Coca Cola Co

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 12
Task 10: Final Communication Plan Team Report Part 2 BCOM 314-001 February 28, 2019

Team 3 Abdullah Aldahnin Farah Aldossary Jessica Backer Monica Beckley Elise Peters

Table of Contents Executive Summary


Where We Are vs. Where We Could Be


Background: How We Got Here


Stakeholder Analysis: Consumers Feel Left in the Dark


Analyzing Our Problem: Recycling Without Relaying


Recommendation #1: VenCycling to Make Recycling Easy and Fun


Recommendation #2: Communicating via a Sustainability-Focused Website


Communication Objective


Combined Budget, Timeline, and Return on Investment


Conclusion: Where We’ll be Post-Implementation


Executive Summary Where We Are vs. Where We Could Be This document reviews our situational background, analyzes consumers as stakeholders and our sustainability efforts. It also makes two recommendations for actions; expanding VenCycling machines and creating a website about our sustainability efforts. The recommendations include budgets, timelines, and expected returns on investments. By addressing this issue, we will become a more trustworthy and open brand with a stronger bottom line driven by a more stable customer base.

How We Got Here: Analyzing Where We Went Wrong Our recycling goals have been questioned via Twitter and negative articles. We have been stagnant in our progress for the past three years. We also have not updated our recycling data since 2017. Our communication skills are lacking in where we stand as a company and what we are doing to solve the problems. With the following recommendations, we can begin to renew our reputation .

Recommendation #1: VenCycling to Make Recycling Easy and Fun Our first recommendation is to introduce VenCycling in the United States. When traditional vending machines wear out, we recommend replacing them with VenCycling machines. Consumers have two options with VenCycling: purchase or recycle a product. When a product is purchased, the machine says “You owe me a bottle back,” encouraging consumers to change their recycling habits.

Recommendation #2: Communicating via a Sustainability-Focused Website Our second recommendation is to launch a website to share our recycling initiatives and progress updates. We also recommend reaching out to professionals to have positive stories published about us. Through the website, we will share up-to-date information and have a live chat to answer questions quickly. These two measures will further address our communication issues. Communication Objective We plan on communicating these changes in two ways: flyers and our Twitter account. The flyers will be distributed alongside VenCycling machines to help with education and awareness by highlighting the incentives created by VenCycle. Our Twitter will also inform people about our website and VenCycling and will reach beyond VenCycle locations to further improve communications. Combined Budget, Timeline, and Return on Investment Based on our research, VenCycling machines cost around $3k-$4k. Shipping and installation will cost us $329 per machine. The total annual cost of the website is $175,040. By March 1, we want to get our corporate level and the director of corporate communication approval for our recommendations. Our return on investment is 3% per issue and based on our 2018 revenue, that’s $602,580,000 per issue.

Conclusion: Where We’ll be Post-Implementation To recap, the two recommendations presented are to expand the use of VenCycling machines and to create a website focused on our sustainability initiatives. A timeline, budget, and expected return on investment is included to support these recommendations. In implementing these solutions, we will regain the trust of our consumers and establish a stronger, more dedicated customer base. We will be better able to challenge competition and strengthen our bottom line.

Where We Are vs. Where We Could Be To address our communication issues regarding sustainability, we have put together this document for your review. The document reviews the background of our current situation, analyzes both consumers as a stakeholder and our sustainability efforts up to this point, and makes two recommendations for future actions. These recommendations are to roll out VenCycling on a larger scale and create a website dedicated to communicating about our sustainability efforts. These recommendations also include expected budgets and timelines, as well as expected return on investment. By addressing these issues, we will become a more trustworthy and open brand with a stronger bottom line. The stronger bottom line will be driven by the fact that our increased communication will strengthen our relationship with current consumers, and entice new consumers who care about sustainability when considering the brands they interact with. We will also be more able to challenge competitors who are ahead of us in terms of communicating sustainability initiatives by improving upon their actions and methods.

Background: How We Got Here Our company has attempted to follow the trend of sustainability by putting forth relevant goals. The first goal is to make our bottles out of 75% recycled materials by 2020. By 2030, the goal is to recycle the equivalent of one bottle for every bottle that we sell. However, these goals have raised more concerns than they have addressed. We are being heavily questioned regarding our goals and the stance we are taking. An article from the news outlet Essex Chronicle slams our efforts regarding plastic pollution and calls our company out, declaring that “Coca Cola’s plastic is turning our oceans into a plastic soup and ruining our beaches, canals, parks, and natural spaces” (Pollution of Our Oceans Must Stop). Our consumers are unhappy as well and are letting their social media followers know, as the examples below demonstrate.

Stakeholder Analysis: Consumers Feel Left in the Dark Our consumers are vital to our business’ success, but leaving them confused and uninformed does not make them feel that way. We are regularly ignoring consumer requests for

information. We have not updated our sustainability reports since 2017 and have been stagnant at 59% for our recycled packaging for the past three, soon to be four, years. We need to look at our current data, publish it regularly, and start taking steps to demonstrate that we are working toward the goals we have published if we want to fix the way our consumers have been feeling. Coca-Cola Packaging Statistics; obtained from Coca-Cola’s Sustainability Report

Analyzing Our Problem: Recycling Without Relaying Our current problem is that we are not communicating key information about our progress towards published goals. We are not able to counter negative press because we do not have any recently published information to reference. As a result, attempts to respond come across poorly and more like saving face than making a tangible difference. If we want to address this problem and begin reshaping our sustainability reputation, two options we can consider are to expand our use of VenCycling machines, to or launch a sustainability-focused website.

Recommendation #1: VenCycling to Make Recycling Easy and Fun Our first recommendation is to introduce VenCycling in the United States to motivate and involve our domestic consumers. Currently, our only VenCycling machine is in China and therefore is not effectively showcasing its technology on a meaningful scale. Expanding this idea into the United States will get consumers more involved in our recycling plan through an incentive-based system.

Consumers have two options with VenCycling machines: purchase a product or recycle a product. For individuals who are purchasing a beverage, they will be reminded to recycle as

the VenCycling machine will say something to the effect of “You owe me a bottle back.” Consumers who recycle with the machine will be awarded a credit that can be put toward a purchase at a later date. This incentive-based system will encourage consumers to change their recycling habits. We plan on communicating through the distribution process of our vending machines. When our current vending machines need to be replaced, we will replace them with VenCycling machines.; this will occur on an ongoing basis until all Coca-Cola vending machines are converted into VenCycling machines, which will take an estimated 10-20 years. This is because the average vending machine needs to be replaced every 10-20 years, depending on care and usage. While this does not address the time component of consumers’ concerns, it would create a reliable path for progress which can, in turn, be communicated on a regular basis. The machines will also come with flyers to keep alongside the machine, further communicating what they do and why they matter. Further information about these flyers is available in the Communication Objective section of this report. To get corporate representatives on-board with VenCycling, we recommend holding regular (e.g., monthly) meetings to go over our progress toward our recycling goals. We are positive members of our corporate department will want this implementation to occur, as CEO Quincey has stated, “By understanding attitudes towards litter, we can adapt our packaging to make it far simpler to recycle.” As discussed in prior presentations, we must focus on addressing our consumers while getting approval and support from corporate, and VenCycling is a way to approach both of those things. However, building on the actions of our competitors may also be useful, which leads us to our second recommendation.

Recommendation #2: Communicating via a Sustainability-Focused Website Analysis of Competitor’s Communication Approach To understand how we can change and manage the perception of our company, it is useful to look at what our competitor PepsiCo is doing to manage the perception of their brand. PepsiCo is also one of the leading generators of plastic waste. However, news headlines are heavily focused on our company for being the number one plastic producers, with PepsiCo drawing less criticism. In terms of sustainability, PepsiCo is ahead of us on several levels. In 2018, PepsiCo was ranked 89th on the green ranking, while we were 212th (Green Ranking, 2018). Though we are implementing similar recycling initiatives, PepsiCo is better communicating their progress with the public.

Screenshot obtained from

Comparing communication strategies, we found that the main difference between PepsiCo and us is that PepsiCo has launched a recycling-focused website. With this key difference, we decided to analyze the website and see what it is accomplishing. In doing so, we were able to determine if a website had the potential to be another recommendation. The main purpose of PepsiCo’s website is to share information about their programs, progress, and partners. Also, they have a section in their website “take action” where people can sign on and participate in Pepsi’s recycling events. PepsiCo effectively visualizes their progress in a way that catches the website visitors’ attention. The below screenshot of PepsiCo’s website shows the number of collected bottles, donations, and partners. Statistics that we retrieved from Alexa Internet shows has an average of around 287,430 unique visitors per month. Considering this number and PepsiCo’s green ranking, we concluded that the website is an efficient channel of communication and is contributing to PepsiCo’s advantage in this area.

Screenshot obtained from

Sustainability-Focused Website Given our conclusion, we recommend launching a website to share our recycling initiatives and progress updates. The website will be an effective channel of communication, which will address our consumers’ concerns about our lack of updates. Moreover, what we recommend is not just building a website, but also developing a team whose primary job is to present our efforts positively.

One of the ways this team will shift the narrative about us is by being active on social media, particularly Twitter. We chose to focus on Twitter as it is the site for which data was most readily available, which allows us to better assess our progress over time. The team will use both original Tweets and replies to share links to the website; this will keep the most up-to-date information available as the website can be updated without having to keep up with writing Tweets to discuss new developments. It will also make that information very readily available, which aids in making consumers feel as though we are proud of our goals and progress. We built a prototype of the website and the type of information that will be useful to include in it. The main information that we should share is our latest programs. For instance, we recommended that VenCycling machines and their incentive-based system be used to influence consumer behavior. Also, we can invite people to be part of to volunteer with us, and for people who have questions about recycling we can have a live chat with them through the website. That sort of development is what we envision being communicated on the website. Screenshot of website prototype;

Communication Objective Part 1: Flyers & Website We will distribute flyers to showcase how we will motivate our consumers to recycle both through VenCycling and our recycling website. Throughout this distribution, we will inform our customers about our recycling initiative and what we hope to accomplish. This flyer will explain how customers can engage within our new implementation process such as recycling/purchasing with the machine. We can also address our current issues by including two key things on our sustainability website. First, we should share up-to-date information about our progress on a regular and reliable basis. For instance, we should inform the public about our latest innovations like the VenCycling machines and inform them about how we did with accomplishing goals in 2018. Second, for people who have questions for us, we will have a live chat with them through the website, supplemented by a basic FAQ page. By making the information as clear, accessible,

and recent as possible, we can begin to repair our relationships with consumers and by extension strengthen our bottom line. Part 2: Twitter Our second channel of communication that we will use for informing our consumers is Twitter. Targeting people through Twitter is the best way we have found to communicate directly with those who are criticizing us and our sustainability goals. Through this platform, we plan to announce our website launch to our over 3 million followers. We will share another Tweet that announces our latest innovation, the VenCycling machines and we will include the link to our website to generate traffic. Furthermore, to make sure that we directly address critics’ opinion about our brand, we plan to have our Twitter team respond to negative Tweets about our goals. Doing so will demonstrate a more active interest in making a change, whereas making just a few Tweets may come across as an attempt to further push off the issue. Here are two mock Tweets that we can use to reply to our consumers and promote our website.

Combined Budget, Timeline, and Return on Investment VenCycling Budget: For each VenCycling machine, the estimated total cost comes out to $3,329-$4,329, which is similar to what it would cost to continue using traditional vending machines. See below for the breakdown of this total.

Website Budget: Average Cost


Total Cost

Hire a Company to Build a Website




Maintenance Website Specialist




Domain and Hosting




Website Specialist




Annual Total Combined Recommendation Timeline:


Expected Return on Investment: Our financial return on investment is expected to be 3% per issue, and based on our 2018 revenues, that equates to $602,580,000. We also anticipate social returns demonstrated by Twitter follows. Based on our data regarding the reach of negative Twitter, we expect that in 9 days, 1.2 million followers will not see negative comments about our sustainability initiatives. In 30 days, that is 3.9 million users.

Conclusion: Where We’ll be Post-Implementation To recap, the two recommendations presented are to expand the use of VenCycling machines and to create a website focused on our sustainability initiatives. Both recommendations included timelines, budgets, and expected return on investments to help assess their pros and cons. In implementing one or both solutions, we will regain the trust of our consumers and address key disconnects between our internal and external narratives. We will be better able to challenge competition and strengthen our bottom line.

References A Smart Recycling Solution: VenCycling, Coca-Cola's Innovative Concept Machine, Debuts at Davos. (2018, September 25). Retrieved from Alexa Internet. (2019, February 23). Traffic Statistics. Retrieved from Coca-Cola Company. (2017). Annual report 2017. Retrieved from Coca-Cola Company. (2018). Annual report 2018. Retrieved from 018-Q4-Full-Year-Earnings-Release-Final.pdf Green Ranking. (2018, February 13). Newsweek. Retrieved from Group, V. (2017, January 13). Blog. Retrieved from How Much Does a Website Cost? (A Detailed Website Cost Blueprint). (2019, January 21). Retrieved from d=8360 Pollution of our oceans must stop. (2017, Dec 28). Essex Chronicle Retrieved from 0994241?accountid=8360 Sustainability and recycling: How the Coca-Cola system is fighting waste with sustainable packaging. (n.d.). Retrieved from Vending Machine Frequently Asked Questions. (2019, January 12). Retrieved from Vending Machines. (2019, February 10). Retrieved from

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