Columbia Journalism Review March

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Nor Fariza Bt Hj Ramlan 2008285494 MC221 5C Magazine Production|Columbia Journalism Review critics|Dr. Mokhtar Mohamad

Columbia Journalism|Review March/April 2009 Page 7 Content

Editor’s note In the CJR editor’s note for March /April, the editor’s talks about the first issue of Columbia Journalism Review Chinese, to be published and distributed in China. This is their first foreign language edition where primarily all of the articles from the magazine translated into Mandarin. They stated a few pieces of write up inside that first Mandarin issue such as, “Love Thy Neighbor” “May I Speak Freely” “Red Ink Rising” and a few more of their translated write up. Editors also state out their new publication, a book titled Correct Me If I’m Wrong and editor did also introduce two new beats at CJR, transparency beat and news innovation beat.

Notes from online readers James Marcus who edits the Ideas & Reviews section in CJR and now Page view, interview David Denby and talk about Denby’s new book titled Snark. Journalistic Style The editor’s note been written simply and packed, the message that the editor want to send is clearly stated. The editor manages to keep the topic that he writes relevant and from what I read it is more about the latest updates about the magazines progress. The editor uses his own opinion in this write up but he done it in a rational manner but still in an exciting and pumped writing style. Up to date article It is agreeable that the issue in this write up is up to date because the editors talks about the latest updates of the CJR magazines, going Mandarin, and the new beat for CJR. In the mean time Notes from Online Readers, also touched about the latest book and comment about the book. Type of displays pictures and visuals This layout uses an easy reading font that is Times New Roman for the body of the write-up and they use a Sans Serif type for their headlines. The text is design by using 2 columns, one big column for the Editor’s Note and a small one for Notes from

Nor Fariza Bt Hj Ramlan 2008285494 MC221 5C Magazine Production|Columbia Journalism Review critics|Dr. Mokhtar Mohamad

Online readers. They put more space for editorial because the page is meant to be the editorial page. The picture is placed at the on top of the article to stress about the main topic that is been discussed inside the write-up and even though the write-up has not been justified but still can be accepted and readable to all of the readers. The photo that they used is relevant, but they did not put any cutline for the photo and maybe they want to use the photo as teaser to attract reader to read more. They separated the column using a straight horizontal line.

Page 8,9,10 Content

Craigslist= Straw Man by Steven S. Ross Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements, with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums. Relating to the theme of this page that is Currents, this articles talk and expands the issues of the savage declined in newspaper ad revenue in the third quarter of 2008, down 18 percent from the same period the previous year and classified volume was down 30 percent for the same quarter. How can newspapers compete with a venue that accepts free ads? Craig Newmark the founder of Craigslist has been tried and convicted in the media for causing that decline.

Journalistic Style 1) What: Newspaper Association of America show savage decline 2) Who: Craig Newmark the founder of Craigslist 3) Why: Convicted in the media for causing that decline. 4) When: Third quarter of 2008 5) How: The year of the dot com burst. The article accurately stated all of the figures to support all of the claimed that they made about the recent condition of newspaper industry in competing with the development of dot com era. The writer chooses a catchy headline and explains the

Nor Fariza Bt Hj Ramlan 2008285494 MC221 5C Magazine Production|Columbia Journalism Review critics|Dr. Mokhtar Mohamad

headlines roughly at the end of this short article. Writer flawlessly describe about the condition on what is happening in the first paragraph. The article really describes and explains about the situation inside the advertisements scope and try to compare and making sense with the previous year. At the end of the article the writer state his actual point of view and how he leaves the reader with something to think about. It is acceptable to say that this feature is well research and has good background information inside it and it is the factual reality, adding up it give depth about the topic been discussed.

Up to date article This article can be considered up to date, it show the latest fact, exact figure about Classified Ad Volume for U.S Daily Newspaper from 1980 until the recent 2008. Undeniably it is up to date, where as it compare the traditional medium with the World Wide Web that have been invading our life ever since its existence. Type of displays pictures and visuals “Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest place” Above is one of a quotation that fits the most when describing about any graphic that is added as visual aids in an article. Whereas the colorful chart bars that the writer use in this article clearly can be convert it to understandable values. Inside the chart bar place above the article, they used a clear figure; year and divide the sector using the color that can be easily distinguish. The chart bar stands alone and the graphic editor avoid clutter by eliminating other non-essential words and more focus on keywords.

Nor Fariza Bt Hj Ramlan 2008285494 MC221 5C Magazine Production|Columbia Journalism Review critics|Dr. Mokhtar Mohamad

One Shot by Helene Schileders Content This short article tells about an Iranian student named Ahmad Batebi who has been imprisoned for his participation in a protest because of his photograph holding up the bloodied shirt of one of his friend and appeared on July 17 cover of The Economist and was splashed across newspapers worldwide. In this article, a short interview of the photographer himself, Jamshid Bayrami, who responsible taking the memorable photo that helped to, produced a humanitarian outcry. Journalistic Style This article is more to a story telling kind of article. It catches the core of the story and really describes the whole idea of the real story and injects the emotional reaction to the reader. This article is more to human interest approach in setting the direction of the write-up. This article does not follow inverted pyramid exactly because it is more on storytelling narration kind of article. Up to date article This article can be considered up to date because there have been recent report about this man name Ahmad Batebi in 2008 as reported. It is new and it has been one of the eye openers to the world and to the people that support pro democracy and remain most momentous in Iran’s modern history.

Type of displays pictures and visuals For this article they used the real historic photo that creates one splashed in the media around the world, the photo that they use is related and have a clean, clear center of interest. Divided in four columns this article only used two columns and the short interview session with the photographer was placed at the end of the article. They bold the question font for the interview session to distinguish the question and the answer. They choose a moderate headline size to balance with the other continuing text from the previous article. As we can see there is a column named Hard Numbers located at the right hand of the article, it is one interesting column where readers can get information about events or incidents according to the fact of numbers.

Nor Fariza Bt Hj Ramlan 2008285494 MC221 5C Magazine Production|Columbia Journalism Review critics|Dr. Mokhtar Mohamad

Dutch treat by Helene Schilders Content The media industry of the Dutch land proposing and amount of budget as a jumpstart the search for digital and other innovative solutions to the dramatic collapse of revenues at newspapers and newsmagazines. The newspaper circulation in Netherlands has been steadily decreased particularly over the past five years. The industry’s financial problems have been compounded by rapid lost of advertising and spreading American credit crisis. This is the first time the Dutch media seek help from the government. Journalistic Style This article have the 5w 1h journalistic style, because it tell where, what, who involve, and why is the condition happening and the ways to solve the problems. Article is more about the fact that is happening to the media industry nowadays. It has a very good background story and it support the story very well. As compared to the typical news this kind of article give out opinion and conclusion at the end of the story and the reader will know what is actually the writer is trying to say at the end of the articles. They use a very attracting lead to catch reader’s attentions.

Up to date article This article is also up to date because it is also related to the latest economic condition that been face all around the world. And it tells how it affects the media industry. Type of displays pictures and visuals There is no photo or any graphic accompanied to this text and this article made up from 3 column write-up. But under the article, there is one language corner is placed to fill up the space under the article. It is a good way to fill up spaces in the mean time the content of the language corner is also related to the previous article.

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