Colonial Society 1750's

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
3) Colonial Society 1750s Population Growth  Population Growth ➢ 800% in 75 years ➢ Higher birthrate  Immigrants ➢ More non-English than English ➢ French Huguenots ✔ Repeal of the Edict of Nantes (so they can leave) ✔ Were not welcome in New France ✔ Come to coastal cities ➢ Penn Duetch (Germans) ✔ Palatinate ✔ Became Indentures servants without contract • No limit to serving time ➢ Scotch-Irish ✔ Appalachian Mountains ✔ Poor (hillbillies) ✔ Hot temper ✔ Ex. Andrew Jackson (110 duels but changed for his wife Rachel) ➢ Slaves ✔ 55% of Immigrants ✔ Came from the Caribbean Trade  Problems ➢ Puritans did not like commerce ✔ Watered down ✔ But still possible to make money  Triangular Trade ➢ New England-West Africa-Caribbean ➢ Gave New England something to do Back Country  Piedmont to Georgia ➢ Never got along with the coast ➢ Suspicious of change (conservative) ➢ Lived close to nature ➢ Communal culture (not a lot of privacy) ➢ Depended on neighbors ➢ Everybody equal ➢ Led to democracy ➢ Frederick Jackson Turner: Turner Thesis ✔ Education was not important

✔ Only practical learning  Frontier Heritage ➢ Labor was forcer ➢ American Dream : property ownership ➢ Never seemed to be represented ➢ Cross-cultural swapping ➢ Indians knew about medicine and herbs ➢ Nobody traveled because it was inconvenient (Only politicians) Plantations  Why Plantations ➢ Boom and Bust cycle ➢ Small farmers could not grow cash crops ✔ Tobacco, rice, indigo ➢ Cost effective and self sufficient ➢ Rice ✔ Hard labor ✔ 15 slaves, white overseer (Gang labor) ✔ Ideal in Virginia but not in Carolina ✔ Task Labor in Carolina ➢ Indigo ✔ Can’t grow rice in the winter time ✔ Blue dye (Tweed suits) ➢ Planter’s Society ✔ Great Planters: 1% ✔ Small Farmers:4% ✔ Yeoman:75% (no slaves ) (supported slavery) ✔ Mountain People: 10-20% ➢ Slave Society ✔ Marriages illegal ✔ But had stable families ✔ No one wanted to be slaves ✔ Condemned ✔ Slave rebellions (Usually in the Caribbean) • Stono: 1739 (20 died) • Gabano :1800 (no one died) • Vesy : 1822 (no one died) • Nat Turner(biggest) ✔ Not 1% of slaves ran away ✔ 99% had passive resistance (being disagreeable) ✔ Slaves in the U.S. was not as bad as slaves in the Caribbean ✔ Slaves population grew (birthrate)

✔ 10%African Americans were free, living along the Mississippi River (Purchased Freedom) ✔ Manumission : slaves freed by master in his will) ✔ 1st Emancipation: Slave fought as soldiers in American Revolution The Great Awakening/The Enlightenment  The Enlightenment ➢ Modern Mind= Enlightened Mind ➢ Isaac Newton ➢ Galileo ➢ Scientific Laws ➢ Reason and Logic ➢ Emotions left out ➢ Unitarian Church (cerebral)  The Great Awakening ➢ Telinohuyen, Tenet Field ➢ Jonathan and Edwards Started ✔ Fire and Brimstone ➢ 26 yr old George Whitefield was the leader ✔ People flocked to his sermons ✔ Revivalism ✔ Benjamin Franklin, a great leader of the Enlightenment, was even impressed ➢ Split between new lights and old lights (religious schism) ➢ 1st national event to unify the colonies ➢ Questioning Ministers= Questioning Authorities Colonial/Imperial Policy  Governor (loyal to England)  Council (loyal to England)  Assembly: elected by people ➢ Collects taxes ➢ Has the power  William and Mary: Reorganization Act 1696 (To control the colonies) ➢ Privy council ➢ Board of Trade ➢ Colonial Agent ➢ Salutary Neglect

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