Conditionals Test 15 Martie.docx

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  • Words: 740
  • Pages: 3
Name _____________________________________ Grade VIII

Date __the 15th of March 2019__

TEST PAPER I.Match the clauses to make sentences: 1) If you go to the concert early, 2) You’ll get there faster 3) If you don’t leave now, 4) I won’t buy the CD 5) If he leaves his bike outside,

a) if it’s too expensive. b) someone will steal it. c) you’ll get good seats. d) you’ll miss the bus. e) if you go by car. (5x3p=15p)

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: 1.If he ....................... some tickets, he .......................................................... us to the final.(get/take) 2.If you ..................................... Katie, ................................................ her to phone me?(see/you/ask) 3.We ................................. late for the film if we leave) 4.The dog ..................................... if you ............................................the bell.(bark/ring) 5. He ........................................ ready in time if he .....................................(not be/not hurry up)


III. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery. Underline the correct answer: 1. If I would play/ played the lottery, I would have/ had a chance to hit the jackpot. 2. If I would hit/ hit the jackpot, I would be/ were rich. 3. If I would be/ were rich, my life would change/ change completely. 4. I would buy/ bought a lonely island, if I would find/ found a nice one. 5. I would invite/ invited all my friends if I would have/ had a house by the beach. (5x3p=15p)

IV. Complete the IF Clause (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form: 1. If we (have) ......................... a yacht, we (sail) ...................................... the seven seas. 2. If he (have) ......................... more time, he (learn) ........................................... karate. 3. If they (tell) .............................. their father, he (be) ....................................... very angry. 4. We (help) ........................................... you if we (know) ..................................... how. 5. My brother (buy) ......................................a sports car if he (have) ................ the money. (5x3p=15p) V. Rewrite the sentences and use the third conditional. Keep the same meaning 1. She did not give me her phone number. I could not call her. If she ............................................. me her phone number, I could have called her. 2. He was at work. He could not go with us. If he had not been at work, he ............................................. with us. 3. My dad did not buy any sugar. My mum did not make any cake. If my dad ..................................... some sugar, my mum would have made some cake. 4. I travelled round the world because I won the lottery. I wouldn't have travelled round the world if I ................................................ the lottery. 5. We did not have enough money. We could not afford to eat in restaurants. If we .................................. enough money, we could have afforded to eat in restaurants. 6. You were not prepared. You could not pass the exam. If you had been prepared, you .................................................... the exam. 7. I came back home late because I worked long hours. I would not have come back home late if I .................................................. long hours. 8.

I was so young. I had no experience.

If I .......................................... so young, I would have had some experience. 9. They did not go on holiday. They did not have any rest. If they had gone on holiday, they .................................... some rest. 10. You did not know what to do. You did not listen to me. You would have known what to do if you .............................................. to me. (10x3p=30p)


Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărţirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

I. 5x3p=15 points 1 – c; 2 – e; 3 – d; 4 – a; 5 – b

II. 5x3p=15 points (2x1.5p=3p) 1. gets/ will take; 2. see/ will you ask; 3. will be/ don’t leave; 4. will bark/ ring; 5. won’t be/ doesn’t hurry up

III. 5x3p=15 points (2x1.5p=3p) 1. played/ would have; 2. hit/ would be; 3. were/ would change; 4. would buy/ found 5. would invite/ had

IV. 5x3p=15 points (2x1.5p=3p) 1. had/ would sail; 2. had/ would learn; 3. told/ would be; 4. would help/ knew 5. would buy/ had V. 10x3p=30 points 1. had given 2. could have gone 3. had bought 4. had not won 5. had had 6. could have passed 7. had not worked 8. had not been 9. would have had 10. had listened

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