Cleo Etec 590 Eportfolio Proposal 2019 1

  • April 2020
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Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR         ePortfolio Proposal  Documenting the Process: Art Museum as Metaphor                       Cristina Leo  ETEC 590: Graduating Project    Dr. Franc Feng   University of British Columbia  February 10th, 2019             

Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR Audience & Purpose     Last November, I attended an International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)  Conference where the keynote speaker asked the audience to consider what the one essential  question a high school student should be able to answer as they prepare for graduation. This  question was simple while at the same time, extremely complex. The question was: Who am I?  As I near the end of my journey through the MET program, I find myself asking this very same  question. Who am I now and how do I showcase my understanding of educational technology  through my ePortfolio? Upon reflection in preparation for this summative assessment, my  portfolio is intended to showcase the holistic process and progression of the learning journey.   More specifically, my ePortfolio will:     ● Meet the expectations set forth by UBC for MET graduation  ● Meet the requirements set forth by TQS for category 6 upgrade in the province of  British Columbia  ● Serve as a resource for both myself and colleagues interested in learning more about  the ways in which educational technology can be used to enhance teaching and  learning in a K-12 context     As Simon Sinek states in his book, S ​ tart with Why​, my ePortfolio will go beyond the how and  focus on why I have taken this journey through the MET program, ultimately leading me to  answer the question, “Who am I?”       MET Program Goals    ● To develop, extend, and apply my understanding of educational technology pedagogy  into my daily practices as an educator.     ● To be knowledgeable about the shifting trends in educational technology and how  these tools can be used to extend and enhance learning.    ● To remain competent in the wide range of themes and topics under the umbrella of  educational technology in order to support students, parents, and colleagues in the role  of a technology integration specialist.     Justification of Goals     Upon applying for the MET program, I had recently read the book, ​Quiet​ by Susan Cain. Her  message for introverts had a profound effect on the way in which I saw myself function in a  teaching environment that can be competitive and complex. Often times, I have been too  reserved to speak up because I felt I was not the expert in the room, but as time would pass, I  realized that, in fact, I was more knowledgeable than I had first thought. Cain’s book 

Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR encouraged me to find the courage to share my curiosity, knowledge and passion for  educational technology with my peers both personally and professionally. My goals are an  extension of this initial framework, and therefore, I hope to use my ePortfolio to inspire my  audience, and to share and communicate my experiences with them.     Artifacts & Goal Attainment     Learning Goal 1: To develop, extend, and apply my understanding of educational technology  pedagogy into my daily practice as an educator.     ● ETEC 512: Weebly Website on Constructivism   ● ETEC 590: Digital Portfolio     Learning Goal 2: To be knowledgeable about the shifting trends in educational technology  software and hardware and how these tools can be used to extend and enhance learning.    ● ETEC 500: Computational Thinking + Scratch Junior Case Study Literature Review   ● ETEC 510: Digital Storytelling in the Classroom   ● ETEC 540: History of Pen and Paper Video Documentary     Learning Goal 3: To remain competent in the wide range of themes and topics under the  umbrella of educational technology in order to support students, parents, and colleagues in  the role of a technology integration specialist.   ● ETEC 524: Learning Management System Rubric   ● ETEC 511: Fake News Website Resource & Digital Portfolio Essay   ● ETEC 533: Teacher Preparedness and Computational Thinking Trends in Education  Essay   ● ETEC 532: Engaging and Motivating Reluctant Writers in the Classroom Video Scribe  and Annotated Bibliography   ● ETEC 565G: Hands-on Assignment Investigating Social Media     Framework     ● Constructivism   ● SAMR Model   ● TPACK Model   ● Framework for 21st Century Learning-Learning and Innovation Skills-4Cs    Metaphor     Communication is the heart of humanity. The ways in which humanity has recorded its history  has evolved from simplistic use of images and icons, to more complex writing of languages to  that of code. Regardless of the message, the medium tells the tale of our human existence. I 

Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR have chosen the Art Museum as my metaphor to continue the dialogue of technology’s role in  the human condition. Technology is an extension of the human mind, including its capabilities  and limitations. ETEC 540 has had lasting effects on my personal philosophy towards  education; In the end we are all storytellers. For myself personally, an Art Museum is a  significant concept in the value society holds for information and insight into the past and  future. Art Museums curate exhibitions that spark dialogue and are rich in perspective. When  exploring the mission statement of other museums, I was drawn to the mission of the MET,  which states “The Metropolitan Museum of Art collects, studies, conserves, and presents  significant works of art across all times and cultures in order to connect people to creativity,  knowledge, and ideas.” This parallels the goals of my ePortfolio, which documents my learning  journey throughout the MET program at UBC. My goal is to use the Art Museum metaphor to  shape my ePortfolio as a virtual space that connects my intended audience with my curated  artifacts so they can see my creativity and significance of my learning.      The following pages will guide the structure of my ePortfolio metaphor:   ● Plan Your Visit: The beginning of my journey which includes a visual map of my journey,  allowing the audience to have a clear understanding of how to navigate my ePortfolio.   ○ Museum Map (Video Tour)   ○ Meet the Curator   ■ My Goals   ■ My Philosophy   ■ My Metaphor   ● Explore the Exhibitions: These three main exhibits will structure my artifacts to  showcase how much of my coursework was centred around storytelling and  communication .   ○ Past Exhibits   ■ Storytelling   ○ Current Exhibits   ■ Digital Storytelling   ○ Upcoming Exhibits   ■ Preserving Stories   ● Collections: This section will focus on additional artifacts that are significant to my  journey but do not fit under the main exhibits but serve as evidence of my goals.   ○ Individual Artifacts   ● Art: Throughout my journey, I used sketchnoting as a way of consolidating and  documenting my learning. This will be showcased here.   ○ Timeline of my MET Journey   ● Membership: I will use this page to link to personal learning networks that I belong to.   ○ PLN   ● Gift shop: This will include links to tech tools that I have vetted throughout my journey  and recommend to my audience.   ○ ETEC 590   ○ Edtech Tools to consider  

Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR   Platform     I have decided to use Weebly to host my ePortfolio. One of the advantages of using Weebly is  my previous knowledge and understanding of the form and function of this platform. As well,  Weebly allows for a drag and drop editing to add media such as videos, documents, hyperlinks  and images; ultimately a user-friendly website tool. One of the disadvantages of using Weebly  include their limited style features, poor image and page manipulation. Overall, by choosing  Weebly as my       Timeline  


Week 5   ❏ Jan 29-Feb 3 

➔ Finish peer review  ➔ Review peer feedback and make necessary edits  

Week 6  ❏ Feb 4-Feb 10 

➔ Create website including choosing theme and layout  design   ➔ Complete last edits of proposal  ➔ Submit Assignment 1: ePortfolio proposal  

Week 7  ❏ Feb 11-Feb 17 

➔ Take necessary stock images to build Museum Metaphor  website-various locations visits   ➔ Set up Weebly with preliminary tabs  ➔ Build Plan Your Visit​ ​page & subheadings  

Week 8  ❏ Feb 18-Feb 24 

➔ Build Explore the Exhibitions pages  

Week 9  ❏ Feb 25-Mar 3 

➔ Build Explore the Exhibitions pages  

Week 10   ❏ Mar 4-Mar 10 

➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

Week 11  ❏ Mar 11-Mar 17 

➔ Edits   ➔ Publish Weebly ePortfolio  ➔ Formal Peer Review  

Week 12  ❏ Mar 18-Mar 24 

➔ Final Edits   ➔ Peer Review 

Week 13  ❏ Mar 25-Mar 31  

➔ Final edits  ➔ Submit ePortfolio  

Build Art page  Build Membership page  Build Gift shop page   Complete guided tour video   Informal Feedback Forum  

Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR   Significance  The most significant take away from my journey through the MET program has been the  importance of the human connection. In the end, we are but a collection of stories. A museum  becomes a space that holds these stories, which have been curated, displayed, and shared with  diverse audiences. These objects (artifacts on display in this case) bring people together,  encourage dialogue, foster curiosity, and often can often be an instrument for social change.  The significance of my ePortfolio museum metaphor is to encourage conversation through my  personal reflection, regardless of time or space. Just as museums have been a place to  conserve and protect that past, I hope my ePortfolio serves as a space that will bring my  personal history to life and, ultimately telling the world, who I am.     Draft Assessment Rubric     Concerns 





Design  ● Well-organized layout of  content   ● Easy navigation to next page  ● Aesthetically pleasing and fits  metaphor purpose  ● Functional media and active  links  ● Correct use of spelling and  grammar  



Artifacts  ● Connect with metaphor  themes on storytelling,  (demonstrating diversity in  choice)  ● Connect to learning goals of  MET program   ● A variety of written and  multimodal pieces are present 



Self-Reflection  ● Evidence of learning   ● Connection of pedagogy   ● Personal connection to  learning goals is clear   



Metaphor  ● Personal reflection of student  is evident through reflection  and artifacts   ● Organization of metaphor  headings fits theme 



Graduation & TQS Requirements   ● Meets TQS requirements  ● Meets UBC MET requirements   ● APA citations  



Running Head: DOCUMENTING THE PROCESS: ART MUSEUM AS METAPHOR     References  (n.d.). Retrieved from  Cain, S. (2013). Q ​ uiet: The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking​. Penguin Books.  Sinek, S. (2011). S ​ tart with why how great leaders inspire everyone to take action​.  Portfolio/Penguin. 

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