Compilation Of Job Interview Questions.docx

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  • Words: 2,369
  • Pages: 7
COMPILATION OF JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Introduce yourself without using any information in your resume. 2. What makes you qualified to work in a call center? 3. From what you understand, why do they need call centers? 4. What is customer service? 5. What do you mean by customer satisfaction? 6. What is an excellent customer service? 7. How do you see yourself three years from now? 8. How did you get here? 9. What is your greatest dream? 10. Why do you want to work in a call center industry? 11. What makes you busy for the past twelve (12) months? 12. What kind of preparation did you do before you apply here? 13. From what you understand, what is a call center agent and the job description of it? 14. What is your expectation from the company? 15. What is your motivation to work? 16. What makes you to apply here? 17. On scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how do you rate your communication skills? 18. Based on your skills and talents, how much is your expected salary? 19. What is/are your hobby/ies, favourite/s, sport/s, and activity/ies? 20. What is your role and task from your previous job? 21. How do you feel about incentives which are heavily tied to performance? 22. What super power do you want to have for a day? 23. Is there a time when you really want to buy something but you can’t because you’re out of budget? 24. If you saw your fellow applicants cheating on computer exam, what will you do? Will you report immediately or will you make him/her stop? 25. Do you have any question? 26. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have experienced? 27. What is your expectation from the company? 28. Why (company)? 29. What do you know about (company)? 30. What is/are your weakness/es? 31. What is/are your strength/s? 32. What are your areas of improvement? 33. Why did you left your previous job? 34. What makes you qualified to work in a call center? 35. Why should we hire you? 36. Why shouldn’t we hire you?

SITUATIONAL 1. Do you believe that customers are always right? 2. You are in a different world and you have three magical powers, what will they be? 3. Where are you going to hide if a zombie apocalypse will occur this evening? 4. How can you try to tell a customer that we don’t offer a refund in a nice way? 5. What if you’re stuck with someone in an island you hated most and he/she is planning to create a boat to get out of that island. Are you willing to forget about your feelings and help his/her or would you rather to be alone and find your own way to escape that island? Why? 6. You witnessed an attempted murder, the gun was left by the suspect and you can still catch him but you can also bring the victim to the hospital. What will you do? a) Kill the suspect b) Save the victim 7. If you’re trapped inside a box, what will you do? 8. A customer loses his job and wanted to cancel his membership, what will you do and say to make him stay? 9. Customer: “I don’t have internet on my phone” 10. You’re working in a fast food chain and there is a customer who is asking for free gravy but there is an additional charge, how can you explain in a nice way? 11. You’re about to sail the sea for seven days, give me five (5) things you’re going to bring. 12. A customer bought a phone from your store. After a few weeks, he came back to return the item because there is a screen damage. But you check and test the unit before he purchased it. He is insisting that it is a factor defect and demand for a refund. It will be a salary deduction if you allow him. What are you going to say? 13. What are you going to say if there is a two piece that your customer wanted to buy but another customer already bought it? 14. If I am a foreigner, how can you promote your province or persuade me to come to your place? OUT OF THE BOX QUESTIONS 1. What is more painful? Hugging a cactus or imagining getting hugged by your ex? 2. Describe your name? 3. Why a round pizza does come in a square box? 4. Do you believe that there are bigger sea animals than whale? Explain. 5. What is the first food that comes into your mind? 6. If you were shrunk down to a size of a pencil and trapped down in a blender. How would you be able to get out? 7. Why did the chicken cross the street? 8. How can you tell that the black chair you are sitting on is white? 9. If you are given a chance to become invisible in five (5) minutes, what will you do? 10. What are you going to do if today is the end of the world? 11. How can you save a drowning man if you can’t swim? 12. Where do you want to go this summer? 13. If the turtle has no shell, it is homeless or naked?

14. What is the chorus of your favourite song? 15. Can you tell me what happened to the last movie you’ve watched? 16. How come it doesn’t have moon in the Philippine Flag if there are stars? 17. How would you hide a dead body? 18. How to sell an ice in Antarctica? 19. If you would be given a chance to become a president for a day, what will you do? FINAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. We only have two (2) slots left for this account and there are still five of you, why should I hire among the other applicants? 2. How do you handle stress? 3. Define success. 4. What is your motto in life? 5. How can you describe a colour ____ to a blind person? 6. What is your favourite quote? 7. Everything is happening because of your decision? Or destiny? 8. What is more toxic to you? Signing a job offer for a challenging account or you still looking for a job? 9. If you fail this interview, what do you think is the reason? 10. Describe your ideal working environment. 11. What is the difference between important and urgent? 12. What is the difference between change and improve? 13. What makes you unique from the other applicants? 14. What can you contribute to the company? 15. Why does a building called a building? 16. What is the difference between honesty and integrity? 17. What is more regretful? The wrong things that we already did which hurts our special someone or the right things that we would have done but we never did not even try? 18. Tell me one special feature of your phone. 19. Which one do you support? Freedom of speech or cyber-crime law? 20. What is the difference between acknowledge and sympathy? 21. How can you make me switch to your network provider? 22. What is the difference between hearing and listening? BEHAVIORAL ASSESMENT 1. Describe yourself in three words. 2. Do you have plans to pursue your study or plans to work in abroad? 3. Give me a nice thing to do during a rainy day. 4. Why do you want to earn money? 5. How long do you anticipate being in this job or with our company? 6. Why didn’t you pursue your profession?

7. What is your bad habit? 8. What are your greatest accomplishments? 9. What will make you quit? 10. Who would you help first? a) A blind woman who is about to bump into a wall. b) A two-year old kid who fell down from the chair and crying. c) A handicap man who got out of balance and about to fall. d) A sexy nurse who is about to kneel down and pick up her files. 11. What do you consider most? Work proximity or Salary Offer? 12. You just got your P30, 000 pesos incentive. What is the first specific thing that you’re going to buy? 13. If you will be given a chance to be outrageous for one day, what will you do? 14. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have experienced? 15. You’re inside the elevator the suddenly a foreigner stepped in. What are you going to say? 16. How do you describe yourself in one word? 17. Would you be persistent/precise or a person with perseverance? Why? OTHER QUESTIONS 1. Give example of good and bad customer service. 2. What is your commitment not in the company but on your job? 3. What is the most significant thing you have learned in your life? Why? 4. How important are you? 5. How can you teach an old man to connect the Wi-Fi in his mobile phone through phone calls? 6. How do you tie your shoelace? 7. How do you manage your time? 8. Tell me about a time when it was necessary to admit to others that you had a mistake. 9. Why do you want this job? 10. What makes you angry? 11. If you were going to kill someone, how are you going to do it? Using a gun therefore it would be faster and be lesser agony he/she gets? Or the torture type of killing? 12. Tell me about a time when you led a team through a challenging situation. 13. How to convince a customer to buy a television that is not working anymore. 14. How can you sell yourself to me? 15. How can you sell a defective phone even though you know it will not work at all? 16. What do you think of gut feel and instinct? 17. Give a situation that you think you achieved your goal. 18. What kind of boss do you want to work? Why? 19. How do you handle toxic co-workers? 20. What would be the worst thing that your previous supervisor could describe you? 21. I’m a billionaire and you’re going to sell me one thing. What would that be? 22. What does honesty and loyalty mean to you?

23. Do you believe in white lies? 24. How can you show that you care for others if you are a cactus? 25. How can you be productive if you are a snail? 26. Describe color brown to a 5-year old blind child 27. How can you sell toothbrush to a person who has no teeth? 28. If you will be given a chance to have one superpower in just a day, what would you choose and why? 29. What's the difference between working hard and working smart? 30. How would you teach a blind person to withdraw on an ATM machine? 31. You have received three consecutive job offer from three different companies and industries, and the schedules of your orientation were all dated on the same day. Which company will you accept and why? 32. What would you do if you have a rude boss or colleague who’s affecting your productivity at work? Format ( identify the problem, your solution, and the result) 33. How do you measure the success of your incentives? 34. How would you manage your time and objectives in your role? 35. If you were trapped in an island and you have to eat one part of your body, what would it be and why? 36. What will you do if the company put you in a team of 15 people that don't like you? 37. How can you handle irate costumers? 38. If you will be given a chance to be an animal, why wouldn't you choose to be a monkey? 39. If u could choose one color at the rainbow, what will you remove ? Why? 40. if you won a million peso jackpot in lotto, what will you do in your cash prizes? 41. How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition? 42. If you are the agent and i am the one who order the flower for my mother. What is the resolution you will give to me? 43. If you're going to choose a letter in the alphabet what would it be? And why? 44. Recall a situation where in you did a mistake about your job . 45. Recall a situation where in you encountered a very angry costumer. 46. How can u convince democrats people to transfer in republican? 47. What would be the challenges you might face in working in Call Center? 48. How are you going to teach a blind person to tie his/her shoelace? 49. How will you handle an ESCALATION? 50. What will you do if the customer insists to talk to an American? 51. How will you handle a customer with unreasonable demands? 52. Do you consider yourself successful? 53. What is your philosophy towards work? 54. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you? 55. What kind of person would you refuse to work with? 56. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?

57. Share one wholesome but guilty pleasure. 58. Tell me about the time when you help a dispute between others. 59. Tell me about a suggestion you have made. 60. What irritates you about co-workers? 61. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely? 62. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own? 63. Do you have any blind spots? 64. Do you believe in proximity? 65. Do you have plans to have a job that is related to your course/degree? 66. Give me one example of a time, when you had to deal with priorities being changed abruptly. 67.If you were given a chance to make a story what will be the title and How will you start and end the story? 68.If you're going to describe one color to a blind person since birth, what color it will be?

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