Completed, Finished Duration Vs Unfinished Duration

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 383
  • Pages: 2
LESSON PLAN – intermediate 1 Sultoni


Block 2E – Completed, finished duration vs unfinished duration

WARMER – review last lesson MAIN LANGUAGE ITEMS Form: He studied English for two years (finished) He has been studying English for six years (unfinished) Meaning:

Completed, finished duration vs unfinished duration

Use: TEACHING PROCEDURE: • Lead in o How are you today? o How’s your school? •

Scene setting o Anyway, are you still study? Of course, so if you still do the activity, it means that the activity is not…? o So, how do you say if you want to tell me that u are still studying? You can use for/since

Eliciting o Question: Study? (unfinished) Write: I’ve been studying for … years. o Question: so, what if you already not study? Exp. english Write: I studied English for 1 year.

Concept checking o So, who still study? o Where’s their school?

Drilling o Individually o chorally Round up o Open-ended: are you still study? o Personalized: what activity have you got but not finish yet?

WHITEBOARD CONSOLIDATION Same as the form above PRACTICE-(Pair work) Borrowing Money [52/E4] a. Lead-In: So far, how can you get your money? Have you ever borrowed money? b. Scene set: Do you want to have your own business? If that so, you must borrow your money to the bank. c. Give model using Ss One of you will be as a bank manager, another one, should be a person want to start business. d. Start the activity Give the HO: Borrowing Money [52/E4] e. Stop + tie up f. Remedial work (discuss common problems) PRODUCTION-(Pair work) Rock stars and journalists Role-Play [52/E3] g. Lead-In: Talking about jobs, what’s the most interesting job for you? h. Scene set: Do you know Rock star? Their lifestyle? So, I want one of you to be a rock star and another one be a journalist.


Give model using Ss First you must write down your band name etc, for the rock star, and for the journalist, you must make a list of question that you can ask to the rock star. j. Start the activity Give the HO: Rock stars and journalists Role-Play [52/E3] k. Stop + tie up l. Remedial work (discuss common problems) m. Report it

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