Cn - Session 17 Nationalism And Communism

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Session 17 Nationalism and Communism – Szporluk Reading ► Catalan

Nationalism in Comparative Perspective ► IES

Barcelona ► FALL 2007 PROGRAM

► ►

Instructor: Andrew Davis e-mail: [email protected] 1

Communism ► Marx’s

impact can only be compared with that of religious figures like Jesus or Muhammad. ► For much of the 20th century, nearly 4 out of every 10 people on earth lived under governments that considered themselves Marxist/Communist.


Marx ► Engels

claimed at Marx’s funeral that his real mission in life was to: ► ‘contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of capitalist society and of the state institutions which it had brought into being, to contribute to the liberation of the modern proletariat…’


Communism ► Communism

is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. ► It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx. 4

Marxism ► Capitalism

is bound to self-destruction. Oppression unavoidably will awake the working class, they will realize of their common interests and pursue them. Classconsciousness. ► Once class conscious, they will rise in arms against the state to destroy it. ► 1st: revolution of the proletariat ► 2nd: dictatorship of the proletariat. ► 3rd destruction of the superstructure (the capitalist state) ► 4rth: communist society 5

The Communist Manifesto ► ‘National

differences are disappearing, one world literature is emerging, the world market is subjecting backward nations to the rule of those more advanced, and the workers have no country’

„...the bourgeoisie has left no other bond between man and man than naked self interest...”

► Where

did all this come from? What was the context?


Historical context of Communism ► 19th

century time of great change overall – revolutions of 1848. ► German question. 1870 Germany becomes a unified state. German nationalism very much associated to modernization, industrialization. ► Competition among national economies and industries engenders harsh conditions for working classes and a small elite to prosper. ► Marxism/Communism offers another explanation/hope for some. 7

Friedrich List, the antiCommunist? Economics based on nations

► …or

why nations are important. ► List contrasted the economic behavior of an individual with that of a nation. ► An individual promotes only his own personal interests but a state fosters the welfare of all its citizens.


Friedrich List ► An

individual may prosper from activities which harm the interests of a nation. "Slavery may be a public calamity for a country, nevertheless some people may do very well in carrying on the slave trade and in holding slaves.“ ► Free and open trade will never allow industrializing societies to catch up – need protection of nation. 9

Economic Nationalism ► Main


 Internal development of the national economy ► Advocates:

 Alexander Hamilton (USA, 1755-1804)  Friedrich List (Germany, 1789-1846)


Economic Nationalism ► State

  


Trade protection Protection of infant industries Promoting of domestic industries ►Subsidies

 internal and external competitiveness

 Manufacturing was considered more important than agriculture 11

Nationalism and Communism

► What

are the similarities between the

two? ► Differences?


Parallels between Marxism and Nationalism ► Both

have strong ties to industrialism ► Both offer a primordial or at the very least a ‘natural order’ definition of communities ► Pre-existence and objectivity of interests of those communities. 13

Nationalism vs Marxism II ► Szporluk

goes beyond the traditional notion of the proletariat organizing against the political economy (capitalism and its effects) ► He argues, Communism not only a reaction to political economy, but it is also a reaction to conceptualization of nations. 14

Nationalism vs Marxism II ► Tripolar

relationship ► Communism – which disagrees with the political economy of capitalism ► Communism – which disagrees with nationalism and society based on nations. 15

Where did Marx go wrong? ► Of

course, we never see the global Communist revolt predicted by Marx. Why? ► Severely underestimated the lure of (German and other) nationalism ► Equally mistaken about the 1848 revolutions. They took their power from idea of nation. ► Underestimated the power of the state and significance of national boundaries 16

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