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  • Pages: 30
Hold 1

Ms. Hold Classroom Management Plan

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Table of Contents Title Page …………………………………………………………………….…………………….……………………………..1 Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….……………………………..............2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..3 Philosophical Statement………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 First Day(s)………………………………………………………....………….... ………………………………….……………..5 Classroom Environment……………….............................................................................................................................8 Classroom Procedures……………………………….........……………………..….……… ………………………………….11 Discipline System……………………………………………………………………………………………...………………….16 Student Motivation……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………21 Classroom Engagement……………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

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My Classroom Management Plan or CMP is targeted towards a lower grade level. I feel that it will be best implemented in a first or second grade classroom. Considering that most schools during this grade level have all content taught all together, I feel that this is a plan that is not specific to one content area. I feel that my CMP is one that is general to any subject that is being taught and covers a wide range. The purpose of my portfolio is to help me as a teacher create a classroom environment that my students and I all enjoy. I want to create the classroom environment that many students want to be a part of. I want to set foundations and routines/ procedures that my students understand and value. I feel that because of this plan, I will be able to accurately execute and achieve the things that I as a teacher desire in a classroom as well as the environment that students need and desire.

Philosophical Statement

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I believe that as a teacher I not only need to teach my students the instruction at hand, but life skills. I feel that there are many more things in school that are being taught to students other than the instruction. As a teacher, another adult figure in a child’s life that they can look up to, I feel it is also their responsibility to help them. I want to create the classroom environment and relationships with my students that allow this to happen better. Getting to know my students not only to help them but to also discover how they learn the best is important. In order for you as a teacher and your students to succeed is for the teacher to deliver instruction in a way that their students will understand it the best. Classroom Management is vital in education. If it did not exist, I think that the classroom would be utterly chaotic. It is the teachers responsibility to create classroom management procedures and routines for their students that make sense, are important, and that students will follow. At the same time though, It is the students responsibility to follow the CMP that the teacher sets up, as well as to help add, delete or modify classroom rules, routines and procedures that they feel should be edited.

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First Day(s)

As a new teacher, I feel very nervous about the first day of school. I think that it is

important to greet my students at the door. It is a great idea for students to be able to choose how they would like to greet you that morning. Something that I plan to have prepared for my students is a seating chart as soon as they walk in the door. I want them to feel that they will always have that form of structure in our classroom. My students should know simple things about me. I want to know more about them, so I feel that it is only fair that they get to know some personal things about me as well. A video or a PowerPoint of my family members and things that I like to do are just some simple things that I could share with my students to break the ice. Students tend to be nervous on the first day too, especially when it comes to communication with their teachers. So if they feel that they know their teacher, they can begin to feel a sense of belonging. As far as some activities, I think that after I shared some things about myself, I could have my students share somethings about them. I would have them sit in a large circle on the floor and we would go around sharing their names and 1-2 things about them that they would like to share with me and their classmates. “What Are Your

Hold 6 Favorite Things” type activity sheets are also a great way to get to learn about what your student likes. My personal favorite is an activity sheet that is more pertaining to “All About Me”. These typically ask questions that help the teacher indicate their best learning style, indicate which parent that they live with, or even what they like to eat. Simple questions like this do not just help the teacher to know and understand these things, but it can also help the teacher to learn some underlying things that are potentially occurring in their students’ lives. Children will give you lots of personal information in ways that they do not know that they are sending to you. I would also take this as an opportunity to explain my classroom rules and procedures. For students that I plan to be teaching, I would have to model most of my procedures. We would practice how to get into a line. By the teacher calling the table number, the students will know when it is their time to line up. Other simple things such as where to turn in assignments and when it is appropriate to come up to the teacher versus when they should raise their hand for the teachers’ assistance. By the end of the day, students will know the ins and outs of operations of the workings in our classroom. Taking into consideration of the children’s age, I feel that a majority of the routines and procedures will need to be repeated in the first few weeks of school. Some may forget and some may need gentle reminders of how things should be correctly done.

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According to Harry Wong, teachers should be prepared. Teachers should have a laid out

and detailed plan for each day. In the case of things not going according to plan, teachers should also have a prepared back up plan. When students feel that teachers are frazzled and do not have things put together, the teacher can quickly loose the focus of their students. For example on the first day of school, teachers should have a script. This script should contain what the teacher will say, what they will do and when they will do it. It should also contain all of the rules and procedures of the classroom so that the teacher can inform the students. The teacher can also use this as a guide for first day of school reminders for the students. According to Jones, a classroom should be full of rules, routines, and standards. The teacher should have these determined and prepared for their students by the first day of school. It is vital for the teacher to go over with their students these rules, routines and standards. If the students are not given these on the first day as ground rules in the beginning, it can be difficult for the teacher to have control of her classroom as well as enforce these rules, routines and procedures. According to the article “You Only Get One First Day Of School” by Lisa Mims, she feels that the first day of school is vital. Not only does she agree with the other theorist above that we should have a plan and pre developed student expectations but we should make the children feel welcome. Students coming into a new classroom on the first day of school will be nervous. They do not know their new teacher, they do not know who will be in their class. They want to have a great classroom environment. You as a teacher have a job to create this environment that the students strive to have. As a teacher you can personally make them

Hold 8 feel comfortable and welcome in the class. Just simply smile at your students. Developing a relationship between teacher and student is vital to setting up a great rest of the school year.

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Classroom Environment

Classroom environment is something that I value to have almost perfect in my classroom. I want things to be perfect and organized in a way that my students and I know where everything is. I want the classroom to feel warm and inviting to all of my students. I do not want any of my students to feel that they are not welcome or unsafe in my classroom. I love when I see inspirational quotes around a teachers classroom. I feel that each student will go through typically many hardships in the classroom. Whether this be in school or in their personal life. Students having the ability to look at the wall and read a piece of inspiration is important to remind them that things do get hard at times, but they do get better. One thing that I see in classrooms is clutter. That is one thing that I will avoid having in my classroom. If it is overwhelming to me, I feel that it is even more overwhelming to the students. As far as things on the wall, they should be organized. Since I plan to teach all subjects, there should be separate wall spaced for each subject. However, the walls should not be overcrowded with information. Too much information can be overwhelming to the student. I also feel that it impairs the student when there is too much information on the walls. This should be reminders as well as brain triggers for the students to think even harder and more on their own. I want to provide a sense of organization when it comes to the layout of my classroom. I want a large carpet at the front of my classroom in front of the board. This will be there for instruction as well as a time for students to gather. I see classrooms with rocking chairs at the front for the

Hold 10 teacher to sit in. I feel that this provides a sense of warmth to the classroom, so I plan to include that. The desks should be grouped together in about 4 small groups. However, they should be close together in proximity. I call these their learning spots. Their learning spots should be close together so that that specific type of instruction occurs in only one area of the classroom. A teacher table should be in a corner of the classroom. This way

the teacher can have a small group and conduct this semi away from the rest of the group. The teacher can also always have her eyes on the whole classroom. Stations such as computers and the classroom library should be on opposite ends of the room. One station is meant for reading and students are expected to be quiet as they read. On the other hand students at a computer station might get a little loud and be disruptive to students in quiet areas of the room. The layout of the classroom should be well thought out and planned to obtain the best outcome for the students.

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According to Ginott, teachers are responsible for the conditions of the classroom that

contribute to students behavior. Based on the environment that the teacher creates for her and her students, can potentially effect the behavior of the children. If spaces are cluttered, a student has the potential to become agitated. When children start to feel agitated they tend to lash out in a negative way. This can create an unwanted behavior in the classroom. Where things are located in the classroom can have a negative impact on students as well. A teacher knowing their students can help to eliminate these factors by creating an environment that are beneficial to a students behavior. According to Canter and Canter, they feel that things such as rules should be stated to students all of the time. This includes having rules posted on walls in the classroom for students to look at and make reference to. A list of important rules and guidelines should have a space on the wall for students to refer to. Some students need constant reminders of the rules in the classroom or in the school building itself. It is not always practical for a teacher to send verbal reminders to those that need them or forget them. Having them posted on the wall is a good way for students to take accountability for themselves and their own actions to refer to the posted rules and guidelines on their own.

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Classroom Procedures

Classroom procedures should be used every single day. Students should know these.

They should know them to the point that if the teacher is out one day, they can accurately lead the substitute to what they should do and how it should be properly conducted. Classroom procedures are the vital key in the proper conduction of a classroom. Teachers will have a difficult time attempting to gain control of their classroom without them.

Each morning, I will greet my students at the door. My students will have the option of

how they would like to be greeted. They will be able to choose between two-three pre-chosen greetings picked by me. This can be anything from a high-five to a hug. As the students enter the classroom, they will be expected to take their daily folders out of their backpack and set them in a pile in a position in the classroom that they know. Next, they will put their backpacks away. Depending on the layout and the materials accessible to me as a teacher when setting up my classroom, this will either be in a backpack closet on a hook or hanging on the back of their chair. Inside of their desk they will have a packet of morning bell work. This packet will either reiterate material that we are currently working on, or it will use past knowledge and go over material that was taught in prior weeks. This work will be completed until it is time for the schools morning announcements. When announcements come on, students will know to put

Hold 13 away their bell work and pay attention to the announcements. When the announcements have been completed, I will call table groups down to their carpet spots. The order in which I call table groups will be based on behavior as well as level of readiness. We will then be able to conduct our morning meeting. This will consist of the date, weather, as well as a time for my students to share something that happened in their life.

Interruptions can be fatal to a lesson. When students are on a role, and you and your

students are on the same page about the instruction, interruptions can break the whole thing. Loosing the focus of your students has the potential to set you all of the way back to the beginning of the lesson. Depending on the interruption, it will either have to wait or it will be addressed immediately. This will depend on the severity of the interruption. For example, if someone is bleeding, that will be addressed immediately. On the other hand, if a student raises their hand to go get a drink of water, that will have to wait.

Transitions from one thing to another should be done in a smooth manner. There

should always be a time in place to finish, turn in and clean up before moving on to another activity. If we are totally switching gears I would have each table clean up and I would call table groups by numbers to join me at their carpet spots based on the procedure above. However, if we are staying within the same subject line, and we do not need to gather as a group on the carpet it would be different. I would have them clean up and verbalize an attention getter, this way I know I have each students undivided attention. I would explain the next activity and then have my students get started. If we were leaving the classroom, I would make sure everything is cleaned up, put away and turned in. It would be expected that the room will be in the proper

Hold 14 shape before we are to leave the class. Based on cleanliness, behavior and readiness, I will call table number groups to get in line.

A strategy that I plan to incorporate in my classroom is workstations. Workstations are a

fun and engaging way for students to work on the material that they are learning at that time. However, this will require rules and procedures. Students will be grouped based on the teachers merit. Students will be grouped based on level of understanding and behavior. Students will be expected to check the workstation chart to see where they are going. Students are expected to abide by this. Failure to participate in the students assigned workstation in their assigned group will result in failure to participate. Students will be expected to actively participate and complete the work. When the time comes to clean up the station, all students are expected to help. The station should be put back the way that they found it. Students should follow the instruction sheet that comes along with the workstation. This will include instructions of how to complete the workstation as well as what the assignment for this workstation should be. It will also give the students instructions of what to do with their completed workstation product. There should be little to no confusion on what to do at each station as well as what the teacher expects from their students at the workstation.

Classroom managers help to keep the classroom

running smoothly. It is nearly impossible for the teacher to conduct everything in the classroom. The teacher will need help from responsible students. There will be a manager chart at the front of the classroom that is visible to all students. Once a month, the manager positions will change. Each student will

Hold 15 have some sort of job in the classroom. They will have jobs such as sharpening pencils, passing out supplies to their classroom all of the way to being a line leader.

Keeping parents involved in their child’s academic life is

vital to their success in school. When they have the further help and support from those at home, the student is more likely to succeed. Something that I have found that helps communicate to parents is a daily folder. This folder will contain information about the child’s behavior that day, any notifications that are being passed out by the school as well as any type of personal information or notes from the teacher to the parent.

List of Classroom Procedures I will use in my classroom. 1. Be kind and respectful to your classmates and your teacher 2. Come to class prepared 3. Raise your hand when you need something 4. Follow directions in a timely manner 5. Make good choices 6. Do not disturb your neighbor 7. Always do your best

Hold 16 According to Jones, classrooms should consist of rules routines and standards. As stated before this is something that should be done and understood by the students on the first day of school. When these are set into place by the teacher things will run smooth in the classroom. A chart should be placed in the classroom that shows the students where they will be at what time. This way the students have a visual reference and reminder of their daily routines. These routines should be at the benefit of the classroom, the students and the teacher. These should be well thought out and modeled to the students to the best level of comprehension. According to Curwin and Mendler, teachers should create rules that make sense. Children are more likely to follow rules that make sense to them. These rules should have a specific purpose as to why they are a rule in the first place. Teachers should have a valid explanation for each rule that they choose to implement in their classroom. If the students understand why it is a rule, they know why they should follow it. Ginott felt that it is important for teachers to have clear communication with their students. When explaining rules and procedures teachers should have a way to explain to their students what they are. They should know the best way to get information across to the students. Teachers should also be able to explain well to their students why rules are important to have as well as to follow. In the “Tourist To Citizen” article, the author talks about how important it is to have students be managers in the classroom. This is to add ownership and responsibilities of the

Hold 17 students in the classroom. It also allows some of the simple yet needed things in the classroom to be conducted by someone that is not the teacher. Having managers and switching managers out each month is a great way to delegate out the responsibilities and duties in the classroom.

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Discipline System

Discipline should be based on the action of the child and the severity of said action. I do not believe in the zero- tolerance way. There is always a specific reason for a students actions and that should be uncovered and addressed. Each child should not have to face the same consequence. Consequences should be form fitting to the child and their action. Some do not agree with this. Some say that there should be one action and one consequence for all. However, this does not address the issues with each individual child. Some students do not need extreme measures taken such as sending them to an alternative school to understand their actions are not appropriate. Others can have 3 days of in school suspension and will never repeat the consequence again.

Pausing instruction to address a students misbehavior can loose the focus of the rest of

the students in the class. If the behavior is only distracting to the child that is misbehaving, then that is an action that I will ignore. However, if said student is doing something that could potential harm them, I will stop instruction. When the action disrupts multiple students that is when I will intervene. It is not fair to the students that are around the one child that is misbehaving to have their learning hindered. I will have a system in place that is basically a “three strikes you’re out”. This will consist of a 3 step process. First, I will address the student and the action. I will point out that it is not acceptable at this moment in time and the behavior needs to stop. Second, I will move the student. The student may be relocated to their desk or to

Hold 19 another area of the classroom. Wherever they will be moved, they will still be able to participate or still complete the task at hand, but they will be able to do so without creating a disruptive learning environment for the other students. Third, they will be asked to leave. This is not a step that I want to get to with my students. It is not always the answer to remove or have a child removed from the classroom due to behavior issues. At the same time however, as a teacher you can not teach students in a disruptive learning environment. It is not fair to the students and it is not fair to the teacher. When the student returns, the teacher will have a dense conversation with the student. Things such as their actions and why they felt their actions were appropriate, and why they felt it was okay to continue after other actions were taken to attempt to stop the behavior. This will help the teacher to understand their thinking. The student will be able to communicate the reasons for their actions, and the teacher will have a better way to address the issues that are causing the misbehavior. During instruction is not the time for this conversation. That is why I feel the 3 strikes and you’re out system is the best.

There are plenty of other things that go on throughout the school day that involve the

students misbehaving. Things such as being a distraction in the hallway. In that instance, I would remind said student about the schools expectations of behavior in the hallway. If the student continues, I will pull the student from the line and have them walk with me. If this is a continuous thing, I would have the student practice hallway expectations during a portion of their recess. I do not feel that students should be given rewards such as

Hold 20 recess to play if they do not know how to behave when walking down the halls of the school building. On the other hand for example if I have a student that is breaking and destroying pencils and crayons, I will have a discussion with said student about why that is not an appropriate action. If this student continues, I would have them write repeated sentences or a letter to apologize for destroying property of the school, teacher, themselves, or other classmates.

As stated above I fully intend to send home daily folders to parents. Inside of this folder,

there will be a conduct sheet. Each day I will have a clipboard to write the behaviors of the student. This will be a number system with a key at the bottom. For example 1- no homework, 2- being disruptive on so forth. This conduct sheet will be changed each month and will be set up as a calendar. If there is a number in a students folder, I will typically write a couple of words giving the parents some detail to what specifically happened. In this folder, the parents can communicate back to me as the teacher to learn more about their child’s behavior. If the student has no numbers on their conduct sheet for that day, they will have a smiley face, indicating that their child had a good day at school. It is important for the students to visually see their conduct in the classroom. I would have a chart placed in a spot around the classroom that each student can see. Off to the side would be clothespins that have each child’s name on it. Each day every students name will be in

Hold 21 the middle of the chart. This will indicate that each student is ready to learn! Based on their behavior their clothespin will move. For good/ outstanding behavior the child’s clothespin will be moved up the chart. For poor and unsatisfactory behavior, the child’s clothespin will be moved down the chart. Throughout the day the pin can be moved in either direction. If the student is upset that they had to move down the chart, they always will have the opportunity throughout the day to move back up. Same goes for the students who go up on the chart, they have the opportunity to move down the chart if they show poor decision making. I feel that it is important to have each child move their own name rather than have the teacher move it for them. The student will always know where they stand on the chart. The student will also be more likely to desire moving back up on the chart.

Students typically act out for a certain reason. I do not feel that a student just wakes up

one morning and decides that they are going to go to school and not behave that day. There is typically some sort of underlying issue. One issue that I have found to be the most common, is that most of them want attention. Some do not get the attention that they need from their home life. They feel that if they get to school and act out, then they will get some type of attention from an adult figure in their life. On the other hand, some will act out for the attention of their friends. Students need to feel accepted by their peers. If their classmates see them as the funny classmate who does bad things all of the time, they will feel that they have lots of friends. I feel that it is the teachers responsibility to get to the root of the behavior problem. If a teacher is aware of the roots, they will be able to understand why the student is acting the way they are acting. They can also provide help to the student. The teacher can provide help in the classroom as an adult figure that the student can put their trust in. If the

Hold 22 teacher feels condoned to do so, they can turn the issues into the school counselor. Depending on the severity, school administrators should be aware of students issues. They can provide more assistance to the child. Once these actions have been taken, typically the teacher will begin to notice a change for the better in the students behavior.

One thing that I have observed in a classroom is something called “Tattle Turtle”. Tattle

turtle is typically used for lower grade levels. This works when the students are at an age where they begin to constantly tattle on each other. Certain tattles, the teacher does not need to be aware of at that exact moment. That is when the students will utilize Tattle Turtle. When something occurs in the classroom that is not an emergency the students will go to tattle turtle. This will consist of a basket that will contain a stuffed animal turtle and small sheets of paper. The students will be able write their name as well as the student that they are tattling on, on the paper. Underneath, there will be a space for the student to write the scenario that occurred. The teacher will be able to address the issue between the students at a better time in the day. When tattle turtle is first introduced to the students, the teacher will need to differentiate between something that needs to be immediately brought to the teachers attention and what can be told to Tattle Turtle. The purpose of Tattle Turtle is for students to limit the number of behavior interruptions in the classroom throughout the day. I have found that it serves a great purpose in the classroom.

Hold 23 According to Glasser, the only persons behavior that we have the ability to control is ours. I find this to be very true. We can help to make influences of children’s behavior, but it is ultimately up to them to be able to change it. Even though we may know the root of the students misbehavior and be able to provide support to the student, it does not mean that we will be able to change the behavior. The student themselves need to come to terms with why they choose the behavior they do. They must know why it is important to choose the good behavior versus the bad. They themselves must change their behavior. As an educator this may be hard at times to comprehend. Making a child see their poor actions from your point of view can be difficult. They must choose to portray good behavior in the classroom. According to Gordon, teachers must include the ability to identify student problems. In order to do this, teachers must get to know their students on a personal level. They must know their personalities in order to even kind of figure out the root of their behavior problem. Teachers have to know the best way to get their students to open up to them. In some cases, the teacher might not even need to conduct a conversation with the student to know why they are making the choices that they are. In other cases, they will need to have a one-on-one conversation with the student to explain to the student their behavior is not appropriate, why they felt it was acceptable to conduct this behavior and ultimately why they did it in the first place. From there, a teacher can decide based on their actions and mood

Hold 24 during the conversation if they can ask personal questions. Teachers have a pretty good sense of when things might not be going right at home with one of their students. This could be the perfect opportunity for the teacher to ask the student and for the student to open up and confide their issues at home with their teacher. Curwin and Mendler state that teachers should create rules that make sense. Teachers should have a good reasoning behind each rule for the students. During the first few days of school when the teacher is introducing these rules, the reasoning behind them should also be known to the students. Students should be aware that the teachers did not come up with these rules because they felt like it, but there is a legitimate reason behind them. When these rules are explained, students will understand them. When students understand the reason for the rule and understand why they are there in the first place, students are more likely to follow the rule. Albert discovers that, when a teacher identifies the cause of the misbehavior in the student, the teacher should be able to influence the students choices through encouragement. Depending if the root of the misbehavior is due to the lack of attention at home, they might not be receiving much encouragement at home. Rather than a teacher getting mad, they should encourage them to behave better. It is acceptable for the teacher to discuss with the student what the teacher does not like about the students behavior. However, by the end of the conversation the teacher should give students ideas of alternatives in situations rather than acting out. The teacher can be a facilitator in encouraging them in their behavior as well as other things that are going on in their academic world and home life. This can make a large impact in the way the student will respond to the teachers attempts to creating good behavior.

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Student Motivation

Finding motivation for an entire classroom can be difficult for a teacher. As far as motivators that I plan to use in my classroom is fun. I plan to use things such as brain breaks that the students find fun to do in the classroom to motivate them to keep moving along through the day. As far as motivation for my students completing their course work, I want to create things for my students to do that they find fun and interesting. If the students think that what they are doing is fun and they look forward to doing it they are more likely to complete it and put in their best effort. It is always a good idea for teachers to have some sort of reward system in place. When there is something in it for the students they tend to become more motivated to do their best work. A reward system should not be used all of the time. Students should not be doing work or assignments based on some type of reward that they might receive. Students should want to put forth the effort because the want to not because they want to receive something in return. Items that are apart of the reward system should not just be materialistic rewards. They should be things such as they get to wear something that they might not typically be able to wear to school on a regular basis. Reward systems should not

Hold 26 be used for anything and everything. This will be at the discretion of the teacher. The teacher will decide to use the reward system in place based on what they are doing and the behavior of the students. Teachers should teach students to take pride in their work. When students feel the praise from their teacher as well as other adult figures they tend to try even harder. They want to please other people. They want others to be proud and like the work that they accomplish. Teachers should teach students to take pride and ownership in their work. This is a great motivation for students. Children like to put forth their best effort when they know that they will like the outcome. When they do not like the outcome, they tend to be disappointed. They compare their work to their other classmates. If students can take ownership of their work they will be proud and work harder. According to Skinner, rewards should be given from teachers to students when they accomplish things. For example, when students finish their classmates on time they in return will not have any homework that day. Students will work harder in the classroom on their assignments in order to not have homework that night. As stated above, this should not be a tactic used all of the time by the teacher, otherwise the students will not receive the benefit of homework. However, they will be motivated to complete the task at hand that the teacher might need that day. It is a benefit for both the teacher and the student.

Hold 27 According to Freiberg, teachers should help their students develop a sense of ownership. Teachers should motivate their students by helping them take ownership in all of the things that they do. By the help of their teacher, they have a better chance of developing ownership for their coursework. Students should be prideful in their work. If the student is not, the teacher should be able to help the student and figure out what they do not like. Once the teacher is aware of the things they do not like, the teacher can help the student by giving them pointers or advice to lead them in the correct direction. The teacher is giving the student an opportunity for them to be proud of their work. This is an example of how a teacher can help a student develop a sense of ownership.

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Classroom Engagement

Keeping the students engaged can be a difficult task for a teacher. One person coming

up with one lesson that will engage all of their students can be next to impossible depending on the lesson. Things such as the workstations should be well thought out for the students. The teacher has to include the proper learning material, but the task itself should engage the student. The students will not be motivated to complete it if they do not like what they are doing. Teachers should make the lesson learning process fun for the students. The more interactive the lesson is the more likely that the students will remember the material. If the students are having fun learning everything, they will also be more likely to want to continue working at the material at hand. Being extremely creative when forming a lesson will help to keep the students attention. The attention span of a young child is extremely short. They are not likely to continue paying attention if they are not engaged in what they are doing.

Having fun transitions for the students is a way to keep the classroom exciting. Creating

new ways for students to move between station to station can be fun for them. For example, having them hop like bunnies from station to station is one way to switch up how they move about the classroom. Fun brain breaks are vital. The attention span for children is short. When they are forced to sit for a period of time doing one thein, it can become very boring to them.

Hold 29 Getting the students out of their chair and give their brains a break can make them more successful. They are less likely to be drained by the end of the day. The product of their work will also show improvement. For example, the teacher can show an interactive YouTube video such as GoNoodle.

Getting to know your students can be difficult. For some it can be hard for them to open

up. They are not sure of sharing personal things about themselves as children. In the beginning I would study each child’s “Get To Know You” activities. From there I would just watch my students. Watching how they do certain things can tell a lot about a person. When teachers ask students about their actions that they have noticed, they tend to be flattered that the teacher has taken a second to notice certain things that they do. Also, have simple conversations with your students. Children have the potential to be open books. They will share lots of thigs about themselves. Teachers just need to get to know them in order to get them to talk to them more.

According to the “Tourist To Citizen” Article, teachers should use classroom managers.

Students strive to have that one specific job they want. They will work very hard to get it. Having classroom managers is a great way to keep the students engaged in their own classroom. This way, they are able to know the things that are happening around the classroom based on what they are the manager of.

According to Freiberg, teachers should share the responsibilities of the classroom with

their students. Teachers have lots to do as it is. Delegating out responsibilities of the classroom

Hold 30 is a great way to keep the students engaged. The classroom has a better success rate if each and every student has a manager position and they are completing their job.

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