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“Answer has been written after clearly observing specimen answers and mark specimen . About this kind of question marking scheme says: ‘L4 for itemized responsibilities with illustrations and comments on these to show their relevance’So I have tried my best to write a L4/10 answer on each of the questions.” Individual Life: Hadiths teach is about the responsibilities of a Muslim. HP once said that “religion is sincerity, to Allah, His book, his messenger…”. So, one must have firm belief on Allah’s Tawhid. He must practically demonstrate his belief by observing the 5 pillars of Islam. About 5 pillars of Islam, HP once said “one who performs all obligations and treat lawful as lawful and treat forbi dden as forbidden and does nothing further shall enter paradise”. One must read and understand Quran. He must follow what is written is Quran. Allah’s messengers must be loved and respected by heart. These are the responsibilities of a muslim towards Allah. Hadiths also teach muslims about their responsibilities towards the fellow muslims. HP said “No one believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself”. So a muslim must love his brother muslims and must treat them with equality. One must have a positive desire for others. Hadiths also tell is that it is responsibility of a muslim that he help the poor and needy of the society. HP said “I and the man who brings up an orphan would be in heaven like this” And he pointed two fingers which we re close to each other. This does not only teaches us that we must care and help orphans but all the persons who cannot feed themselves such as widows. This is how hadiths teach us about the responsibilities of a muslim towards his brothers. Hadiths also teaches us that earning and eating lawful food is a responsibility of a person. Thus a muslim must not beg or rely on others but earn his own living. HP said this “No one eats better food than one who eats put of the work of his own hand.” This means that we must work hard to earn and to eat. HP himself showed this when he worked as a shepherd. Hadiths also teach is to be fear in our trade and dealings. HP was himself very fair in his dealing and never lied to get more profit. He once said “May Allah show mercy to a man who is kindly when he buys, when he sells and when he demands his money back.” So we must not show rude behavior while buying or selling. These are the responsibilities of a Muslim in his individual life.

Written By: Suchal Riaz

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Communal Life: Mark scheme on this question: “A basic answer to this part of the question will refer to a few Hadiths but will not show a confident understanding of their meaning and will lack any attempt to combine them into a general reflection on communal living. However, marks should be credited to answers where there are clear references to relevant Hadiths, and where some attempt has been made to understand and express their teachings. Good answers will quote and discuss Hadiths and reflect on the general principles about communal living that are deduced from them giving a clear picture of their teaching about relationships with others and communal life.” Answer: Hadiths teach muslims of their communal conduct. When the first Islamic community came into being in Medina, HP taught muslims about their responsibilities in a community. He declared all the muslims as a single brotherhood. HP said: “the believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected, he is affected ; if the head is affected, he is all affected”. So, they should be united like a single body. Muslims should share all their joys and sorrows. HP also taught us to not to let the needy and poor people left helpless. He commande d Muslim community to help them. “One who manages the affairs of a widow and the poor man is like the one who stands for prayer in night and fasts in the day”. So, it is responsibility of a Muslim to help orphans, widows and poor people of community. HP also wanted to create a sense of equality in the community so he said, “None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself”. So, in a Muslim community, everyone gets the same quality of food and cloth and no one has negative desires for other. This is important as it strengthens the community. HP also knew that satan would use his clever strategies to distract the muslims and to spread evil. He also knew that muslim community can fall into these traps, thus he said that each member of community must try to stop social evils in the community. He said “Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let his stop it by his hand, but if he is not able to do so then by his tongue, if he is not able to do so than with his heart…” so it is a responsibility of the community to uproot all the evils from the society. HP also wanted to create a society where everyone strives to improve it. Thus he said “every kind word is a charity and removing harmful thing from the road is a charity”. He ordered the muslims to obey the rulers so that there is coordination in the muslim community but if the ruler is tyrant then the muslims must raise the voice of protest againt him. HP said “the most excellent jihad is uttering truth in the presence of an unjust ruler”. It is important as to create a good community, the ruler must be just. This is the importance of hadiths in Muslim’s communal life.

Written By: Suchal Riaz

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