Connect Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 08.11.09

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CONNECT Executive Committee Meeting Minutes August 11th, 2009 12:00 pm

Present: Lynn Heckman- Allegheny County Kathy Coder- Bellevue Thomas Hartswick- Castle Shannon Douglas Sample- Crafton Gino Rizza- Dormont Eric Shultz- Edgewood D. Raja- Mt. Lebanon Marcia Taylor- Mt. Lebanon Michael Lamb- Pittsburgh Richard Charnovich- Robinson Dan DeMarco- Ross Tim Rogers- Shaler John Thompson- Wilkinsburg


Introduction of Members DeMarco: Welcome to the first CONNECT Executive Committee Meeting. It is an honor to serve as chair in the absence of Mayor Ravenstahl and Pat Schaefer. Let us begin with brief introductions.


Review of Membership Status Miller: (See attachment 1 and 2.) The Committee reviewed the list of non-participating communities and the following outreach assignments were agreed on: Penn Hills – Luke Ravenstahl West Mifflin – Marcia Taylor Ingram and McKees Rocks – Doug Sample


Review of Finances a. CONNECT Funding Plan: Miller: (See attachment 3.) The Executive Committee reviewed proposals to the local foundations and the State. Preliminary responses on interest in continued financial support from the foundations is expected over the next several weeks. The application to the State DCED is on hold pending resolution of the State budget.

Taylor: I feel the Executive Committee needs to have a conversation about the development of by-laws. This document would give the officers power to conduct official business. DeMarco: I agree. The formation of by-laws is actually within the resolutions. IV.

Post Congress Activity Summary a. Resolution 09-16 Meeting Miller: The idea is to compose a committee to specifically deal with implementing resolution 09- 16. This Committee would make recommendations on how R9-16 should be implemented. Taylor: I think we should add Tim Rogers and Mike Kenney to the 09-16 Implementation Committee.

The Executive Committee agreed to add those names b. Communication Campaign Miller: We have developed a series of letters to groups we want CONNECT to have initial contact with. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Baginski: The Editorial Board idea was discussed at the CONNECT Officer Committee Meeting on the 29th. We wanted a CONNECT story (not a city story). We will be inviting both the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and the Pittsburgh Tribune in order to cut across the different audiences both papers bring. Our press secretary has already contacted them and they are on notice. Miller: It was decided that the Editorial Board would be targeted to CONNECT Officers, as they should be the official spokespeople. DeMarco: In order to get the attention of the press, the Mayor’s Office had to make the call. We also wanted to wait until after all of the committees met for the first time. Miller: As a side note, please go to the website if you have yet to do so. We have been an impressive amount of hits. There are also great pictures from the Congress and the Officer’s Meeting. c. Resolution 09-23 Implementation Miller: Resolution 09-23 is the expeditor resolution. We are in the process of developing the official list and each community is encouraged to provide their expeditor. d. Existing Agreements Miller: We are proposing that one of the initiatives for the upcoming year be the creation of standardized language for dispute resolutions for intergovernmental agreements between CONNECT members. In conjunction with the Local Government Academy (LGA), language dealing with dispute processes for resolution on issues within the

agreement will be proposed this year.

V. New Business a. Request from COGs for Different Role Taylor: Four ex-officio members on one committee and four on the other makes sense. Miller: It is important for CONNECT to respond to the COG’s request and not the GSPIA Innovation Clinic. Raja: A letter from the Mayor can acknowledge the request, and say all COGs are invited to participate as ex-officio members in a manner identified by Taylor is a good idea. Taylor: Motion to adopt language. Rogers: 2nd *Motion passes unanimously b. Priority Setting for the Upcoming Year; Key Initiatives; Directions to the Operations and Policy Committees DeMarco: ALCOSAN is the number one priority. Are there any thoughts on the Port Authority in the list of priorities? Raja: Our region is facing economic problems. I would like to see ways of marketing the region as more attractive, so more people stay here. Coder: I have brought this up before, but I think it is important for our organization to develop a strategic plan. It would be useful if we had a few things to hone in on, then people could see results. Rogers: We need evidence of progress, which will be hard to do without money. Taylor: The Policy and Operations Committees are different, and should have different focuses. The Policy Committee should be fleshing out a list of issues, and the Operations Committee can take those issues and figure out how to implement them. The Policy Committee should bring resolutions to the Congress, and once they are approved they get passed to the Operations Committee. Coder: I have an idea related to the G-20 Summit. One day can be given to the City from the municipalities’ public works departments. It is fairly simple, and doesn’t cost a lot of money. It is a practical way to get CONNECT out of the gate. Taylor: That is a great idea. CONNECT needs a couple of wins. DeMarco: This is proposing to contribute the DPW for one day to the City.

Coder: Yes, we would have to coordinate with the City’s DPW. DeMarco: Whatever the municipalities are willing to provide from police and/or public works in conjunction with the City. Executive Committee agrees to pursue this endeavor. Thompson: It would be easier to provide exactly what role, and what date and time to work. Raja: It should also be based on need. Lamb: The time frame will probably be two weeks leading up to the Summit. DeMarco: Should we also include a time frame in the discussion? DeMarco: Yes, propose governmental bodies and/or police departments for no more than a certain amount of time. Baginski: I think this is a great idea. Every Wednesday key communicators meet to discuss G-20. I will take this idea to them tomorrow. It will be a great story for CONNECT. Demarco: Can you give us a defined role? Baginski: Yes. Schultz: Make sure that Pittsburgh’s PW Director is informed. Miller: Art Victor is on the Operation’s Committee, we can include him during next week’s meeting. DeMarco: Make sure it is known that it comes from CONNECT. Put it on the website. The following subcommittees were created: 1.) By-Laws Subcommittee: Richard Charnovich, Dan DeMarco, Tim Rodgers, Eric Shultz, and Marcia Taylor. 2.) Economic Development Subcommittee: Kathy Coder and D. Raja. 3.) Strategic Planning Subcommittee: Kathy Coder, Tom Hartswick, Doug Sample and John Thompson. * Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM

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