12.13.08 (11.29.08 is obsolete)
I. Syntax in basic SOV sentences [Ergative-Subject] Objects: {[when where] [what or who(IO before DO)] [means]} [verb phrase] Subject: Tia When: Ciūbmun 6 Mamānta 732 na Where: Ccav na Who/What: mīc toi he Verb phrase: viūcco siemoim mo. Means: gimīd toi he biu Tia Ciūbmun 6 Mamānta 732 na Ccav na mīc toi he gimīd toi he biu viūcco siemoim mo. Eng: In the first season on the 6 of Mamanta 732 I walked to meet my friend in Ccav on foot. Tia cecagāc mēcca bā cugo veccoim mu. Eng: I will go home tomorrow to die.
II. Conjunctional Phrases [C] – Conjunction (O) – Object phrase – follows normal object syntax [V] – Verb phrase S – Subject {V2} – Infinitive, supine [,] - Comma
Syntax: S(O)[V{V2}][,] [C][V](O)S{V2} or [C][V](O)S{V2}[,] S(O)[V{V2}]
A. Vānum nomo mo cugbahl toi he na manūviden ta tia, dōccenim toi he toi bahl bhatūn dasi mo. Bhatūnom toi he vīg ma vecc nomi mo ha tia vīg bhatūno mo. Eng: When I was on my trip from this plant, my brain gave me a choice. My choice was life or death and I chose life.
B. Toi dōcco, vis hade mo ga pe. Eng: I think that they did it Or the very same sentence can be expressed as: Vis hade mo ga pe, toi dōcco. Lit: That they did it, I think. This construction (VOS, SOV) is usually preferred with the time phrase conjunctions or when the speaker intends to emphasize the conjunctional phrase. Most conjunctions in ClDi take this word order with the exceptions of ha (and), ma (or), mūn (and/or), sīd (thus), zū (so) and dītus (though).
C. Common Conjunctions using VOS syntax Hūb - because Hatl - but Vis - that Vānum - when Vaza - what Te/Pin - if Phūma – even if Du – as Habem – at first Vima – where Vōs – how Vūsa - why