IAABO BOARD #111 ETHICS COMPLIANCE AND APPEALS POLICY Members of Board #111 shall comply with all rules, regulations and payments of dues set forth by Board #111 and IAABO. Conduct detrimental to Board #111 shall be reviewed by the Ethics Committee which may sanction, discipline, or suspend a Member for actions that discredit Board #111 or for any other conduct conclusively established to be contrary to the best interests of Board #111. This shall be in effect during all games at any level officiated by Board #111 Members. Notice shall be given and appeals must be made in accordance with the procedure set forth in the IAABO Constitution and these By-Laws. Board #111 Ethics Policies and Procedures are in support of the Statement of Purpose Ethics:
Procedure for Alleged Violations of the Code of Ethics: 1. Complaints must be submitted in writing and signed by the complainant within 60 (sixty) days of the alleged violation. 2. Complaints will be forwarded directly to the Ethics Committee Chairperson for processing. If an Executive Board Member receives a complaint it shall be treated with the utmost confidence and immediately, without comment, forwarded to the Ethics Committee Chairperson. 3. The Executive Board is the Appeals Board. The Executive Board will not have any involvement until an appeal is initiated. 4. Action by the Ethics Committee will be initiated within 10 (ten) days of the Chairperson receiving the complaint. 5. The alleged violator will receive a copy of the complaint and notification that the complaint will be reviewed. The violator will have 10 (ten) days to respond, in writing, to the complaint and/or to request a hearing with the Ethics Committee. If the violator fails to respond within the 10 (ten) days allowed a decision will be rendered based on the information obtained by the Committee. 6. Within 30 (thirty) days of receiving the original complaint the Ethics Committee will render a decision. That decision and possible sanctions/penalties will be forwarded, in writing, to the alleged violator, the Board President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Note…If in the opinion of the Committee, the severity of the alleged conduct is detrimental to a player, school, or Board #111 or any of it’s members, an immediate suspension may be assessed and will remain in effect until the appeals is heard and the final decision is rendered.
Appeals Procedure: 1. The Official may appeal, by certified mail, to the Executive Board any decision made by the Ethics Committee within 10 (ten) days of receiving its decision. 2. The Executive Board will act on the appeal within 10 (ten) days receipt of a written request and set up an appeal hearing. i. Any sanction/penalty imposed by the Ethics Committee will be delayed until the appeal process is complete. ii. If the alleged violation originates from a Member of the Ethics Committee or the Executive Board, that Member shall not participate in the process from that point forward. 3. The Executive Board will process the appeal and send its findings, in writing, within 10 (ten) days of the hearing to the appealing member and to members of the Ethics Committee.
Sanctions/Penalties: (Depending on the findings of the Committee one or more of the following sanctions may be imposed.) 1. Letter of Concern 2. Letter of Reprimand/Probation 3. Suspension 4. Expulsion
Code of Ethics: 1. Board members shall not solicit school personnel or sponsors for game assignments. 2. No Official shall assign games without Executive Board Approval. Any Official so approved is not permitted to work any secondary school varsity level games assigned within Board #111, excluding exhibition, preseason, Christmas tournament, or other non-countable MPA games. 3. So as not to show partiality, no Official shall work a countable varsity game involving a school system that he/she is employed in any capacity or where attended by his/her children. 4. Officials shall adhere to the game and travel fee structure established by the MPA and Basketball Council. 5. Officials shall adhere to the Code of Ethics as presented in the IAABO rule book.
Code of Conduct: 1. Officials shall master both the rules of the game and the mechanics necessary to enforce the rules and shall exercise authority in an impartial, firm, and controlled manner. 2. Officials shall work with each other and their state associations in a constructive and cooperative manner. 3. Officials shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interaction with student-athletes, coaches, athletic directors, school administrators, colleagues, and the public. 4. Officials shall prepare themselves both physically and mentally, shall dress neatly and appropriately, and shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards of the profession. 5. Officials shall be punctual and professional in the fulfillment of all contractual obligations. 6. Officials shall remain mindful that their conduct influences the respect that student-athletes, coaches, and the public hold for the profession. 7. Officials shall, while enforcing the rules of play, remain aware of the inherent risk or injury that competition poses to the student-athletes. Where appropriate, they shall inform the event management of conditions or situations that appear unreasonably hazardous. 8. Officials shall take reasonable steps to educate themselves in the recognition of emergency conditions that might arise during the course of the competition.
COMPLIANCE AND APPEALS Members of Board #111 shall comply with all rules, regulations, and payments of dues set forth by Board #111 and IAABO. Conduct detrimental to Board #111 shall be reviewed by the Ethics Committee, which may sanction, discipline, or suspend a Member for actions that discredit Board #111 or for any other conduct conclusively established to be contrary to the best interests of Board #111. Notice shall be given and appeals must be made in accordance with procedures set forth in the IAABO Constitution and these By-Laws. Ethics Committee The Ethics Committee shall be appointed by the incoming President and shall consist of 5 (five) Active/Officiating or Active/Non-Officiating Members in good standing who shall be representative of the Board’s geographical area. The chair of the Ethics Committee shall be elected annually by a vote of the Ethics Committee from among its membership. The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards to uphold the integrity of all Members of Board #111. Regulations and policies established by the Ethics Committee shall have been approved by the Executive Committee. All standards, regulations, and policies established by the Ethics Committee must be written and distributed to all members of Board #111. Enforcement of these standards, regulations, and policies shall be the duty of the Ethics Committee. With approval from the Executive Committee, the Ethics Committee shall inform all Members at the fall meeting of any changes in regulations and policies.
OBLIGATIONS AND DISCIPLINE 1. The acceptance of membership in Board #111 shall bind each Member to abide by all the provisions of the By-Laws and rules of Board #111, as they may be amended, and to accept and enforce all rules and decisions of the Executive Committee within its jurisdiction. 2. Should a Member refuse or neglect to comply strictly and honorably with the ByLaws or rules of Board #111 or with the rules and decisions of the Executive Committee, he or she shall be subject to suspension or expulsion by a two-thirds vote of the Members present at an Executive Committee meeting. Should a Member be guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interest of Board #111, he or she may be barred, by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present at an Executive Committee meeting, from officiating at any further competitions sanctioned by Board #111. 3. In all such cases, an appeal may be taken to the Ethics Committee, or to a special meeting called for that purpose. If the matter is not resolved in a manner satisfactory to the Member, an appeal may be made to the Executive Committee. A majority vote of said Committee Members present on the question of appeal shall be final.