Confusing Verbs

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
CONFUSING VERBS a) raise, raised, raised (geçi li fiil) The inspector said that standards at the school had to be raised. c) arouse, aroused, aroused (geçi li fiil) Our suspicions were first aroused when we heard a muffled scream e) set, set, set (geçi li fiil) He set a vase of flowers on the table..

b) rise, rose, risen (geçi siz fiil) When you put yeast in bread and bake the bread, it rises. d) arise, arose, arisen (geçi siz fiil) Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise ? f) sit, sat, sat (geçi siz fiil) The encyclopaedia sits on my shelf at home, gathering dust g) lay, laid, laid (geçi li fiil) h) lie, *lay, lain (geçi siz fiil) The initial negotiations are seen as laying the basis There's an old pair of shoes of yours lying at/in the for more detailed talks. bottom of the wardrobe. i) bind, bound, bound (tie up) j) bound, bounded, bounded(1.border 2. jump) There are several different ways to bind a book, The village is bounded on one side by a river. for example you can stitch or stick the pages This squirrel was bounding up to a tree near a rock together. wall k) find, found, found l) found, founded, founded (establish) We're really struggling to find enough money to She left a large sum of money in her will to found a pay the rent at the moment.. wildlife sanctuary. m) grind, ground, ground (crush into powder) n) ground, grounded, grounded (compel to stay Shall I grind a little black pepper over your pizza? on the ground) The snowstorm meant that all planes were grounded. o) wind, wound, wound (twist, turn) p) wound, wounded, wounded (injure) Once she'd got into the car, she wound the window Flying glass wounded her in the face and neck. down/up q) fall, fell, fallen r) fell, felled, felled (cut down) She had fallen, it appeared, from a great height. A great number of trees were felled to provide space for grazing. s) see, saw, seen t) saw, sawed, sawed / sawn ( cut with a saw) His parents saw him awarded the winner's medal. She sawed off the dead branches of the tree. u) hang, hung, hung (suspend something) v) hang, hanged, hanged (kill someone by Hang the pheasant for a few days for the flavour to hanging) improve before you cook it. He was found guilty and hanged later that year. y) lead, led, led (öncülük etmek) z) lie, lied, lied (yalan söylemek) The company has been leading the way in network He asked me how old I was and, lying through my applications for several years. teeth, I said '29'. Ayrıca; bu fillere dikkat edin: dive / dove or dived / dived dream / dreamed or dreamt / dreamed prove / proved / proved or proven

Seyfi Hoca


EXERCISE ON CONFUSING VERBS 1- After a brief introduction, the speaker (raised / rose) to his feet to address the audience. 2- After the plane crash, the government (ground / grounded) all similar models until an investigation could take place. 3- As a young man, Andy (felled / fell) trees for a living, which helped him to become the skilled tree surgeon he is today. 4- At yesterday's race meeting, one rider was thrown from his horse when it bolted at the second jump and the animal (bound / bounded) around the rest of the track without a jockey. 5- Doubts (aroused / arose) about the man’s real identity because of his strange accent and his nervous behaviour. 6- In February 1998, they ceremoniously (laid / lay) the foundations of the new airport in Istanbul. 7- Jane's new curtain rail was slightly too long, so she (saw / sawed ) half an inch off the end. 8- Jeremy (wounded / wound) the clockwork mouse up again and again and watched it shuffle across the floor. 9- Last year unemployment in Germany (rose / raised) to an unacceptable level. 10- Local girl Janet Green's national success (arose / aroused) the interest of the whole village, who followed her progress avidly. 11- Lord Baden-Powell (found / founded) the Boy Scout Association, which is an organization where boys go camping and learn outdoor skills. 12- Marie (grounded / ground) some almonds. Then added sugar and eggs to prepare the marzipan paste for the wedding cake. 13- Simon (found / founded) his driving licence under the sofa yesterday. 14- The bomb blast killed thirteen people and (wounded / wound) a further thirty. 15- The currency exchange office (rose / raised) its minimum commission to three dollars. 16- The doorman took Robert's coat and (hanged / hung) it on the coat stand by the reception desk.. 17- The drummer (sat / set) at the back of the stage behind the rest of the group. 18- The holiday-makers (lay / laid) in the sun and drank cold drinks. 19- The Lancaster court (hanged / hung) nine women who were accused and found guilty of witchcraft in the famous Pendle Witches case. 20- The rock band (sat / set) up their instruments on the stage ready for the evening's performance? 21- The workman (sawed / saw) the end of the kitchen counter off to make room for Sue's new oven. 22- Tim (bound / bounded) the package with red tape and wrote the word ' fragile ' in large bold letters on the top. 23- Walking to work yesterday, Jane (saw / sawed) the perfect oven in the local shop window, but it looked a little too big for her kitchen. 24- Was your mother all right yesterday after she (fell / felled) down the steps? 25- The coffee I bought at the shop next to the chemist was so fresh because they (grounded / ground) it on the premises.

Seyfi Hoca


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