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  • Pages: 18

Firstly, we would like to thank our English lecturer, Madam Ramiza Binti Darmi who has guided us all the way through making this report. Without his advice and guidance, we would not be able to complete this report. For that, we would like to express our unending gratitude.

Next, we would like to thank the students of University Putra Malaysia, who have given their cooperation in answering the questionnaire. Their concern and commitment in making this report is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Introduction College students face more than just academic struggles. They live in a world where they have to focus on additional activities beyond homework, papers, and good grades. But is they do care what they wear? It is similar theme that has played in their mind every year. It is become a big problem to the students although it is seem a quite simple.

For example, every year many students do not follow the rules from dressing aspect. The rules state that they must wear shoes during outing but they have still worn the slippers. These problems still not finish until now. Is they really know what’s mean caring their dressing. Some observers of college trends have suggested that, based on college student dressing, there is a need a place for students to turn to in order to gain knowledge of how to manage their personal dressing. Dressing code is define as wearing proper clothes at a proper places. Student UPM always wear whether casual or semiformal but sometimes wear formal while on campus.


1. To examine the use of dressing among college students 2. To determine if college students are responsible with their dressing 3. To examine the need for dressing ethic or dressing code among the college students


A survey, using a convenience of 40 college students from University Putra Malaysia, was used for the purpose of this study. Students received a questionnaire about the topic ‘do you care what you wear’. A response rate in flying color with hundred percent was obtained, with all student are responding.

Survey respondents were asked a series of questions regarding the topic that have required. Descriptive data were used to describe respondents’ dressing. As the result, we collect the data and record into chart pie.

Beside that, we also make an interview with two students of UPM to know their opinion about the way of dress code among student at UPM. In addition, we also surf the internet to get more information about the topic that we have done.

Appendix ii Questionnaire Instructions: Please complete the following question to reflect your opinions as accurately as possible to answer factual questions to the best of your knowledge. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. Part A : Age : …………… …….. Gender : ……………….. Part B : The Appropriate Dress Code of Student for Lectures at Faculty of Agriculture(UPM) We are faced with many dressing problems in our college. Below is a list of some dressing code for each people. Please indicate your opinion about your dressing. 1.Do you agree if students are allowed to wear jeans during lectures? State your reason. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… 2. Do you agree if it is compulsory to dress formal dressing during university council ?

o o

Yes No

3. Do you agree if the students are allowed to wear sandal/slippers for lectures ?





4. Do you agree if students are allowed to wear metric card during outing ?

o o

Yes No

5. Do you agree if we make a new policy on dress code at UPM ?

o o

Yes No

6. What is your preferred dress code ?

o o o o o o

Simple Nerd Nice Messy Branded clothes Horrible

Others : ………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Do your religion give an influence in your dressing ?

o o

Yes No

8. Do you follow the latest trend in dressing ?

o o


No If yes, state the latest trend in dressing nowadays. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Do you care what people say about your style of dressing ?

o o o

Very care Care Not care

10. Do you think that female students in UPM wear sexy in dressing ?

o o

Yes No

11. Which do you prefer to wear for lectures?

For boys :

For girls :

o Formal o Casual o Semi-formal

Formal (baju kurung) Casual Semi-formal


Table and Chart

Figure 1 : percentage of student who agree or not to wear a jeans during class session

Figure 2 :Percentage of student who agree or not to wear a formal clothes during any college function.

Figure 3 : percentage of student who agree or not to use sandal/slippers when outing

Figure 4 : Percentage of student who agree/not agree to wear round neck t-shirt when outing

Figure 5 : Percentage of student who agree/not agree to make a new policy of student dressing in our college

Figure 6 : Percentage of student favourite style of dressing

Figure 7 : Percentage of student who said that the religion give a big influence in their dressing.

Figure 8 : Percentage of student who follow the latest trend of dressing style.

Figure 9 : Percentage of student who is very care, care, or not even about what people said about their style of dressing.

Figure 10 : Percentage of student said that female student in KMK wear a sexy dress in college

Figure 11: percentage of student who care or not care of what they dress up.

CHAPTER 2 Finding and Discussion

For this finding, we take 40 individuals to know their respone about our task. This 40 individual were took from the student of Kedah Matriculation College themselves where in this finding they give many reason about why they very care about what they wear.

As shown in the diagram, 50% are agree if the students are allowed to wear jeans during class session while 50 % more are not agree with this suggestion. Most student agree because with wearing jeans it looks fancy and styled. Besides that it was simple, comfortable, and cool. They also thought that wearing jeans will gain more confident to themselves and will not easy bored with their appearance. Some students also considered it as a formal dresses. While the others are not agree because they think that wearing jeans in college shows that our matriculation have no disciplinary. Some also give their opinion that this type of dress is not suitable wear during class session or others college function. They also think that it is weird to wear such this during class session and it is not polite.

From this finding, we also get the view where 65 % of student agree if it is compulsory to wear formal dressing during any college function while 35 % is not agree. Besides that 95 % also agree if student are allowed to wear sandal or slippers when they go outing while 5 % are not agree. In another issue , 85 % agree if students are allowed to wear round neck t-shirt when outing while 15 % more are not agree. 85 % of students are agree if administration make a new policy of dressing in our college while 15 % want to remain our old college policy of student dressing. From this result , it shows that most

students want a little freedom in choosing their clothes for a some of period so that they comfortable and not being to pressure with the rules during they study in this college.

Most student choose simple style in their dressing style that is vote for 75 %. While 20 % choose nice style and 5 % choose messy style. From this result shows that most student want simple style because they always dealing with time to studies and going for the classes or others college activities. The simple style is the most suitable of what they wear style for the students because it is not burden to the student to think of what they should wear.

80 % of student state that religion give a bid influence in their dressing while 20% of student state that their religion did not give any effect in their dress style. Besides that, 10 % of student follow the latest trend in their dressing while 90 % give the opposite result. 10 % of students are very care about what people said about their dressing style while 40 % just care but not too much and 50 % are not even care about what people saying about their dressing style.. from this result , we can observe that there are many factor that influence about students dressing such as religion factor, latest trend style and society. There are many more factors that also influence to this issue of dressing style among the college students.

Result also indicates that 60 % of respondent think that female students in KMK are sexy in dressing style while 40 % more are not agree. This shows that most of female

students in our college are very open minded about what their dressing as they follow the latest trend of dressing style that mostly come from Kuala Lumpur.

Last but not least , base on the issue research of do you care of what you wear, we state that 90 % of the students are care about what their wear. Most of the student said that it will represent their personality to the people. Another reason is they want to always in a comfortable condition on their dressing. That’s why they care of what they wear and some of the student give reason that they want to be in nice appearance. Some of the student also want to look more confident if they care of what their wear. That is a part of students reason of why they care of what they wear. More 10 % of the student said that they are not care about what they wear. Half of this percentage said that it depend on some person to take care about what they wear and another half of this percentage said that it was not their business to take care so much about their appearance.


Based on the finding of the study, the following conclusion can be made. From the respondents about 40 college students, there are almost a half students agree if allowed to wear jeans during class session while for wear the formal dressing during any college function 65% agree and the others are not agree. Totally almost all of the respondent are agree to wear sandal or slipper when outing time. The percentage of wear the round neck t-shirt during outing time and make the new policy are same where 85% are agree and 15% are disagree. Most of the student are prefer to choose simple dressing style and 20% choose nice while only 5% choose messy. 80% are agree that their religion give many influence in their dressing .Almost all the respondents are not follow the trend. Half of students are very care about their dressing there others are only care and not care. 60% are gives their opinion that the female students are wear sexy dress and 40% think not sexy.90% students are care what they wear.


1. Associated Press, (19, August, 2001). Do you care what you wear? The Vanity Fair, p. A8 2. Doll, K.M. (2002) .Can you judge people by his/her dressing? Evidence from Students. Proceedings of Association for Fashion, 150-200 3. J. Steam (1999) Age Discrimination Comes to Fashion. Afterthoughts, 450 4. 4Tahoe, C.R Leach and Brooke Lee (1998). College Students’ use of fashion: A descriptive Study. Proceeding Of Association for Fashion, 34-52 5. PIRG, (2005). The Campus Fashion. Retrieved June 12, 2006 from the World Wide 6. Picher, A.M., Haines, T. (2004). Peer Dressing Counseling: From one student to another. 7. Proceedings of Association for dressing counseling and fashion education, 304 8. Roberts, J.A. Compulsive Fashion among College Students: The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 123 9. Turner, Pamela. (2004). Personal Internal Interview 10. Zhou, L., and Zee Lee, S. (2004). Predicting College Student Fashion: An Exploratory Study on Socio Demographic, Economic, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Determinants. Proceedings of Association for Dressing Counseling and Planning Education, 340-543

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