Community Census 2007 Results

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 37
Open Source Service Catalog Community Census 2007 Results

Background ƒ These are the results of the Fall 2007 Community Census ƒ 3000+ Service Catalog Community members registered ƒ 135 Responses, a statistically valid sample


Purpose ƒ This census represents the only complete survey of the community of practitioners building Service Catalogs


Who makes up the Community ƒ 20% are Service Level Managers ƒ Many are consultants ƒ But many are: - Business analysts, process consultants - Or directly involved in delivering services

ƒ Most are working on the Service Catalog as part of another job


The Details on Job Titles: “Other” is a Big Number


The “Other” Titles: Most Are Analysts or Involved in IT Service Delivery ƒ

IT Architect


Service Analyst


Sr. System Programmer


ITSM Manager


Systems Coordinator


Marketing director in IT


Support Manager


IT Manager


Sr. business analysis




IT Operations Manager


IT Services Manager


Manager, Design and Planning


Helpdesk Manager


Service Desk Manager


IT Customer Service Manager


Manager, IT Governance


Configuration Manager


Process Coordinator


Business Systems Analyst

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Change/Configuration Mgr Process Architect Metadata Architecture Division Director Business Consultant IT manager Implementation Team Lead including managing project & integration Manager, IT Support Business Analyst Service Desk Manager Business Analyst Manager - Service Catalogue Unit ICT Service Control Manager Service Delivery Manager Business IT Analyst IT Development Manager Manager, Global Service Delivery Processes Service Delivery Coordinator Quality & Compliance, Global IT - Systems Assurance System Architect


Most Will Produce a Service Catalog in the Next 12 Months


No Matter the Title, You are Doing a Lot of Heavy Lifting Alone and on Your Own

ƒ 30% are the project lead implementing the Service Catalog ƒ 25% don’t have a formal role, but are figuring out what to do ƒ After that, you work in: - Advising on how to do it - Selling the concept - Re-writing the old Service Catalog that didn’t quite work - Managing the existing Service Catalog

ƒ 15% of you are the business sponsors


Despite Your Hard Work, Lots of Obstacles Remain ƒ Although many have a Service Catalog, issues are preventing you from achieving the desired results ƒ Technical silos that each want to have their way of doing business ƒ Lack of knowledge on how to create the Service Catalog ƒ Lack of executive support and funding


Four Major Issues Are In The Way of Service Catalog Success


1. Unwillingness by Technical Silos to Give up Control ƒ But the silos don’t provide support or content for the Service Catalog effort ƒ When if they do, it’s too technical to be useful ƒ And they are unwilling to give up control

ƒ There is a lack of institutional understanding and support for Service Catalogs, which is the root cause for so many of the other implementation barriers. There is also an imbedded fear of de-mystifying the technologies that everyone thinks is theirs to control. ƒ Service ownership has been distributed in the different IT silos and all have different priorities and understanding of the benefits of a service catalog, thus collaborate at different degree. No one has the global responsibility so the coherence and governance is neglected. ƒ Extremely fragmented IT organization with competing interests and services. ƒ Niches in IT department. Cultural change and Service concept are the biggest issues. ƒ Silo'd organizations, resistance on the part of service providers for dedicating any resources for keeping content up to date, no budget, limited project. management resources to oversee catalog, poorly marketed throughout organization.


2. Lack of Knowledge about Service Models and Definition ƒ A lot of initial Service Catalogs are static documents – not actionable ƒ


ƒ ƒ

ƒ The exact definition of 'Service' and 'Application'. ƒ Our biggest issue is understanding where we define the scope of each service - e.g. do we have multiple Don’t know what to services for Telecommunications or do we have one document, nor at what level, service with a number of distinct attributes to the or for whom service? If we go too high, it may be difficult to line up SLA's; if we go too low we may paralyze ourselves Using document-oriented with the need to monitor and track all those services. tools to try to define structures that ultimately ƒ Identifying what a Service Catalog is (and what a need to be made service is) and what attributes should be part of it was operational quite difficult. Confusion around “What is ƒ There weren't too many practical examples available, only a lot of theory. In the beginning we also had the a service”? problem of not having any dedicated staff on the Challenged with how to project to develop it. We had to try and create it in integrate with the rest of IT between our operational roles. Once it was recognized (e.g., what fields or that it was never going to work, project resources were attributes we need to allocated.




Projects are Vastly Underfunded, Despite the ROI Opportunity ƒ No availability of SME to gather information

ƒ Not enough at stake from other participants ƒ Lack of funding and resources ƒ Recognition that there is a big potential payback - But not clear on how to get there with the Service Catalog project

ƒ There is clearly “pain” that needs to be addressed - Drawing the line between the aspirin (the cure) and the headache (the pain itself)

ƒ Need for resourcing not understood/accepted: Expected to develop a new iteration and maintain operational workload for Service Level issues ƒ I think the executive part of the company thinks this is an issue but only a small one... We have to sell the project first. ƒ The cost in developing and maintaining. Dissemination of information to executive, operational, support and strategic personnel. The understanding of the big plan. - The working together for the common goal. ƒ Executives ask for Service Catalog but they don't get involve to define the IT services. There isn't budget for additional people or tools. And the internal areas don't have time to define their main services


4. Difficulty in Gaining Executive Support, Since Static Service Catalog Has No Operational Impact ƒ Executives don’t get the value of a Service Catalog - From lip service.. - To lack of a program to achieve benefits.

ƒ Static Service Catalog document will not impact operations, therefore it gets little attention from senior management ƒ Too much focus on selling the Service Catalog, not enough on selling the benefits

ƒ Motivating and up skilling senior management with understanding. ƒ The benefits of and requirement for a service catalog needs be understood by Senior IT executives. Most are ignorant of what a Service Catalog is and what it does for IT Service Management. ƒ Executive part of the company thinks this is an issue but only a small one... ƒ Cost for implementation are difficult to explain to executives. ƒ Most are ignorant of what a Service Catalog is and what it does for IT Service Management. ƒ Executive level knowledge of the needs versus what they will provide budget for... goes back to executive understanding for the value of ITIL ƒ

Executive management unable to provide a sound business case and promote the value.

ƒ An understanding by executives and peers of the value-add


The Service Catalog Journey


You Have a Clear Vision of What to Do

ƒ You know what needs to be done ƒ But you are not sure how to get there….

ƒ We have developed a service portfolio that is geared towards understanding service costs. Taking it to the next level in terms of service level development and actionable requests will most likely require a tool. ƒ Need for a culture change to turn the organization from an IT technology silo orientation to a service organization ƒ Technology is in people's mind, not the Service


And You Are Pretty Clear on the Value of a Service Catalog ƒ Over 50% said, your Service Catalog would help to: -

Explain What IT does for the business Standardize services Make it easy to request services Improve operational efficiencies

ƒ Only a few thought of using the Service Catalog for: - Compliance - Pricing to manage supply and demand


The Service Catalog Explains The What and How of IT


You Have a Good Sense of What Service Catalog Success Looks Like ƒ The internal customer satisfaction is very important to us because now every employees hates IT. They don't understand our tasks, roles, responsibilities ... nothing at all. We have to understand the business as well. ƒ Must be written in user terms. Must be complete and include value added services. Must be actionable. Must be kept up-to-date ƒ We traditionally do not think in business terms, the catalog will change that thinking. It is essential to be able to show we are achieving agreed service levels. Providing transparency to customer and getting IT staff to think Customers not users are the key success factors initially. ƒ Alignment of resources, management commitment, and staff effort behind visible, measurable services. ƒ Moving business and IT perspective to a user rather than technology view of service

ƒ Commitment and support at all levels of the organization. Adherence to the concepts of standardization and process management. ƒ Understanding the Business's view of IT 'services' needed and presenting the service catalog in a meaningful, intuitive way. Our Service Catalog must be easily understood by our customers and explain in business terms the services that we offer and the target service levels that each are matched to. ƒ Understanding who uses services will make it easier to gauge impact of loss/downgrade of service. We are not aware when some users stop using services so if services costed if only notionally we may be freed up from making available, services that are no longer needed ƒ We are working towards consolidation, standardization, and abstraction of services. The catalog sets the new direction.


Most of You Started Your ITIL Initiative with Incident/Change/Problem Mgmt


Followed by Service Level Management and Configuration Management


Up Next - Service Catalog and Service Portfolio


There Wasn’t Much Guidance from ITIL, So You are Doing it on Your Own


Surprise: You are Using Technology to Create a Service Catalog


But Existing Tools (e.g., Word/Excel/pdf) are Not Helping You Achieve the Benefits ƒ Most are using - Static documents - Building something on your own - Trying to ‘bend metal’ with your Help Desk tools

ƒ Large gap between the vision for a Service Catalog and what these tools provide ƒ These tools are not designed to: - Standardize Service Catalog content - Guide Service Catalog implementation - Integrate with other IT tools - Manage the business objectives of Service Catalog implementation

ƒ So you’ve been forced to invent tools on your own


The Service Catalog Community: Usage and Feedback on the Site


You like the Templates and Are Using Them

ƒ 30% use the templates ƒ This is a good start - Based on the fact that the industry average is only 1% for open source tools, we are pretty pleased that 30% of you use the templates - But we’d like to improve adoption and usage of the tools on the site


And You Like A Lot of Aspects of the Site

Pragmatic stuff ƒ One stop source for all Service Catalog ideas and tools ƒ The Service Catalog templates and examples are the #1 most popular items ƒ Other members cited the discussion in the forums as most useful ƒ The blogs and articles are also favorites

Community sharing ƒ I think I feel happy that this subject has attention among others, I thought I was alone here ƒ Sharing - ideas, best practices, tools & templates, etc. ƒ The exchange of ideas and pitfalls ƒ Interactions and exchenges… being in the business I am in, it’s isolating. ƒ The realization that other people really are doing this too


However, There is Room for Improvement

ƒ Many of you are still new to the site and not sure how to participate ƒ Contributions to the community are lower than they could be This raises the following questions: ƒ Are ITSM people shy? ƒ Are we reluctant to ask questions or ask for help because we are too concerned with appearing unknowledgeable?


Mostly of You Googled Your Way to the Site


Why Did You Register? ƒ Because you have a Service Catalog project with deliverables assigned to you ƒ Because you are passionate ƒ Because it’s your career

ƒ The possibility to learn and share experiences on service catalogs, ITIL v3 and related areas. ƒ Because I have to implement Service Catalog at this company.... All help welcome. :) ƒ I am very interested in service catalogs as a general idea, service level management and ITIL best practices. ƒ Needed ideas for content


You Have a Very Definite Idea of What you Want from the Community: MORE

What do you want? ƒ More examples ƒ More templates ƒ More sharing by practitioners ƒ More hands-on experience ƒ And surprisingly….more coverage on Service Catalog tools

ƒ Examples, examples, examples ƒ Benchmarking data and tools that allow for the clear demonstration of service catalogs benefits for organizations ƒ More real life examples of catalogs ƒ Experience with Service Catalog Tools


Take-Aways and Recommendations


Take-Away #1

Most IT Organizations Are Still Not Sure Where the Role and Responsibility for the Service Catalog Belongs ƒ The path forward: - Use ITIL Version 3 as the model to staff, educate and properly scope the size of the Service Catalog project - New processes and roles for Service Portfolio Management, Service Catalog Management, Demand Management, Financial Management, and Request Fulfillment


Take Away #2 The Majority of Homegrown, First-Generation Service Catalogs Do Not Achieve Success ƒ The root cause: ƒ The static Service Catalog - The Service Catalog project is not tied ends up as a side project to business value - No executive support - No adoption or buy in from the IT silos - No operational usage - No user adoption - Not funded properly to achieve transformation

- Improper toolset doesn’t provide Service Catalog models, content, or support for operations - Static documents can’t support the delegated design and development required for a Service Catalog - The IT silos own technical services - SLM role owns business services - Service managers own service requests

- Lack of a proven implementation journey and methodology - No clear vision of how to drive service operations with a Service Catalog


Recommendations: Moving Forward to Service Success ¾ Skip the Service Catalog as a documentation / inventory project - The static document/intranet will not achieve the desired results

¾ Tie your Service Catalog Project to a major initiative that delivers business value. Pick any of the following objectives: -

Explain what IT does for the business Standardize services Make it easy to request services Improve operational efficiencies

¾ Use a measurable, hot button business objective to get executive level support for your Service Catalog ¾ Build a proper Service Catalog team. This is a transformational initiative, not a side project ¾ Use proper Service Catalog models, methods and tool sets - The right tools can help divide labor to minimize political conflict in the definition of services and the design of your Service Catalog


Open Source Service Catalog Community Census 2007 Results

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