Coldean Conference Report 09_final Signed Off Nov 09

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Download & View Coldean Conference Report 09_final Signed Off Nov 09 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 7,368
  • Pages: 22


Agenda for the day




Background & Aim of the conference


Who participated?



What we did and how we did it


Action Planning in small groups


Conclusion of the day



• Evaluation of the day 21 (Contents is hyperlinked to pages, just click on title, also contents hyperlink at bottom of each page is hyperlinked back to the contents page)

Report by Kalishia Le Coutre With thanks to Jean Thomas for noting the day’s proceedings; Jacqui Swayne, Paul Bramwell, Steve Andrews, Dawn Rennie for writing up group work; Joanna Hill for editing.


Agenda for the day 9:45am

Sign-in, coffee and tell us the key thing that should be improved in Coldean.


What we did at the last conference.


What has happened since – residents and service providers tell us what they’ve been doing since the last conference. There’ll be lots of time to ask questions and find out more.


Prioritising the key issues that you want to talk about for the rest of the day.




Tell us what you want changed in Coldean Ideas and solutions to issues and problems


Free Lunch!


Action Planning – In smaller groups How are we going to change things and who is going to do it?


Break Cancelled


Sharing each others plans


Conclusions and what next


Thank you & Goodbye


Summary - Coldean Conference 2009 The main aims for this year’s conference were: 

To celebrate the year’s achievements with presentations from project volunteers and service providers who deliver a service locally. Local community groups also produced posters of achievements, with pictures and quotes of their work. To look at the last year’s work and see how far the community has come, also to see if there is anything else that still needs doing and to identify any gaps in services and try to fill them. To action plan around new issues that the community are facing and also old issues that still need doing, making sure to outline: who, when, what, why, and how they can be actioned.

Welcome & Sign-in Coldean residents and a wide range of service providers were invited to the Conference. Fifty one people came: 22 residents and 29 service providers attended. Each person was given a conference pack with an outline of the day and information about projects and services in the area. Everyone attending was asked to write on a post-it one positive thing about Coldean and one burning issue if they had one. They were asked to stick these up on the wall. Introductions and what we did at the last conference The outline and aims of the day were presented (see above). We then revisited the Coldean map which had been drawn up by Coldean residents at the last conference. Together, they had added post-its, to point out hubs and services in the community. Community members and representatives of different services spoke about the part they take in the local community. Local Police Community Support Officer Youth Project Worker Library Manager Volunteer and Community Activist Playspace and New Larchwood Evaluation Coldean Colts Worker Head Teacher, Coldean School New Larchwood Surgery (spoke later in the afternoon session) Prioritising key issues – sticky dots on to post-its Peoples’ post-it notes with one positive thing about Coldean and one burning issue were grouped together and each person prioritised their three most important issues by sticking a dot beside them. Five top priorities were identified out of this: • Environment • Communication • Sports Facilities • Transport • Play Activities & Equipment • General/ Any Other Issues Action planning in small groups Everyone was then divided in to small groups each addressing a different issue. Facilitators asked people to contribute ideas about gaps in services, what could be improved, what could 4

be changed and what still needs doing. Every group had a chance to contribute to each issue in turn. The following is a summary of the key issues and actions that came out of the group discussions. Please refer to the main report for details. Environment The issues and actions people identified in this group included: • A need to improve refuse collection and recycling. Actions included, inviting City Clean to the Residents Association to improve communication; Redoing the environmental survey, with the Residents Association sending it to City Clean • A need to raise community awareness about vehicle parking. Actions included raising the issue in the SCLAT • Varley halls expansion: Positive aspect could be that the students would get on and off the bus near their Halls, which would keep noise down. Actions included working with the Community Liaison officer to improve relations with students. • School field improvements. Actions included School and Colts to meet and to discuss funding for levelling the pitch with the Sports funding manager at BHCC. Communication The issues and actions identified in this group included • Newsletter: keen to continue, needs more volunteers and funding, especially if increasing frequency • Library: Developing it as central point for information/ sign posting • Noticeboards: more visible, including bottom of Coldean Lane. • Coldean Website: should be promotion of website and beginners sessions; enewsletter; e forums • Coldean Conference: this was positive but the day should be changed to a Saturday to allow more people to come. • Communication with Service providers: regular meetings between services and residents to be disseminated within the newsletter or a similar format. • Volunteer bank, to match volunteers according to skills • GP Surgery: information available is restricted to health related issues. Develop as a good point of access, while ‘waiting’ to see the GP. Sports Facilities – (Including those at the school) The issues and actions people identified in this group included: • A need for activities for young people of 13+. The Youth club plans to look in to Coldean youth club having better facilities and extend for this age group. • A need for sports and play activities, e.g. a summer play scheme in Coldean; gymnastics club. There is a lack of volunteers to support sports and youth activities. Action included: development of a general sports interest group; seek funding for facilities and training to encourage children and young people to participate in sport; • Community use of Swimming pool at Coldean School. Actions included: exploring opportunities to open out of school hours; getting private sector sponsorship for the running costs of the pool if it was open to the public • Coldean Colts need a local facility. A number of actions were suggested, including: a meeting with the School and the Albion, and formation of a steering group; keep the under 8s playing in Coldean by repairing the top pitch; approach Sports Development Team at Brighton & Hove City Council (new School Sports Coordinator) to identify funds for developing the lower pitch with school agreement; Friends of Coldean to call a meeting about the need for better football facilities in Coldean. 5

Transport The issues and actions that came up included: • Poor Bus service: Need to stick to timetables and weekend/ evening service needs improving. Actions included: trial changes to current bus services (more buses at peak times/smaller buses at slower times • Better communication about service. Actions included: bus company to have "participatory planning" session with residents; survey residents using the newsletter; meet with the commercial manager of the bus company; ask local councillors to support campaign for changes. • Kerbs too low and cars are parking in bus stops. Clearer road markings needed Play Activities & Equipment

A number of issues were identified by this group, but the group did not continue to action plan on this area: •

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Improving play facilities, including Softball, Skateboard area, pool table, basketball hoops, softplay facilities; young people congregating around play equipment in a negative way needs to be addressed. Positive progress getting funding for playspace within a 12-month framework. Extending Play schemes, such as a regular summer scheme. Lack of youth provision, especially 13+age group. The support of Youth Group by Development Worker is appreciated. More varied activities for Young People (including cookery) need to take place Fundraising seems to be dependent on Volunteer(s); support needs to come from within the Community Intergenerational activities: the Wii facility at new Larchwood & Library can be used to develop intergenerational events; disused pond on School grounds as a ‘green’ community event

General/ Any Other Issues • A key issue that came up was developing day centre services at New Larchwood. Conclusion The action plans were shared. TDC staff will write up the report and circulate it to conference participants. TDC will take the report and action plans to the different community groups for further follow up. Some of the issues and actions identified would feed in to TDC’s workplans, but all the groups would need to work together to move the actions forward and a meeting should be held to get representatives from the groups together to take this forward. After the action plans were shared, participants discussed whether it was a useful forum to have a Conference. On the whole, feedback was positive but some people felt it would be better to try having it on a Saturday so more residents could come. TDC staff thanked everyone for coming; the TDC Community development worker for organising the event; and the facilitators and Working Together Project for their support. Everyone was invited to fill in the evaluation form.

Evaluation 6

A summary of participants’ evaluations has been compiled. Overall, this feedback indicates that people felt that they had learnt something new and found the conference useful. The Conference could have been improved by having more of a balance of service providers and residents throughout the day. Facilitators met to evaluate the event on 1 October. Their comments have been noted in order to feed into future events. Overall, facilitators felt the day went well and the aims had been broadly achieved: there was a good turn out; it generated a lot of discussion and a number of issues and actions have been noted. It will be important to ensure participants and their groups are involved in the follow-up of the Conference. The report and action plans will be sent to service providers and residents who participated and to the different community groups for further follow up.


Background In 2004 The Coldean Residents Association approached the Trust for Developing Communities to ask if they would help develop work in the area. Linda Saltwell, Special Projects Officer at the Trust for Developing Communities, worked with focus groups, individuals, and existing community groups to develop an Action Plan for the area through consultation events, attending group meetings, a young persons event and via a survey (developed with the community) that went to every household. In all 362 people responded to the consultation - 15% of the Community. The NAP was then delivered to every household and has been the “tool” used to determine work in the area. Last year Coldean Community Development Worker Jenny Moore got the residents together to organise the 2008 Coldean conference. Since then the community have achieved so much with new services being delivered in the area, community groups growing and developing new projects and activities. The main focus of last years conference action plan have either been actioned or are being actioned through the delivery of the current Community Development Worker.

Aim of the conference The main aims for this year’s conference were: 

To celebrate the year’s achievements with displays and presentations from project volunteers and service providers who deliver a service locally. Local community groups also produced posters of achievements, with pictures and quotes of their work. To look at the last year’s work and see how far the community has come; to see if there is anything else that still needs doing and to identify any gaps in services and try to fill them. To action plan around new issues that the community are facing and also old issues that still need doing, making sure to outline: who, when, what, why, and how they can be actioned.


Who Participated? Residents: 1. Richard Pearce – Coldean Resident 2. Joe Tansey – Coldean Resident 3. Margaret Tugwell – Coldean Resident 4. Mary Knight – Coldean Resident 5. Marrey – Coldean Resident 6. Coldean Resident 7. Coldean Resident 8. John Day – Coldean Resident 9. Suzanne Harris – Coldean Residents Association 10. Oshik Romen – Coldean Youth Project 11. Ted Harman – CTLA/ Coldean Resident 12. Elaine Mepham-Foster – Coldean Residents Association 13. Pat Berry – Coldean Residents Association 14. Jean Thomas – Coldean Residents Association/ Community Café 15. Julie Donovan – Friends of Coldean Parks Group 16. Rachel Gouldthorpe – Coldean Vicar/ Coldean Resident 17. Eileen Jones – Coldean Resident 18. Sue Hollingdale – Coldean Residents Association 19. Phillip Pilbeam – Coldean Colts 20. Steve Storey – Coldean Resident 21. Annemarie – Coldean Resident 22. Coldean resident

26. Nicky Brown – Coldean Children’s Centre BHCC 27. Stuart McConnachie – Head Teacher, Coldean Primary School 28. Tony Baker – Environment Improvement Team BHCC 29. Wendy Barrett – Coldean Library Manager 30. Deirdre Prower – New Larchwood Surgery 31. Malin Andersson – New Larchwood Manager 32. Thomas Morvan-Toone – Police Community Support Officer 33. William Whitehead – Police Inspector 34. David Guthrie – SCIP 35. Julie Stacey – Active East Brighton BHCC 36. Steve Andrews – Community Participation Worker, New Larchwood (facilitator) 37. Kirsty Walker – Project Manager, TDC 38. Jaqui Swayne – Volunteer, TDC (facilitator) 39. Claire Burchell – Youth Development Worker, TDC 40. Sally Clarke – The Bridge 41. Dawn Rennie – The Working Together Project (facilitator) 42. Paul Bramwell – The Working Together Project (facilitator) 43. Christine Simpson – Ward Councillor 44. Matthew Harfield – Coldean Library 45. Victoria Jarvis – Coldean Library 46. Debbie Mallard – Varndean College 47. Jay Butler – Be Creative 48. Gemma King – Be Creative 49. C. Patrick Lowe – Conservatives 50. Carol Ramsden – Conservatives

Service Providers: 23. Mark Bowen – B&H Buses 24. Kevin Mannoll – Brighton University Liaison Officer 25. Rob Dunbrill – City Parks BHCC 9

51. Tereba Large – Coldean Library 52. Joanna Hill – TDC (facilitator)


53. Kalishia Le Coutre – TDC (facilitator)


What we did and how we did it Welcome & Sign-in Each person was given a conference pack with outline of the day. Each person attending was asked to write on a post-it one positive thing about Coldean and one burning issue if they had one. Positives about Coldean  Strong Community  Friendly People  Low crime levels  Great community spirit  Good relations with Service Providers  Beautiful area  Peace & Tranquillity  Enthusiastic residents working together Burning Issues  The parks need improving and we would like a summer play scheme  More facilities for children  Coldean Colts – changing facilities, play facilities and equipment needed  School budget & facilities  More commitment from parents whose children attend the youth club  We need a better bus service (Sundays and evenings really bad)  Lollipop person on Hawkhurst road  Better reporting to the police  Noise disruption from students from Varley Halls (especially at bus stops)  Recycling collections in the neighbourhood need to be improved  Improve Communication between groups and projects  Better use of the library and its services by residents  More support from Brighton & Hove City Council in Coldean  Why don’t Coldean residents use the community café more often? (If they did we could re-start the food service)  Movie Evenings  Our projects and groups need more volunteers  Photography Club  Improve Communication to the community Introductions  Housekeeping What we did at the last conference Steve Andrews introduced the photographers to inform people that photographs would be taken and used for publicity afterwards. He then focused on the Coldean map which at the last conference residents added post-its to point out hubs and services of the community. The conference then continued with different local people/services speaking about the part they take in the local community. 11

Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) The PCSO spoke about local crime. He felt that Coldean community was like a village and people are welcoming. Crime figures are very low in Coldean. It was important to concentrate on things that groups could achieve, such as conservation. He encouraged people to phone for incidents, including minor incidents. “Coldean Local Action Team is brilliant, as it brings all the different services together and it is incredibly important that it continues to have regular meetings, keeping things going.” He said it was important for residents to take responsibility and bring local groups together, such as LAT, Residents’ Association, Tenants’ and Leaseholders. Youth Project Worker The Youth Project worker has been involved with the youth project in Coldean for four years. He grew up in a village that had a strong community life. He became a youth leader and then moved to the country. He believes that prevention is the best answer to troubles in the community. He started a youth club in a building now knocked down. It was for children, 9 to 13 years of age and involved cooking, games, art, and outside activities. “It is about making kids feel they belong; this can produce positive feelings for the community”. He said they need more funds and also parents as volunteers. Library Manager The Library Manager spoke of the use of IT in the library in the evening and was also interested in involving the community more to find out what else it would like the library to provide. There had been a 1940’s day recently. She would like people to tell library staff what other events they would take part in. She suggested a scrabble league, card games or a Wii intergenerational event. In response, participants asked if they would provide a photo club, movie evening or film making facilities. The library would have to consider licensing laws. She would investigate whether they had a Microsoft/ film-making package. Volunteer and Community Activist The volunteer said that in the last three years or so she has been involved with different voluntary activities in the local community: City Cat Shelter, New Larchwood (Community Café and other events) and Stanmer Preservation Society, where she gives history talks on Sundays during the summer at the Donkey Wheel. Although she is not originally from Sussex she feels at home here in Brighton, particularly Coldean and enjoys being part of the local community. Project Manager at the TDC, My Play Space project and New Larchwood evaluation The Project Manager talked about the Council’s My Play Space project which is being carried out over 2 years to to improve the quality of the city's play spaces. She had leaflets with contact details so people could find out more about the plans for Coldean’s parks. She invited people to look at the display board and offered to facilitate a group on play facilities. The neighbourhood evaluation carried out recently on New Larchwood yielded a very positive response, although some people didn’t know what activities went on in the New Larchwood building. It showed that people think overcame obstacles to get together. There is a perception of the Community Café as being an older person’s space and not for young people. One person asked what the Council was doing to come out to the community. The facilitators responded that the East Brighton Living Centre had Coldean as part of its area. Through funding, the Council also supported the work of community organisations such as the Trust, who supported groups such as the Residents’ Association, Friends of Coldean Parks etc. 12

Some participants felt we should focus on “not on what they do for us but what we can do for ourselves.” Another said, “We need to concentrate on building things in Coldean”. Coldean Colts Representative The representative from the Colts spoke about how the Colts started 2 years ago when Coldean had no football club. He asked the former head of Coldean School for the use of the school fields. After 2 years they now have 70 players and recently held a memorial event for Henry Nugent that raised a great deal of money. He felt that sport taught children discipline. The Colts need more volunteers. Organisations like the Residents’ Association have been very supportive. There was a proposal for a Mini-school of Excellence, but this did not happen. He felt they needed wider support from Coldean residents. The Colts would like the school pitches improved: they need the top pitch repaired and the lower levelled off. “This is what kids want”. The Colts needed more funding. It costs £90 for 2 teams to play. “We have no team colours; this means a lot to kids and keeps them off the streets”. Head Teacher, Coldean School The Head Teacher understood the situation about the football facilities. School grounds are owned by the council so Coldean Colts would need the Councils permission to improve the school fields and any funding bid for school fields. The school does not have the budget. Children use the field in school time. The field would be out of action for a year if levelling etc went ahead. The top pitch is laid out and in a state because everybody uses it. He proposed the bottom pitch is laid out. Doctor’s Surgery The New Larchwood Surgery nurse updated people on the Surgery:  Surgery is open 5 days  Slowly gaining more people  It is nurse-led  Trained for prescribing and diagnosing people  For surgery to survive it needs to encourage people to change to this surgery  Needs to be 1,000 patients to be viable (out of 2000 residents in Coldean)  If not successful in 3 years Coldean will lose surgery in New Larchwood  Can’t advertise services  The bigger we make the surgery the more we can get out of it  Can include Varley Halls  Carden Hill included  Can drop prescription at New Larchwood if Carden Hill patient and hand to Mannish at Beatty Pharmacy Participants said that some people like to see the same doctors as they have seen for some time. They suggested information was put in the Newsletter to inform people of options Prioritising key issues – sticky dots on to post-its Each person was given three sticky dots to go up to the burning issues and pick their priorities to stick a dot on. The dots were then counted and everything grouped to different headings e.g. sports facilities, environment etc. The top priorities ended being grouped together into five different groups Break


Action planning in small groups The room was divided in to small groups and each facilitator went round with a different subject heading and asked for people to contribute ideas about gaps in services, what could be improved, what could be changed, what still needs doing and what else can be delivered locally. Subjects to action plan on (these were pulled from burning issues): • Environment • Communication • Sports Facilities • Transport • Play Activities & Equipment • General/ Any Other Issues Environment Facilitator – Joanna Hill,TDC Projects Manager for Coldean Issues:  Grass cutting and trees – this need to be done more regularly.  Need trees in Haig Ave  Bins - refuse collection is regular, but bins are not put back.  No collection for green waste  Noise from Raves is a big problem  Students in Varley Halls - noise and litter on buses. Students living in Coldean leaving their gardens in a mess  Car parking and traffic: Grass verges are wrecked by parking, if cars didn’t park on the verge, the ambulances and buses wouldn’t be able to get through. Parking is a problem especially around school drop off and pick up  Hedges are not kept cut e.g. Walton Bank, as dangerous as can’t see round when turning in car. Chalk Hill Car park is dangerous  At the library, lorries on pavements block access to New Larchwood  Speeding on Coldean Lane  School field: Need safe environment for children to play football and other activities: need to level the field to make it safe  Need to improve school grounds: wildlife pond improvement, pond dipping  Pavements: There are no drop curbs on the pavements for wheel chairs, trikes.  Generally positive about the environment: tranquil and peaceful  Many of these issues were highlighted in the Environment Survey that was carried out by the Resident’s Association. Communication Facilitator – Jacqui Swayne, TDC Volunteer How do people communicate?  News letter  Conference  Word of mouth  Notice board  Church magazine  Library  Posters or Flyers  Website 14

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Coffee morning Badger watches New Larchwood Café E-watch GP Surgery – health related issues

Needs improving  News letter – more frequency- space factor- inclusion of info/lack of space  More volunteers needed – busy lives  Library wasn’t prepared for conference, i.e., display boards – not asked to do anything  Conference bi-annually!!  Notice boards Conference:  All comments were positive regarding the conference. However the ratio of service provision to residents was problematic, reducing the true picture of satisfaction felt by them in regards to issues raised. Residents felt that changing the day of conference to a Saturday would allow more to come.  The library felt that they were not properly informed regarding display boards and supplying leaflets.  It was mentioned holding the conference bi-annually. However, this would ‘water down’ the outcomes and confuse its purpose. (Two public meetings could be held instead) Notice boards:  Coldean has several notice boards across the central area, some of which are displayed in resident’s gardens. General comments included that they needed to be more visible, and spread across Coldean (i.e. bottom end of Coldean lane). Service providers felt they could make use of these also, but were not aware to whom they should speak. Coldean Website:  Many residents do not have internet access, but did not feel confident enough to use the library computers. Some residents felt it could be made easier to use. It was also suggested that online discussion groups could be developed and the inclusion of an ‘e-newsletter’. Those commenting were not aware if there was beginner sessions held for residents.  It was felt that there should be an increase in the promotion of the website. GP Surgery:  Information available is restricted to health related issues. Many felt that it would be a good point of access, due to the nature of ‘waiting’ to see the GP. Overall feeling from all participants, particularly services, was that communication was quite good in comparison to other communities. A suggestion put forward by a service provider to improve communication was for regular meetings between services and residents to share information and for it to be disseminated within the newsletter or a similar format. Sports Facilities – (Including those at the school) Facilitator – Paul Bramwell, Working Together Project General issues  Facilities and activities are needed for young people 13+, although it was noted that the youth club will be extending its reach to that age range shortly 15

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67 Centre is the nearest youth Centre – the Coldean youth club could have better facilities! Lack of volunteers to support sports and exercise activities That if the School is unable to offer its facilities to the local community outside of school hours, then the community needs to develop its own facilities That there is generally a lack of outside community space in Coldean That there is no summer play scheme in Coldean Frustration was expressed in general that community meetings end up focusing on things like dog poo, which makes it difficult to move issues like sports facilities forward. This led to a suggestion that it might be more useful to have a general sports interest group that could move some of these issues forward. It would be good if there was a local gymnastics club It was suggested that the School could seek funding for facilities and training to improve the delivery of sports coaching and encouragement of young people to participate in sport. Albion in the Community run football sessions at the school on Wednesday nights

Opportunities  The School will be piloting a scheme to enable children from financially disadvantaged families to access extended services. This could enable more funding to go to local sports activities.  There is funding around at the moment to tackle obesity. Is this an opportunity to fund sports activities in Coldean? Swimming Pool  The community paid for the pool to built, but have limited access to it  Coldean School have a swimming pool which is open to the public during the summer holidays  It was felt that the swimming pool could be open out of school hours  It was also felt that a swimming session for older people could be offered outside of school hours  It was noted that the pool could do with a roof and a heat exchanger  It was suggested that the school might be able to get private sector sponsorship for the running costs of the pool if it was open the public  It was recognised by everyone that all of this would need additional resources to make it sustainable Facilities for Coldean Colts Coldean Colts need a local facility for the youth teams to play. They had been working with Albion in the Community and Coldean Primary School to repair the current pitch at the School on the top field and to create a multi-sport pitch on the lower field. It is believed this plan fell through after there were some misgivings from the School and little response from consultation with local residents groups. Suggestions for moving the issue forward were as follows:  Could the Falmer Academy and / or the new Falmer stadium do anything to help the situation?  Could the Brighton & Hove Sports Strategy lend support to the Colts finding a permanent home in Coldean?  Could a pitch be fundraised for and put in Coldean Park along with the new play facilities?  Could the Friends of Coldean call a specific meeting about the need for better football facilities in Coldean? 16

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It was suggested that there should be some work done on understanding how much neighbouring pitches are used – Stanmer park, Wild Park, Falmer School, University of Brighton, University of Sussex and if there is spare capacity – which we’re not sure that there is, to use the central booking system, and to use the affordable minibus at Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Trust to transport young people. That if there is the opportunity to improve the pitch at Coldean School, there needs to be some work done about who is able to use it – as at the moment, the heavy use means that the pitch is a health and safety hazard. That there are opportunities to link into current initiatives like the Take Part in Sport campaign that are leading up to the 2012 Olympics That the Colts need to get support from the new Schools Sports Co-ordinator Darren Hanbrook.

Transport Facilitator – Dawn Rennie, Working Together Project Priority  Timetables - need to stick to the timetables  Evening/weekend service needs to be improved, long meandering routes on Sundays  Kerbs and pavements too low  Over crowded buses  Shop hop fares?  Improved links between estates e.g. Moulsecoomb - people that travel between the two areas are at a disadvantage/time consuming  Better communication about route changes and service generally  Cars parking in bus stops  Other comments/information  Brighton and Hove Bus Company  The bus company could carrying out a "planning for real" or a "participatory planning" session with residents to see how any new services could work, this would give residents first hand experience of organising routes around B&H, they could see how changing something in one place would impact on Coldean, the environment and other areas the bus services covers.  Rubbish bus service impacts on house prices and rental values - no one wants to live here, it's difficult to get to work.  Free bus trips could be offered to schools to encourage young people to see the benefit of using buses  Improved services to areas that have a high percentage of older people, especially Reeves Hill, Woolsey Road and Middleton Rise)  Local campaign to make changes Play Activities & Equipment Facilitator – Steve Andrews, TDC Community Participation Worker  Soccer pitch needs sorting (donation)  Fencing improvements in Haig Avenue need to happen  Young People congregating around play equipment in a negative way needs to be addressed  Varied activities for Young People (including cookery) need to take place  Fundraising seems to be dependent on Volunteer(s)  Inclusion is important  Support gratefully received from outside Coldean thus far, but needs to come from within the Community  Support of Youth Group by Development Worker is also appreciated 17

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Lack of Youth provision needs to be examine Positive progress – funding available for playspace within a 12-month framework Coldean has strong family intergenerational connections Children would appear to be playing on scaffolding of an evening in lieu of play equipment Softball and Skateboard facilities are needed Library service has offered successful pre-School play facilities Playbus scheme and swims successful at School during summer holidays; Permanent cover needed for School pool so that it can be used by the public throughout the year Regular summer scheme to be hosted on alternative site(s)? Wii facility at new Larchwood & Library – precursor to series of intergenerational events i.e. Young People playing against Older Disused pond on School grounds needs cultivating as a ‘green’ community event No shelter from direct sunlight during hot days in School grounds Need identified for soft play facilities School has a breakfast club and can provide childcare and halls for hire, although there are some disability issues There needs to be provision for the 13+ age group, to alleviate boredom There needs to be a quiet area for gentle reflection There needs to be a place for a pool table and basketball hoops We need to celebrate in Coldean two major successes: - The Doctors’ Surgery being at New Larchwood & - The Youth Group’s future use of the old GP Surgery

General/ Any Other Issues A key issue that came up was the resource of day centre services at New Larchwood Lunch Continue Action planning in small groups       

Solutions to issues How are we going to change things and who is going to do it? Key priorities What achievements Timescale Who is responsible? Training needed

Environment Solutions: Facilitator – TDC Project Manager What’s been done/Suggestions for solutions  Grass cutting hasn’t improved, although residents have phoned about maintaining the trees and grass verges. Parks have come to cut the trees  Speed calming: Residents have asked Highways to address this, but they have looked at number of accidents criteria. Coldean Lane is not a priority on this basis  There was a suggestion to follow the examples of other areas, like Carden school getting children to design “20 is plenty” signs.  On Coldean Lane, there is a speed camera but people know where it is and slow down there. Could try training residents to hold speed guns.  They could try a pedestrian crossing. A bridge could be built over Coldean lane 18

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Students should take more responsibility for their behaviour. In the same way that the bus company goes to schools to talk about responsible use of buses, they could go to the university and have a meeting. The bus company could take packs to the university like CityClean do Landlords: Residents could work with the landlords and the university to check the landlord’s agreement re keeping gardens clean and tidy. Noise from the road was a big problem: could they try highway shielding to decrease noise. Parking is checked regularly by Neighbourhood warden, traffic warden Annual clean up of woods: this was tried with the youth group and Lewes Road Consortium. There was less involvement from the wider community. There was a suggestion that there should be an awareness campaign to get Coldean Residents to respect their environment. Solar panels, e.g. on the library would have to be discussed with Hanover.

Varley halls expansion Positive aspect could be that the students would get on and off the bus near their Halls rather than in the middle of Coldean, which would keep noise down. Residents would like to know more about what Kevin (Community Liaison officer) does and work with him to improve relations with students. Refuse: what needs to be done  improve communication with CityClean; garden waste  Redo environmental survey  Send to CityClean  Invite CityClean to meeting with Residents Association  Update information on website regularly  Residents Association would do the above Vehicle parking: what needs to be done  Residents Association will take the issue to the SCLAT  Where parked in the wrong place, get PCSO to talk to  Residents Association to put in school newsletter for awareness about double parking School field: what needs to be done  School and Colts should discuss funding for levelling the pitch with the Sports funding manager at BHCC  Organise a meeting to discuss with the school and sports facilities Communication Solutions Facilitator – Community TDC Volunteer What needs to be done to make changes?  Regular set meeting with service providers  Resident reps to update in the format of conference  E news letter – discussion groups online  The involvement of more volunteers. Members of the Residents Association currently deliver the Newsletter, which they fit into their busy lives.  A ‘volunteer bank’ was suggested, which could match volunteers according to their skills, not only on the newsletter, but on other groups that rely on volunteers.  The library felt they could hold some copies of the newsletter to ease the problem with circulation. This was felt unhelpful, as it would not reach all residents. 19

Using estate agents to ‘mail-shot’ the newsletter was also suggested.

What is being discussed

Tasks for improvement

Who’s responsibility


Easier access to inputting information

Residents Association


Coldean Website

Developing it as central point for information/ sign posting Changing culture towards methods of communication E-newsletter E-forums

Service provider provide information All residents/service providers Library services Residents association and Service Providers

Timescale for change

Resources needed Volunteers from community

No comments given/ongoing? ?

Meeting space Increase financial support (for additional printing etc).

Play Activities & Equipment Solutions Facilitator – TDC Community Participation Worker This issue was left at a table for later exploration in the afternoon but there were no takers Transport Solutions Facilitator – Working Together Project Who (some of these cover more than one issue)

Solution/Action Better consultation and input from residents More buses at peak times/trial changes to current bus services and then consult Get consensus of opinion from residents and approach bus company (survey) More buses at peak times/smaller buses at slow times. Buses are often full with students and go to the universities first - buses could come into Coldean first and then on to the universities Contact/Invite bus company to comment Expand the Asda bus service to take in more areas of Coldean Better consultation Clearer road markings

Ask local councillors to support. - Pat Stringer is the commercial manager if the bus company, talk to him Survey residents using the newsletter, these could be collected in the post office, doctors surgery, library and other public places. Hold a public meeting.

Contact bus company to find out

Sports Facilities Solutions Facilitator – Working Together Project Suggested ways forward  There needs to be a meeting with the School and the Albion, and then a steering group should be formed to move the issue forward. This would be similar to the steering group that was set up to support the development of the new library in Coldean.  There was a suggestion that a short term solution to keep the under 8s playing in Coldean is to repair the top pitch. The Colts are willing to pay for a third of the costs if 20

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the School and the local authority will allow them to have a port-a-cabin on site for changing and storage facilities. There is likely to be some section 106 funding available for the improvement of community facilities. That Carol Page at the Sports Development Team at Brighton & Hove City Council will help identify funds and develop a plan for the development of the lower field at the school as a multi-use sports pitch and associated facilities.

Sport and Exercise for Older People  Older people would like the opportunity to use the swimming pool  Tai Chi for older people stopped because only regularly attended by four people – but those four would like the group to start again  There was quite a lot of interest in ballroom dancing. It was identified that there should be a class to cover the basics before each tea dance – particularly for men.  Games afternoons, including skittles / short mat bowling Conclusion of the day Participants:  It would be important to go to the local council and say what Coldean wants  Give individual people from groups a task to take forward the actions  Generally people felt there has been a positive result since last conference although some felt that more could have been done; Conference reports could have been more widely circulated  It was suggested to have the next conference on a Saturday so that people who are working can come to it  It was the hope of the participants that there will be action from the Conference TDC Community Development Worker (CDW)  The Report was available from last conference very soon after the conference  The CDW will begin to address issues that have arisen from this conference  Explained that we all need to work together to get the work done in Coldean- the groups and the CDW will work together to take it forward. TDC Project Manager  Thanked everyone for coming and participating  TDC will identify issues from the Conference to take forward  Thank you to facilitators, service providers, WTP, Kalishia for organising conference  Participants were asked to fill in the Evaluation Form Thank you & Goodbye

Evaluation of the day A summary of participants’ evaluations has been compiled. Overall, this feedback indicates that people felt that they had learnt something new and found the conference useful. The Conference could have been improved by having more of a balance of service providers and residents throughout the day. Facilitators met to evaluate the event on 1 October. Their comments have been noted in order to feed into future events. Overall, facilitators felt the day went well and the aims had been broadly achieved: there was a good turn out; it generated a lot of discussion and a number of issues and actions have been noted. It will be important to ensure participants and 21

their groups are involved in the follow-up of the Conference. The report and action plans will be sent to service providers and residents who participated and to the different community groups for further follow up.


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