your greatest desires and more. Be my consort and I will make you a god. The realm of Earth will be yours and every female in it. Even the powers you have now will increase, and you will be granted new ones in addition to them. You shall be immortal." Te'henna answered stroking his cheek tenderly looking into his deep brown eyes. "And my addiction?" David asked. Smiling now that she sensed she had him Te'henna said, "You will finally gain control of that as well. Join me and all will be yours." Kneeling on before David said, "Then I bow to your will my lady." Pleased Te'henna laid a hand on his head bestowing upon him the fullness of godhood. Light and mist swirling about him David felt new power course through him. As it dissipated he took a deep breath relishing the feeling and new consciousness. "Rise my consort. You have now ascended to a new plane of existence." Te'henna said. Rising David felt hundreds of voices whisper in his mind. Power moved through his fingers Taking Te'henna into his arms David kissed her passionately, and Te'henna loved his boldness having never been taken by a man. Both heard the door open and saw Patrice stare at them. Patrice had dark hair and a fit figure with lovely curves. She was wearing her police uniform after finishing her shift, and arriving home in the thunderstorm she went to check on her son in his room. Despite her disappointment in his behavior she still loved him. She expected to find him sleeping and just wanted to look in on him. Standing there Patrice saw a flood of images followed by a voice entering her mind. It was the voice of David saying, 'This is where my father lives. Do not speak. Go to him and wait for me. He is very different from the man you remember I assure you. He will have the answers to all your questions.' Out loud David said with a smug smile, "Farewell mother." Te'henna wore the same aura of smugness before they disappeared as a lightning flash lit up the room.

Chapter 5 David transported them to a separate place far from his home. He brought them to a strange mansion appearing directly in the bedroom. Te'henna was surprised when she couldn't move all of the sudden. Trying harder and harder she tried to budge herself to no avail. "What is happening to me?" Te'henna asked suddenly nervous. "You are now underneath my power here. I created this place. It occurred to me that my new abilities included the dream world." David said. "What are you talking about? I don't dream." Te'henna said trying to move her arms that seemed like they were glued to her sides. "Oh, I believe you will find many things change here." David replied with a simple wave of his hand Te'henna's arms lifted straight up above her head. Approaching her David smiled saying, "Thank you that does make things much easier." Slipping off her top he revealed her firm breasts. Letting the piece of clothing fall before her eyes he looked into them breathing deeply. Lightly brushing her nipples with the palms of his hands he reveled at the softness of her skin. "You are so perfect. Lay back on the bed so I can taste you." David whispered in her ear. Te'henna's body moved her to the large featherbed that appeared behind her obeying his command, its covers a light blue. Her legs were draped over the edge like he wanted. Kissing her belly David slowly removed her body revealing her wet pussy. "Well, it seems you are getting quite excited. Let see if I can get you any wetter." David said giving her a testing lick to her clit. Te'henna shivered in ecstasy. "Mmmm. You taste so sweet." David said looking up at her from between her now spread legs. "Oooh." Te'henna moaned. Withdrawing his tongue he felt Te'henna whimper as she had been so close to an orgasm. Able to lift her head she looked at him her eyes earnest. "Please don't stop." Te'henna begged him. "Before you said that any female in the realm of Earth was mine. Though you already agreed to that making you mine, I want you to say it knowing what I want." David said. Te'henna now a wreck of hormones sweated with the mental effort of resisting him. What he offered was so seductive and felt so good. She began to imagine if the other women who had been in this position had felt. Had he simply worn them down, or had they just wanted him so much that they would have sacrificed anything? "You are the first to show such willpower. Such a show of character deserves a reward." David said picking her up before he himself settled on the bed with her on top. Guiding his cock into her warm and welcoming pussy he buried himself up to the hilt. Te'henna gasped closing her eyes as she felt him enter her. "I won't give in... ohh... your... wasting... your time." Moaning as she spoke. "It is only just beginning my queen." His voice said from behind her. Snapping her eyes open Te'henna felt and saw David beneath her but someone else breathing on her neck. She started to look back with she felt a second cock press against her asshole forcing its way in. Precum from the new intruder help lubricate the passage but every inch was felt by her.

"Ohhhhh!" Te'henna said her eyes wide and her mouth open. "Look back my queen and see who it is." David said from beneath her. Turning her head she saw a second David move his head so she could see him clearly. Looking into her eyes he thrust the last few inches of himself into her tight passage. Te'henna moaned so much more unable to move anything but her head. "You are trapped my queen and I'm going to fuck you until you admit defeat." David said pausing for a moment. When he didn't see any sign of this David said, "Very well we are both going to enjoy this." The second David withdrew until he was almost out and thrust back in causing Te'henna to gasp, as more of his precum made it easier to move in and out with less resistance. The two Davids set a pattern of alternating thrusts never allowing her a moments rest as came hard again and again. Sweat covered her body as she continued to feel them fucking her ass, and pussy working her two holes. Thrashing her head to side she sucked in breaths under the marathon of fucking she was under. No mortal woman could have withstood this much and would have passed out an hour ago but she had endured far more. Her body was the peak of female prowess: tight and athletic she was as fit as any woman could ever be. David knew this waiting until he was slick enough to fuck her with true abandon. Te'henna's mind grew foggy and her eyes glassy as pleasure coursed through her body without end. Now fully lubricated the two cocks worked up a pace until they hammered inside her causing her body to shake. Each cock strained to bury itself deeper than before as both holes were completely full and she felt so stretched. Their sweat only added to the already slippery situations as all of them could hear the slap of skin against skin. Her pussy came explosively shooting gouts of her juices wetting all three of them as it splashed all over their bodies. Her body spasmed more and more frequently until orgasms seemed to go on without stopping. Te'henna couldn't take this sweet torture any longer. The two hard bodies moving against her softer one was too much. The one behind her kissed her neck whispering how good her tight ass felt, while the first David sucked and licked her tits. "I give in. I am yours all yours. Please stop this I can't take anymore!" Te'henna cried out before her mind lost all cohesion and she was unable to form words anymore. She grunted like an animal as both Davids came inside causing another set of climaxes that caused her to pass out overwhelming her senses. Chuckling at his unconscious mate after catching his breath David said, "You are a strong one my Queen, and almost matched me in stamina. You will make a fine mother for our children."

Epilogue David visited his mother and the father he had never seen except in his memories. Both welcomed him with open arms having spoken with another and caught up. His mother could hardly believe what had happened but Diun could. "So my son is now numbered among the ancient immortals. Have you met Pree'mus yet?" Diun asked. "I imagine I will eventually, but in the mean time I play to enjoy my new found freedom. Until we see each other again I bid you all farewell. There are many things I plan to see and do." David said fading away out of sight.

By Cylis Derrens

Ki’ja: Conqueror’s Reward Series

Chapter 1

It should be noted that Monica’s child was born with a unique anomaly thanks to its unusual parentage: A Harreden and a human. I say it because that is the basis of that difference. Like some humans that were born with two sexual organs this child also was just not in the customary manner. Instead of being born with an A-sexual body which would eventually have neither the full features of a man, or a woman with help medical help; this child was born shifting between a girl and a boy. The family doctor Dr. Beth Emerson was a close friend and colleague delivered the child and had been sworn to secrecy on the newborn’s secret. Beth understood her friend’s worries if the truth was ever discovered and respected her wishes. The two close friends moved in together deciding it would be best to watch over the young one who they named Tony, deciding the child’s male half would be its public face to clear up any confusion. The female half would only be able to show herself in private. Neither woman could think of a better way to handle it given the circumstances. If Tony had any problems at all it was the sexual confusion of being both sexes. For Tony it was not a matter of choice but nature. Born with the ability to exist as either sex, Tony felt a strong pull to both. Over time it was discovered that Tony felt increasingly uncomfortable when staying one sex for too long. Eventually Tony had to switch back, thus private time became increasingly important. A full hour or two was set aside for the change to occur with anyone outside the family knowing. Things were different for Tony. While the genetic memory Tony carried provided Tony with great stores of knowledge, no one among those various memories was even close to the same. Within those memories the growing child sought some kind of anchor to hold on to and soon found it in a connection to a distant father. Reaching out Tony found Diun’ja quite capable of clearing up much of Tony’s confusion. ‘What am I?’ Tony wondered communicating to him mind to mind over many miles.

‘You are the perfect “Ki” or breeder. Be cautious little one for unlike the Harreden, human will not see this as an advantage. Your mother and her friend were wise to try to hide this fact from other humans. You are both sexes, and as such whatever sex you inhabit at the time you in fact are.’ Diun replied. A curiosity occurred to Tony and the child intended to voice it. ‘Father…’ Tony began hesitating. ‘Yes?’ Diun asked in an amused voice. Tony quickly guessed that he already sensed the question that was coming. ‘Why is it I feel more comfortable in my female form? If I exist as both sexes then why would I lean towards one sex?’ Tony asked. ‘Allow me to ask you a question. Which form do you normally inhabit in public? The one you hide your true nature in?’ Diun asked with Tony unaware that he could read her memories just as easily as her thoughts. His time among humans had not lessened his mental abilities, but had only left some a little rusty. This was simply due to prolonged exposure. ‘My male half. But it’s a part of me isn’t it?’ Tony replied. ‘But so is your female half in order for one to exist so must the other. For most Harreden we carry the memories of both, but because we have only one sex we are never forced to fully confront the consequences. You on the other hand were born with both. Add that to the fact you have been holding back your feminine side while having access to Harreden memories, and you have a powder keg ready to blow if you are not careful.’ Diun said. ‘What do I…’ Tony began to say suddenly her Harreden memories provided the answer. ‘You didn’t do that did you?’ Tony asked. ‘I merely provided a little needed nudge.’ Diun answered. Thinking it over Tony couldn’t help but consider things as a human would. ‘I couldn’t do that.’ Tony said thinking of exploring her female sexuality.

‘The reality of it is simple denying sex especially being half Harreden will eventually catch up with you. Looking at the memories of our kindred that much should be obvious, our sex drive is simply too strong.’ Diun said. ‘I guess…’ Tony said. Despite some of the uncertainty Tony still felt lying on the bed in her female form, at least she was beginning to understand. As fathers went Diun was actually fairly conservative for a Harreden. While most parents bombarded their child with experience and instruction in the ways of pleasure, providing many ample opportunities, he on the other hand would not encourage her to do something she was not prepared to do herself.

Chapter 2 During her senior year of high school Tony walked to a local mall not far from her school. Tony was eighteen now, and had waited as long as she could for this. Inside of one of the bathrooms Tony changed took on her female form, and changed into clothes she brought with her. She had to admit that simply walking around in public as a young woman felt incredibly free. Both men and women seemed to notice her eyeing her as she passed. The fact that it wasn’t just heterosexual males or lesbians that staring at her caused her to reach out to read their thoughts. What she learned confirmed her hunch that something was causing a change in their behavior towards her, and it was very strong. Thinking it over it occurred to her that she might be spreading pheromones like Harreden males, and females tended to do. Her double sex was providing a scent equally alluring to both males and females. As she continued on to a sex shop not far from the mall she headed out into the outside world. Once out the doors she immediately felt hundreds of eyes on her from many different directions. The effect was distracting to say the least but taking a deep breath Tony regained her focus. She had looked up the shop’s location on the internet and it didn’t take her long to find it. The trouble was in light of how everyone was looking at her a sex shop was probably not going to make things easier. Once inside the thoughts of men and women inside were overwhelming to the point that Tony literally had to take a moment or have trouble simply walking. The shop had a few young couples shopping, but mostly was filled with single people ranging from the young to the middle aged. While one couple imagined Tony all tied up, and spread-eagled with a red ball in her mouth while the husband had his way with her, a group of friends were imagining gangbanging her cute little sixteen year old body. Through these people’s minds she saw her slim figure, with its ample hips and lovely mid-sized breasts. While her hair might not be well combed in their minds she was a young goddess; beautiful, pure, and there for the taking. Sensing the rising hormones she quickly paid the older shop owner for the small vibrator that she could afford with her saved up allowance and left. Letting out a relieved breath once she was safely outside she could still feel their rabid sexual hunger for her.

Heading home she realized her father had been right. If this kept up for much longer she might find herself a participant in a gangbang, and Tony wasn’t quite sure that given her Harreden nature that she would resist. If she did it would merely be a token effort and not enough to actually break free if someone actually wanted to hold her down and fuck her. Part of the idea excited which left her even more confused. Harreden sexuality preferred the open use in aggression during coupling. Making it home in her little suburban neighborhood Tony went into her room and locked the door. Taking the freshly bought sex toy she removed it from its packaging looking it over. It was a tiny toy made for playing with a woman’s clit and could easily be hidden. Putting in the batteries and laying back on the bed Tony switched it on. The buzzing sound was quiet even as she rubbed it on her clit and her pussy lips themselves. Gasping as the vibrations sent pleasurable sensations shooting through her body she came right away in a great big gush. Twitching and squirming, her climax gripped her causing her body to spasm and jolt every time she pressed the toy against her clit. Setting it aside for awhile she was unsure of how to proceed. In all her memories, that had never happened. She thought of asking her father about it but decided against it. Maybe it was just the human side of her, but she shied away from the idea of trying to explain it to him. Gritting her teeth Tony tried again. While as a female she was a virgin as a male she was not. In her male form he had already had a few partners. This had been happening for already a few years. In all that time while sex had been extremely pleasurable it did not compare to this. Deciding to experiment Tony tried touching her clit with her fingers. Sucking in a breath as her fingers brushed the extremely sensitive surface of her clit it was clear the toy was not even technically needed. She could easily be able to cum with just her fingers. A naughty smile crossing her lips Tony began playing with her pussy as much as she could, at one point she came straddling her bed frame and riding it while rubbing against it. The more things she tried the more addictive it became. While sitting on the dryer getting off on the vibrations Tony could hear Beth open and close the front door.

Grabbing a basket she walked into the laundry room dropping the basket as she found Tony in the middle of another orgasm. Shivering in ecstasy Tony opened her eyes to find Beth looking staring at her in shock. “Uh…hi.” Tony said giving her a nervous smile. Looking down she saw that her clothes were soaked and she was unable to hide her embarrassment. Taking a deep breath Beth said, “I guess we need to talk.” “Shit!” Tony said closing her eyes and bowing her head to hide her face.

Chapter 3 After taking a shower and changing Tony told her everything hiding nothing from Beth who had helped raise her. A good listener Beth listened to it all. “I can understand your father’s worries. It seems he is right from what you are telling me, and from what I have already seen.” Beth said. Tony blushed at the thought of Beth catching her in that compromising position. “Sorry about that. Guess I got carried away.” Tony said unable to meet her eyes. “You could say that.” Beth said. Scooting close on the couch Beth lifted Tony’s chin to meet her gaze. “But at least you had the common sense to keep your little adventure private. We’ll keep this a secret but you have to show some restraint. I’ll try to explain things to your mother. I am guessing you are still a virgin?” Beth said. Tony nodded, “As a woman yes.” “You mean?” Beth asked with raised eyebrows. Tony nodded sighing. “Okay this is interesting. Boy the parenting books sure didn’t prepare me for this one.” Beth said trying to think of what to do. “That’s because I’m a freak. Not even my father’s people have anything like me.” Tony said looking away. “Tony look at me.” Beth said waiting till Tony did just that, “You are not a freak. You are just special, and there is nothing wrong with that.” Tony Beth looked on as if she was her own child, and didn’t want to see her beat herself up. Even now Tony’s tears began to flow in front of her. Wiping them away Beth kissed her forehead tenderly. “I’m sorry we haven’t done a better job. We only wanted to protect you, but now I fear we have only made things worse. We only meant the best.” Beth said holding Tony’s face in her hands. “I know. I love you both.” Tony said hugging her.

Stroking her hair Beth held her close hoping that things would work themselves out. When Monica got home they talked and Beth explained what happened. At first Monica didn’t understand but after some hours of discussion Beth managed to piece things together for her. When summer came the two women took Tony to visit her father in California from their home in Oregon. Once there he greeted them with open arms spending time with her alone. “How does your wife feel about this?” Tony asked sitting in a small little restaurant drinking lemonade. “I have told her I have other children. You know that as well.” Diun said wearing a pair of jogging pants and a sweat shirt. “You never have gotten quite use to human clothing have you father.” Tony said jokingly after she made sure no one was listening. “I was not born as one of you, remember. For me the old ways die hard if they ever truly will at all.” Diun replied with a smile. “Where do I belong father? I sense that I am not like your other children. Each seems different. So I can sense more of than others.” Tony said feeling them even now. “My people believe in finding genetic advantage by intermingling with new gene pools. Humanity has a lot of untapped potential. You are one of the results. Our genetics created you with any such advantage in mind. As I said among the Harreden you would be looked on better.” Diun replied matter-of-factly. “Because I can offer them something.” Tony said. “Imagine it if there were others like you. Your genes are locked. In effect you are your own species even though there is only one of you. If you chose to, you could mate with either sex. You are lucky that our customs protect you here. If my people could take you they would. You would be worth the risk of discovery.” Diun said. “Because I am the perfect breeder, and breeding is everything to the Harreden people.” Tony supplied. Diun nodded.

“Once we were much like humans but much has changed since then.” Diun said. “Father, will they come back and if so what are we to do?” Tony asked. “You let me worry about that. You job is to simply live your life.” Diun said with all seriousness. “But…” Tony said before he interrupted. Gently grasping her shoulders, Diun said, “Live my child. Embrace both halves of yourself. You have lived long enough as a male. Now incorporate your feminine side so you might be complete. I know your mothers’ are worried. Both Beth and Monica are afraid that you will be hurt, but we all risk this when it comes to love. That is why my people fear it so. Emotions like that can weaken the heart but they can also provide you with great strength. You are the best of both our peoples: moral, upright, kind, beautiful and intelligent. Choose your own path and you find a place in this world just as I did my Ki’ja. As you leave to return home today know that I love you, and always will.” Diun said embracing her. “Thank you father.” Tony said filled with love and hope. Returning home, Tony who now also recognized herself by her new given name Ki’ja, felt better about who she was. While she would still honor her male half, the feminine side would also have a greater place in her life.

Chapter 4 After graduating from high school many things changed for Tony. Diun and the rest of Tony’s family came out to the government and the public at large explaining who they were. While the government was told about Tony and his/hers nature the general populace did not know Tony’s identity. It was decided that since Diun and his family were making an effort to help improve technology and medicine particularly in the area of genetics, that Tony deserved a little privacy. While they all submitted to testing, Tony was given her female identity as Ki Jasper with all the personal information updated including her new driver’s license. This gave her two one for Tony her male half and one for Ki her female. While each child was interesting with the exception of David who had still not returned, Ki was of the greatest interest. Because of her very strong fertility samples had been taken to study. Many geneticists found that the pheromones she produced had a cumulative effect of correcting infertility over time. In concentrated doses they could act as a miracle drug with the only side effects being increased libido, not exactly a bad thing under the circumstances. Diun himself was slowly seeking ways to correct diseases and other physical ailments without using breeding. “While producing half-Harreden children would correct almost all of these problems we are only so many. In time I hope that our two races become intermingled, but for now I do not believe humans should have rapid access to superior genetics all at once. My people are the template for my decision. Without responsibility you will become no better than those I left behind, choosing instead to coexist with your race. We are here among you now and I believe you will find that we will prove to be helpful as a collective society with a shared vision: That those that come after us live in a better world.” Diun said at one press conference wearing a suit and tie. He had learned to tie back his hair into a ponytail but refused to give up his long hair. The length marked a link to his people. While he did not agree with all their ideals he was still Harreden. Like the humans he now lived among he had his own system of beliefs, and even a god which he worshipped. It was a point he made very clear when asked.

Ki watched the press conference from her home seeing her half-siblings and their parents gathered behind them. Only Ki and her own parents were not there. Some reporters asked if there were any other children and Diun responded, “Yes, David has left this world traveling the galaxy, while another who is not here remains on Earth. That child deserves their secrecy and will come forward I believe when the time is right. I thank you for your time and look forward to the future.” With that Diun stepped away from podium setup in the front of the mayor’s office in L.A. Switching the T.V. Ki heard the doorbell. Checking her makeup in the mirror she checked set out the last of the dishes before answer as it rang one more time. Opening it she greeted Joe: a handsome boy from the Midwest who wanted to be a teacher. The young man who was about Ki’s age at twenty-one, looked like one of those surfers on television He had long sandy hair and light blue eyes with a nice tan. Handsome and with a good physique from the occasional rodeo show, and yes surfing Ki was deeply attracted to him. Their relationship was pretty open and this was supposed to be a special evening. After dinner Ki and Joe were going to make their first amateur porn video. Both were pretty confident about their bodies and weren’t really worried about it looking bad. One of Ki’s interests was photography and video tech. When she had first introduced the idea a month ago Joe had loved the idea, and Ki instead of giving in right away to something they both wanted held out as long as she could. Even now she had to fight the urge to rip of Joe’s silk white shirt and black slacks exposing his hard body. Taking a breath she held back savoring the anticipation. As she served the steak dinner with mashed potatoes Joe’s hand tried to creep her black dinner dress that while comfortable looked so good on her. Obviously Joe wanted to skip right to part where he saw what was underneath that dress. The dress was tied in the back like a corset but not too tight. The effect pushed up her lovely breasts even more presenting a sight her partner couldn’t resist looking out. Gently removing the hand without comment Ki moved to her own seat sitting across from him at the plain wooden table. A candle sat between them and Ki had dimmed the lights to create a more romantic mood.

Even now she could sense the lustful thoughts Joe had about her and could even see the images. Smiling, her appearance was the picture of outward calm even though her feeling underneath mirrored his. “So how were your classes today? My photography teacher liked the pictures I took from our picnic at the park Monday.” Ki said taking her time as she cut into her medium well done steak. Joe was eating his medium rare swallowing before he answered, “I was talking to Professor Emitson, and she says that I am a natural with young children, and should go into early child development.” “Are you interested in trying that? I hear the pay is not as much, but then again that has never bothered you before.” Ki said glad for the change of subject that allowed them to cool down a little. “Do you think I should? I just never thought of it.” Joe said honestly taking another bite of steak. It was clear he was try to finish off the steak before but now was slowing down as his interest in the conversation grew. “She is right you are good with children, and they love you. Remember your niece Beth? I remember your family reunion, when she wanted nothing more than to play with her uncle. I have a feeling you love it too. Why do you hesitate?” Ki said setting down her fork for a moment. Shrugging Joe started playing with his food a little before responding. “I don’t know. I guess I always figured you deserved a guy who could give you a whole bunch of nice things. While I won’t be poor I definitely won’t be rich either.” Joe said. Reaching across the table Ki took Joe’s hand as he looked down at his plate saying, “Joe look at me.” “You do what makes you happy. Let me worry about the other stuff. Besides, we both know if we ever did get serious and I consented to marrying you, then I will just have to make you my slave, and you will make it up to me by performing my every whim.” Ki said chuckling. Shaking his head as he chuckled at her joke Joe replied, “Oh, really?” “Yes this is simply reality. Now finish your dinner or I will have to punish you for being a naughty boy.” Ki said starting to eat again. “Yes ma’am.” Joe said with a smile as he did just that.

Heading to the couch Ki set up the video camera turning it on. Moving so that they faced each other with the camera to Ki’s left Ki said, “I have a surprise for you.” Sitting on the couch Joe sat up straight saying, “Really? I love surprises.” Turning towards the camera with her back to him she looked into it saying, “I know. Why don’t you undo the back and see your present.” Excited like a kid at Christmas Joe got up and went to work stopping only once to kiss Ki’s soft neck and inhale her sweet scent. No perfume in the world could hope to match it and Joe had often wondered where she found it, let alone what it was. He often asked her but she always just smiled and said, “Maybe one day I will tell you.” Undo the last bit of string holding the dress on her Joe helped her slip it off revealing a pink silk nightgown underneath. “Wow!” Joe said both surprised and pleased. Posing for him Ki asked, “You like?” “Definitely!” Joe said. Turning her around so she faced the camera Joe slipped his hand under the hem of her gown, sliding up her thigh towards her pussy. Finding her clit he began rubbing it slowly stroking it and listening as her breathing quickened. “Oh yeah baby. Just like that. Mmmm.” Ki said closing her eyes. Wrapping one of his arms around her waist Joe pulled her in closer getting ready for what he knew was coming. Ki responded by rubbing her ass against his already stiff cock grinding against him. As the first climax hit her Ki began to shiver letting it come. “Ohhh! Fuuucck!” Ki cried out, her eyes shooting open as shook and quivered her knees buckling under the intensity of her multiple orgasm. Joe could feel Ki gush against his fingers as he held her up to keep her from falling. As the last of it past her breathing was ragged and he kissed her neck, so soft and lovely. It took a few moments for Ki to recover and when she did kissed him while stroking his cock with one hand.

Knowing what to expect next, Joe was eager to fuck his girl, and pulled the wrapped condom from out one of the pockets of his pants. Undressing, he tossed his clothes aside only to have Ki take the condom and tossing it away. Joe didn’t understand especially when she pulled out the lube and began stroking it on his cock: Ki didn’t need any lube. In all the time that they fucked that had never been a worry. When Ki turned around facing the camera again and pressed the head of his cock against her asshole he smiled. She had never given her ass to him and now he was not only making a porno with her but she was also giving him a go at her virgin ass. Grasping her hips Joe slowly began to ease himself in, but Ki was growing impatient. Joe was kind of surprised at this because most girls dreaded the idea the first time and it could actually hurt if you didn’t take things gently. Some girls got into it later, becoming used to it over time until it didn’t really hurt that much anymore. This girl on the other hand whose ass was obviously too tight to be used to it wanted it all at once. While Joe continued his slow progress not wanting to hurt her finally Ki refused to wait any longer and slammed her ass backwards into him. The effect of it was that the rest of Joe’s cock suddenly became buried in Ki’s ass. Taking no time for him to get situated Ki began to fuck his cock her ass slapping into him and almost bowling him over. Joe had to change his stance to keep this from happening. Now he understood Ki was making things abundantly clear: Either he fucked her hard or she was going to fuck him and he was just along for the ride. Turned on by her surprising show of aggression and a little mad that she had almost put him on his ass Joe began to grudge fuck her. Grabbing both her arms and using like handles he brought his hips forward while pulling her back. Moving in time with he other their two bodies struck together and though it started to hurt over time Joe continued building towards his own orgasm even after Ki hit another of hers. As he started getting close Ki pulled free of his tired grip and turned around as she got to her knees. Stroking his cock she looked up at him saying, “I want you to cum all over my face. Cum all over my face and call me your dirty little whore. Say it!” “You’re a dirty little whore! Oh gonna cum!” Joe said

“Mmm! Give it to me baby. Give me your thick cum!” “Oh yeah Ki baby. Ooooh!” Joe said coming all over her. His cum splashed over her face coating it with his thick sticky fluid and Ki started to lick it up while Joe marveled at her. He still couldn’t get over that a girl could love it that much. Ki seemed to find it a real turn on even to give him a blow job. Handing her a towel he insisted she use it while he turned off the camera. After switching it off he took out for them to watch while they made out and Joe tasted his own salty cum as their tongues moved together inside each other’s mouths. They fell asleep in Ki’s bed before both had to leave for school the next morning. After Joe had left Ki switched into Tony and called his girlfriend Emily asking her to come over before class.

Chapter 5 When Emily did and they quickly undressed as the young blond with some freckles on her face and hazel eyes entered. As either Ki or Tony blonds were always highly attractive. Emily was wearing her usual tight jean pant and blouse shirt. She always liked being comfortable and today she wasn’t wearing a bra. Pressing her up against the door Tony licked and sucked her breasts handling them expertly in his hands. Emily loved how Tony would pay special attention to this area almost worshipping them. She wouldn’t have minded if Tony stayed there forever but Tony quickly put on a condom and she got ready a good fucking that he was about to give her. Emily loved how Tony steady but not too forceful unless she wanted it that way. If “laying the pipe” was a skill she openly discussed with her girlfriends then she would rate Tony a twelve out of 10. Not only did he fuck like a porn star but he seemed to know all her little spots that no one else knew. She never had to tell him, “A little to the left. Slower baby.” As far as Tony’s skill in that area, he seemed to just know. Today his mouth worked with hers as he lifted her up, fucking her into the door so she slid up and down. Kissing him deeply her fingers roamed his neck and powerfully muscled back. While she had only seen Tony work out occasionally from what she had seen he was a lot stronger than he looked. Sometimes she saw him spotting guys who looked a lot bigger than him as he stood at about 5’10. After a few minutes of this Emily came and with one final thrust Tony followed suit. Even as she settled to the floor Emily wondered when she would get feel Tony inside without the condom all natural. The thought of a man cumming inside her was a thought that made her wet at night and she was looking forward to doing it with him. Since David so many years ago no one had fucked her this good and she wasn’t looking for it to stop any time soon. Sex wasn’t the only thing between them: Tony was a nice guy who treated her right but didn’t seem to want to get serious yet. Something was holding him back she could tell, but she could figure out what it was.

When Tony headed off to school Emily sat down on the couch and found an unmarked tape in the VCR. Turning on the T.V. she pressed play and saw an image of a hot girl fucking a handsome blond guy. The sight of the girl gushing all over the guys hand made her all hot. Emily had never seen a squirter before and sat down on the couch and began playing with herself as she watched. As the guy was in the middle of fucking the girl’s ass Emily came, before sitting up to watch the rest totally into it. When the movie showed a close up of the girl’s face Emily did become concerned. Looking at it closely she saw a strong resemblance between her and David so much so that they could have been siblings. Waiting until Tony got home she broached the subject saying, “I found a tape in the VCR after you left. It shows a woman who looks a lot like you. Is she your sister or something, and if so why do you have a tape of her?” Tony stood there for a moment seeing no easy way out of this. “Ok what I am about to show you will be a little weird but please don’t leave until I have explained things. Okay?” Tony replied. Nodding Emily watched as Tony shifted into Ki right in front of her eyes as she looked on in shock. “This is just my other form. No need to be worried okay. You see…” Tony began to explain. “You’re one of those aliens they are talking about on T.V.!” Emily exclaimed. “I was actually born in this country actually but yes I do belong to that family.” Ki said. “This is amazing! Hey wait a minute! Whose that in the tape?” Emily said pointing to the blank screen. “That would be my boyfriend. Unlike most people I was born with two sexes. Both are me, and both are fully functional. I can do what either sex can naturally do and more.” Ki said. Taking Emily’s hand Ki brought to her breast saying, “See these are real, and if you felt down there the same we could be same. I can get pregnant just like your or as a guy get you pregnant if I am not careful.” “So what’s it like being a man” Emily asked.

“I couldn’t give you fair assessment compared to other males. For me the two sides are off-balanced.” Ki said. “How so?” Emily asked as they took a seat on the couch. “As a woman I am more sensitive to sex mentally and physically. I can’t even shutout such thoughts and feelings. Even the feelings of pleasure is more intense.” Ki said. “Anything else?” Emily asked now totally hooked. “Ok. This one is a biggie: for the average human woman you can only have one child every nine months that is the length of your pregnancy.” Ki said. “How long is yours?” Emily asked. “Two months for a full term. If one were to compare them the average Harreden female can produce sixteen children at the very least to your one. That is if they are not really fertile like me and we don’t have periods or stop ovulating unless we are pregnant.” Ki answered. “How many can you have during one pregnancy?” Emily asked “Four at once.” Ki said. “Ouch! That has to hurt!” Emily said wincing at the thought of giving birth to four babies. “While it’s not comfortable our bodies adjust a lot better. Even giving birth is fairly painless.” Ki said. “Sounds like y’all have it made.” Emily said impressed. “Not exactly. If you think your mood swings are bad you haven’t seen ours. Our women become very self-conscience especially we sense things that makes us feel unattractive. Sometimes our self-concept gets so bad we start to imagine think like comments or thoughts that never happened. It’s a trade off. It’s weird enough without us talking without talking to our babies or eating a lot which only adds to it.” Ki explained. “I think I see your point. There are pluses and minuses to both. Still at least you don’t have a period. I hate those things.” Emily replied.

“If I had the choice I would trade you in a minute. If I get pregnant I’m not looking forward to explaining things like that to someone like Joe. His parents sound fairly traditional especially his mother.” Ki said. “Again point taken, but it can’t be all bad.” Emily said. “It isn’t. All of us look forward to children, it’s built into our DNA. For me I have two sexes driving me, and you don’t know how hard it is to say no.” Ki said. “Is that why did you didn’t get serious with me or this Joe?” Emily asked. Ki nodded. “I didn’t want trap you into a relationship with a freak. That is how a lot of people see me or at least when they find out.” Ki said. “I don’t and I’m sure Joe won’t either. Give us a chance. Besides I always wanted to do it with two guys. This way I get my wish.” Emily said. “And how do we do that?” Ki said. “Let him find out the same way I did by switching the tapes. Sure there is some risk, but at least you’ll know.” Emily said. Taking a deep breath Ki said, “Ok. What the hell, I’ll try it.” As it turns out Joe accepted the idea a lot easier, than Ki or Emily thought. “I’m just glad it wasn’t another guy like I thought.” Joe said. “I saw a receipt for boxers, and when I looked in your drawers I looked I found some that a bigger waistline than even me. If we did get serious I was afraid I was going to have to kick the ass of a bigger guy. Until then I couldn’t say anything. Technically I wasn’t exclusively your boyfriend.” Joe said with a smile. “So you are not angry or weirded out?” Ki asked not wanting to read him. She had never been comfortable invading people’s minds even as a child. “Hell no! Are you kidding? Two hot chicks want me.” Joe said. “Yeah…the thing is she want to fuck us as guys first, but here’s the deal: How about giving us both a creampie?” Ki said.

“And what’s the downside? I get to gangbang a hot chick then fuck her and her girlfriend literally.” Joe said. “At that point we will both be your girlfriends.” Ki added. “Even better.” Joe said. “Wow, this was a lot easier than I thought. Apparently I have turned you both into monsters.” Ki said with raised eyebrows. “Who are both going to do our best to fuck your brains out.” Joe said. “I got no problem with that.” Ki said, “Tuesday then six o’clock here?” “I’ll be eagerly waiting.” Joe said giving her a kiss before leaving. Meeting Emily later Tony had dinner with her at a Mexican restaurant they both enjoyed on their third date. “So how did it go?” Emily asked. “Surprisingly easy. I still haven’t figured out how it all happened.” Tony said. Chuckling Emily said, “The reason should be obvious.” “I still don’t see it. Most heterosexual humans don’t like risking being marked as homosexual or thinking of themselves that way.” Tony said. “Maybe we saw the truth. Are the Harreden capable of artificially changing their sex at will?” Emily said. “No.” Tony answered still not understanding. “Since neither humans nor the Harreden can manipulate DNA in such a manner it must mean that the only possible cause of your nature is by natural means, in short you were born as you are. God or nature made you this way so there is no sin in either of our minds. You are in fact both male and female so normal rules do not apply. Let’s face it Tony you might have two faces but you are one person, and while you might have a preference to one form you are the same person regardless.” Emily said. “You really believe that?” Tony said. “Just this once read my thoughts and see if I am lying.” Emily said looking into his eyes.

Opening his mind Tony focused on Emily’s thoughts smiling as he saw the truth of her words. The mind did not lie at least not when telepathy was used. With it every thought was laid bare raw, and honest. Feeling the strong feelings of love Emily felt towards him Tony turned away for a second fighting his physical response. “What’s wrong?” Emily said concerned. “Nothing I just have something in my eye.” Tony said. Moving so she could see his face Emily smiled saying, “Just like a guy. You start crying and you feel you need to hide it. I suppose that’s why you feel it is easier being a girl: You get to show more emotion without being called a wuss. I saw the video Tony even as a guy I never saw you have that kind of an attitude. You actually looked sexier. The way you move and how you look, there is simply no comparison.” Emily said. Wiping away his tears Tony said, “That’s not the reason but it helps. I was raised to be a guy to hide what I am. When I am Ki I am feel more free, now that I don’t to always hide that part of myself. I guess that’s what you saw.” “I see what you mean.” Emily said, “So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out as just girls. My friends and I were going to meet later. You could hang with us.” “I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” Tony said. “It’s ok. I would actually like it. Besides they are eventually going to find out. At least this way they get to meet you and draw their own opinions without prior judgments getting in the way.” Emily said adding, “I brought a change of clothes that I thought you might like. You’re a little smaller than me but I think I found some that will fit.” Sighing Tony said, “Ok where do I change?”

Chapter 6 Ki stepped out of Emily bathroom at her small little apartment that she lived alone in. Emily had a small gray house cat who was pretty friendly and liked it when Tony petted him. Looking in the mirror Ki checked herself out tight white t-shirt and tight blue jeans. When Emily stepped in she posed for her. “Seems like a pretty good fit, but we will have to work on your makeup.” Emily said. “I don’t wear makeup.” Ki said obviously not liking the idea. “Could please just try it for me? If you don’t like it you can take it off and I won’t bother you about it anymore I promise.” Emily said using one her more charming looks to beg. “You know I hate it when you do that.” Ki grumbled. “Please?” Emily said still holding the face regardless. Ki knew from experience that it was already a lost cause. “Fine. Where do you want me to sit?” Ki said conceding. “I’ll get you a chair.” Emily said eagerly rushing off to get one from the kitchen. Not long afterwards she returned with a plain wooden chair and set it down offering Ki a seat which she reluctantly accepted. Going to work Emily applied the makeup and even painted Ki’s fingernails and toenails. When she was done Emily let Ki look at herself. “What do you think?” Emily said. “It looks good on me.” Ki had to admit honestly impressed with the results. Happy that Ki liked it Emily checked her watch saying, “Oh no we are going to be late! We have to hurry.” Grabbing a spare purse she had found while Ki was dressing she handed it to her. “Call it a gift. All of us carry purses. I thought it would help you fit in.” Emily said.

“It’s my first purse.” Ki said looking over the plain black bag before they rushed out the door to meet Emily’s friends. Meeting up with Emily’s friends out in front a local store Ki was introduced as one of Emily’s friends from school. Meeting Emily’s friends in the park Ki was introduced to them as a friend from school. “So what do you wanna do first Em?” Shawna said. Shawna was an attractive slim black model that Ki recognized from magazines in Emily’s apartment showing her in underwear ads. She had dark brown skin, with beautiful shiny hair that she obviously took great care of. Taking a second look at the other two women Ki realized they were all involved in the fashion business with the exception of Emily herself who kept up on all the details. Jessica a tall red head with wavy hair that touched just below her shoulders was an up and coming fashion designer. She was also in a few of Emily’s magazines just like the others. Dominique last but not least was a tiny woman who was originally from France and was becoming a well-known hair stylist. Some celebrities had even started recommending her. Performing a memory recall Ki remembered a picture on the coffee table in Emily’s room from ten years ago. The four girls in the picture could easily match these four women around her. Emily had never really talked about it but since Ki as Tony hadn’t wanted to get too serious he hadn’t asked, but it was starting to come together. Emily’s major was business and now Ki understood why she paid so much attention to fashion: she wanted to get into it. From the looks of things she planned to get a degree first and then use her degree to probably to handle the business side of things. If she wanted to she could manage or consult any one of her friends using them to build her rep if she wanted to branch out. “Let me guess Em: you plan to manage this little group once you finish school providing some business savy for all concerned.” Ki said right out of the blue. “All of them turned to her just as they were all exiting the park in shock and Shawna asked, “How did you know? Did Em tell you?”

Chuckling Emily said, “Ki has a habit of putting things together once you give her a few clues to get started with. It makes it harder to surprise her trust me.” “The way you talk about her she sounds like my uncle Tim who’s a cop.” Jessica said. “Don’t you have another uncle named Tom too Jess?” Shawna interjected. “You get the point.” Jessica said not wanting to go off into a tangent. Dominique as usual was fairly quiet and simply listened deciding to wait until it was necessary for her to voice her opinion. Ki remembered Emily briefly mentioning this little behavior once and Ki noticed her staying true to form. “Well how about it Ki? Feel up to finishing school, and going into law enforcement?” Emily suggested jokingly. They all laughed at this, all except Ki. It had never occurred to her that she could be a cop or work in any part of law enforcement. For Ki her plans had always stopped at raising a family. She suggested the whole idea of Tom cumming inside of her, she knew she would get pregnant. It had never occurred to her that she might still do other things. Thanks to sometimes acting as an outside consultant for her dad’s business Ki knew that for at least two years she would be unable to shift if she got pregnant: this was a fail safe to ensure that her children would not suffer during their early development. She would be able to not only give birth to them but breast feed and grow through other biological changes such as increase in breast size and things like that. While she would immediately begin to lose weight, returning to her former self in that respect she would have larger breasts and would begin her second awakening. It was a process all Harreden mothers went through, and it was why most warriors were male or at least those selected to invade other worlds. The fact was they became telepathically and empathically sensitive afterwards compared to the rest of the population. While this helped in a child’s upbringing it also caused them to sympathize with the others; not exactly something useful outside of the home in most cases. In some cases a select few who had a greater maternal instinct could even sense impressions and access an entire related string of memory just based off of a provided image in the intended’s mind. As Ki thought of it such a thing could be highly useful in law enforcement or any other public or civil service. “Ki?” Emily asked again interrupting Ki’s thoughts.

“Hmmm?” Ki said. “Never mind.” Emily said deciding to leave it alone for the moment. As they were window shopping Ki stopped in the baby section of one of the stores. Noticing that she had separated from the group Dominique said, “I think your other friend has something on her mind, maybe you should go check on her.” Turning around sure enough Emily found Ki checking out some baby toys. “Thanks. I’ll call y’all tomorrow okay?” Emily said. “Sure, no problem. See you Em.” Dominique replied catching up to the other two women. Turning back Emily joined up with Ki as she was holding a teddy with her mind far away. “What’s going on?” Emily asked. Coming back to the present Ki smiled and said, “Nothing.” Taking the bear from her and putting it back on the shelf Emily said, “I don’t have to be a mind reader to know when I’m being lied to. You have been acting strange ever since I made that cop suggestion.” Holding Ki’s hand Emily said, “Please tell me.” Ki hesitated for a moment her eyes downcast before she looked at Emily. “I was thinking of what I had planned for my life and I realize I didn’t consider all my options, and now I’m unsure of how to deal with it. I have always wanted children and still do, but now I see that I don’t have to just be a mother.” Ki said. Thinking about this Emily said, “I remember hearing something about genetic memory and the Harreden. I have a question to ask do you: do you think that it acts as programming for how you should live your life that you actually refer to it unconsciously.” “Are you suggesting that I want to be a mother simply because those before me did?” Ki said. “No but as you said you didn’t consider another option. To me this suggests a possible reason behind it. A mom does a lot of things these days in our culture didn’t your mom have a job?” Emily answered.

“Yes but she only had one child I will have four. It is not simply Harreden thinking that affects my decision but human practicality. Four children are a lot more difficult to raise than one.” Ki said. “Let me see if I get this straight: you have an instruction booklet built into your very DNA, you’ll be a more powerful telepath so you will be able to sense anything wrong with said children, and you’ll have two other parents to help you. Have I forgotten anything?” Emily said making her point clear. “Well when you put it that way I suppose a career outside the home is not totally out of the question.” Ki admitted. “Good now that’s over I think we should try out a few things to see how this whole woman to woman thing is going to go. Like you said if you don’t get pregnant again it will be two years. Personally I don’t think I can hold out that long can you? Unless of course I just want to have sex with Joe. But truthfully I would miss having sex with you.” Emily said. “The feeling is mutual. It’s getting kind of dark outside and with traffic it will take a little while to get home.” Ki mentioned. “So why wait?” Emily said glancing at a sign for a women’s bathroom across the way. “What? Here?” Ki said shocked. “Keep it down!” Emily said in a whisper, “You aren’t a cop yet. What the matter of breaking a couple rules while you can? Just think of it as research if you want. Come on.” Emily eagerly led Ki into the women’s bathroom finding no one inside. Finding a stall Emily pushed her lover in. “Just remember to keep it down. Did I ever tell you how much I love your legs and tits?” Emily whispered. “Is that all?” Ki whispered playfully. “Can I help it that you have turned me into a tit and legs girl. Even your feet are cute. Look at those toes.” Emily said glancing down at the sandals Ki was wearing. “I would say this is a little weird but look whose talking.” Ki said. “So just relax and go with it.” Emily said kissing Ki’s neck. “I’m guessing this is a first for both of us.” Ki stated still a little anxious as she kept listening for anyone that might come in.

“Your too tense babe but I think I know for a way to relax you.” Emily said slip off Ki’s top down and exposing her bra. In a matter of seconds she had the thing off and was kissing Ki’s tits. “Bet that was the first time in awhile you had someone who knew how to take a bra off that quick.” Emily joked. “Don’t get cocky. Guys have other things to offer.” Ki said throwing down the gauntlet. “Oh really?” Emily said sucking on one of Ki’s tits before she slipped in two of her fingers into Ki’s pussy. Finding Ki’s g-spot she started rubbing a place no guy had played with manually. “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” Ki cried out at how good that felt. Now worried about being caught Emily shushed her by covering Ki’s mouth with hers kissing her. “Mmmf!” Was all Ki could say as her first orgasm hit bathing the two of them. Looking down at their wet dresses Ki said, “Sorry.” “Don’t feel bad. It’s my fault, still that was amazing.” Emily said kissing her on the cheek before she and Ki fixed themselves up and got out of the stall. Washing up they used the blow dryers inside to help clean up before leaving for Ki’s house. “Somehow I think Joe will be jealous when he hears about this.” Ki said with a smile as Emily drove. Keeping her eyes on the road Emily replied, “So I’ll give him a blow job that ought to settle things.” Ki laughed for a few moments before becoming serious. “I would like to get married before getting pregnant Emily. In the old days in the Harreden culture marriage to more than one person was allowed. I love for you both and would like to declare it publicly. My father and I believe in those old ways, and the time of great morality they represent. My people have abolished marriage since then and I would like to honor it.” Ki said. Slowing down the car Emily pulled off to the side on a side street not far from Ki’s house.

Touched by the expression of love Emily said, “Let’s wait until we talk to Joe, but you have my vote.” “Okay. Thanks for listening. I didn’t want it to sound silly.” Ki said embarrassed. “It’s not. In fact it’s very romantic. I don’t honestly see why Joe would even think of saying no to that. I for a fact know that I can’t. You brought us all together Ki. Without you we wouldn’t feel so complete.” Emily confessed.

Chapter 7

“Of course I’ll say yes.” Joe said kissing and holding Ki with Emily standing behind her. “But what about your mother?” Ki asked worried about what she might think. “Let me deal with that sweet stuff. My father will be a bit more understanding so I can count on his help. Besides this should be a happy moment. Don’t worry.” Joe said stroking her hair. Kissing Joe Ki said, “I know I worry a lot, but I want us to get along.” “Baby everything will be fine. If my mother doesn’t like it then I have made my choice. It won’t be the first time the two of us have disagreed on something important. Now let’s talk about this wedding. Are there any customs we have to observe?” Joe said changing the subject. “No it’s supposed to be easy. We can write our vows or simply choose those others have written what is important is that we believe in the marriage for the sake of love that is all. It was a simpler time: one of honesty and integrity. Except for that all that is needed is to have a trusted witness and a legal one that the law recognizes.” Ki replied. “Sounds pretty cool. But I do have one question why do the two of you smell like sex.” Joe asked raising an eyebrow with his last comment.

“What makes you say that?” Emily asked trying not to seem guilty. “Ki gives off a particular scent when she cums. Both of you are covered in it.” Joe said. Smiling as she glanced at Emily Ki said, “I told you he would find out. I think it about time for you give hi a b.j. like you said you would.” Shrugging Emily took Joe’s hand and led him down the hall to the bedroom. After a few moments Ki followed waiting until the two would be busy.

Chapter 8 It was a long flight and a good drive before the three of them made it to Joe’s parent’s house. Pulling up to the large country house surrounded by a gated estate that was even bigger, they made their way up the paved path. The lawn was freshly mowed and there were gardens taken care of by landscapers. The house was a pristine white and was well lit as Joe’s parents were waiting for him. Joe’s father who was a handsome brown haired man answered the door when they knocked. He looked like he was in great shape despite no longer working in a field as the farmer he had been before he met Joe’s mom. Carl Richter was a simple man who had fallen in love with Delores Sinclair the most beautiful woman in town. Delores was part of one of the richest families in the state, but Carl never forgot simple pride he had felt raised as a farmer. He was honest man who had been hard working before he had married her. Now he was just a trophy husband who wasn’t allowed to do anything she felt demeaned him or embarrassed her. “Hello son. Come over here and give your father a hug.” Carl Frederickson said. “Hi pop.” Joe said smiling and accepting his father’s warm welcome and hug. Turning to Emily and Ki Carl said, “Well you told me they were beautiful, but I didn’t think I would have the honor of meeting two angels.” Bowing he kissed their hands like an old world gentleman. Ki blushed at the compliment speechless and Emily said, “Thank you.” “Please do come in. I know both of you ladies’ parents will not arrive until tomorrow but I couldn’t wait to meet you. My son has never brought a girl home let alone two.” Carl said. “It’s an honor to meet you Mr. Frederickson.” Ki said as they stepped inside while Carl held the door open. “Please call me Carl or dad. We’re practically family.” Carl said, his usual jovial self. “I think calling you dad already would be premature sir.” Emily replied.

“Nonsense! I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Now when can I expect my grandchildren?” Carl said with a grin as he leaned forward. “Dad!” Joe said astonished at his father. Both Emily and Ki had to bite their lips to keep from laughing. “What? I won’t be around forever and your mother is tired of listening to my stories or is too busy to go fishing with. I need grandchildren to spend time with, maybe even bounce on my knee.” Carl said. For the women that did it as they burst out laughing. “We’ll see what we can do dad.” Joe said realizing his old man wasn’t going to let up. “Where’s mom?” Joe asked him. Carl seemed hesitant to answer. It was Ki who gently forced the issue as she said, “Is there something wrong dad?” Carl smiled after being called that forcing away the sadness he felt and showing a brave face. “She was being stubborn and difficult. Things eventually came to a head.” Carl said. “Dad?” Joe asked not fully understanding. “I’m separated from your mother son. It just isn’t working out. I don’t know if we’ll get back together.” Carl said. “Is it because of me, because she disagrees with my marriage?” Joe asked his mind reeling. It felt like a bomb had been dropped on him. “This was a long time in coming son. It’s not your fault. Some people said we were doomed from the beginning. Her father saw the truth and tried to warn me. But enough of that this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Where are all the smiles?” Carl said putting one his own face. Liking Carl Ki said, “So I understand you were a farmer.” Grinning Carl was happy to describe his life before meeting Joe’s mother, though of course he steered clear of that particular path.

As Carl spoke Ki gently squeezed Joe’s hand and leaned against him as she listened. Joe despite his sadness and shock put on a brave face but was comforted by her touch. Ki could feel what he was feeling as was showing she was there for him. Sitting down they enjoyed a lovely dinner that everyone enjoyed. The following morning Ki awoke early and headed out the porch wrapped in a green bathrobe. Sitting in a rocking chair watching the sunrise, Carl was drinking coffee while wearing a white t-shirt and comfortable jeans. Ki guessed that he had probably been up for awhile. Joe said his dad was always an early riser. Looking up Carl smiled at her while raising a steaming cup of coffee. “Want some? I left a pot on the counter.” Carl said. Ki tried hard to hid a smile but Carl still saw it. “What is it?” Carl said bringing the cup down near his lap and holding it with both hands. “My people are immune to many things, coffee is one of them.” Ki said with a smile. “Oh.” Carl said obviously surprised. “It’s ok. It’s not something most people know about.” Ki said. “Could you tell me more? I would be interested in learning more about my future daughter in law.” Carl said. “Well I’m not your only daughter in law.” Ki replied feeling a little shy. People who learned about what a Harreden was truly capable of tend to look at them oddly afterwards. Her father had experienced as much with the people who were closest to him. Normally humans just couldn’t deal with the differences. As such Diun’ja, as the patriarch of his family, ordered all of them to do their best to blend in. Carl however was now a member of the family, or very soon would be after the wedding. The normal rules didn’t apply to him like they would a total outsider. Looking at Carl Ki saw much of her future husband in his father. Perhaps he could handle the information better than most. Taking a deep breath Ki took a chance and answered his question. “To elaborate, drugs are not the end of our immunities. We are also immune to poison and disease. It is impossible to kill a Harreden with an infectious agent, and those are not the only differences.” Ki explained.

“My son has already told me about the whole two sex thing. Is that normal for your people?” Carl asked, assuming this was referring to. “No it isn’t. I’m actually the first, which my father has made a point to keep that knowledge hidden for as long as possible.” Ki said. “You mean us humans?” Carl asked retrieving his cooling coffee, and taking a sip before setting it back down where it had been. “While prudent in reference to that, it is other Harreden he was more concerned about.” Ki answered, laying out the tale of what led her father to Earth, and what happened next. “Your people are like that?” Carl asked in shock. “My father’s people yes. I am both Human and Harreden, though my Harreden DNA is far stronger. The Harreden race, is a race of conquerors. All that we are was designed with that purpose in mind. We hand breed far quicker, and mature faster as well. At the age of the thirteen we are full adults. It is only on Earth that this is not accepted, but we honor your laws.” Ki said. “You mean physically you’re full grown adults at that age?” Carl asked. Shaking her head Ki replied, “It is much more than that. Let me see your hand.” Carl offered it like she asked and felt her gently take his in both of her hands. “Inside every cell of your body is a strand of DNA or blueprints. As probably know, it controls what you can possibly become to a great degree. For us this is also true, but ours is more detailed. I carry within each cell genetic memory: Each member that passed their genes and cells to me gave me a piece of that memory. My children experience it just as those who came before me. Through it I possess the sum of their knowledge, and skill.” Ki said. “So, if you had ancestor, who was say a doctor, then you be able to do everything he ever did.” Carl said catching on, “Wait a minute. From what I understand based off of what you have told me, the Harreden look for any genetic advantage.” “It is customary, yes.” Ki agreed. “Then your ability to change sexes would be an ideal feature to them. I can see why your father would want to protect you from them. I can’t imagine I would have done much differently given a choice.” Carl said giving her a warm smile. “It seems that you aren’t easy to scare off.” Ki said.

“None of the men in my family are. We are in it for the long haul. My father and grandfather before me were the same way.” Carl said. “I guess that’s good to know. I can only imagine the problems Joe will have to deal with.” Ki said. “It seems to me that having one kid or two won’t be that different from the average marriage.” Carl said, sure of himself. Ki paused at that comment saying telling how many kids she could really have in one pregnancy. Carl nearly choked on his coffee before spitting it up. “You can have how many?” Carl managed after gasping for breath.

Chapter 9 Diun arrived the following day and spent time with all of them. Carl and Diun particularly hit it off. The two of them shared family photos and Diun smile as Carl raised eyebrows at the number of his children. “Ki told me about the other women, but I guess I just didn’t picture that you had kids with all of them.” Carl said looking at the family photos. Diun shrugged replying, “Harreden genetics.” “I guess so. Should I worry about anything else?” Carl asked handing the pictures back. Diun put them back in his back, as there were too many for his already full wallet to hold. Once they were safely put away in his small briefcase Diun turned his full attention back to Carl. Dressed in a new gray business suit Diun looked sharp. Most of his business suits were this color, as gray was his favorite. His hair had been done up in its usual pony tail when he had arrived. When Carl had offered him to get comfortable, Diun had removed the rubber band holding it in place. Now his hair easy spilled to in between his shoulder blades. “Do all of you have long hair?” Carl had asked noticing the hair length of father and child. “It is a custom among my people. The longest it ever gets is the small of the back. Harreden genes were designed that way.” Diun replied. “Seems like they thought of everything. Kind of boring if you ask me, none of you being different and all.” Carl said. “While there are slight differences, you are correct. It would be the main reason my people would be attracted to yours. To us you are exotic.” Diun said looking at Carl and the others. “So your people like partnering up with partners who look different.” Carl said. “That’s one way of putting it. Most of us are unaware of it. I certainly was before I came here.” Diun said. “I have a question: why don’t your people come here and try to conquer this place? It’s obvious you haven’t kept up with the breeding plan, though I must say you did a good job by human standards.” Carl asked pouring them both two cups of coffee out of habit. Too late did he realize his mistake saying, “Sorry, I keep forgetting.” Chuckling Diun said taking the coffee anyway, “It seems Ki is keeping you well informed.”

“She has answered a lot of questions. The biggest eye opener was the number of grandchildren I might end up having. I have to admit that was a shock.” Carl said, taking a sip of his coffee as Diun did the same, enjoying the warm liquid. They both took a seat at the kitchen table across from each other. “The answer to your question is simple. By our laws Earth is still mine. To break that law would cause anarchy, so they don’t.” Diun answered taking another sip before setting it down on the kitchen table. “Anarchy?” Joe asked, his curiosity overwhelming him as he too took a seat. The two women also followed suit, taking a chair on either side of him. Ki sat on the right side listening intently. This was an answer her father had neglected to tell her, though she had asked. Over the years he had simply avoided the question. “All Harreden with the exception of my children are born with the urge to acquire power. It is built into our physical selves and reinforced by memory and our culture. Here on Earth I changed the more time I spent here, but the same cannot be said for the rest of my people. They are still the same and our laws were made to keep us under control. Total anarchy would turn Harreden against Harreden and our race would fight for who would rise to the top. Breaking the law means that our council will have a hard time encouraging the powerful houses to stay loyal, so Earth still belongs to me. Only when I leave will my rights here be given up.” Diun explained patiently. “So if I understand this right, then you were merely allowed to be the first to breed with our available women.” Carl ventured. Diun nodded replying, “Yes, that is exactly it. So long as I remain, it is possible I might go back to breeding. It is a loophole that I have chosen to exploit.” “Then why have you always been afraid of them coming to take me?” Ki blurted out. She had to know the answer. Surprisingly enough it was Carl again understood, “Like I said before young lady, it’s an advantage they would choose to exploit. My guess is your father understood they might risk it.” Diun’s face turned grim as he again nodded in agreement. “With a breeder such as you any house, powerful or not could possibly overthrow the Council. Remember my people do not share human morality. For them you and your genes could breed an army, one that has never been seen in the entire history of the universe. They would use you and rape you if necessary. I could not allow that, so I have done my best to keep you hidden. When the rest of the family came out to the general

public I did not encourage you to do the same, and I am thankful for it. Already I have sensed other Harreden visit the Earth and none are aware of you.” Diun said. A chill ran down each of the other’s spines. This had been Diun’s greatest fear. “What are they doing here?” Emily asked. “Finding their own loopholes.” Ki answered, as she had sensed them too. Only now did she realize how close she had come to being discovered, and what might have happened to her. “I cannot tell you more, but suffice as to say that Ki is right. While on Earth humans are safe. Outside however, our laws provide no protection.” Diun said trying to smile and cheer everyone up. “Now let us speak of more pleasant things. Where are the three of you planning to live?” Diun asked. He had always been practical and Ki helped him change the subject by answering. That night as they retired for the night Ki and Emily sat up on the bed watching t.v. Reaching for the remote between the two of them Emily switched it off before turning to Ki. “You’re putting on a brave face for everyone, but I don’t need to be a psychic to know you’re scared. Tell me what’s wrong.” Emily said. “There’s just so much to think about. Perhaps it would be easier if we didn’t get married.” Ki said her brave mask failing. Taking Ki’s hand in hers Emily asked, “Do you still love the two of us?” “You know I do. It’s just…” Ki began, before Emily placed a finger to her lips. “Then we will deal with everything else as it comes. Neither of us has any intention of losing you. Would you truly wish to give us up?” Emily said. Laying her hand on Emily’s Ki looked at her and said, “Never…I merely thought…” “..that things might prove too difficult.” Joe said as emerged from the bathroom, wearing his blue sweat pants and gray t-shirt. “I think you have little confidence in our abilities. Emily and I are still here.” Joe said climbing onto the bed beside Ki. Ki smiled saying, “I guess I’m just a little anxious.” Returning her smiled they both embraced her, and Ki took comfort in their warmth and presence.

“I love you both.” Ki said. “And we love you.” Emily and Joe both replied.

Epilogue The wedding was a beautiful ceremony out in the country. They had decided to wait until their wedding night to consummate their marriage and make it special. Joe, Emily and Ki were looking forward to it smiled happily as they looked on one another. Most of their attention was directed towards one another, as if their families and friends melted into the background. The vows were done by a local priest with all but Joe’s mother in attendance. No one allowed that little fact to ruin that beautiful day. A cool breeze blew that afternoon and the sun shown brightly. It was spring and none could ask for a better site: so green upon a clear grassy hill. Diun spoke his own words praying to his deity to bless the union, even though Ki was a Christian, as was Joe, and Emily. None complained and Ki treasured that moment. She had always enjoyed the old stories about the ancient deity, even if she didn’t believe in him. Those stories were a part of her father’s culture as well as her own, the best parts. By all accounts the deity her father prayed to was honorable not unlike the one she believed in. As the ceremony came to a close the three exchanged rings, and took each of the long white candles they were holding and lit a single candle at the center of the stage behind them. It was meant to symbolize their new union. Each candle was kept lit also signify they were still individuals and they all had worth. It was a ceremony of both Human and Harreden origins. The three thought it would be fitting at their own wedding.

First Girlfriend

Chapter 1 As they slept Stacy dreamt of Sebbun as one of those bad girls: Arrogant, low morals and magnetic, dominant, and unafraid. Trouble was when dealing with a Di'San you have to make sure to block such things from them otherwise your wish just might come true. The following morning Stacy found herself alone in bed. When she stopped by Sebbun's room she wasn't there either. 'That's weird. Maybe she just went to the library to study. Her first class starts at 11 am." Stacy thought. Checking the clock before she left Stacy saw it was 8:00 am. Heading towards the library she saw Sebbun with one of the guys from a local frat. Wearing a school sweater the guy was known as a hardcore partier. Sebbun wore red spaghetti halter top with tight jean shirts which showed off her gorgeous legs. On her feet wear platform sandals that gave her an extra inch or two. Stacy remembered his name was Miguel and that a lot of the girls in her sorority had hooked up with him in the past. From what they told her the guy was pretty cool and definitely smooth when it came to getting you into bed. Curious Stacy watched as Sebbun played the part of the aggressor. As she laughed at his jokes Stacy could see Sebbun, finding excuses to touch him. They all seemed pretty innocent of course to Miguel and his guy friends nearby, but Stacy got the impression that Sebbun was doing it on purpose. Miguel was totally into her. Stacy had never seen anything like it. When it came time to leave she said her goodbyes and turned around heading towards Stacy. Wrapping her arms around her girlfriend Sebbun gave her a wet kiss that made Stacy melt. Immediately all the weirdness of Sebbun's strange behavior evaporated, only to be replaced by pure pleasure. When Sebbun finally pulled back breaking the kiss Stacy was dizzy and unsteady on her feet. Leaning up against Sebbun Stacy looked over Sebbun's shoulder to see Miguel watching them. All the guys in the quad were watching, and even some of the girls. Stacy felt sort of embarrassed and wanted to get away. Pulling Stacy close Sebbun said come with me. "But I have class in a half an hour and it’s across campus." Stacy said not wanting to be late for her calculus. Kissing Stacy again Sebbun explored her mouth with her tongue until she had Stacy moaning. Giving her a small peck on the lips as she ended it, Sebbun led her to the girl's bathroom and Stacy wasn't complaining. Heading into the bathroom Sebbun pushed Stacy into a stall closing and locking the door behind her. "I have a change of clothes for you in my backpack." Sebbun said with a grin.

"Why would..." Stacy began to say before grabbed the front of her blouse and ripped it open sending buttons everywhere. Two more jerks of Sebbun's powerful muscles and Stacy's bra and panties followed. "Holy shit! When did you get so strong?" Stacy said, as her back pressed against the light blue tiled wall. Cocking her head Sebbun gave her a little smirk saying, "I don't know, I just felt like something had changed." Dropping the pieces of clothing, Sebbun grabbed Stacy by the waist and hoisted up into the air as if she weighed nothing. Burying her face in Stacy's pussy she went to town, eating her out until her girlfriend came all over her face. After dressing Stacy stepped out to find a few appreciative onlookers who just smiled at her as she left. Stacy felt self conscience but said nothing. Neither her or Sebbun were aware of the real reason this was happening. Among the Harreden something like this could never have occurred. Whether you were a Ki or not, all Harreden were mentally shielded out of habit. Emotions alone were the only thing that weren't, which is why Ki were so adept at reading people. The simple truth was their powerful abilities were necessary here. Among humans however especially with a Di'San who was made to fit their partner's desires, they were a bit overpowered. Physically and mentally Sebbun had done just that without realizing it. Already Sebbun felt the need for sexual experiences. Of course Miguel was out of the question. He was simply too noticeable. Someone else would be better. Shifting to her male form, Sebbun strode outside hunting for that experience. His eyes searched the crowd watching the other student until one caught his attention. The thoughts of a girl shy but it was her subdued beauty that called to him. She wanted to meet a man and have children. She had brown curly wavy hair with brown eyes. Her form was slender and short. The girl's simple dream attracted Sebbun, encouraging the strong breeding instinct that marked all Harreden males but that was not the only emotion he was experiencing. While Sebbun had always shown what might be considered more classically feminine qualities even as a male, Stacy's wish had awoken a more masculine half. Already he was changing to fit a new role with a complete stranger as the father of her child. With barely the smallest gesture he touched Erica's thoughts calling to her and hiding nothing. As she looked up their eyes met Sebbun smiled. Coming to him they headed to her dorm room to be alone. No words were spoken between them as they undressed. Picking her up Sebbun carried her to the bed. Laying her down he kissed her lips softly and tenderly. He already knew that Erica was virgin. Taking his time he didn't rush her wanting her to enjoy every moment. Lust filled him as he held back the desire to enter her and take her body; to fill her with seed. It took every bit of his will to fight that feeling even as she wanted him to. "This will hurt." Sebbun warned her. "I'm ready." Erica said taking a breath to brace herself.

Slowly entering her Sebbun's cock pushed up against her hymen before it broke through and Erica cried out. Tears filled her eyes before Sebbun's ability blocked out her pain until she no longer felt it. Instead slowly but surely her pleasure began to build as her body enjoyed his rock hard cock. It was her first time and it was now a wonderful gift. As she climaxed her mind showed him all in that moment and for that brief time Sebbun loved her as true as any love. He saw who she was and her hopes and her dreams. That day Sebbun forgot about school and just lay there with her for a few hours as they slept. Kissing him as they awoke she thanked him for what he had given her. "Will I see you again?" Erica asked looking into his eyes. Brushing her hair out of her face Sebbun said, "Yes. I will never leave you I promise." Sebbun left now understanding what had happened. Among the Harreden his only purpose was to have sex but here he was something more. Among these two women he had become two different people, and Sebbun was unsure which woman he cared for more. All he knew was that if he gave up either one he would feel incomplete somehow, especially if it was Erica. She had seen the other side of him and did not turn away, but would this always stay the same? Only time would tell... Luke lay there on a motel bed his hand tied behind his back. As a young male prostitute he had many johns but this woman was apparently into the whole bondage deal. Still he was being paid so he was willing to go along with a little rough play, it would be the first time. He expected the usual spanking or something of the like. Craning his head he saw her strap on a greenish blue dildo buckling the black harness on. It was his first anal experience and he wasn't sure if he was going to like this, but he seemed to have no desire to try to get away. All resistance suddenly evaporated and he just lay there as she approached. Spitting on her hand she rubbed it all over the smooth plastic of the dildo. Pressing it against his asshole Chenosh said, "You better bite that pillow in front of you because if you cry out then you'll regret it." His hands tied behind his back Luke could do nothing even if he wanted to. In one sudden movement she forced herself into his ass straight up to the hilt. Luke bit down on the pillow as he lay flat on the bed his legs pinned beneath her. Sitting on them pressed up against his ass she thrust into him savagely taking his ass. Each thrust was fast and hard as Chenosh violated him in a way no one ever had. Pleasure mixed with pain as his muscles tightened and relaxed as the two became almost joined. The more intense the pain got, the more intense the pleasure. When his first orgasm hit a second soon followed making him cum in great spurts. Only as Chenosh stopped did his teeth let go of the pillow, his jaw aching. His whole body was sore and tired from the whole ordeal and his asshole screamed in pain when he tried to move a little. His breathing was ragged and his body was bathed in sweat. Chenosh cut his bonds and he rubbed his wrists as they hurt a lot. "Alright get up on your hands and knees, and be quick about it. I'm not done with you yet." Chenosh said. Wincing Luke tried to get up but found it difficult as sore muscles moved sluggishly.

Growing impatient as he moved too slowly Chenosh gave him a hard slap to the ass. "I said move!" Chenosh commanded. "Aaah!" Luke cried out involuntarily. There was a pause before Chenosh responded. "Did you just cry out?" Chenosh said. It was the tone of her voice that caused Luke to turn around. Seeing the look in her eyes of undistinguished lust he realized what he had just done. 'Oh shit!' Luke thought. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Luke said in a panic. Without saying a word she motioned him up with a pleased smirk on her face. Forcing himself up Luke got up on all fours facing away from her. "And I was going to be so nice to you this time. I guess we'll just have to go back to the rough stuff. The good news is now you can cry out as much as you want." Chenosh said. Getting up on the bed behind him Chenosh licked her hand gave each of his cheeks two hard slaps. "Ah! Aaah!" Luke cried out with each slap. "Hurts doesn't it?" Chenosh asked bending over him to whisper into his ear. "Yes." Luke said his ass cheeks a burning red. Each slap had both hurt and felt good but it wasn't enough to make him cum. In a way it was a form of torture. Grabbing a handful of his hair Chenosh gave his head a sharp jerk saying, "Yes what?" "Yes... mistress?" Luke guessed not sure if it was the right answer. "Good slave now stay there, and don't move off this bed." Chenosh said. Getting off the bed she disappeared from his view. After awhile he glanced over his shoulder Luke saw her replace the 7 inch long dildo for a 12 inch black one. Whimpering at the thought of being on the receiving end of it Luke saw her look up. Rolling her eyes and exhaling dramatically Chenosh said, "Oh alright. If you promise to behave and do what I tell you to, I promise it will be a lot easier." Luke couldn't help but consider the possibility that she might be lying but he knew he couldn't take much more punishment. "I promise mistress." Luke said. "Good come her to the edge of the bed and sit up." Chenosh said point to where she wanted him. Crawling to that spot Luke sat up on his knees. He watched as Chenosh came out of the bathroom with a nipple ring, some rubbing alcohol, and a sharp long needle. "Still want to be good?" Chenosh asked with raised eyebrows. Thinking over his choices for a moment Luke forced his eyes shut and gritted his teeth wanting to get it over with. With a smile on her lips Chenosh cleaned the needle and approached. Taking a hold of his left one she pierced it with needle slowly. It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would as Chenosh lowered his sensitivity to pain as a way of rewarding him. Afterwards she put in the nipple ring at that was that. The fucking after that didn't hurt so much as the pain all but disappeared and he came once more before she sat on his face and he made her cum.

When they were all done she showered, dressed and left money on the dresser. Chenosh drove home since she knew Sebbun would like to wake up to his pretty little girlfriend. While she didn't understand his attachment to the redheaded Madison Tyler, Chenosh wasn't about to screw things up for him. Nights like this were for both of them since Chenosh didn't want to show herself around Madison.

Chapter 2 Luke lay there on a motel bed his hand tied behind his back. As a young male prostitute he had many johns but this woman was apparently into the whole bondage deal. Still he was being paid so he was willing to go along with a little rough play, it would be the first time. He expected the usual spanking or something of the like. Craning his head he saw her strap on a greenish blue dildo buckling the black harness on. It was his first anal experience and he wasn't sure if he was going to like this, but he seemed to have no desire to try to get away. All resistance suddenly evaporated and he just lay there as she approached. Spitting on her hand she rubbed it all over the smooth plastic of the dildo. Pressing it against his asshole Chenosh said, "You better bite that pillow in front of you because if you cry out then you'll regret it." His hands tied behind his back Luke could do nothing even if he wanted to. In one sudden movement she forced herself into his ass straight up to the hilt. Luke bit down on the pillow as he lay flat on the bed his legs pinned beneath her. Sitting on them pressed up against his ass she thrust into him savagely taking his ass. Each thrust was fast and hard as Chenosh violated him in a way no one ever had. Pleasure mixed with pain as his muscles tightened and relaxed as the two became almost joined. The more intense the pain got, the more intense the pleasure. When his first orgasm hit a second soon followed making him cum in great spurts. Only as Chenosh stopped did his teeth let go of the pillow, his jaw aching. His whole body was sore and tired from the whole ordeal and his asshole screamed in pain when he tried to move a little. His breathing was ragged and his body was bathed in sweat. Chenosh cut his bonds and he rubbed his wrists as they hurt a lot. "Alright get up on your hands and knees, and be quick about it. I'm not done with you yet." Chenosh said. Wincing Luke tried to get up but found it difficult as sore muscles moved sluggishly. Growing impatient as he moved too slowly Chenosh gave him a hard slap to the ass. "I said move!" Chenosh commanded. "Aaah!" Luke cried out involuntarily. There was a pause before Chenosh responded. "Did you just cry out?" Chenosh said. It was the tone of her voice that caused Luke to turn around. Seeing the look in her eyes of undistinguished lust he realized what he had just done. 'Oh shit!' Luke thought. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Luke said in a panic. Without saying a word she motioned him up with a pleased smirk on her face. Forcing himself up Luke got up on all fours facing away from her. "And I was going to be so nice to you this time. I guess we'll just have to go back to the rough stuff. The good news is now you can cry out as much as you want." Chenosh said. Getting up on the bed behind him Chenosh licked her hand gave each of his cheeks two hard slaps. "Ah! Aaah!" Luke cried out with each slap.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Chenosh asked bending over him to whisper into his ear. "Yes." Luke said his ass cheeks a burning red. Each slap had both hurt and felt good but it wasn't enough to make him cum. In a way it was a form of torture. Grabbing a handful of his hair Chenosh gave his head a sharp jerk saying, "Yes what?" "Yes... mistress?" Luke guessed not sure if it was the right answer. "Good slave now stay there, and don't move off this bed." Chenosh said. Getting off the bed she disappeared from his view. After awhile he glanced over his shoulder Luke saw her replace the 7 inch long dildo for a 12 inch black one. Whimpering at the thought of being on the receiving end of it Luke saw her look up. Rolling her eyes and exhaling dramatically Chenosh said, "Oh alright. If you promise to behave and do what I tell you to, I promise it will be a lot easier." Luke couldn't help but consider the possibility that she might be lying but he knew he couldn't take much more punishment. "I promise mistress." Luke said. "Good come her to the edge of the bed and sit up." Chenosh said point to where she wanted him. Crawling to that spot Luke sat up on his knees. He watched as Chenosh came out of the bathroom with a nipple ring, some rubbing alcohol, and a sharp long needle. "Still want to be good?" Chenosh asked with raised eyebrows. Thinking over his choices for a moment Luke forced his eyes shut and gritted his teeth wanting to get it over with. With a smile on her lips Chenosh cleaned the needle and approached. Taking a hold of his left one she pierced it with needle slowly. It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would as Chenosh lowered his sensitivity to pain as a way of rewarding him. Afterwards she put in the nipple ring at that was that. The fucking after that didn't hurt so much as the pain all but disappeared and he came once more before she sat on his face and he made her cum. When they were all done she showered, dressed and left money on the dresser.

Chenosh: A Decision Made

Chenosh sat naked on a wooden chair with her legs crossed, watching Luke lie there breathless. She had been working him for a good hour or two and this was his first chance to rest. Already she sensed a strange connection between them, and she didn’t like it. Unlike Sebbun, Chenosh preferred that separation. In her mind anything beyond sex was just asking for trouble. She had never been an artist like Sebbun. She had always preferred mathematics instead: cool and logical, yes this described her. Any so of passion was a means to an end. She didn’t like this warm feeling this human inspired in her, this warm that felt so odd. Everyday her thoughts seemed to drift towards him. He accepted pain like no other, even humiliation as she sought to test him. Bent over the balcony he had again taken it up the ass, allowing anyone who bothered to look up to see him. The safety railings only hid so much, so the threat of being exposed was very high in that case. Instead of refusing like part of him wanted to, he had submitted to her whim, giving of himself and accepting his role. Chenosh had to admit she had imagined the scene from time to time as she fucked him deeply as he leaned over the top rail. Balled she heard him try to moan, his mouth and body showing his pleasure with each thrust. His hands were handcuffed together like Chenosh liked, leaving him bound and practically helpless. Even looking down at the ground below and the possibility of him falling seemed to add to the excitement. Both were completely naked as Chenosh fucked him with the large strap-on dildo until he came. Pulling out Chenosh gave his pretty little ass a good smack and watched him tense. Reaching over the side she grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up. “On your knees bitch and crawl.” Chenosh said as he obeyed and she led him back in. He crawled across the soft gray carpet before they came to double bed. Tying him up she had taken a cane to his back and buttocks making him crying out with the pure violence. Tossing the cane aside, she viewed the red bleeding welts that marked where she had struck him. Climbing onto the bed she used her tongue, finding every single one, enjoying the taste of him and how he shivered in pain and pleasure. Her saliva healed every wound as she finished, leaving no marks across his smooth skin. Luke felt a strange tingling sensation as each wound closed and the stinging pain disappeared.

Spread-eagled as he was Luke was securely bound on the bed. Leaving him like that Chenosh got dressed and went out to get something eat. Returning later she found him lying there waiting. Untying him she secured him with a leash and a black metal studded collar. Leading him as he crawled across the carpet to the smooth linoleum floor of the bathroom she treated him like a dog. “On your feet.” She said calmly watching him stand up. Moving behind him she pinned him against the counter with them both facing the mirror. Grasping him by the neck from behind she pressed his full against her, so Luke could feel her firm nipples press against his back. She remember how he loved to suck on them. There wasn’t a thing he didn’t love about her body in fact. If given the opportunity, Luke would lick and touch her body forever. “You worship me don’t you my pet?” Chenosh whispered into his ear, seeing his eyes close in the mirror. “Yes mistress.” Luke said. “And you believe I can do something to change that.” Chenosh said with an evil smile. Letting her power build she forced it into Luke’s body and watched him shift for a few moments before leaving Luke to finish the process. Sitting on the bed checking her nails she heard him whimpering in agony the sheer amount of pain taking his breath away. He was actually shocked when unfamiliar sounds came out of his mouth. Sweating and gasping Luke crawled out of the bathroom with blurry vision. Upon seeing Luke come out Chenosh called to her lovely pet. “Come to me.” She said. Exhaust Luke crawled to her feet and collapsed with labored breath. Helping Luke up Chenosh produced a mirror. “Look at yourself in the mirror my pet. I want to see the hate and disgust in your eyes. Look!” Chenosh said firmly. Looking into the hand mirror Luke saw a woman who could practically be his female twin. With a long red hair and a new trim body as a woman Luke was gorgeous. “I am a Ki. You may have heard about it in the news, and what we can do. I just made you shift, and only I can turn you back, but I’m afraid I’m not inclined to.” Chenosh said

getting up and walking to the side of the bed. Reaching underneath it she tossed a gym to him that she pulled out. Luke looked down at it as it landed beside him. “That’s enough money for you find yourself a place and get a new job. I enjoyed beating your pimp up for the money. I found it quite a release.” Chenosh said almost idly. The large Caucasian man had actually tried to put a good fight, and she had enjoyed toying with him. Eventually she just decided to break his jaw and he soon changed his tune. Breaking his arm wasn’t completely necessary, but it was fun and would further illustrate that he shouldn’t fuck with her. The man was a quivering mess by the time she left him in that alley. “You did that for me?” Luke said, not exactly the response Chenosh expected. Looking at Luke’s face, Chenosh saw that it was drenched in tears. As a Di’san it was part of her nature to alter to fit her mate, and already she could feel Luke’s need working through her, until finally it one out. The transition was to an outside viewer would have been smooth and seamless as personality traits reshuffled to fit the new image. While certain core aspects remained the same, Chenosh abilities allowed her to shift into accepting her new role and iniating the final bond need to identify Luke as her mate. Luke watched in wonder as the mask of coldness and Chenosh pulled Luke into her embrace. “Yes…I did.” Chenosh said, uncomfortable at admitting this. Luke’s adoration for her was stifling at first, suffocating Chenosh. Then after a moment something changed. Chenosh sensed that Luke was comforted by her touch. Kissing away her tears Chenosh held Luke until she fell asleep.

Since Luke insisted on staying with Chenosh, her mistress decided to use the money to buy her pet some clothes along with a new black collar, with “C.” etched in a metal plate at the front. Along with this new collar came Luke’s new name “Lisa”. Having seen Chenosh’s male form that morning, there was no very little hidden from the two. Whatever Lisa wanted to know Chenosh answered freely. While Lisa noted this change and was happy with it, she also noted another in her mate: Chenosh now mainly focused on the women and not the men as he looked around in his male form. Lisa had seen Chenosh look at both sexes before, as if it made no difference, and that had been as a female. “Master?” Lisa asked hesitantly. Turning away from the current brunette he had been eyeing going into the changing rooms, Chenosh turned to Lisa with raised eyebrows.

“Yes?” He asked looking her square in the eyes. “Why is it you only look at women now? If I may ask.” Lisa said, making sure to add the last part with her eyes downcast. Grasping her chin lightly Chenosh pushed it up so Lisa looked at him. Looking into her green eyes Chenosh kissed her in public, their lips lightly brushing. “Because I intend to be the only male in this relationship, or any other. Take this money and go pay for the clothes we found for you. I will be waiting at the front entrance.” Chenosh said stroking her cheek softly with his fingertips. He watched her go, still stumbling in her new heels, it was her first day ever wearing any after all. Lisa had bought them at the last store when Chenosh commented that he liked them. She seemed quite determined to get the hang of them. Lisa wore a black spaghetti strap top, and a black and blue plaid miniskirt. While Lisa didn’t realize as he watched her move away his eyes were only for her. Her slim body as well as her firm tight ass inspired lustful thoughts, as he imagined what he wanted to do to her. ‘I’m curious to see how she will respond to the fact that this new body of hers is a virgin one, a fact I plan to change once we head back to the room.’ Chenosh thought. School was out for the week and Sebbun had agreed to give Chenosh some time, especially since her sibling had held their body for so long because of finals. Chenosh had every intention of making the best of it, and Lisa understood. It was times like this that Chenosh wished she could have her own body, but whether he liked to admit it or not, Chenosh might miss her near constant companion’s presence, if separated. Both had become accustomed to each other and each despite the occasional reservation needed that constant contact. From time to time they would share memories of what had happened while the other slept and each marveled as they saw things through the other’s point of view. It took Sebbun only a day or two to realize his sibling had changed and it had not become a cause of contention between them. When one of them needed something the other one was willing to give them the opportunity to carry it out, as they had since the beginning. By tapping into the other’s skill base they were able to do tasks they couldn’t do before. Walking to the front entrance past the displays of clothes, Chenosh wondered if it was fair to Lisa to share, for secretly Chenosh adored her so. Lisa got a call from Ellen one of Lisa’s former co-workers. Apparently after the pimp got out of the hospital he had taken the rest of the money and skipped town. This left all his

still working call girls on there own with no protection. Even now a few of them were in trouble. Apparently a few drunken frat boys wouldn’t let them leave until they got something they hadn’t paid for. Looking at Lisa Chenosh could sense her worry and decided that he would intervene on their behalf, besides it could be fun. While they might not recognize Lisa’s voice for obvious reasons, they were desperate, which made Chenosh smile and Lisa shiver. As much as he might have change or bonded to Lisa, the old Chenosh could still bubble to the surface when others were concerned, and they didn’t share Lisa practical immunity. “Can I come with you? I promise to stay out of the way.” Lisa asked in earnest. She wanted to be there when things went down. Part of her was unsure exactly why. It was just a feeling that something both good and bad was about to happen. “As you wish, but don’t put yourself in harms way understand?” Chenosh said glancing at her. “Yes master.” Lisa said and she saw him nod showing his acceptance. The hotel was a nice one. Obviously some of these frat boys came from good money. Chenosh could not help but smile at the thought of that. “This will be too easy.” Chenosh mumbled as they headed to the elevators. The girls had already given their room numbers. “Excuse me sir. Where do you think you are going?” The manager of the hotel said, stepping out to meet them from behind the front desk. “I have some friends in room 402 that could use more company. I brought some more to ensure the festivities remain interesting. I’m sure I can arrange things with Mr. Havens to ensure you are more than compensated for this little show in front of your other guests.” Chenosh said. “I should really call him to confirm all this.” The manager said nervously. Chenosh was putting him in an uncomfortable position. Pulling out a wad of cash Chenosh began counting off a few hundreds before offering it to the manager who looked around unsure if they were making a scene. “That won’t be necessary. We both know how Mr. Havens and his friends love surprises. It would be a shame not to give it to them.” Chenosh said only having to provide only the slightest hint of mental pressure on the balding gray haired man before he gave in and took the money.

“There now, I’m glad that’s settled. We shouldn’t be long and I believe we can find the room on our own. Mr. Havens and I will talk business and I have a new cell phone number. Do you have a pen?” Chenosh said before providing the Manager with the instructions needed and continuing to the elevator. Riding it to the 4th floor Chenosh and Lisa stepped out, and headed to the room. Knocking Chenosh waited for Havens or one of the other men to answer. When a handsome twenty year old man opened the door he asked who they were. “Are you Mr. Havens?” Chenosh said, smelling the thick stench of alcohol to his breath after already hearing his slurred speech. Even through his sluggish mind Chenosh was able to sift through and find the memory of a knife in his left pocket: a switch blade to be precise. “I am. What’s it to you?” Havens said, barely getting the words out in a coherent sentence. Without warning Chenosh landed a vicious toe kick right to his balls as he stood open and exposed in the doorway. Hearing grunt and she grabbed him and whirled him around before fishing through the pocket in question and finding the blade. In less than a second, Chenosh had the ready blade at his throat, while Lisa moved to close the door behind them. “I suggest you move away from the girls before I bleed your friend here.” Chenosh said with a toothy grin, eyes hungry and waiting. Both men immediately moved away from the two hookers trapped at the window. Each man was far more sober than their friend Havens and were looking to him for direction. “Good now strip. The both of you. Let’s see if you can provide a show for the ladies and I. Do it now, and no funny business or I might just make your friend a unic before I come for you next.” Chenosh said with a chuckle and a smile. Glancing at each other both men reluctantly began to undress. It took a trickle of blood from Haven’s neck before they actually began moving though. Looking them over Chenosh appraised them as they moved. Both were in good shape. Like Haven’s all had the look of athletes. “I’m guessing you boys are on vacation. Good, that means I can nice price for new talent when I get you your dates, women of course. No use making it too difficult consider only one of you will be doing this more than once.” Chenosh said before shoving the well built Havens onto the table. Like the rest of them everything was happening too fast and he was as frightened as the rest.

“Since I took care of their last pimp then I guess it’s my job to step in. The girls are free to go their own way if they want, but you pretty boy are going to work off this insult. If you try to run or refuse I’ll find you and put you in a fucking hospital. Either way you are going to pay up for me wasting my time and having to come down here. When I say I’m done with you then you get to leave just like your friends will, but not until after you gain a new appreciation for the life of a hooker. This can go easy or it can go hard. I don’t want your daddy’s money, only what your bitch as is going to give me, because unlike your friends you will be taking as well as giving.” Chenosh said sending a punch to one of his kidneys for emphasis. Turning to the other two men as Havens held his side and groaned in pain falling to the ground Chenosh said, “Now does anyone want to argue this point or has everyone realized it’s not a good idea to fuck with me?”

Chenosh and Lisa were fooling around when they heard the knock at the door hours later. Getting up from the bed Chenosh left his still clothed girlfriend gasping from the beginnings of an orgasm. “Come back to bed please master.” Lisa said with pouting lips. “Business first my pet. After all we do have to pay the bills.” Chenosh said before opening the door to find the three men waiting outside. “You’re late.” Chenosh said showing his disapproval as he looked them noting everything. “We had trouble finding the place.” Havens said sweating on a cold winters day. Chenosh’s hand shot out, and grasped him by the throat, lifting him off the ground. The other two men froze, whatever plan they had suddenly in tatters as they watched their helpless friend. “One, you aren’t a good liar. Two, I can see the imprint of a gun in the left front pocket of your jeans. You suck at this junior so don’t even try to play with the big boys. Now both your friends are going to step inside and we are going to have a fucking discussion about not fucking with me and guess who is going to play the part of example.” Chenosh said, making more a statement than a question as he was looking right into Havens face which was turning blue. Backing up while still holding the choking Havens, Chenosh let them in. It wasn’t until they were safely inside that Chenosh Havens, letting him crumple to the floor. Havens sucked in great big gasps as he tried desperately to feed oxygen into his air starved body.

“I expected you to behave foolishly, despite the fact that I was being easy on you, I am a mind reader after all. Now we up the ante.” Chenosh said noticing Havens was trying to crawl away. Without much of an effort Chenosh planted foot on his ass and shoved him back down, before pinning Havens under his weight. Not once did he take his eyes off the others for more than a second. “You two will still go on your little dates, but in response to this I’ve already set you up with a few more adventurous women, nothing you two boys can’t handle. But since Mr. Edwards here got the bright idea to cross me again, an example must be made. Stand up Eddie.” Chenosh said removing his first before sending a swift kick to Eddie’s ribs. If he had used any more force Eddie would have had a few broken ones. Even now he rose slowly as he held his side. Grabbing the back of Eddie’s neck, so the two of them faced Eddie’s friends Chenosh sent a jolt of power into him making him shift. Both men gasped as their friend turned into a skinny little brunette who looked like she was barely eighteen. Like Lisa she had green eyes. “Pretty isn’t she? I think I’ll call her Evelyn. Lisa would you be a dear and get a hand mirror so our new girl can have a look at herself. Eddie/Evelyn already didn’t like what she could see of herself already and was about ready to panic. “What have you done to me?” Evelyn asked looking down at her hand and now loose slacks that were too long for her now. Taking the mirror that Lisa offered Chenosh showed Evelyn her new face saying, “I’ve turned you into a girl, and a pretty one at that. My you do have fine genes. I think I’ll make you my pretty little doll. We can even play dress up. What do you think Lisa? Perhaps some red lips and makeup, followed by a change into a blue bikini to show off her lovely body?” “Yes master. She does look pretty indeed.” Lisa agreed eyeing her. “This can’t be happening!” Evelyn said, her voice beginning to quiver. “Of course it is. You were planning to kill me after all. In return, I believe I am being most kind by not killing you as perhaps I should. We had a deal and you broke it. Now your buddies get to leave when the job is done. You however…” Chenosh began, pausing for emphasis as he pulled Evelyn against him and let her feel the hardness of his cock, “Will not even want to leave when I’m done with you. I’ll break you, and then I’ll fuck you. Both should prove to be quite entertaining. Now your friends should leave now, unless of course they want to join you.”

Both young men took each set of directions before scrambling for the door, Chenosh chuckled at the sight of it. “Well I guess that just leaves the three of us. Lisa, if you would could you get the makeup and a pair of scissors. I think my new doll needs a makeover before we have some fun.” Chenosh said.

“Aaaaah! Aaaaah! Please! Please! No more!” Evelyn cried out as her body managed to push out one more pain inspired orgasm. Chenosh had not even touch her once, not with his body at least. “Just say the words and this can be all over my pretty little doll. That’s all you need to say and this will be all over.” Chenosh said lying on his side on top of the covers. He could sense her hesitation, and sighed. “I can do this all night if necessary. Next we’ll move on to the pleasure centers in your body. In the end I will win so it’s only pride that stands in your way. I know you’re tempted. Twice already you had to fight the urge. Even now it’s getting stronger. Give in. I will make sure you won’t regret. As much as I love breaking you, I want you open and wanton for me all the more. You are punishing us both because you won’t give in.” Chenosh said, the words soft and inviting. Evelyn had to use all her will not to give in to it. “As you wish. If you want it the hard way then I will have you beg and crawl before I’m done. I’ve held back until now.” Chenosh said sitting up so he could look at her. Evelyn meant to ask what he meant by that comment when the first flood hit her. Every nerve in her body sprang to life. Thousands of neurons firing all at once, and everyone of them allowing the feeling of pure ecstasy to build past anything Evelyn had ever imagined. Her voice became an unintelligible women as her brain was overload leaving her gasping like a fish out of water. Eyes dilated and muscles straining and clenching, there was no longer any conscious thought. Evelyn’s brain could not process the data being sent through it and was desperately trying to stay conscious. Her entire body began to shake and sweat as her brain tried to send the information somewhere else so it wouldn’t be buried in the overload. She wasn’t conscious of anything but the pleasure, her body itself was acting on its own for its own self-preservation. For a brief moment Evelyn thought she would die from it, that it was too much for any human to handle. But then suddenly without warning it relented, and it took a few minutes for Evelyn to have any semblance of coherent thought. “Oh fuck…” Was all that she could manage to get out as she just lay there totally spent. Not one exhausted muscle would answer her commands to move as she tried to get up.

“Shall we try again?” Chenosh said with a raised eyebrow. “No….I submit.” Evelyn said, her mouth being one of the few things she still could control and even it ached. As some feeling began to come back she felt a wetness between her legs. “Yes you made quite a mess on the floor, but that’s understandable. Given the choice I think you might have preferred the pain in hindsight at least that is easier to handle. Come to me.” Chenosh said, and sure enough Evelyn began to move, her body acting of its own accord. Crawling across the floor she came to the bed and managed to climb onto it. “Here, sleep beside me.” Chenosh said after finding a place at the head of the bed, directly in the middle with Lisa joining him at his back. Each girl cuddled up to him and they all fell asleep and Evelyn was able to finally rest at last.

The following morning Chenosh got the money from the two college boys, and he decided to let them go, after all they had made quite a bit of money and Chenosh was in a good mood at the moment. That night all of the former pimp’s prostitutes showed up and Chenosh convinced them to pull their money. Each of them sat in fold out chair or were spread out on the beds or floor as they listened to his plans. “You will each receive a fair percentage, the rest will go toward necessities and building towards a future. We’ll all live on one estate to save money in the long run and some of you will train as submissives and dominates. If necessary I’ll bring in an outsider to help in this training. The main advantage is you will not be having sex anymore, so you actually be safe, so long as you remain on the estate.” Chenosh said. “What about those of us who might have already of caught something. It is a dangerous business after all.” A young looking blond who sat in the back said. All the others turned towards her nodding in agreement. Apparently a number of them were afraid of the same problem, and they wanted to see how their new pimp was going to react. “My blood creates antibodies naturally. For those infected I can provide a cure if provided the right equipment. If you would like we could create a small lab as an add-on to our little business. All employees will receive free help benefits as it were. Would that be agreeable?” Chenosh said looking around the room. The woman after a quick discussion amongst themselves agreed, as did a few of the men.

“In addition if you do prefer sex, porn seems to be a legitimate option we should look into. The condition will also be an improvement on your lives on the streets and the pay is better. I will of course always receive twenty-five percent of each form of income as is my due, but I will be fair and as at least two of you can already attest, I will make anyone regret fucking with you.” Chenosh said. Lisa had been made their spokesperson; despite the fact that she was his girl they still trusted her: in the past they could always count on her to help out. Granted in the past Lisa had been a him, but outside of getting the initial shock of the physical change, she was the same person underneath. Heading to the far corner they circled around her as they discussed these ideas. Chenosh could easily of overhead if he wanted to, but he purposely tuned out so he heard or sensed nothing. It was done out of difference to Lisa. Chenosh had no intention of making her friends and co-workers think less of her. Stepping forward until she stood in front of her co-worker Lisa said, “We are in agreement as long as you deliver as promised.” “Excellent, then let us begin with who will volunteer for what.” Chenosh said, letting the hookers separate themselves before he would address each group separately. Almost none of them wanted to work on the streets anymore. The majority simply didn’t see much future in it, especially when their new employer was offering a way out. Chenosh smiled as he saw the eagerness in their eyes, and why not? Both he and they would benefit from this relationship, and what was more, both could be rich. He would use the opportunities presented here to expand his territory and influence to become a conqueror of another kind: the business world.

Sebbun sensed a disturbance as she dreamt. Something had changed, and her consciousness reached out, trying to sense what this change was. Standing in the middle of lush rolling plains she closed her eyes to help her focus. “Greetings my sibling, you look well.” Chenosh’s voice came from behind her. Whirling around she came face to face with Chenosh in her female form, with a smile on her face. It had been some time since they had appeared as anything other than a voice to each other in this setting. Normally they merely passed each other short messages through telepathy, but their bond was strong despite the fact that they had lost much of their closeness recently. “You’ve changed Chenosh. I hardly recognize you anymore.” Sebbun said, looking at her sibling, a sad look on her face.

“I miss how close we once were, you and I.” Sebbun said. “Such things cannot be helped. Your mate opened the door, I merely responded. Now I am my own person, not merely a clone.” Chenosh said, looking her in the eye. Taking Chenosh’s hands in hers Sebbun replied, “You were never a clone. You were always my protector. I could never be violent…never be strong like you. How many adventures did we have as children because you pushed me to come out of my shell?” “You had your own Sebbun, and now I must follow mine. Because of this new metamorphosis, my powers have grown far beyond our predecessors. We can finally split you and I…at least physically.” Chenosh said. “And our bond?” Sebbun asked looking into her eyes earnestly, “What of that? We have never been separated, you and I. Who knows what will happen. Perhaps we were put together this way for a reason.” Scoffing Chenosh shook her off and stepped back saying, “And what possible reason could that be?” “Think about it Chenosh. We are opposites, we always have been. Even before the change this was true. Even you have to admit that.” Sebbun responded. “I suppose that true. In some way I was always the aggressive one, and you the submissive. Perhaps recent changes have only enhanced that part of our nature.” Chenosh said. “And affected how we look at the world.” Sebbun added. “What’s your point?” Chenosh asked. “My point is, that what if we were never meant to be split up? What if on some level we balance each other? Maybe even keep the other from going to far. If that is the case, splitting up would be a very bad idea.” Sebbun answered. “Or perhaps we will become what we were truly meant to be, without the other holding back. If we stay this way then both will suffer. My wishes and yours don’t coincide. You want to become everything your girlfriends want. I on the other hand want it to be on my terms. I want to be control: that is my nature now. I want to be free, and you can be that way too. Live your life, Sebbun and let me live mine.” Chenosh said, grabbing a hold of her sibling. “What are you doing? Aaaaah!” Sebbun cried out as pain and nausea overcame her. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself alone back in her dorm room.

“Chenosh?” Sebbun said, suddenly afraid as she couldn’t feel her twin for the first time in her life. Not one stray thought came to her, not one sensation, or any other inkling that her twin might be nearby.

Enjoying her new freedom Chenosh returned to her hotel to finish packing. Every one else had already moved out, and she had wanted to spend the last night alone. Laying on her bed in her black and white plaid shirt and gray pants, she reveled in the feeling of unchecked power flowing through her body. She was so focused on this feeling that she almost didn’t notice the house keeping maid enter her room by mistake. Chenosh opened her eyes and turned to find a cute little Latin maid. Small and slender she was definitely eye catching. Chenosh saw that her name tag said Estelle as the door closed behind her. “Sorry miss, I didn’t know anyone was still in here. I’ll leave and come back later.” Estelle said. Turning the doorknob, Estelle tried to leave, only to find the door wouldn’t budge. Looking around for the cause she saw a feminine hand holding the door closed. Turning around she came face with the sexist woman she had ever seen. “Hello beautiful. Where do you think you are going?” Chenosh said, using her free hand to reach up and finger Estelle’s necklace, which was attached to a silver crucifix. “I…I…I should be going. I could get into a lot of trouble.” Estelle said, her nipples growing stiff against the blue cotton maid uniform she was wearing. There was a hunger in this woman’s eyes that made her breath quicken. When Chenosh pushed up against her, pressing her body against Estelle’s, the maid gasped and Chenosh smiled. “You’re not going anywhere. I plan to use your pretty of yours.” Chenosh said, backing away. Estelle’s eyes widened in shock and she found she had trouble breathing as Chenosh began unbuttoning her shirt. Estelle couldn’t speak, no matter how hard she tried. Her voice was simply gone as she couldn’t form a single word. Her body was tense and nervous. She felt hot and sweaty, and could feel herself getting wet. When Chenosh let her shirt slip, all Estelle could do was stare. Before her were two lovely breasts, dark and inviting. “My name is Chenosh.” She said before ripping open the front of Estelle’s uniform, sending buttons flying and revealing her white bra and panties, “And before I’m done, trouble with your bosses will be the last thing on your mind.”

Estelle’s clothes were strewn across the floor, and she still found herself pinned across the floor. Of course the difference was that her feet were nowhere close to the floor. She was in fact straddling Chenosh face as the powerful female held her up without any trouble. Grasping Estelle’s thighs tightly, Chenosh hungrily licked and nibbled her pussy. Estelle moaned, her mouth slack, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she came for the third time in the last ten minutes. Changing her grip Chenosh grasped the maid’s hips before she pulled them away from the door. Walking backwards for a few steps, she turned, feeling Estelle suddenly grasp the back of her head in fright. In those few seconds before she turned, Chenosh had briefly stopped allowing Estelle to regain her senses. Realizing that she could fall Estelle was holding on for dear life. Moving to the bed, Chenosh bent at the waist to put the woman down, and almost laughed as Estelle tensed before she gently touched down. Laying on her back Estelle relaxed as Chenosh began fingering her pussy. Using the fingers of her left hand as well Chenosh rubbed the maid’s clit too, working it for all it was worth. Withdrawing her fingers from Estelle’s pussy Chenosh licked them clean using long strokes of her tongue as she enjoyed the taste. Estelle fell asleep totally exhausted. When she woke up again it was to the feeling of some strange object rubbing against her pussy lips. Still groggy she tried to get up but found she could move that much. Testing each limb separately she felt the tug of a rope, only then did she realize that she was bound. Using top length of the purple dildo Chenosh continued to tease her, enjoying her gasps. Grasping the sex toy just behind the tip, she gently herself pushed in. Once she was all the way in Chenosh said, “You like this don’t you? Tell the truth.” “Oooooh, yessss!” Estelle moaned as Chenosh began to fuck her nice and deep, leaning back as she delivered each thrust. Estelle was so wet that the dildo slipped in and out so easily. “Tell me how much love it.” Chenosh said leaning forward a little bit so it increased the friction as she fucked downwards more. “I love it! Please don’t stop! Right there! Oh God, right there!” Estelle said, grasping at the covers. “You have such a tight pretty ass. I can’t wait to get inside it.” Chenosh said, as she kept up the pace. “Please not my ass. Just my pussy. So good!” Estelle said, closing her eyes and enjoying each stroke.

Chenosh fucked her for another five minutes, letting cum once more before she made her move. Pulling out Chenosh bent her face down as she stretched Estelle’s ass cheeks apart, letting a dribble of spit fall into Estelle’s asshole making it nice and wet. “What are you doing?” Estelle said, feeling Chenosh using her finger to rub the spit in. Chenosh kept quiet and smiled as she moved in and pressed the head of the fake cock against the Latin woman’s asshole. “Please not my ass Miss. Just my pussy. Not that, aaaahh!” Estelle said crying out at the end as Chenosh began to force her way in. “It hurts!” Estelle said starting to cry as her ass was far too tight. “Shhhhh baby. It’s okay. It will start to feel good in a moment I promise.” Chenosh said, stroking the other woman’s long black wavy that touched her shoulders, and was done up in a pony tail. Estelle whimpered one more time as the toy was forced in all the way, and the full length was now lodged deep in her ass. As Chenosh began to fuck her, Estelle did start to feel the barest tingle of pleasure and no discomfort. Moving in and out Chenosh fucked her the innocent maid, watching her become more and more open to this new experience. “See isn’t that better. I told you it would feel good.” Chenosh said with a smile, kissing the back of her neck tenderly. Leaning forward she pressed herself into Estelle’s back, luxuriating in the softness of the well tanned woman’s skin. The harness holding the dildo in place rubbed against her own clit as she fucked her. Soon her own pussy began to leak a steady stream of pussy juice down her thighs until it dripped off her. Reaching behind herself she dabbed a little of it up and rubbed it on the Estelle’s soft lips. Unconsciously she licked them, tasting Chenosh. “What is that? Some kind of candy or something?” Estelle said her tongue licking up the last traces of the delicious fluid. “No, that’s me. Do you want some more?” Chenosh replied. “Yes please.” Estelle said eagerly. Grasping each rope in turn with both hands she snapped each with a sharp tug before moving on. In a matter of moments she had freed Estelle, who was now rubbing her sore wrists and ankles. “On your back.” Chenosh commanded, and watched as Estelle did it. Straddling her face, Chenosh lowered her pussy down onto Estelle’s mouth. Now it was her tone to moan as the maid lapped happily at her pussy, savoring every lick. Chenosh came hard and quickly giving herself up to an incredible orgasm, and gushed all over Estelle’s face.

Estelle sputtered for a moment choking, as her mouth overflowed, but went right back to it once she had caught her breath. In a surprise move Chenosh got up a lay down face up on the bed. At first Estelle hesitated, but eventually her own lust over came her and she climbed on top of Chenosh and gave her breasts experimental licks. Even the half-Harreden’s sweat tasted good, and Estelle was practically devouring her as she licked and mouthed every part of the other woman’s flesh. Estelle had never felt the uncontrollable urge to have sex with anyone, least of all a woman, but there was something different about the person beneath her. “Who are you?” Estelle asked stopping just long to look Chenosh’s eyes. “I am Chenosh, and I’m all the man or woman you will ever need. Now kiss me.” Chenosh said grasping the back of Estelle’s head and pulling her down towards her own waiting lips, “Am I not beautiful.” “Yes you are.” Estelle said, not resisting her. “And so are you.” Chenosh said, kissing her deeply. Estelle had been forced to dress in some of Chenosh’s clothes, thanks to her ruined uniform. Chenosh kissed her tenderly and Estelle felt enmeshed in her precious, like she was falling into her. Chenosh didn’t want her body but her mind, her soul. Diving into her Chenosh touched Estelle’s core sharing it for a brief moment. Estelle gasped, this was more intimate than she could have possibly dreamed. She witnessed vivid images as they flowed into her. For that time they were one soul, one spirit, and Estelle could feel Chenosh’s hunger. Like a magnetic it threatened to pull her in, and claim her. She would be Chenosh’s forever, and no one else would be able to compare. Part of Estelle resisted, knowing it would be the end of her, but the rest was ready to give up. It was Chenosh herself who saved her. Realizing how close she had come Chenosh withdrew quickly, and broke the kiss. “Are you alright?” Chenosh asked, it was a brief moment of openness, Estelle’s near death experience just then had brought it out of her. “If I said yes would you do that again?” Estelle said, feeling as she had just experienced heaven on earth. Her legs began to buckle, her body spent from the brief experience. Chenosh was forced to hold her up until Estelle forced herself to breathe. “I wouldn’t recommend trying that again. Strange, I usually have more control.” Chenosh said, uncomfortable with the idea of what had just happened. Perhaps Sebbun had been right, and she was now more dangerous than she realized. “I don’t mind. Please, can I have more?” Estelle said trying to kiss her again. Pressing a finger to the other woman’s lips to stop her Chenosh said, “I don’t think so.”

Then she saw the look of pure sadness that came over Estelle’s face to which Chenosh replied, “Maybe later.” Estelle’s face lit up at the thought of trying it again. Chenosh recognized this as both strange and unhealthy. Obviously Chenosh’s new ability could effect the mind of her partners. Estelle reminded her of a drug addict who was looking for a fix. Even now she could picture the woman going through withdraws. Right now her eyes were dilated and she smiled, her features relaxed. Whatever Chenosh had just done, it was greater than any other ability she possessed. If used unwisely she could not only kill but be tempted to enslave her human partners. Already the temptation rose up in her. ‘Why not take her? She wants it after all.” A voice inside Chenosh’s head said, but Chenosh resisted despite her eroding will. ‘No! I won’t give in. My will has never failed before. I will not become a slave myself to this. So far I’ve managed to skirt true enslavement and taking away choice, but I haven’t crossed over and I won’t. I must get help.’ Chenosh said to herself, trying to push the desire away with little success. ‘Sebbun! Sebbun help me! I need you.’ Chenosh called out in her mind. ‘I am here. Let me in so I can help you.’ Sebbun voice came to her, feeling so distant and weak. Chenosh obeyed letting down her mental shields that now blocked her sibling from connecting fully with her. Sebbun came inside and touched Chenosh’s mind, restoring control and calming her. ‘Come to me Chenosh. I miss you.’ Sebbun said, her voice so warm and welcoming. ‘I will. I’m so sorry.’ Chenosh said, realizing her error. Her arrogance had nearly cost a human life. For all the bad girl that was in her, Chenosh was not prepared to do that. ‘All is forgiven, but we must talk you and I. You are going down a path that will lead you into trouble. All I want to do is help you.’ Sebbun said, Chenosh could feel her worry. Turning to Estelle she again used her new ability, but this time she healed the imbalance she had just made. Estelle’s eyes went back to normal and she looked around her as if waking from a trance. “What just happened?” Estelle asked still feeling strange yet aware, like something very important had just happened and she missed it. “I did something by accident and almost lost you. You should go. I am unsafe for now until I figure things out. It could possibly happen again.” Chenosh said, feeling so much

wiser than before. This was a very big wake up call for her. She had no intention of letting it happen again. “Are you sure? I could come with you.” Estelle suggested. Taking a pen from the desk in the room and writing down the address to the mansion Chenosh handed it to Estelle. “Go here and tell them I sent you, and that you are to be the new made. Later we can talk if you want to live there or not, but first I must go see someone.” Chenosh said. “Alright. I guess I’ll see you later then.” Estelle said leaving her. Making sure everything was packed, Chenosh left the room and closed the door behind her. Heading out the hotel doors, Chenosh walked toward the parking lot where her rental was waiting: a nice 96’ Red Corvette, it was her favorite color. Coming into the parking lot she felt like she was being watched. Focusing on the feeling she saw two men in a Ford Focus tracking her across the lot. In her mind’s eye she saw them draw their guns and get out. They planned to shoot her while her back was turned. The image of bullets hitting her was obviously from their minds. In theirs she would be heavily wounded at the very least before they finished her off. Obviously neither knew of her Harreden heritage, or at least the fact that bullets won’t hurt a Harreden because of their tough skin. Sure it might seem soft upon touch, a human would be hard pressed to know the difference. The problem was that Harreden could instinctively harden themselves while in danger. Even when caught by surprise they would hear the report of a gun firing in time to prepare themselves automatically. Theoretically she could choose to override that instinct, but what Harreden in their right mind would want to be shot and be injured like a human would? Impatient to find out why they planned to attack her Chenosh did the last thing either man would have expected: she headed towards their car. The second man stepped out he shouted a warning to the driver. Deciding to just keep walking Chenosh didn’t seem to care as they leveled their handguns on her. Guns fired and Chenosh just kept coming as the bullets hit. She didn’t get knocked back a single inch. Both men just stared for a second before they started emptying a full clip at her, still she seemed unharmed. Panicking they dived back into the car to make their escape. The first gunman, an older Italian man who was probably in his 40s tried to start it as he saw Chenosh bend down in front of the car. Grasping underneath she gave a powerful heave, lifting up the front before turning the entire car on its side. Glass and metal crunched as the car came down and the two men cried out. Walking over to where she could look in the windshield Chenosh said, “Now are you going to tell me what I want to know, or do I have to pull you both out and take the information by force?”

“We don’t know why they sent us after you! We were just told that we were supposed to take care of you.” The younger man said. Chenosh judged him to be the junior of the two. Judging by the way he was shaking, he hadn’t seen a lot of action. The older man on the other hand was starting to calm down, and now was presenting her a stone face. “I’m guessing you are the one with all the information, since you are being so quiet.” She said looking into his eyes. Both men had to strain themselves against the pull of gravity, otherwise they would have lain helpless on their side. The older man obviously didn’t like it, but all Chenosh saw in his eyes now were anger, not fear like in the other man’s. Deciding it would be best to leave them where they were, Chenosh changed her mind and tried to read the older one. In her initial search she saw the body of Evelyn and that added urgency to her search. Diving in with all her might she saw the driver stiffen. His mouth opened gasping for air, his eyes wide and dilated as she poured through his mind. In those memories she saw images of the women she had promised to protect all dead. Each of them was lying in a pool of blood where they had been found in the house and shot where they stood. None had survived, and some had taken some time to die Evelyn and Lisa were among them. Searching the second man’s mind as anger began to grip her, she was more controlled despite it. Instinct told her that the second man had not been a part of the slaughter, and her search of his mind proved her right. Grasping his name she called to him. “Johnny, I’m going to break the windshield so you can get out. You will get out after I’m done and not make any sudden moves, or I am going to hurt you. Do you understand?” Chenosh said through gritted teeth as she eyed the older man. “Ok.” Johnny said. Punching through the glass she felt it grip her arm as it went through. With one pull she made a bigger hole as she pulled free, glass breaking and hitting the concrete. Using her hands she widened the hole still further by pulling pieces loose, and tossing them aside. Unsnapping his seatbelt Johnny crawled out, careful of the sharp piece of leftover glass. “Give me your gun Johnny.” Chenosh said looking at him. The taller man, not knowing what else to do, and scared just hand it to her and she took it. Without a word she pointed the gun at the first henchman and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit him right between the eyes and blew out the back of his skull. “That was for killing my women.” Chenosh said handing the gun back to Johnny. Stupefied he took it from her saying, “What are you going to do to me?” “That all depends on you Johnny Carparzzo. You can either lead me to your boss by choice and I’ll take care of the rest, or I can just kill you here, because I’m in that kind of a mood.” Chenosh said coldly.

“I guess I’m going with you.” Johnny said, not needing to think on it for long. “Good man, now get in the car. You get to drive.” Chenosh said without so much as a second look as the man she had just killed. ‘Chenosh? Where are you?’ Sebbun’s voice said as it entered Chenosh’s mind, while he and Johnny headed off. Chenosh had just shifted into his male form, a plan already forming in his mind. Johnny had been a little surprised by this sudden change. One moment he was walking beside a woman, the next a man. “What the fuck? How did you do that?” Johnny said nearly running into the a parked car. “I’m a Ki and Harreden. Both forms are totally natural to me. We don’t have time for me to explain. Now keep driving, and try not to crash us on the way.” Chenosh managed to say, barely containing his anger. “Ok…I guess we’ll talk about that part later.” Johnny said, taking an active interest in the road as they pulled out. He didn’t like the look in Chenosh’s eyes, and he definitely didn’t want to be the focus of the other male’s anger at that particular moment. Chenosh felt a rage he had never felt before. Now in that moment he sought violence not for pleasure, or amusement, but simple revenge. He had not wanted to care for Evelyn or Lisa, but he had started to, one could even say he loved them in his own way. Chenosh was uncomfortable with the idea of loving just one person, or even two. Up until now he had felt limited by the concept of loving so few people. Now he would have done anything to have them back. Tears threatened to fall for Lisa most of all, she had chosen to be with him, even when he had asked her to leave. Perhaps Evelyn might have done the same, but with Lisa there was no question. ‘They are gone Sebbun, both of them. I can’t bring them back, but I can make their murders pay. Not one of them will live, I swear it!’ Sebbun’s thoughts were filled with his pain and anger, so internalized, so powerful. At this distance he could almost picture killing the man he had seen in Johnny’s mind, the man who responsible for all those deaths. His fingers clamped on the man’s throat, and squeezing the life out of him as he watched the man struggled to breath. ‘I’m sorry Chenosh, but do not do this. As you said, you can’t bring them back. Killing is not the way. Let me help you.’ Sebbun begged. Chenosh again could feel her worry and love for him, Chenosh pushed away. ‘I will not be turned away from this course. They deserved better than this. If I had been there this would have never have happened. My selfishness caused this, and I will make sure their murders do not go unpunished!’ Chenosh said. ‘Let the police handle this Chenosh. I beg of you. No good can come of this.’ Sebbun said trying to reason with him.

‘You must think me a fool Sebbun. I know this world better than you think. Here the police can do very little. The same rules that protect the innocent, protect the guilty as well. Even if the cops manage to take them alive, they will have to get past the criminal’s lawyers. But I can do something, I can kill them all, and they can’t hurt me. I can do what must be done, what the police are unable to do. I am Harreden. While human blood runs through my veins, so does the other. We are a race of conquerors and warriors. Now I will show this human “underworld” what I can do, and they will regret ever crossing me.” Chenosh said his rage building with every word. “We are here.” Johnny said, pulling the car in just down the street of the house. Chenosh glanced at the well lit mansion that seemed to peak over the metal fence surrounding it, with a solid iron gate in front. “Stay here. I will come back for you.” Chenosh said having to calm down a little. Anger was one thing, but being taken over by rage was another. A clear head was needed for planning. If he just busted in there and slaughtered them all with his bare hands, there would be hell to pay. First off humans were still not aware of the full extent of what a Harreden could actually do, and there was a reason for this. First off Diun who was Chenosh’s grandfather, had not wanted to cause a panic. While the government might suspect, the public was a totally different matter. Diun wanted to have public opinion on his side, so he could actually better help humans. If his new comrades were afraid of him or his family, that would make it harder to slowly share medical break-throughs. An example for an obvious non-threatening new drug, was one that would eradicate fertility. The FDA was still testing it, but thus far they could find no harmful affects. Diun was going through all the proper channels to ensure he didn’t upset possible allies. All members of his family were also supposed to stay out of trouble. If Chenosh went on a rampage here, the cat would be out of the bag, and the fallout would not just effect him. If anything Chenosh hoped to limit that factor. A more human approach would suffice for his needs. The mystery of how he pulled it off would also keep anyone who found the mansion in the aftermath guessing. “No offense, but if my neck is going to be on the line, I want to stay as close to you as I can.” Johnny said. Glancing at him, Chenosh could not understand why he wanted to risk anything. He could obviously stay here, safe and unharmed with minimal risk to himself. Something else was bothering him Chenosh sensed: A sense of morality. While he had agreed to come with her, part of him felt guilty for betraying his boss. Of course that part was a very small voice versus the larger one that had allowed him to live. Don Gespacci was not a nice man by any stretch of the imagination. There were rumors that he had been responsible for a number of massacres, anything to keep his rival in line. Johnny wouldn’t betray Chenosh, but he also didn’t want to play it safe. He felt it would be cowardly.

“Very well, suite yourself.” Chenosh shrugged. If the man died it would be his own fault. Chenosh had offered the other man a chance to stay safe, which was oddly kind considering they just met. Chenosh had never cared for a stranger before. To him they simply meant nothing. It was only after getting to know them that he felt any connection whatsoever, and technically Johnny despite the views into his mind was still a stranger. Something else was going on that Chenosh couldn’t put his finger on, but the reason for it would have to wait till later. As they got out Chenosh glanced at him again saying, “Do you have a spare gun?” “Sure.” Johnny said walking to the passenger side to get at the glove box. As he bent over to open it, Chenosh made another odd decision. Retrieving the gun Johnny got out and turned around, “Here ya go, it’s a…” A well aimed punch knocked him out cold, and Chenosh caught him as he fell. Putting him in the passenger seat, Chenosh took the keys with him before closing both doors. Leaving him behind Chenosh felt a little better. “I believe I’m beginning to understand what my grandfather was talking about. Humans make us act funny, and it can take you awhile to figure out why.” Chenosh said. Chenosh entered the grounds, moving quicker than the eye could follow. Leaping over the brick wall, he crossed the lawn in front of the mansion in a matter of seconds. The guards patrolling the grounds never saw him. By the time one of them headed around the corner of the building, heading towards the back Chenosh was standing behind one of them. The man was lighting his cigarette with a cheap lighter when two hands reached out, and snapped his neck. Chenosh let them man drop, his senses trained for any danger. Hearing no sign of alarm, or feeling anyone approach he bent down and started relieving the man of his weapons. The man was carrying a shotgun and a pistol. Making sure to grab plenty of ammo off the corpse Chenosh found a knife in his belt. “This should prove helpful.” Chenosh said to himself. Walking around the corner calmly he spied the back of the second guards head. Slinging the shotgun from its strap, he let the knife fly. Twirling through the air, it buried itself right into the back of the man’s head: where the neck met the head. Like flicking an off switch he was dead before he hit the ground. Pulling the blade out Chenosh glanced up. Above him was a well lit balcony that could provide an unexpected entry into the building. “Beats going in the front door. No one’s say I can’t be fairly original.” Chenosh said feeling his heart quicken. Violence had always had this affect on him. Already the excitement and anticipation threatened to overwhelm his sense. Establishing control, he reigned his emotions back. In less than a moment the choppy waters of his emotions had

stilled again. This was no time to let her emotions go. It would breed only unusual “accidents” that might raise a few eyebrows. With an almost effortless leap he landed in the middle of the balcony, staring at two terrace doors. Inside Don Gespacci was stepping out of the shower, when suddenly he looked up. “Hello.” Chenosh said, raising his gun and shooting Gespacci in the kneecap. Howling in pain he fell to floor, cradling his ruined knee. Hearing footsteps on the far side of the door Chenosh used his intuition to put two bullets into the boss’ bodyguard who was getting ready to burst in. The body could be heard loudly hitting the wooden floor with a satisfying thud. Doing a final scan of the building Chenosh sensed two people in the bathroom. Focusing in on the two individuals he tried to feel if they were hostile. In the space of a couple of seconds he discounted them as a threat: both women were hiding in the bathroom. It was unlikely that either one was armed. “Three guards Don? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Why exactly haven’t you been bumped off yet? You order a hit on someone without even doing your homework, and your detail is a joke.” Chenosh said opening the doors, and pushing them open. Glass crunched underneath his shoes. “Who the fuck are you?” Gespacci asked between clenched teeth. “Perhaps a change of appearance is in order.” Chenosh said shifting into her female form. “Seem more familiar now?” Chenosh said. “Holy shit!” Gespacci cried out. Chenosh was now focused in the moment. Rage filled her, dredged up from deepest parts of her soul. For nothing else existed, that’s why she was surprised when sense someone outside the door. Figuring it was the wounded man trying to get up, she put another bullet into him. Without really aiming she fired a bullet into him. “Shit!” An all too familiar voice cried. Immediately turning towards the sound she said, “Johnny?” “What the fuck Chen!” John yelled back as he groaned in pain. Quickly opening the door she found the body of the original gunman, now dead and Johnny holding his gut. The bullet had ripped into his abdomen causing tremendous. The wound was bad. Heading back into the room she pulled off one of the sheets, ripping them to make a bandage. Hurrying to him, she pressed them to the wound. “I’m sorry!” Chenosh said.

“If I didn’t know better I would say you were actually worried about me.” Johnny said trying to force a smile. It gave Chenosh a chance to be angry: something she preferred over the feeling of panic she had been feeling. It was a new emotion to her. “I wanted you to wait in the car.” Chenosh said. “Sorry. Not so good at following directions, even when you make your intentions obvious.” Johnny said with a chuckle that ended up hurting him like hell. “Stop laughing you idiot before you bleed yourself to death. I’ve got to get you to a hospital.” Chenosh said. “No arguments here. Would you mind carrying me? It hurts when I stand.” Johnny said. Chenosh felt an odd warmth creep into her heart as she saw how brave he was being. She simply couldn’t be hurt like him, so she couldn’t possibly understand why someone wouldn’t just be overwhelmed by it. A gun fired behind her and she felt the impact of a shotgun shell hit the back of her head. Lucky enough instinct again had saved her, before she could even think about it. In her panic she must have dropped the shotgun on the floor, and her intended victim had decided to use it. Glancing over her shoulder, she picked up the gun she had set down in front of her on the floor and shot him between the eyes. “Damn girl! Your like a walking tank.” Johnny said wide-eyed, “Does anything hurt you?” “Not much. Enough of this chit-chat. I’ll drive you to the nearest hospital, and we can continue this conversation later.” Chenosh said. Stuffing the gun in her front waistband she picked up Johnny as if he weighed nothing. “My hero.” Johnny said, unable to resist. Sighing she said, “Johnny do you want me to add an injury to the list?” “Umm….no.” Johnny said. “Then shut up!” She commanded. “Ok.” He said unable to hide a smile. As they drove, Chenosh glanced at him worriedly. He seemed to be getting weaker. “Hold on Johnny. Don’t you die on me!” Chenosh said trying to keep one eye on the road which was very difficult given her state of mind.

“Don’t worry I’m fine…” He said, his voice trailing off. Breaking hard, she swerved the car off the road into the dirt. Once it came to a stop she rushed to the other side, pulling him out of the car. “Johnny! John!” She cried out, trying to shake him awake. When he didn’t stir she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes she pictured herself as energy. Pressing him to her she forced as much of it as she could into him. It was a move of desperation, but she couldn’t let him die. Something deep inside her refused to give him up. Chenosh didn’t know what it was, but she felt it and knew that it was important. In a one terrible moment she thought he wouldn’t wake up. Time seemed to slow down and she felt tears come to her eyes for the first time in her life, but then something stopped her. Johnny took a breath and opened his eyes. Looking into his hazel eyes she smiled. Now she knew why she felt so close to him. She had seen it in his coming back from the brink: a vision much like her ancestors had experienced. “Hello my sweet Monen’hi. My soul mate.” Chenosh said, kissing his lips. At first it was gentle then fierce. She broke the kiss leaving him gasping for air. “Is that how you brought me back? I felt myself slipping, but then I felt you all around me. You saved me.” Johnny said stroking her cheek with his fingertips. “You are my Monen’hi. To me that makes you more precious than anything. Despite our betrayal of our god, Pree’mus blessed a number of Di’san with this gift. When we are near our soul mate we can feel it. Even I as stubborn as I am I cannot ignore it totally. I felt you were special somehow, and with it the overpowering urge to keep you safe. I can share things with you that I cannot share with anyone else.” Chenosh explained. “Like the energy I felt filling me.” Johnny commented. “Yes. That and so much more.” Chenosh said. “Really? What?” He asked. Closing her eyes she opened her mind and gasped. In the space of what seemed like moments to her, Johnny lived entire lifetimes. He not only saw her memories, but felt and experienced them. He walked and lived the lives of her ancient kinsmen. When she shut off of the flow of memories, his eyes were wide and dilated. It took a few minutes for him to come back to himself. “Wow! What the fuck was that?” He said his breaths coming in gasps. “Those were to memories of my ancestors, my family.” Chenosh said helping him up. Johnny was now completely healed. The only traces of the earlier wound were the blood left behind sitting on his skin, and soaking his shirt.

“And you can do that yourself? Live there lives over again?” Johnny asked. “I can if I choose, now so can you. My memories are your memories.” Chenosh said. “How long was I gone? An hour or two?” Johnny said. “Time is subjective. You were not gone long. If you wish you can even speed up the process in your memories and in real life, as well as slow them down.” Chenosh answered. “How? Show me.” He said, his eagerness apparent. Chuckling at his eager attitude she looked towards the passing traffic. Motioning to it she said, “Look at the passing cars.” Turning, he complied. “Ok. What now?” He said. “Focus on them and see if you can slow down the images as they pass. Take slow breaths. It will help your control.” Chenosh said. “Ok.” He said trying to follow directions. It was difficult at first, part of him wanted to focus on all of them. Eventually he learned that if he narrowed it to one car he could. Sure enough while the others blew by, that one seemed to slow and he could see every detail as if it were coasting. “That’s cool!” He cried out in excitement. “Glad you enjoy it. Now widen your focus and try again.” Chenosh instructed. Taking a deep breath he tried again, this time taking in all the passing cars. Now that he knew what to do, it was actually possible this time. The group of cars he was watching still moved faster than his first success, but were still noticeably slower. “You’re getting better. In time you should learn to master it.” Chenosh said. “Guess I’m a quick study.” Johnny said with a cocky smile. When he took his first step towards the car his legs failed and she was forced to catch him. “But I suppose I should take it slow.” Johnny said. “Yes you should.” She agreed.

“Quick question: if I get so much from you, what do you get from me?” Johnny asked looking back at her as she helped him into the passenger’s side. “Have you noticed I’ve gotten a bit nicer?” She asked. “Hell yeah! You…” He started to say, but a sense of self preservation stopped him when she glared at him. “I mean yes.” He amended quickly. “You help balance me. Normally I would have punched you for that last comment.” Chenosh said. “Sorry. So what now? Something tells me my former boss isn’t going to like almost dieing, especially the bit about him being shot. I saw that much from the door.” He said. “One thing at a time. Right now we both need to find someplace to stay. We can’t go to my twin. I don’t want Sebbun to share in our trouble.” Chenosh said. “And Sebbun’s like you?” Johnny asked. “Yes, Sebbun is just a bit more gentle by nature.” Chenosh said. “That’s probably an understatement.” He said earning a hard punch to the arm. “Owww!” Johnny cried out cradling his arm. “Next time choose your words more carefully. I said you balance me. That doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you if you keep provoking me, or that I’m completely nice.” She said. “I’ll make a note of that.” He said rubbing his sore arm. Johnny woke up in the middle of the night to feel a hand pressed over his mouth. As his eyes adjusted to the pitch black darkness of the room, he saw Chenosh motioning for him to be quiet. They had bought a room at a quiet little motel downtown, just hoping to find a place for the night. Reaching for the gun on his side of the nightstand, he slid off the bed into a crouch beside it. Chenosh pointed to the door. Creeping silently across the floor she made it to the side of the doorway before it was kicked in. Two men burst forth firing with automatic weapons. Johnny hit the floor and covered up. Bullets destroyed the nightstand and the bed, turning them to shreds. He heard the door shut and one man scream. Looking up he saw Chenosh gesturing towards him. “Gun!” She called out.

Tossing it to her, he saw her turn and fire into the door. Bullets could be heard ripping into wood, followed by a sudden silence. Turning the handle she opened the door to reveal two dead gunmen. Chenosh grabbed one of the automatic weapons, pulling a clip from one of the dead men’s belts. Slide it in she cocked the weapon. Without a word she went to the window. Her steps were filled with purpose. Using the butt of the ak-47 she smashed through the window, and aimed at a black Crown Vic. Parked on the opposite side of the street. Pressing down on the trigger she lit the car up. Johnny covered his ears as she emptied the entire clip. “On your feet.” She said calmly, keeping the gun as she headed away from the window. Johnny quickly followed her without a word. He quickly dressed as she did the same. Both had been in their underwear during the whole deal. “Check their pockets.” Chenosh said as she listened to sirens in the distance. Johnny quickly set about stripping anything useful. He knew what she wanted and it was saving them valuable time. Once he was finished they stuffed everything into a gym bag she had brought in with her. Climbing out the fire escape she grabbed him and cradled him as he held the bag. “Brace yourself.” Was all she said as she leapt off down to the street below. Landing in a semi-crouch she moved to their own car, and Johnny could see the car she had fired at. It had two more men in it: one in the front and one in the back. Both were slumped over dead. Chenosh set him down beside the car and they both climbed in before she peeled off. They headed away from the sirens, slowing down when they were a safe distance away. “Well that went well.” He said trying to make his brain function. He had been doing everything on automatic, now he recognized that those men looked Chinese. “Why the fuck would the Triads be after us?” Johnny asked her. “All I got from them was that their boss was afraid of us. I’m guessing word has gotten around that I almost clipped your old employer. They probably want to get rid of any possible threat to them.” Chenosh said. “Ok, so where does that leave us?” Johnny said. “It leaves us with a few choices: First we join up with one of the bosses, second we could run and hide, or third we try to kill all of them. I mention these in order of preference.” Chenosh said.

“Well the third one is insane, and you don’t seem the type to run. Besides where do we run that they can’t find us?” He said. “I could kill them on my own, but I won’t risk you.” Chenosh said. “And what? I’m just supposed to hide out while you protect my ass? You’ll pardon my male ego on that one. Would you want to do that?” Johnny said. “You have a point. So that leaves us option one. The question is: who do we turn to? The Triads seem too afraid of us. Your boss is unlikely to give us a second chance. That leaves who?” She asked. “The Yakuza and the Russians. Both are new to the city and both are willing to take on new talent. You teach me how to kill someone like you do and we join up as a team. I doubt they would turn us down. Of course you would have to do it as a male. Both groups are a bit old fashioned to take a girl. It would make it an easier transition.” Johnny answered. “Alright, straight to them then?” She asked. “I would recommend the Yakuza first. They are hurting for people after my old boss had them hit last week. If nothing else they might contract us for revenge.” Johnny said. “Or we can come to them as an independent team. The trouble with swearing loyalty to one side already is that it makes us appear weak. While we don’t want them to totally fear us, we also don’t want them to have too much hold over us.” She said. “What are you thinking?” Johnny asked. “Let’s turn the situation to our advantage. If we prove we have talent then they will offer us better terms, and we won’t fail…” Chenosh said with a smile. “So we have nothing to lose.” He said, completing the thought, “Alright. We’ll try your plan. Lord knows I don’t want to become a permanent flunky of either group that they just hand out whatever job. At least your idea gives us a choice in the matter, and more money.” “Exactly.” She said, satisfied that they had a working plan. Hiro Nakatsu was the head of the city’s Yakuza. Chenosh sensed his arrogance and ignorance concerning anyone he considered subordinate to himself. “Why should I trust someone who refuses to work for me, and me alone?” Nakatsu asked, eyeing the two of them. “Because we’ll take care of your Italian rival for free. If you like our work then we can discuss the Triads. I think that seems fair. What do you have to lose?” Chenosh said. The

man was very close minded. While most people had idle thoughts, Nakatsu paid attention only to the present. Perhaps he thought that way in all his meetings, but she couldn’t be sure. The man had some sensitivity to a mental probe and she didn’t want to trip one of his internal alarms. His reaction to something like that would manifest as a bad feeling, or a sense of distrust. Johnny and Chenosh could afford neither at the moment. “Not much it seems. Very well, you will be allowed your chance to prove yourself. Fail or betray me and you will regret it.” Nakatsu said, threatening with practiced ease. Chenosh was unimpressed, but Johnny was a little scared. Even with his experience with dangerous men Johnny was still a little intimated by it. They left the restaurant that Nakatsu owned and did most of his business at. Once they were safely in the car Johnny let out a deep breath he had been holding in. “Well that was tense.” He said. “More so than you know. Someone was listening. Look at the van across the street.” Chenosh said. “The gray one?” Johnny asked turning to look. “Yes. Two men are sitting inside with listening equipment. If you focus on the inside of the vehicle you’ll be able to hear them too.” Chenosh said. Figuring it was a matter of will and concentration like before, Johnny focused on the interior of the van. Sure enough he did start to hear something, but it didn’t just stop there, he could also see them. “Shit those guys are FBI! I can actually see one of their jackets.” Johnny said. Chenosh was honestly impressed. “Very good. You’ve improved noticeably. They have been recording everything we’ve said. We will have to be more careful now. I want you as a sniper nearby. If something goes wrong you’ll be able to escape.” Chenosh said. “You’re serious. We shouldn’t do the job if we are going to risk getting pinched.” Johnny said. “Of course. We’ll find someplace to stay just outside the city. Tomorrow we’ll take a plane and leave here.” Chenosh said. That night she watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful to her, so trusting. They’d had sex that night, powerful and raw. Johnny had a few scratches on his back and some bite marks as evidence. She wanted so much to leave with him, but she couldn’t. If both of them did then they would have three crime lords hunting them. Two was bad enough for

now. At least this way only one of them would be left, and the Yakuza would protect him as long as Chenosh kept quiet. Changing back to her male form she stepped outside. Not even the FBI knew that she was a Ki or a Harreden. Those agencies who did know would not risk embarrassment so long as she didn’t force them to. Chenosh wasn’t stupid. She had made plenty of contacts in the past few days to prepare for the Yakuza. Studying all she could from playing with computers, and reading books she had learned to make her own I.D. as well as a full background. “If you wanted a change in careers you could always make fake I.D.s This is some professional work.” Johnny said eyeing the I.D., and comparing it to his own driver’s license. If he hadn’t known any better he would thought it was from the D.M.V. The name on Chenosh’s I.D. was “Conner Stevenson.” Walked into a bar not far from their room and had a drink. Eventually the cops would catch up, but by then he would be at his alibi. The police would be hard pressed to find any evidence that he had any hand in it other than the recording, and that would jeopardize a bigger investigation against the Yakuza. If they went after them the cops would want to have a solid case, not a circumstantial one. The only way they would have anything was if he talked. Chenosh glanced at the clock over the bar. The bomb had already been set, and had been wired to go off when he called the second one attached to it by a prepay cell phone. Walking into the bathroom he dialed the number and pressed send. Miles away in the middle of the night, Gespacci’s car exploded as he headed back from one of his clubs. No one survived, and he was vaporized in seconds by a home made bomb Chenosh created. Getting rid of the phone in the bathroom trash he headed back out into the bar and ordered another drink. Soon the cops pulled in with their siren and flashing lights. Coming through the door they flashed their badges and took him in. Chenosh sat in an interrogation room as they grilled him. “Talk to us Stevenson. Maybe we can make a deal and reduce your sentence. Right now you’re our only suspect. Which means you’ll take the fall for this, unless you can provide us with another name.” One of the detectives said. Chenosh recognized him from inside the van. The man was wearing plain clothes now. He matched the mental image Chenosh had seen. Now he was more clean shaven, as it had been hours since they had arrested Chenosh. The man had gray eyes and dark hair neatly trimmed along with his goatee. The man could easily blend into a crowd with how average he looked, no doubt it helped him undercover. Chenosh simply smiled in response to the man’s comments. There was no way he was going to talk to the police. In the end they had only a recording on him. The detonator had burned up in the explosion. Without that there was no physical evidence to tie him to the crime.

“You had your chance then. You’re going down for this.” The detective said. Chenosh had to try hard not to laugh. He could feel the man’s lie, the detective’s emotions were so clear. Not that Chenosh needed even that to tell the difference. He was no fool. The cop had set a trap for the paranoid and gullible. Any career criminal who fell for it deserved to be sent to prison. Weakness was not tolerated in their ranks. Talk too much, take money from the wrong person, or betray a powerful rival or boss and you soon found yourself in prison or six feet under. The cops let him stew in a jail cell to see if he would change his mind. The local tough guy approached him. A big biker that had a face only a mother could love. The setting was a communal prison cell with a collection of unsavory characters. As far as they were concerned the new arrival was untested new meat. “And who might you be?” Chenosh said looking calmly up at him. The man towered over him and had a cocky smile. “Name’s George bitch.” The big man said. “Who are you calling bitch?” Chenosh asked in a cold tone of voice. “Yeah I did.” George said. He never saw the punch that floored him coming. Chenosh watched him drop and looked mildly at the other prisoners nearby. “Anyone else want to try to make me their bitch?” Chenosh called out. Every man in the cell shook his head and just backed away. For the rest of his time in jail all the prisoners who heard of the incident gave him a wide berth. When the police had no choice but to release him, Johnny was waiting. “You shouldn’t have done that. We were supposed to be a team. I should have been in there with you at the very least.” Johnny said once they were safely back in the motel room. Chenosh had changed into her female form, knowing Johnny felt more comfortable with her that way. “That’s sweet but unnecessary. Harreden culture has prepared me for the life of a criminal, and for incarceration. Jail and prison are nothing to me. The top dog rules in there, as it does in Harreden society. You might as well be sending me to my room for all the good it will do.” Chenosh explained. “I just wish you had included me.” Johnny said. Chenosh could tell this was deeply affecting him. “I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t risk you. We come from different worlds.” She said.

“If I can’t live in your world then perhaps we should split up.” Johnny said. Both of them knew that he didn’t really want to do it, but the gauntlet had been thrown. Chenosh ignored how much it would hurt her to let him go, arguing that he would be safer. If necessary she would be the bad guy. “I don’t answer to ultimatums Johnny. If you want out then there’s the door. I paid for this room, and I will stay.” Chenosh said shielding her mind from him. Johnny couldn’t read her and see her intentions anymore. Now he was flying blind and she had just made an expected move. He had expected a compromise, not for her to want him gone. If he gave in now it would be on her terms. “As you wish.” Johnny said still in shock. Packing his things he left the apartment and Chenosh fought back the tears. She blamed him for taking her actions the wrong way. ‘What did he expect? I told him I wanted to protect him. Why couldn’t he just accept that I know what I’m doing?” Chenosh thought, feeding her anger in the place of actually exploring the real reason why he might have left. Anger boiled into rage and Chenosh grew more and more defiant. ‘It seems there is nothing to stop me from doing whatever I want.’ Chenosh said to herself. Going to her computer she accessed the bank account of her now dead mark. After using it to track the crime boss, now it would give Mr. Stevenson the money to up his criminal standing. It was all too easy once she got started. Chenosh had always been good with numbers and was able to work magic yet again on the keyboard. Fingers flying across the keyboard, she expertly hid the money. Creating a string of fake I.D.s she opened a dozen separate accounts. Spreading the money among them she emptied Gespacci’s accounts, even the ones overseas. None of it was really a challenge, but it was still fun. The police or anyone else would just know the money disappeared, not where it went. Chenosh could have erased any record of Gespacci even opening an account, but that would be pushing it. Show too much skill and the authorities would only be encouraged to go all out. None of them liked hackers for obvious reasons, especially those that conceivably hide anything they wanted. That would scare even the most naïve government bureuracrat. Next she went after deeds after creating dummy corporations to buy them up. In a relatively short time Stevenson own a portion of the city in everything but name. Now it was time to recruit. Gespacci’s now unemployed underlings proved an ample talent pool for Stevenson’s purposes. All that was needed now was a legitimate base from which to work from. Sure, Gespacci’s restaurants were one source of income, but Chenosh preferred something different. Deciding to open a drug rehab, and free clinic in the middle of his new territory, Chenosh setup shop. Junkies, street walkers, and bums were began to visit them and the new businesses easily paid for themselves. The rehab. was practically turning a miracle cure that helped anyone kick their habit. “Your Drug Rehab, and free clinic centers are running smoothly sir. The proceeds from the Rehab alone easily cover the cost of both in the first week. It should prove your most

profitable venture.” Allen Angawa his accountant said. Allen was sitting at his own desk the small little Asian man was well worth the money his new boss paid him. He was able to not only keep track of Stevenson’s money, but also completely trustworthy. “That is enough work for today. You have been definitely been living up to your reputation Mr. Angawa. Perhaps you would like to join me for a celebration of our success.” Stevenson said, the new name now truly feeling like his own. “Of…course sir. I would be honored to accompany you.” Allen said. “Excellent.” Connor said. The bookkeeper followed Connor into the strip club and was totally nervous. This was all new to him. The man felt totally out of his depth. Nothing had ever prepared him for this kind of situation. Nervously he adjusted his hair and glasses. Two women approached: a beautiful blond white girl and a long legged black girl. Both were taller than him and he was mesmerized by how pretty they were. “Hello Stacy and Jessica. Allow me to introduce my good friend Allen.” Connor said. “He’s kind of cute.” Jessica the blond said with a smile. Allen shyly looked away, unable to meet her eyes. “And shy too. I love shy guys. Would he like a “private” dance?” Stacy asked, putting emphasis on the word private. Allen was totally unaware of what they really meant by it. As far as he knew she meant a private lap dance. If the dancers were willing they could make extra money on the side to sleep with clients. Since each of them had visited the free clinic, they also were immune to STDs like everyone else you had taken the shot. Connor’s own scientists manufactured the drug according to his instructions, and he guarded the ingredients jealously. His workers were well paid and anyone who showed signs of being a problem was carefully watched. Connors forgot such concerns for the moment. He was here to relax, and unwind. Here there were a number of available women who would love nothing better than to attract his attention. Lana, the woman who ran the establishment walked over to greet him. “Hello Mr. Stevenson. A pleasure to have you here. Should I have your usual table ready?” Lana asked with her usual demeanor. She was flirtatious by nature, but with him she truly meant it. Lana it no secret that she had the hots for him. Connor had decided to play hard to get. He loved how much it frustrated it made her. Lana had never had trouble getting the man before meeting Connor. He could hardly blame the other men in her past for falling so hard. In her black T-shirt and tight fitting jeans, every lovely curve on her was revealed. Connor himself had to exercise some self control, lest he join their numbers. He was simply an expert in hiding his emotions.

“Please. Would you care to join me? I am celebrating the success of my new enterprises.” Connor said. “Thank you sir. Right this way.” Lana said leading him to his table right in front of the stage. The other customers were cleared out. There were some complaints, but the bouncers moved them out efficiently regardless. After Lana made sure Connor was comfortable she disappeared back stage for a few minutes. When Lana returned she said, “In honor of the occasion I’ve decided to introduce one of my new girls. I think you’ll like her.” Lana said taking a seat beside him. Connor heard the music come on and saw the curtains open. The woman who walked out was a tan petite little Asian woman. Lana managed to catch the slightest hint of a change in Connor’s breathing. She smiled at this, because she had learned to read over time. He was a challenge to say the least. While most men lost their breath when they became taken by an attractive woman, Connor had a habit of downplaying it, but unconsciously he did show some signs. “You are getting better at reading me aren’t you?” Connor said with a chuckle. “I…well…” Lana said, as she was unsure of how to react. “I’ve surprised you. You honestly didn’t notice that I was aware of you watching me. I find it’s a useful talent in my line of work. Don’t you think?” Connor said turning to look at her, “Now why would you be so interested in what I think of your new girl, I wonder?” “I simply want to please.” Lana said. “You’re lying. I know because I have a talent for detecting what’s hidden. Shall we try again? Perhaps the truth this time?” Connor said, giving her his full attention. Looking into his eyes Lana couldn’t breath or think, and it was not fear that drove her but something hotter. “I’m not lying.” Lana whispered unable to look away. “Pity. If you did have a real interest in me that I might be inclined to come out and play. Then again…I do play a bit rough. Perhaps you can’t handle it.” Connor said with a pleased smirk. “I can handle it.” Lana said her voice soft yet eager. “The rest of you may leave us with the exception of the girl on stage. I want one of you to remove the suitcase in my trunk and bring it here, then you can lock the door on your way out.” Connor said, not taking his eyes off her.

“Yes sir.” One of the bouncers said moving towards the door. After retrieving the suitcase in question, they left their employer, and called for his security to watch the place from the parking lot. Connor did not seem to be afraid of the other bosses, but his men were careful, and didn’t want to risk one of the others making a move on him. “What is her name?” Connor said glancing at the younger woman. He judged her to be about eighteen by the looks of her. “Her name is Trish. She moved here from the Phillipines.” Lana said. “Illegally?” Connor asked. “You already know the answer I’m guessing. I’ve taken care of it. Nothing that can be traced back to you. She and the others work where they want. Nothing outside of an immigration violation. Please don’t be mad.” Lana said. “On the contrary, so long as they choose their profession I care not. I’m even considering a temp agency. If necessary records can be doctored, but you have been most careful. Are you looking for a promotion Lana? Perhaps I could “groom” for a new position.” Connor said. “I would never presume…” Lana said. “Oh but you have. Open the case Lana.” Connor said before looking at the other woman onstage, “As for you, come here.” Trish stepped down from the stage walking over to them in her two-piece blue bathing and clear platform heels. “Strip for me Trish, and I want everything off…even your shoes.” Connor said splitting his attention between the two women as Lana picked his suitcase up off the floor, and put it on the table. Opening it she found a collection of bondage toys and equipment in it. While Lana stopped dead in her tracks her mouth open, Trish paused only for a moment before continuing. “It seems our new friend has seen things like these before. I would even venture to guess that she has experienced a number of them herself.” Connor said. “Yes master.” Trish said without hesitation as she slowly stripped off her clothes, letting them fall to the floor. As she danced in front of him swaying her hips, he eyed every curve. “Would you like to bind Mrs. Lana for me?” Connor asked. Without stopping even as she show the back of her body Trish said, “Yes master… please.”

“Very good. I want her bound with the silk scarves. Make sure to get her hands and feet.” He said to her. “Bound?” Lana asked, an edge of fear and excitement in her voice. “In the part of the world Trish comes from, men often look for sex slaves. That is why Trish knows what she knows. Obviously someone thought it was important enough to teach her. Since dominance runs to my own tastes she and I will initiate you into our world. Consider it both the price and part of the reward for showing iniative. While on one hand I admire your courage, you still should have double checked with me before risking my businesses. Should the government ever get wind of it they will surely try to use it against me. Lucky enough I’ve had the foresight to find every listening device here and turn it off. I’ve have left a number in my other establishments to make it look like someone only told me about this one. You provided me an opportunity to send a bad cop: who works for one of my new rivals to take the fall for it. That is part of the reason I decided to reward you at all, that and the new revenue you are bringing in with this venture of yours.” Connor explained as he watched Trish tie Lana’s hands. Lana didn’t struggle since things could be going far worse and she didn’t want to inspire his annoyance or anger. When Trish was finish she waited for Connor to give her another command. “Patient as well. My, my you did make an excellent choice when you agreed to take her Lana.” Connor said getting up. Grabbing her, he picked Lana up and place her face up on across the table. “Hold her arms.” Connor commanded. Lana soon felt the Asian woman’s small but determined hands grab her wrists and held them tight, getting ready to brace herself. The circular table itself was just big enough that Lana’s arms and legs dangled off sides. Lana couldn’t see a lot as every time she tried to move Trish fought her. “Have you ever heard of “Harreden”?” Connor asked. “The race?” Lana said. “Do want to know how I knew you were watching me? If I were merely a human I would have been none the wiser. Your thoughts are an open book to me. I can see them all, as well as every emotion.” Connor said walking to the side with a nylon switch flung over his shoulder. “I am capable of reading you and so much more. Now let me give you an experience you will never forget.” Connor said stroking his left hand across her flat belly. Lana could feel her heart pounding as saw the switch come off his shoulder. “This might sting a little.” Connor said with smile.

“Wait…Aaaaaah!” Lana cried out the switch striking her belly in mid-sentence. Trish had to use all her weight to push back down at the shoulders. “Pain.” Connor said, “And now we try pleasure.” Bending down Connor let his tongue create a wet trail across each stinging red welt. Lana let out a long moan in response. “Intense yes? Do you want more?” Connor said. “Mmmmm, yes please.” Lana said licking her lips. “Even is it means more pain?” Connor asked. “Yes.” Lana said without hesitation. Connor looked up at Trish and saw a look of pure lust in her eyes. She loved watching this just as much he loved doing it. Both smiled at each other over the woman that lay between them. Connor hit Lana a little harder forcing to cry out more, but when after a few swats he always made sure to give Lana her reward. For ten minutes they went back and forth between the two sensations. “Have you had enough foreplay Trish?” Connor asked. “Yes master. What do you want me to do?” Trish asked looking up at him as he drew close. Laying the switch across Lana’s breasts Connor turned his attention now to Trish. “How do you feel about impregnation Trish?” Connor asked. Trish’s head bowed in embarrassment as she said, “I would love to experience that master, but I am barren. I have tried before, but the doctors say I can never have any.” “That should not prove to be a problem.” Connor commented. “You have a drug that can make a woman fertile?” Trish asked her face lighting up. “I can see you have wanted this for some time. While I am developing a drug to do just that, we have something just as good. You see, we Harreden can naturally do so, and all my drugs and cures are based off our own abilities.” Connor said, bending down to kiss her cheek. “I have always wanted a baby. I would do anything to have one of my own.” Trish admitted. Pulling up a chair he placed it where Lana could see. “Then come here my pet, and I will give you one.” Connor said. Trish approached, taking his already hard member in her hand.

“I’ve never had one so big.” Trish said, her small hands gripping it and stroking it. “It will fit, trust me. But if you want to make sure you could always use your mouth to lube it up a little. In fact I would love to see how much I can fit between those lips of yours, and see what other skills you might have learned.” Connor said taking her by each wrist. “But master I want you inside me. Please.” Trish begged. “You are becoming impatient.” He scolded, “Very just a few strokes. You wouldn’t deny me that much would you?” “Of course not master.” Trish said getting on her knees. Connor unbuckled his pants and tossed them aside. Taking him in her hands Trish was able to guide him into her mouth. “Yes, that’s it…deeper. Oooooh.” Connor said enjoying the feeling of being inside her mouth. Taking a deep breath through her nose Trish pushed herself down until his cock started to slide down her throat. While she lacked a gag reflex, Trish could only do this for so long, as it blocked her airway. Backing off a little she gulped in a breath and tried again slowly. “You really are good.” Connor said, “Just once more. Ooooh.” After the last stroke he pulled her up saying, “Guide me into you and take it slow at first.” Straddling his lap Trish lowered her tiny body onto his large member, guiding it into her pussy. It was lucky for her that he wanted it slow, because she was too tight to take it otherwise at first. Already she could feel her inner walls stretch as her pussy tried to accommodate him. Connor took one of her tits into his mouth, nibbling and sucking on one of her small breasts. Trish looked deep into his eyes as she rode him up and down. Part of her wanted to go faster but another part of her loved the intimate moment they were sharing. Nothing else existed but the man before and as far as he was concerned nothing else did but her. Lana was forced to watch one of her strippers fuck the man she had always wanted to have sex with. Quietly she watched, hoping to be next. Lana also wanted a baby, and she was jealous of the fact that she would come second to the other woman. Trish kissed Connor, letting her tongue play with his as she fucked him, but something was missing though she didn’t want to say anything. Trish didn’t want to ruin the mood. “You want else I can feel it. Tell me.” Connor said. “I…” Trish began but hesitated. “Tell me my pet.” Connor said kissing her lips softly.

“I have a rape fantasy master. I always wanted a man to take me like I’m being forced, and for another woman to be involved. For him to have his way with me and use me.” Trish confessed to him. “Stand up then.” Connor said, and Trish let him up. Untying Lana he said to the older woman, “Get a pair of handcuffs and a strap-on out of my suitcase for your friend.” Trish watched as Lana brought him both “Master?” Trish asked, unsure of what was going on. “Do you like girls Trish?” Connor asked. “No, master.” Trish asked eyeing Lana nervously. “Oh don’t worry, she’s not the one you need to be worried about. I’m somewhat unique even for a Harreden. I won’t go into every thing I am, but suffice to say that being a Ki is one of them.” Connor said. “What’s a Ki?” Trish asked. “It’s sort of like a hermaphrodite, but more. The way I understand it they have two fully functioning forms. But I still don’t get how you are going to be able to impregnate her.” Lana said returning with the handcuff and offering them to Connor. “My birth name is Chenosh and I assure you this will work. Lana, would you please handcuff Trish’s hands behind her back, and bring her here.” Connor said. While both women were paying attention to each other as Lana handcuffed Trish, Connor changed back into Chenosh. Both women were surprised by the sudden change as they turned to look at what they thought would be Connor. What they saw instead was the sexiest woman they had ever seen putting on what looked like a tight fitting strap-on. “You weren’t joking. You’re beautiful.” Lana said looking her up and down. “Thank you, now bring her here, turn her around and bend her over in front of me . This is my own little invention you see.” Chenosh began as Lana move Trish over. Turning her around Lana waited. Chenosh slowly slipped the surprisingly warm device into the other woman, before she began to fuck her slowly. She pulled out to the tip before plunging all the way back in, letting Trish feel the full length. Trish on one hand resisted the idea of being fucked by another woman, couldn’t deny that it did feel good when she stopped struggling.

“It has another interesting feature besides being as warm as the real thing: it allows the wearer’s cum to pass through it and ejaculates it powerfully back out again. Given the fact that I can change my DNA to do whatever I want, impregnating you seems entirely possible doesn’t it?” Chenosh said as she bent over her and whispered into Trish’s ear. Suddenly Trish started to fight a little. Now she was conflicted between the idea of having sex with a woman in any shape or form, and how turned on she was that Chenosh was taking her by force. “Ohhhh, I’m so going to enjoy this. You have no idea how hard it has been not to have had sex in this form for months on end. Now I finally get to take my frustrations out on someone, and guess who is the lucky volunteer?” Chenosh said laying into to Trish. “Ow, ow, owwwww!” Trish started to cry out as Chenosh viciously hammered her pussy. Already Trish could tell she was going to have deep bruises afterwards. After awhile she started to get into it especially when Chenosh’s abilities started focusing on more of the pleasure than the pain. “Do you like that you little slut? Like being my little bitch? Maybe I should just fuck you to death, you worthless little cunt? Would you like that?” Chenosh whispered to her, but Trish couldn’t answer. Right then her mind was gone, and all she could do was gasp and moan. Chenosh had unconsciously taken her to a new place: a place of no conscious thought or true self-awareness. Trish lost all sense of time or where she was at that moment. Her body was on auto-pilot as she had her first orgasm. By the third one when Chenosh finally came herself all Trish could manage were inherent sounds before she passed out. Lana laid her down on the floor before Chenosh was upon her. “Now it’s your turn!” Chenosh said shoving onto the nearby table face down. Without any ceremony she fucked Lana as mercilessly as Trish, without seeming to tire. Just as she was about to pass out too Chenosh said, “Don’t worry baby. I’m not done with you yet. Next time you’ll have a real cock in you, and we’ll be going for round two when you wake up. Nighty, night.” Chenosh watch as the woman’s now limp legs were unable to support her and slipped off the table and fell asleep on the ground. Wiping off the barest hint off the barest hint of sweat off her brow Chenosh considered calling in one of the men outside to entertain her for awhile, before the two women woke up. “Better not. Men scare so easily, besides at least I can control these two without too many people asking questions. I am supposed to be a man after all, and it makes sense that I would have a girlfriend or two. Besides some secrets can be fun to keep.” Chenosh said taking a seat and watching both women sleep. ‘Yes, I’m going to enjoy my new life.’ Chenosh said.

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