Computer Desk Rumble
Names: Period: Tentative Due Date:
The Info:
The typical computer desk in any household has become a necessity, and performs a variety of functions, have a variety of aesthetic differences, as well as many new ways of making it more comfortable for the human body.
The Challen ge: The Process:
To apply the aspects of design (functionality, aesthetics, and ergonomics) to the design of a computer desk, as well as constructing a working model (or prototype). Follow each step listed below, and check off each step when complete. o Step1- Research! - Discuss with your partner what are some common issues that you deal with on a daily (or frequent) basis, and list as many as you can in your electronic portfolio. If you do not have any issues, write down what you like about your design. Also make sure to check out other designs on the internet as well. If you would like to point out issues of a specific type please feel free to include pictures in your electronic portfolio. o Step 2- Brainstorming! – Based on your research, have each member of your group come up with one isometric sketch of a potential design. Make sure to address the issues that are listed in your webpage! Each sketch should be neat, labeled (as needed to show me everything that is on the design), and has notes so that I understand what is going on in your design. o Step 3- Plan it! – Pick one idea that you like the best, and then create it in CAD (ProDesktop or Autosketch). Your final drawing should have all sizes (dimensions) that are necessary to build the object (these are mandatory, see grading sheet on back), as well as all notes necessary to build your design. This drawing should include the following views: Front, Top, Right Side, and Isometric. o Step 4- Build it! – Using the tools and materials provided create your design. This model should be actual size! However do realize it will have to
physically work, if you are unsure about something, let me know and I will assist you with it! o Step 5- Feedback – In your webpage please type a 2 paragraph response about your designing experience. Make sure it is logical, and do not repeat the same thing over multiple times!
Computer Desk Rumble
Names: Period:
Grading Sheet Step 1 - Research Research is present and complete (50 pts) (Possible points 50) Total Step 2- Preliminary Isometric Sketches Sketches are present and complete (10 pts) Sketches are neat and easy to understand Visually (this includes using a ruler for sketches) (15 pts) Sketches are able to be understood without the assistance of the designer (15 pts) Sketches include additional notes to make sure that people reading the design comprehend the information (15 pts) Sketches are isometric, and are drawn properly (10 pts) (Possible points 65) Total Step 3- 1 Multiview Drawing Drawing is present and complete (10 pts) Drawing has the appropriate views in the correct areas (isometric, front, top, right) (25 pts) The drawing is able to be understood without the assistance of the designer (15 pts) The drawing includes additional notes to make sure that people reading the design comprehend the information (15 pts) The drawing is drawn properly (25 pts) The drawing includes the appropriate dimensions (sizes)(25pts) (Possible points 115) Total Step 4 – 1 Working Model (Prototype) Working model is present and is complete (10 pts) The working model is built neatly (no tape falling or popping
off, edges are straight, etc)(25 pts) Working model follows the design (35 pts) Working model works (35 pts) (Possible points 105) Total Step – 2 Paragraph Reflection Reflection is present and complete (10 pts) Reflection shows thought into the process of how the project was done ( 20 pts) (Possible points 30) Total Amount of points earned:
/ 365