Conflicts In Snowdonia

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  • Words: 988
  • Pages: 41
Geography – Case Studies. By Maddy.

The 3 Case Studies.  Famine In Sudan.  Flooding In Bangladesh.

 Sustainable Development In Snowdonia .  Quiz.

Famine In Sudan.  Causes.  Effects


 Responses.  Map

Of Sudan. Back.

Causes.  Best

land is used for cash crops e.g. cotton.  Deforestation – soil erosion.  Civil war – crops destroyed.  Overgrazing by goats.  Drought lack of water.  Crops die.  Back.

Ef fec t 1998.  Poor

roads – food could not be distributed.  Malnutrition.  Starvation.  Famine 100,000 people died.  Refuges.  Diseases spread easily e.g cholera, dysentery.  Back.

Responses.  Seeds,

medicines, doctors, food; rice, millet, and clean water are sent over to Sudan.  International aid e.g red cross.

 Back.

Map of Sudan.


Flooding In Bangladesh.       

Pictures. Bangladesh Facts. Causes Physical. Causes Human. Effects In 1998. Flood Management In Bangladesh. Short Term Management. Long Term Management. Back.

Bangladesh Facts.  Bangladesh

is one of the world's most densely populated countries! It has a population of 125m.  It is one of the poorest countries in the world with a GNP of $200 per head.  It has three powerful rivers passing through - The Ganges, The Meghan & The Brahmaputra.  Next page.

More Facts.  It

contains virtually no raw materials or rock.  It experiences floods and tropical storms every year.

 Back.

Physical Causes.  70%

of the total area is less than 1 metre above sea level.  Snowmelt from the Himalayas takes place in late spring & summer.  Bangladesh experiences heavy monsoon rains.  Next


More Causes.  Tropical

storms bring heavy rains and coastal flooding.  The main cause was the above average & long period of heavy rain which caused all 3 rivers to have their peak flow at the same time!  Back

Human Causes.  

Deforestation in Nepal and the Himalayas increases flooding downstream. Urbanisation of the flood plain has increased magnitude & frequency of floods. The building of dams in India has increased the problem of sedimentation in Bangladesh. Global warming is blamed for sea level rise, increased snow melt & increased rainfall in the region. Back.

Effects 1998.  Over

57% of the land area was flooded.  Over 1300 people were killed.  7 million homes were destroyed.  25 million people were made homeless.  There was a serious shortage of drinking water & dry food.  Next page.

More effects.  

   

Diseases spread such as bronchitis and cholera/diarrhoea. As the waters receded - it left fields of rotting crops, wrecked roads and bridges and destroyed villages. 2 million tonnes of rice was destroyed. 1/2 million cattle and poultry were lost. Overall the floods cost the country almost $1 billion. Back.


Flood Management.  In

1989 the government of Bangladesh began working with a number of international agencies to produce a Flood Action Plan.  This huge scheme contained 26 action points which it was hoped would provide a long term solution to the country's flooding problems.  Back

Short Term Management.  Boats

to rescue people.  Emergency supplies for food, water, tents and medicines.  Fodder for livestock.  Repair and rebuild houses, as well as services such as sewage etc.  Aid from other countries.  Back.

Long Term Management.  Reduce

Deforestation in Nepal & Himalayas.  Build 7 large dams in Bangladesh to store excess water $30-$40 million and 40 years to complete.  Build 5000 flood shelters to accommodate all the population. Next page.

More Long Term. Build 350km of embankment - 7 metres high at a cost of $6 billion to reduce flooding along the main river channels.  Create flood water storage areas.  Develop an effective Flood Warning Scheme. 

 Back.

Sustainable Development in Snowdonia. ► National ► Why

park aims.

does it need to be managed?

► Conflicts

and Solutions.

► Snowdonia ► Back.


National Park Aims. ► Conservation ► Recreation


► Locals

– Looking after the area.

– Encouraging peaple to

– Promote economic and social well being for people who live in the area. ► Back.

Why does it need to be managed? ► Beautiful

landscapes and villages.

► Mountains, ► Rare

rivers, forests and lakes.

plants and animals.

► Back.

Conflicts and Solutions. Conflicts: ► Footpath


► Between

Conservation and Recreation. Next Page.

Solutions: New paths made from hard wearing natural stone. £100 per metre.

Conflicts and Solutions. Conflicts ► Rare plants are being eaten by sheep. ► Between Conservation and Locals. ► Next


Solutions. ► Fenced area so the sheep can not eat the rare plants in that area.

Conflicts and Solutions. Conflicts. ► Tourist creates noise and traffic. ► Between Recreation and locals. ► Back.

Solutions. ► Car parks on the edges of town. ► Better public transport.

Snowdonia Café.


Now Try The Quiz.

What have you learnt?

Deforestation is ……… • Effect • Cause • Response

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You are correct !!!!!!!!


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Wrong !!!!!!!!!!


Which of these is an effect of the famine in Sudan ? • Civil war • Red cross • Poor roads

Which of these is a disease they get linked to water ? • Aids • Cholera • Cancer

The population of Bangladesh is….? • 563 million • 230 million • 125 million

Why does Snowdonia need managing ? • Rare plants • Conservation • So it doesn’t get blown up.

Which is a solution of Snowdonia ? • Tourist creates noise and traffic. • Car parks on the edges of town.

You are correct !!!!!!!!

Well done you now know all three case studies!!!!!!!!

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