Common Diseases

  • June 2020
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Corynebacterium diphtheriae

direct contact with contaminated secretions from respiratory passages or saliva of carrier. Indirect transmiswsion from drinking fountains, cups, toilet seats, toys and others


Protozoan Parasite: Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium Falcipicarum, Plasmodium Malariae. Plasmodium Ovale

Vectorborne, Zoonotic: mosquito bite by the female Anopheles with P.vivax, etc.

Salmonella typhosa

Contact: food and water contaminated by stools and urine of carriers - feces, food, flies, fomites, fingers

Clostridium botulinum

Ingestion of uncooked or improperly canned or preserved food




Shighella dysentariae, Flexner, Boydii, Sonne, Vibrio Comma, Ogawa, Inaba, El Tor, direct or indirect fecal-oral Entamoeba histolyca transmission from a carrier




Nasal - irritating nasal discharge, usually serosanguinous and foul smelling with excoriated nares abd upper lip due to frequent wiping. cervical or submaxillary glands enlarged Pharyngeal - sore throat causing dysphagia, fever in which prostration is pronounced, pseudomembrane in the soft palate, uvula and tonsils. Bull neck appearance. Shick test, Moloney's Laryngeal - aphonia, weezing on test, nose and throat expiration, dyspnea, swab

Medical care: neutralize toxins antidiphtheria serum after negative skin test, epinephrine/corticosteroid, penicillin, thacheostomy, endotracheostomy Nursing care: CBR up to 2 weeks, maintain patent airway - suctioning, positioning

Cold Stage(10 to 15 mins - chills, shivers and shakes, chattering of the teeth, cool skin with gooseflesh. Hot Stage - (4 to 6 hours) - recurring high fever, severe headache, nausea, vomitting, abdominal pain, face is blue and pinched Diaphoretic Malaria Smear, Stage - excessive sweating, Quantitative Buffy weakness, pallor Coat

Medical Care : Quinine, Aralen, Primaquine, Pansidan, Atabrine. Nursing Care : During cold stage provide blanket, warm drinks, warm bath During Hot stage - tepid sponge bath, alcohol rub, cold compress, loose clothing During Doaphoretic stage: keep patient dry, increase fluid intake

Prodromal stage: headache, malaise, chills, fever, body aches, vomitting, diarrhea Fastigeal/Pyrexial stage: exanthem - rose spots, ladderlike fever, enlarged spleen, typhoid psychoses - coma-vigil look, difficulty sticking out tongue, carphologia, subsultus tendinum, constant tendency to slip down toward foot of bed Defenescence stage: intestinal hemorrhage and perforation, cough and hypostatic congestion of the lungs, pneumonia, Blood culture - during leukopenia prodromal stage Lysis/convalescent stage: signs Widal test, typhoid. and symptoms subside but Urine culture patient is still vulnerable to fatal Stool Culture relapse

Medical care: Chloromycetin Nursing Care: regulation of the diet, prevention of dehydration, hygiene and comfort

extreme weakness, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, swallowing and speaking, marked vertigo, disturbances of vision Stool culture

Medical care: fluid, electrolytes, potassium. Nursing care: CBR and comfort measures

Bacillary: chills, fever, nausea, vomitting, tenesmus, mucoid and bloody diarrhea, constipation, extreme thirst and rapid dehydration Cholera: acute colicky pains, mild diarrhea, mental depression, headache, vomitting, fever, extreme thirst, thickly furred tongue, violent cramps in lower extremities, shrivelled face, sunken eyes, ashy skin Amoebic: vomitting, tenesmus, severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea alternating with constipation, stools are mucopurulent, foulStool Exam smelling and with bloody streaks Rectal Swab

Medical Care: IV therapy, antibiotics or antiprotozoan agent Nursing Care: rehydration

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