Computer Addiction

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  • Pages: 16

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I’m happy and thankful that I finish this research work,with labor Of love.I dedicated first to our lord,to my parents Mrs. and Mr..,to our vey own teachers of kapayapaan. I also like to extend my gratitude to my fellow friend I’ve met here .

DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this work for my loving friends here in

kapayapaan and those students engaging in this curricular activities or hobbies that they haven’t stop it.To be not addicted,but to be generous in using computer in right way.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I.Title page II.Approval Sheet III.Acknowledgement IV.Dedication V.Chapter I a.Introduction b.Statement of the problem c.Objectives d.Significant of the study VI.Chapter II a.Definition of terms b.Computer addiction c.Questionaire

VII.Chater III a.Conclusion b.Recommendation c.Bibliography

OBJECTIVES This research work has the aim to know the importants of computer and the discourages that it bring to one of us.The purpose of gaining knowledge I using this our new technology.

SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY This study serve as the basic teaching importance in computer to some students.







________________________ Mrs. ENGLISH TEACHER




Clinical Psychiatry News (Letter to Editor), February 1997 Harvard Mental Health Letter, January 1999 Psychiatric Times, August 1998

REFERENCES Based on no particular authority, or advice, but simply other people's experiences and the reviews online I'd recommend looking at the Intel Core2Quad Q6600. It's getting quite old considering the number of CPUs that have been released since, but it overclocks incredibly well and will give you a lot of GHz for your cash. Just make sure you get a decent cooler, especially if you overclock it. If the Q6600 is a bit expensive then take a look at the E7300. It's cheaper and amazing when overclocked (quite a few people manage to get it up to at least 4GHz). Of course, you will have to take the hit from quad core to dual core, but a lot of applications don't actually take advantage of four core


Psychologists are not even sure yet what to call this phenomenon. Some label it an "Internet Addiction Disorder." But many people are addicted to their computers long before the internet enters their lives. Some people are extremely attached to their computer and don't even care about the internet. Perhaps we should call the phenomenon a "Computer Addiction." Also, let's not forget the very powerful, but now seemingly mundane and almost accepted addiction that some people develop to video games. Video games are computers too... very single-minded computers, but computers nevertheless. Or how about telephones? People get addicted to those too, and not just the sex lines. Like computers, telephones are a technologically enhanced form of communication and may fall into the category of "computer mediated communication" (aka, CMC) - as the researchers are dubbing internet activities. In the not too distant future, computer, telephone, and video technology may very well merge into one, perhaps highly addictive, beast. Perhaps, on a broad level, it makes sense to talk about a "Cyberspace Addiction" - an addiction to virtual realms of experience created through computer engineering. Within this broad category, there

may be subtypes with distinct differences. A teenager who plays hooky from school in order to master the next level of Donkey Kong may be a very different person than the middle aged housewife who spends $500 a month in AOL chat rooms - who in turn may be very different from the businessman who can't tear himself away from his finance programs and continuous internet access to stock quotes. Some cyberspace addictions are game and competition oriented, some fulfill more social needs, some simply may be an extension of workaholicism. Then again, these differences may be superficial. Not many people are waving their fingers and fists in the air About video and work addictions. Not many newspaper articles are written about these topics either. They are passé issues. The fact that the media is turning so much attention to cyberspace and internet addictions may simply reflect the fact that this is a new and hot topic. It may also indicate some anxiety among people who really don't know what the internet is, even though everyone is talking about it. Ignorance tends to breed fear and the need to devalue. Nevertheless, some people are definitely hurting themselves by their addiction to computers and cyberspace. When people lose their jobs, or flunk out of school, or are divorced by their spouses because they cannot resist devoting all of their time to virtual lands, they are pathologically addicted. These extreme cases are clear cut. But as in all addictions, the problem is where to draw the line between "normal" enthusiasm and "abnormal" preoccupation. "Addictions" - defined very loosely - can be healthy, unhealthy, or a mixture of both. If you are fascinated by a hobby, feel devoted to it, would like to spend as much time as possible pursuing it - this could be an outlet for learning, creativity, and self-expression. Even in some unhealthy addictions you can find these positive features embedded within (and thus maintaining) the problem. But in truly pathological

addictions, the scale has tipped. The bad outweighs the good, resulting in serious disturbances in one's ability to function in the "real" world. Almost anything could be the target of a pathological addiction - drugs, eating, exercising, gambling, sex, spending, working, etc. You name it, someone out there is obsessed with it. Looking at it from a clinical perspective, these pathological addictions usually have their origin early in a person's life, where they can be traced to significant deprivations and conflicts. They may be an attempt to control depression and anxiety, and may reflect deep insecurities and feelings of inner emptiness. As yet, there is no official psychological or psychiatric diagnosis of an "Internet" or "Computer" addiction. The most recent (4th) edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (aka, DSM-IV) - which sets the standards for classifying types of mental illness - does not include any such category. It remains to be seen whether this type of addiction will someday be included in the manual. As is true of any official diagnosis, an "Internet Addiction Disorder" or any similarly proposed diagnosis must withstand the weight of extensive research. It must meet two basic criteria. Is there a consistent, reliably diagnosed set of symptoms that constitutes this disorder? Does the diagnosis correlate with anything - are there similar elements in the histories, personalities, and future prognosis of people who are so diagnosed. If not, "where's the beef?" It's simply a label with no external validity. So far, researchers have only been able to focus on that first criteria - trying to define the constellation of symptoms that constitutes a computer or internet addiction.


Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet or on-line services and think about it while off line?

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Do you feel a need to spend more and more time on line to achieve satisfaction?

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Are you unable to control your on-line use?

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Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop your on-line use?

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Do you go on line to escape problems or relieve feelings such as helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression?

• • •

Do you lie to family members or friends to conceal how often and how long you stay online?

Do you risk the loss of a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of your on-line use?

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Do you keep returning even after spending too much money on on-line fees?

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Do you go through withdrawal when off line, such as increased depression, moodiness, or irritability?

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Do you stay on line longer than originally intended?

QUESTIONAIRE 1.Can people really become addicted to computers? ---The subject is quite complex. "Computers" are a very large field, encompassing many subdomains and programs, each of which tends to reflect or magnify various aspects of reality.

2Are they addicted to the computers themselves, the particular programs they are running, or the real-life aspects embodied by those programs? ---They feel the compulsion to spend so much of their time computing that it causes problems with their health, finances, relationships, etc. -- the same kinds of problems caused by other addictions with

which we are more familiar. However, whether they are truly "addicted," and what exactly they are addicted to, is not clear. 3.When do you know you're an addict? ---when you have no time to your self. 4.Why is computer addiction serious? ---because, it make students addicted in computer and spending more time for it.They cannot focus to there study.

COMPUTER ADDICTION In 1995, I noticed that I was spending more and more time playing solitaire on my computer. I was trying to learn a new computer program and was very frustrated by it. My anger and inability to decipher the manuals led me to escape to solitaire. I became aware that I started my game program at an earlier time each evening, and at times I would avoid my primary reasons for using the computer. I was not alone. Some of my patients told me about their computer use and how they were unable to stop spending time online or arranging electronic files. I decided that these patterns might indicate a form of dysfunctional behavior associated with a new technology, and was worth investigating. I found support for my idea from colleagues, friends and reports in the media (Murray, 1996). As a trained cognitive behavior therapist, I often treat gamblers, alcoholics and people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and have also studied mood changes resulting from the recreational use of psychotropic medication. I concluded that this inappropriate and excessive use of the computer might be a distinct disorder (Orzack et al., 1988). This behavior has variously been called Internet addiction, pathological Internet use, problematic Internet use, and a mere symptom of other disorders. I am often asked why I call it computer

addiction. I was not the first to use this term. Shotton (1989) coined the term in her book Computer Addiction. After searching the literature about alcoholism, gambling and other addictive behaviors, Shotton decided that she was witnessing computer addiction in a very specialized group of men who were developing hardware and software for computers. According to Shotton, these men were completely focused on their activities in the laboratory to the point of neglecting both family and friends. The information superhighway did not exist when Shotton wrote her book. Few ordinary citizens outside of academia, the military and the computer industry had their own PCs, and fewer still had access to the Internet. Since then we have moved into the Information Age. The computer industry is now the fastest growing industry in the world. In 1997, the population of Internet users in the United States was estimated at 50 million to 80 million, and is projected to increase to 150 million to 200 million by the year 2000 (Pohly, 1995). Any new technology requires a shakedown period in which the flaws and its effects on both society and individuals become evident. This is also true of the computer. As this rapidly evolving technology develops, so do the opportunities for negative consequences from its use. It is for these reasons that we must examine the phenomenon. No epidemiological studies on computer addiction have been done. There have been online studies (Brenner, 1997; Young, 1998) and targeted group studies (Anderson, 1998; Scherer, 1997; Shotton, 1989), but to my knowledge no one has either interviewed a randomized sample of people about their computer use or recorded usage directly.

CHAPTER II DEFINITION OF TERMS PHENOMENON (from Greek φαινόμενoν, pl. φαινόμενα - phenomena) is any observable occurrence.[1] In popular usage, a phenomenon often refers to an extraordinary event. In physics a phenomenon may be a feature of matter, energy, or spacetime. SEEMINGLY

outwardly or superficially evident but not true or real

SOLITAIRE a game played by one person alone, as a game played with marbles or pegs on a board having hollows or holes. COGNITIVE of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. COLLEAGUES A fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty; an associate.


CONCLUSION I have been through this and I know how this habit eats your valuable time, but thanks to my reading habits, I got well out of it now.

You have provided good tips. I suggest one other thing that could help. Try to find some negative/not so enjoyable aspects about the game which will (in time) detach you from the game. If you can't find one, then try to play it in the most difficult mode--when you lose several times, you will lose your passion for the game, too!!!

RECOMMENDATION Based on no particular authority, or advice, but simply other

people's experiences and the reviews online I'd recommend looking at the Intel Core2Quad Q6600. It's getting quite old considering the number of CPUs that have been released since, but it overclocks incredibly well and will give you a lot of GHz for your cash. Just make sure you get a decent cooler, especially if you overclock it. If the Q6600 is a bit expensive then take a look at the E7300. It's cheaper and amazing when overclocked (quite a few people manage to get it up to at least 4GHz). Of course, you will have to take the hit from quad core to dual core, but a lot of applications don't actually take advantage of four cores.

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