Climate Change and Global Warming Seminar held at Masambong High School on September 2 , 2009 9 : 30 - 11 : 30 a . m
Students from different year level are signing up for their seminar attendance in the registration area.
Mr. Maximo Palacio, Principal of MasambongHigh School is watching while the PCL staff is setting up the wide screen presentation
Students start the seminar with a prayer.
Dr. Samuel Martin introduced himself to the students as their speaker for the Climate Change and Global Warming Seminar.
D r. M a rtin e xp la in in g to th e stu d e n ts th e im p o rta n ce o f th e se m in a r.
Dr. Martin shows the students the scenario if Climate Change will continue .
Dr. Martin, discussed to the student how global warming and climate change starts.
Mr. Maximo Placio, Principal of Masambong High School accepts the Plaque of Appreciation from Proactive on Climate Change Leaders awarded by Dr. Martin.
Students are eagerly listening to the lecture of Dr. Martin.
Mr. Placio take a post after receiving his Plaque of Appreciation., standing beside the principal is Ms. Head Teacher, Science Department