Club of Rome – data:
Brzezinski is the author of a book that should have been read by every American interested in the future of this country. Entitled "The Technotronic Era," it was commissioned by the Club of Rome. Pag 28, coleman.
The book is an open announcement of the manner and methods to be used to control the United States in the future. It also gave notice of cloning and "robotoids," i.e. people who acted like people and who seemed to be people, but who were not. Brzezinski, speaking for the Committee of 300 said the United States was moving "into an era unlike any of its predecessors; we were moving toward a technotronic era that could easily become a dictatorship." – asta e din cartea lui brzezinsky – sa o pun la capitolul cu ce sa facem – si sad au drumul cuvintelor grele… schema cu omuletii, cu mortii, samd, ca sa iteleaga chiar toata lumea ca doar sa ne infromam nu e sufficient, ci tre sa iesim si la atac, apoi sa vin cu solutiile. Limbaj deosebit de dur sa folosesc!!! In conjunctie cu exemple dintre cele mai socante.
The Club of Rome has succeeded in splitting the Christian churches; it has succeeded in building up an army of charismatics 42
fundamentalists and evangelicals who will fight for the Zionist State of Israel. Page 43.