Common Core Algebra I 2018– 2019
Mrs. Kaloudakis HSW
Welcome to the start of the 2018-2019 school year. I look forward to working with you and helping you become a successful mathematics student. This course requires a lot of hard work and dedication as you learn new concepts that may challenge you. You will take the Common Core Algebra Regents 1 in June 2019. It is also very important that you understand the following policies and adhere to them for the entire year. Classroom Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Arrive to class on time and be seated at the bell Come to class prepared with the homework and required supplies Begin working on the “Do Now” immediately Participate in all classroom activities to the best of your ability Be respectful towards your classmates and teacher Always raise your hand to answer or ask a question Stay in your seat until I dismiss you, the bell does not dismiss you
Supplies : 1. Loose leaf Binder (could be shared with other classes) 2. Pen / Pencil / Graph Paper/Graphing Calculator / Two pocket folder inserted in your notebook 3. Agenda Book (you will not be allowed to leave the classroom w/o it) Test and Quiz Policy : 1. Tests will be announced at least four days earlier 2. Missed tests need to be made up the day you return to school and during a free period or extra help. NEVER DURING CLASS 3. Quizzes will also be given and will not always be announced 4. All tests should be signed by a parent / guardian and returned the next day 5. You should not be missing more than one test day a quarter Homework and Grading Policy :
1. All homework should be completed on time b/c late HW will not be accepted. 2. The quarter grade will be composed of tests, quizzes and HW. 3. Class work will also be considered as part of your homework grade. Tests 70 %
Quizzes 20%
HW 10%
Absence and Lateness Policy : 1. Please adhere to the School Policy regarding attendance. 2. Unexcused absences will result in a detention immediately upon returning to school and a parent/guardian will be notified 3. Upon the third unexcused lateness and every subsequent lateness, a detention will be assigned and a parent/guardian will be notified I have read and I understand the expectations for this class. _____________________
Student Signature
Parent / Guardian Signature