Code No: RA210505
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2007 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ?????
1. (a) Give means to identify on whether or not has overflow has occurred in 2s complement addition or subtraction operations. Take one example for each possible situation and explain. Assume 4 bit registers. Let If overflow register E is also considered, check whether the result is corrector not [6] (b) Represent -32.75 and 18.125 in single precision IEEE 754 representation. [10]
2. Explain with a block diagram the general structure of a CPU along with registers and ALU. Also, explain what is a control word and relate it with the functioning of the CPU. [16]
3. (a) What are the design goals for a designer while deciding a hardwired or microprogrammed CU for a CPU. [8]
(b) Explain nanoinstructions and nanometry. Why do we need them.
4. (a) What is the use of fast multiplication circuits. Write about array multipliers. [8]
(b) Explain booths algorithm with its theoretical basis 5. (a) What is the functioning of a Flash Memory? Explain.
[8] [8]
(b) Give the detailed picture of Memory Hierarchy.
6. What are the different kinds of I/O Communication techniques? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages? Compare and contrast all techniques. [16] 7. What is pipelining? Explain pipeline processing with an example.
8. (a) Explain how Flynn classified the processors into different streams by giving an example for each stream. (b) Explain tightly coupled and loosely coupled systems with suitable examples. [8+8] ?????
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