Computer Webquest Complete Student Name

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,918
  • Pages: 8
Computers Web Ques t


Introduction Once upon a time people managed to communicate without e-mail, sms, live-chat, video chat, virtual worlds, Facebook, MySpace or even word processing! Can you imagine having to use your legs to walk into a building to check out a book? Imagine libraries that you visited in person. Imagine a time in history when people used little bits of plastic and ink to write with (and in some


cases chew on). Today you are in grade 6 or 7. It's hard to believe, but 10 years from now, children will not only find these things hard to believe - they’ll also find it hard, if not impossible, to

2. Task

imagine a world where you dialed a modem over a telephone line to connect to the Internet. Or

3. Process Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6 4. Evaluation 5. Conclusio

lieve that students had to share computers, take their turn. Children will be shocked to learn that

6. Credits

flare. Your urgent mission is to go DownWhen to 2008 and search out information about com-

where you tried to download a program and it took all day. They might even find it difficult to bethere wasn’t a computer on every desk. When that day comes you'll be able to tell them a story about the 'good old days'.


You're a time traveler from “UpWhen”. (The future is called 'UpWhen'. The past is called “DownWhen”). Things have gone bad in UpWhen. People have lost the ability to imagine better computers! Fortunately a secret government agency has discovered an old paper magazine about computers from the year 2008. Apparently this time was full of innovation and rapid technical advancement. You will be sent back this time by traveling on a wormhole through a solar puters, their development and their social impact. You have been sent DownWhen to a Golden Age of creativity, innovation and improvement. You will learn from the past and become enthused to imagine and design more powerful and amazing computers. The future needs you!

In the course of your journey, you will: View amazing computers and learn about a handful of computer pioneers Imagine what future computers will look like Develop a two-dimensional presentation about the impact of computers on people as of 2008 using Microsoft PowerPoint Despite using such crude technology your presentation will persuasively convince people to use a computer Your presentation must be informative. Scientists in your time are counting on you You must upload your presentation to the Internet so that present day scientists can locate your presentation and use it to convince people to do start using computers again Don't mess this up! Failure will see you sent even back to the 1970's (before PONG!) when four colour pens were an amazing technological breakthrough ...

Process Mission 1: Your first mission is to quickly familiarise yourself with the recent downwhen computer evolution history. Complete the Name that Computer activity and then follow the link to the blog and post your comments about what you think is interesting / important / or worth commenting on concerning the rapid evolution of computers in the late 20th Century. Click here to jump to your first mission. Mission 2: During this journey, you and your fellow Cyber Travelers (hey we’re not trusting you alone to save the world) will research machines and answer questions related to them. Click here to begin. From Mission 2, you learned about four major Generations of computers. You learned that the First Generation is characterized by huge machines powered by vacuum tubes. The Second Generation of Computers is characterized by transistors, as you discovered. The integrated circuit dominated the Third Generation of Computers and the Micro Computer, better known as the Personal computer, came to being in the Fourth Generation. However, you wonder to yourself, this can not be the end. There must be more. Indeed! There

will be a Fifth Generation. In fact, people in the early 21st century are living on the edge of the beginning of the Fifth Generation of Computers. Fifth Generation Computers have artificial intelligence. Mission 3: In this mission you will explore how computers have impacted on the lives of people since the middle of the 1940's to 2008. Click here to get started! Mission 4: Decode computer advertising from the 1980’s and 1990’s. Interpret these Ads and extract information about the features and benefits and each computer. Complete the MindMap. Mission 5: Create a design proposal for a future computer: Include detailed information about functions, features, and uses. Compare and contrast decoded computer advertising from the 1980’s with a series of future-tech design ideas. Mission 6: Now that you have gathered and organised information about the past / present and future of computers - you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation about the impact of computers on society. Click here to started!

There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. Ken Olson


See Think Wo n d e r


Name of Computer:

Name of Computer:

Cost$ Date: CPU Speed: Size in Sq Meters:

Date: CPU Speed: Number of Components:



Name of Computer:

Name of Computer:

Cost: Date: CPU Speed: RAM:

Cost: Date: CPU Speed: RAM:



You have traveled into the early past of modern computing. Record your thoughts and reflections and compare them with other time travelers. What changes do you see over the 35-year period captured in this timeline? Why do you think these changes occurred? What sort of changes do you think will happen over the next 35 years? Feel free to imagine - but give reasons for your opinions.

Follow this link to connect to a blog to record your opinions. Password is “downwhen”


Directions: Click the pictures on the left hand side. This time use the full articles to get your information What is the name of the first computer pictured (top left)? Which pioneer invented this machine? Describe the major characteristics of the Eniac? Support your description to include information about the Eniac was powered. Also list information about its size, speed, reliability and cost if given. Compare the characteristics of the Eniac to the characteristics of the original IBM PC. Identify similarities and differences between the two computers. Which computer is more important? Justify your choice. Computers are classified by the Generation to which they belong. Read this article and use it to determine where the Eniac, the Harvard Mark 1 Computer, the Apple II, and the IBM PC should be classified. What are the major characteristics of computers in the Second and Third Generations?       List at least 2 computers from each Generation.

Since the invention of integrated circuits, the number of transistors that can be placed on a single chip has doubled every two years, shrinking both the size and cost of computers even further and further enhancing their power. Most electronic devices today use some form of integrated circuits placed on printed circuit boards-- thin pieces of fiberglass that have electrical connections etched onto them.

      How do the computers in the Second Generation compare with the First Generation computers? Identify supporting points for your claims. We are using Fourth Generation computers today. Use this link to give your opinion about what technology would have to be invented to create a Fifth Generation Computer. Leave your name at the end of the comment. 1st Generation Glowing Vacuum Tube


Understanding the Impact of Computers How have computers  impacted on our lives  since 2008? To help you answer this  question, meet up with a  fellow Cyber Traveler  and review the  information you have  gathered about computers  from each Generation.  Present your ideas to  the class during  discussion time. Examine  closely the Eniac, the  Terrible Tech: "I Mark I, the IBM PC, and  think there is a the Apple II computers.  world market

Understanding the Development of Computers Answer the following Why were Eniac, the Mark I, the IBM PC, and the Apple II computers machines invented?   

Were they springboards for the next computers to come?

for maybe five computers" Boss of IBM in 1943

How do these computers compare with today’s modern Desktop PC’s? Make this evaluation by using the following link to CNET’s Computer Buyer’s Guide illustrating the price, power and performance of current 2008 computers.

Did people enjoy using them?




Follow this link and pick your  top 3 predictions. Explain  your choices during class dis­ cussion:

Follow this link and give your  opinion ­ is this the future  of computing? Yes or No? Jus­ tify and explain your answer.

MISSION 4AdvertComputer ising Through the Ages

To the left are 4 videos representing computer advertising from the very early 1980’s through to the mid 1990’s. Watch the videos and compare the selling points / design features of each computer as represented by its advertisement. Complete this MindMap on your own and then confer with a

Technology changes

friend – swap and compare ideas. Share ideas with whole

but advertising re-

class during Smartboard conference:

mains constant: convince the customer to buy your product based on its features, benefits, & merits. Decode these Ads for what they tell us about

Advertising Points

Advertising Points

the technology of

Word Processor

Windows 1.0

Vic 20

iBook 1990’s

Reflection: Why are these advertisements humorous today? What does this mean?

Caveat  Emptor!

Create a design proposal for a future computer: Include detailed informa-


tion about functions, features, uses. Compare and contrast decoded computer advertising from the 1980’s with a series of future-tech design ideas that can be accessed through the links below. Combine these ideas to design your own future computer. For the purposes of this task use Word Art to represent your basic model with boxes, circles, arrows, and other shapes. Remember this is a first draft. So keep it simple. You will be able to use Google Sketchup at a later point if

FutureComputer design

you so desire. Label functions with text boxes. After you get approval you can further develop your mock-up. To start getting some ideas follow this link for alternative keyboard input ideas. Check this link out for a selection of ‘future tech’


CONCLUSION You came, you saw, you understood ... but you didn’t get to go home ... Congratulations! You've learned how computers affected society back in the year 2008. Follow this link to email-upload your document to an online document hosting site. You will have to attach your document to your e-mail. Your presentation will be published upon receipt. You’ve learned a great deal about the past, present and future of computers. This is indeed fortunate for you because time travel is a one-way “downwhen” trip. Fortunately you’ve learned a great deal about computers and you’ve already developed a viable prototype for a next-generation computer! You don’t know what your future holds ... but you’ve got some ideas ...

Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem.

;-) References and Bibliography Various Videos originally accessed via YouTube and converted to *.avi files via All converted video files accessible from

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