Compiler's Certificate.docx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 431
  • Pages: 2
PUBLIC PRACTICE PRACTITIONER’S COMPILATION REPORT To the Management [Company Name] [Address] We have compiled the accompanying financial statements of [Company Name] based on information you have provided. These financial statements comprise the statement of financial position of [Company Name] as at [Reporting Date], the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. We performed this compilation engagement in accordance with Philippine Standard on Related Services 4410 (Revised), Compilation Engagements. We have applied our expertise in accounting and financial reporting to assist you in the preparation and presentation of these financial statements in accordance with [Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), PFRS for SMEs, or other applicable reporting framework]. We have complied with relevant ethical requirements, including principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care. These financial statements and the accuracy and completeness of the information used to compile them are your responsibility. Since a compilation engagement is not an assurance engagement, we are not required to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information you provided to us to compile these financial statements. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or a review conclusion on whether these financial statements are prepared in accordance with [PFRS, PFRS for SMEs, or other applicable reporting framework]. [Practitioner] [CPA Certificate] [Accreditation] [Tax Identification No.] [PTR No.] [Date]

COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATE ON THE COMPILATION SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I hereby certify that I am the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who performed the compilation services related to the preparation and presentation of financial information of an entity accordance with [Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), PFRS for SMEs, or other applicable reporting framework] and reports as required by accounting and auditing standards for [Company Name] for the period ended [Reporting Date]. In discharging this responsibility, I hereby declare that I am the [Position] of the [Company Name]. Furthermore, in my compilation services for the preparation of the financial statements and notes to the financial statements, I was not assisted by or did not avail of the services of [Name of Auditor] [who/which] is the external auditor who rendered the audit opinion for the said financial statements and notes to the financial statements. I hereby declare, under penalties of perjury and violation of Republic Act No. 9298, that my statements are true and correct. [Practitioner] [CPA Certificate No.] [Valid Until] [Accreditation No.] [Valid Until] NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No._______ Page No._______ Book No._______ Series of 201_____

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