Claudio Monteverdi

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@& Claudio Monteverdi Country Birth Death Period Composition Types

Italy May 15, 1567 in Cremona, Italy Nov 29, 1643 in Venice, Italy Baroque All Works (369) Choral Music (340) Vocal Music (20) Opera (4) Ballet Music (3)

If one were to name the composer that stitches the seam between the Renaissance and the Baroque, it would likely be Claudio Monteverdi-the same composer who is largely and frequently credited with making the cut in the first place. The path from his earliest canzonettas and madrigals to his latest operatic work exemplifies the shifts in musical thinking that took place in the last decades of the sixteenth century, and the first few of the seventeenth. Monteverdi was born in Cremona, Italy on the 15th of May, 1567. As a youth his musical talent was already evident: his first publication was issued by a prominent Venetian publishing house when he was fifteen, and by the time he was twenty a variety of his works had gone to print. His first book of five-voice madrigals, while bearing a dedication to his Cremonese mentor Ingegnieri, succeeded in establishing his reputation outside of his provincial home-town, and helped him find work in the court of the Duke Gonzaga of Mantua. His compositions from the Mantuan period betray the influence of Giaches de Wert, who Monteverdi eventually succeeded as the maestro di cappella. It was around this time that Monteverdi's name became widely known, due largely to the criticism levied at him by G. M. Artusi in his famous 1600 treatise "on the imperfection of modern music." Artusi found Monteverdi's contrapuntal unorthodoxies unacceptable, and cited several excerpts from his madrigals as examples of modern musical decadence. In the response that appeared in the preface to Monteverdi's fifth book of madrigals, the composer coined a pair of terms inextricably tied to the diversity of musical taste that came to characterize the times. He referred to the older style of composition, in which the traditional rules of counterpoint superseded expressive considerations, as the prima prattica. The seconda prattica, as characterized by such works as Crudi Amarilli, sought to put music in the servitude of the text by whatever means necessary-including "incorrect" counterpoint-to vividly express the text. In 1607, Monteverdi's first opera (and the oldest to grace modern stages with any frequency) L'Orfeo, was performed in Mantua. This was followed

in 1608 by L'Arianna, which, despite its popularity at the time, no longer survives except in libretti, and in the title character's famous lament, a polyphonic arrangement of which appeared in his sixth book of madrigals (1614). Disagreements with the Gonzaga court led him to seek work elsewhere, and finally in 1612 he was appointed maestro di cappella at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. His earliest years at Venice were a rebuilding period for the cappella, and it was some time before Monteverdi was free to accept commissions outside his duties at the cathedral. In 1616 he composed the ballet Tirsi i Clori for Ferdinand of Mantua, the more-favored brother of his deceased and disliked ex-employer. The following years saw some abandoned operatic ventures, the now-lost opera La finta pazza Licori, and the dramatic dialogue Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda. The 1630s were lean musical years for Monteverdi. Political battles and an outbreak of the plague left him without commissions from either Mantua or Venice. However, with the opening of Venetian opera houses in 1637, Monteverdi's operatic career was revived. A new production of L'Arianna was staged in 1640, and three new operas appeared within two years: Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Le nozze d'Enea con Lavinia, and L'incoronazione di Poppea. This resurgence preceded his death by just a few years: he passed away in Venice in 1643. -- J. Neal

Musica coral ca. 1614 ca. 1587 ca. 1619 ca. 1603 ca. 1640 ca. 1620 ca. 1603 ca. 1619 ca. 1605 ca. 1619 ca. 1651 ca. 1651 ca. 1638

A Dio, Florida bella, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), Madrigal SV 110 A che tormi il ben mio, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book I), Madrigal SV 25 A quest'olmo, a quest'ombre, madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violMadrigal ins and 2 recorders/flutes (from Book 7), SV 119 A un giro sol de' bell'occhi lucenti, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 4), SV 84 Ab aeterno ordinata sum, motet for bass (from Selva Baroque morale e spirituale), SV 262 Motet Adoramus te, Christe, motet for 6 voices & continuo, SV Baroque 289 Motet Ah dolente partita, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV Madrigal 75 Ah, che non si conviene romper la fede?, madrigal for 2 Madrigal voices (from Book 7), SV 125 Ahi che si parte il mio sol adorno, for 3 voices, SV 290 Choral Music Ahi, com'a un vago sol cortese giro, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 5), SV 101 Al lume delle stelle, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor & bass Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 138 Alcun non mi consigli, madrigal for 3 voices (from Book 9), Madrigal SV 169 Alle danze, alle gioie, madrigal for 3 voices (from Book 9), Madrigal SV 174 Altri canti d'amor, dramatic madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violins Madrigal & 4 violas (from Book 8), SV 146

ca. 1638 ca. 1607 ca. 1619 ca. 1587 ca. 1587 ca. 1605 ca. 1607 ca. 1582 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1638 ca. 1587 ca. 1638 ca. 1632 ca. 1638 ca. 1610 ca. 1619 ca. 1582 ca. 1610 ca. 1587 ca. 1614 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1650 ca.

Altri canti di Marte, madrigal for 6 voices and 2 violins Madrigal (from Book 8), SV 155 Amarili onde m'assale, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali á 3 voci), SV 231 Amor che deggio far, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor, bass, Madrigal 2 violins and chittarone/harpsichord (from Book 7), SV 144 Amor per tua mercè vatene a quella, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 1), SV 26 Amor s'il tuo ferire, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), Madrigal SV 37 Amor, se giusto sei, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), Madrigal SV 103 Amorosa pupilletta, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali á 3 voci), SV 238 Angelus ad pastores ait, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 222 Motet Anima del cor mio, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV Madrigal 91 Anima dolorosa, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV Madrigal 90 Anima mia, perdona, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), Madrigal SV 80 Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco, madrigal for 2 Madrigal tenors (from Book 8, & Book 9), SV 158 Ardo si ma non t'amo, madrigal in 3 sections for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 1), SV 39 Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, madrigal for 8 voices and 2 viMadrigal olins (from Book 8), SV 152 Armatevi, pupille, madrigal for soprano (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali), SV 247/2 Armato il cor d'adamantina fede, madrigal for 2 tenors Madrigal (from Book 8, 9, & Scherzi musicale), SV 150 Audi, coelum, verba mea, motet for 7 voices (from Vespro Baroque della Beata Vergine), SV 206/9 Motet Augellin, che la voce al canto spieghi, madrigal for 3 Madrigal voices (from Book 7), SV 133 Ave Maria, gratia plena, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 213 Motet Ave maris stella, for soprano, tenor & chorus (from Vespro Baroque della Beata Vergine), SV 206/12 Motet Baci soavi e cari, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), SV Madrigal 27 Batto, qui pianse Ergasto, madrigal for 5 voices (from Madrigal Book 6), SV 115 Beatus Vir (I), motet for 6 voices, 2 violins, 3 Baroque violas/trombones and continuo (from Seva morale e Motet spirituale), SV 268 Beatus Vir (II), motet for 5 voices (from Seva morale e spir- Baroque ituale), SV 269 Motet Beatus Vir, motet for 7 voices & 2 violins (from Messa a Baroque quatro voci, et Salmi), SV195 Motet Begli occhi, all'armi, madrigal for soprano (from Scherzi Madrigal

1632 ca. 1651 ca. 1590 ca. 1590 ca. 1590 ca. 1615 ca. 1615 1584 ca. 1584 ca. 1587 ca. 1592 ca. 1605 ca. 1605 ca. 1640 ca. 1638 ca. 1584 ca. 1584 ca. 1619 ca. 1620 ca. 1607 ca. 1651 ca. 1584 ca. 1650 ca. 1640 ca. 1650 ca. 1640 ca. 1640

musicali), SV 247/3 Bel pastor dal cui bel guardo, dialogue of a nymph & a shepherd for soprano & tenor (from Book 9), SV 168 Bevea Fillide mia, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 41 La bocc'onde l'asprissime parole solean uscir, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 54 Cantai un tempo, e se fu dolc'il canto, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 59 Cantata Domino canticum novum, motet, version for 2 voices, SV 292 Cantate Domino canticum novum, motet, version for 6 voices, SV 292 Canzonettas, for 3 voices, SV 1-21

Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Baroque Motet Baroque Motet Madrigal

Canzonette d'amore, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 2 Madrigal Ch'io ami la mia vita, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), Madrigal SV 23 Ch'io non t'ami, cor mio, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 3), SV 70 Ch'io t'ami e t'ami piu de la mia vita, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 5), SV 98 Che dar più vi poss'io, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), Madrigal SV 99 Chi vol che m'innamori, motet for alto, tenor, bass & 3 Baroque strings (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 256 Motet Chi vol haver felice e lieto il core, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 8), SV 162 Chi vuol veder d'inverno un dolce aprile, (from CanzonetMadrigal tas for 3 voices), SV 14 Chi vuol veder un bosco, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), Madrigal SV 20 Chiome d'oro, bel thesoro, madrigal for 2 sopranos, 2 violMadrigal ins and lute/harpsichord (from Book 7), SV 143 Baroque Christe, adoramus te, motet for 5 voices, SV 293 Motet Clori amorosa, madrigal for 5 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicale), SV 243 Come dolce hoggi l'auretta spira, madrigal for 3 voices Madrigal (from Book 9), SV 173 Come farò, cuor mio, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV Madrigal 11 Confitebor tibi, Domine I, motet for 1 voice & 2 violins Baroque (from Missa á 4 voci et Salmi), SV 193 Motet Confitebor tibi, Domine I, motet for 3 voices & 5-part chor- Baroque us (from Salve morale e spirituale), SV 265 Motet Confitebor tibi, Domine II, motet for 2 voices & 2 violins Baroque (from Missa á 4 voci et Salmi), SV 194 Motet Confitebor tibi, Domine II, motet for 3 voices & 2 violins Baroque (from Salve morale e spirituale), SV 266 Motet Confitebor tibi, Domine III (Terzo alla francese), motet for 5 Baroque voices/or 1 voice & 4 strings (from Salve morale e spirMotet

ituale), SV 267 ca. 1627 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1584 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1610 ca. 1605 ca. 1590 ca. 1607 1614 1605 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1651 ca. 1619 1614 ca. 1650 ca. 1650 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1610 ca. 1590 ca. 1607 ca. 1590 ca.

Confitebor tibi, Domine, motet for 4 voices, SV 295

Baroque Motet

Cor mio, mentre vi miro, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 4), SV 76 Cor mio, non mori?, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), Madrigal SV 77 Corse a la morte il povero Narciso, (from Canzonettas for 3 Madrigal voices), SV 12 Credidi propter quod locutus sum, motet for 8 voices Baroque (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 275 Motet Crucifixus (alternative parts for Credo section of Mass Choral Music SV257), motet for 4 voices (from Selva morale), SV 259 Crucifuxus, Et Resurrexit, Et iterum venturus est (alternatMass Section ive parts for Credo section of Mass SV257), SV 259-261 Cruda Amarilli, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), SV 94 Madrigal Crudel, perchè mi fuggi?, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 55 Damigella tutta bella, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali), SV 235 Darà la notte il Sol, madrigal for 5 voices (from Lagrime Choral Music d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata), SV 111/3 Deh, bella e cara, madrigal for 5 voices (from Ch'io t'ami e Choral Music t'ami), SV 98/2 Deus tuorum militum sors et corona, motet for alto, tenor, Baroque bass & 2 violins (from Selva morale et spirituale), SV 280 Motet Deus tuorum militum sors et corona, motet for tenor & 2 Baroque violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 278a Motet Di far sempre gioire amor speranza dá, madrigal for alto, Madrigal tenor & bass (from Book 9), SV 170 Dice la mia bellissima Licori, madrigal for 2 voices (from Madrigal Book 7), SV 124 Ditelo, o fiume e voi ch'udiste, madrigal for 5 voices (from Choral Music Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata), SV 111/2 Dixit Dominus (I), motet for 8 voices (from Messa a quatro Baroque voci, et Salmi), SV 191 Motet Dixit Dominus (II) (alla breve), motet for 8 voices (from Baroque Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 192 Motet Dixit Dominus I, motet for 8 voices, 2 violins & 4 Baroque violas/trombones (from Selva morale et spirituale), SV 263 Motet Dixit Dominus II, motet for 8 voices, 2 violins & 4 Baroque violas/trombones (from Selva morale et spirituale), SV 264 Motet Dixit Dominus, motet for 6 voices and 6 strings (from Ves- Baroque pers), SV 206/2 Motet Dolcemente dormiva la mia Clori, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 2), SV 52 Dolci miei sospiri, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali á 3 voci), SV 242 Dolcissimi legami di parole amorose, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 2), SV 42 Dolcissimo uscignolo, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 8), Madrigal

1638 ca. 1582 ca. 1610 ca. 1620 ca. 1614 ca. 1590 ca. 1587 1605 1614 ca. 1610 ca. 1605 ca. 1590 ca. 1640 ca. 1625 ca. 1590 1605 ca. 1619 ca. 1605 ca. 1619 ca. 1625 ca. 1624 ca. 1582 ca. 1651 ca. 1605 ca. 1640 ca. 1640

SV 161 Domine Pater et Deus vitae meae, motet for 3 voices (from Baroque Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 214 Motet Domine ad adiuvandum, motet for 6 voices (from Vespers), Baroque SV 206/1 Motet Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, motet for 6 voices, SV Baroque 298 Motet Una Donna fra l'altre honesta e bella vidi, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices(from Book 6), SV 109 Donna, nel mio ritorno, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 47 Donna, s'io miro voi, giaccio divengo, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 1), SV 38 Dorinda, ah dirò mio, se mia non sei, madrigal for 5 voices Choral Music (from Ecco Silvio), SV 97/3 Dunque amate reliquie, madrigal for 5 voices (from Choral Music Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata), SV 111/6 Duo Seraphim clamabant, motet for 3 tenors (from VesBaroque pers), SV 206/7 Motet E così a poc'a poco torno farfalla, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 5), SV 105 E dicea l'una sospirando, madrigal for 5 voices (Part 2 of Choral Music Non si levav'ancor) (from Book 2), SV 40 È questa vita un lampo, motet for 5 voices (from Selva Baroque morale et spirituale), SV 254 Motet Ecce sacrum paratum convivium, motet for solo voice and Baroque continuo, SV 299 Motet Ecco mormorar l'onde, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 51 Ecco piegando le ginocchie a terra, madrigal for 5 voices Choral Music (from Ecco Silvio), SV 97/4 Ecco vicine, o bella tigre, l'hore, madrigal for 2 voices Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 127 Ecco, Silvio, colei ch'in odio hai tanto, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 5), SV 97 Eccomi pronta ai baci, Ergasto mio, madrigal for 3 voices Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 135 Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat, motet for soprano and Baroque bass, SV 300 Motet Baroque Ego flos campi et lilium convallium, motet for alto, SV 301 Motet Ego sum pastor bonus, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 209 Motet En gratulemur hodie, motet for tenor & 2 violins, SV 302 Era l'anima mia già presso a l'ultim' hore, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), SV 96 Et iterum venturus est (alternative parts for Credo section of Mass SV257), motet for 2 altos & bass (from Selva morale), SV 261 Et resurrexit (alternative parts for Credo section of Mass SV257), motet for 2 voices & 2 violins (from Selva morale),

Madrigal Madrigal Baroque Motet Baroque Motet

SV 260 ca. 1629 ca. 1629 1605 ca. 1584 ca. 1587 ca. 1607 ca. 1620 ca. 1587 ca. 1584 ca. 1592 ca. 1607 ca. 1638 ca. 1584 ca. 1640 ca. 1584 ca. 1582 ca. 1638 ca. 1584 ca. 1607 ca. 1640 ca. 1582 ca. 1619 ca. 1590 ca. 1594 ca. 1603

Exulta filia Sion, madrigal for soprano, SV 303 Exultent caeli et gaudeant angeli, motet for 5 voices, SV 304 Ferir quell petto, Silvio, madrigal for 5 voices (from Ecco Silvio), SV 97/5 La fiera vista, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 3

Baroque Motet Baroque Motet Choral Music Madrigal

Filli cara e amata, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), SV Madrigal 29 Fugge il verno dei dolori, madrigal for 3 voices (from Madrigal Scherzi musicali a tre voci), SV 232 Fugge, anima mea, mundum, motet for soprano, alto & Baroque violin, SV 305 Motet Fuggi cor, canzonet Choral Music Fumia la pastorella, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), Madrigal SV 31 Già mi credev'un sol esser in cielo, (from Canzonettas for Madrigal 3 voices), SV 15 La giovinetta pianta, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), Madrigal SV 60 Giovinetta ritrosetta, madrigal for 5 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali a tre voci), SV 241 Gira il nemico insidioso, madrigal for alto, tenor & bass Madrigal (from Book 8), SV 148 Giù li a quel petto giace, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), Madrigal SV 17 Gloria in excelsis Deo, motet for 7 voices, 2 violins & 4 Mass Section violas/trombones (from Selva morale et spirituale), SV 258 Godi pur del bel sen felice, (from Canzonettas for 3 Madrigal voices), SV 16 Hodie Christus natus est, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 218 Motet Hor ch'el ciel e la terra e'l vento tace, madrigal for 6 voices Madrigal and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 147 Hor, care canzonette, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV Madrigal 21 I bei legami, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi musicali a Madrigal tre voci), SV 230 Iam moriar, mi Fili, motet for soprano (from Selva morale e Baroque spirituale), SV 288 Motet In tua patientia, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae cantiuncu- Baroque lae), SV 221 Motet Interrotte speranze, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), Madrigal SV 132 Intorno a due vermiglie e vaghe labbra, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 2), SV44 Io ardo, sì ma'l fuoco di tal sorte, madrigal for 2 sopranos Madrigal & bass, SV 309 Io mi son giovinetta, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), Madrigal SV 86

ca. 1584 ca. 1584 ca. 1619 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1582 ca. 1650 ca. 1650 ca. 1650 ca. 1614 ca. 1638 ca. 1614 ca. 1582 ca. 1650 ca. 1650 ca. 1610 ca. 1582 ca. 1640 ca. 1650 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1640

Io mi vivea com'aquila, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV Madrigal 8 Io son fenice e voi sete la fiamma, (from Canzonettas for 3 Madrigal voices), SV 19 Io son pur vezzosetta pastorella, madrigal for 2 voices Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 121 Iste confessor Domini sacratus (I), motet for tenor & 2 Baroque violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 279 Motet Iste confessor Domini sacratus (II), motet for 2 sopranos & Baroque 2 violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 279 Motet Jubilet tota civitas, motet for soprano (from Selva morale e Baroque spirituale), SV 286 Motet Justi tulerunt spolia impiorum, motet for 3 voices (from Baroque Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 229 Motet Laetaniae della Beata Vergine, motet for 6 voices (from Baroque Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 204 Motet Laetatus sum (I), motet for 6 voices, bassoon, 2 trombones Baroque & 2 violins (from Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 198 Motet Laetatus sum (II), motet for 5 voices (from Messa a quatro Baroque voci, et Salmi), SV 199 Motet Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV Madrigal 111 Lamento Della Ninfa, madrigal in 3 sections for 1-4 voices Madrigal (from Book 8), SV 163 Lamento d'Arianna, madrigal in 4 sections for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 6), SV 107 Lapidabant Stephanum, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 207 Motet Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum (I), motet for alto, tenor & Baroque bass (from Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi ), SV 202 Motet Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum (II), motet for 5 voices (from Baroque Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 203 Motet Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum, motet for 7 voices (from Ves- Baroque pers), SV 206/10 Motet Lauda, Sion, salvatorem, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 225 Motet Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius, motet for solo voice Baroque (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 287 Motet Laudate Dominum, O omnes gentes, motet for bass (from Baroque Messa a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 197 Motet Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes (I), motet for 5 voices, Baroque chorus, 2 violins & 4 violas/trombones (from Selva morale Motet e spiritual), SV 272 Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes (II), motet for 8 voices & Baroque 2 violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 273 Motet Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes (III), motet for 8 voices Baroque (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 274 Motet Laudate, pueri, Dominum (I), motet for 5 voices & 2 violins Baroque (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 270 Motet Laudate, pueri, Dominum (II), motet for 5 voices (from Baroque Selva morale e spirituale), SV 271 Motet

ca. 1650 ca. 1610 ca. 1607 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1592 ca. 1605 1605 1614 1605 1651 1587 1590 1592 1603 1605 1614 1619 1638 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1610 ca. 1610 ca. 1610 ca. 1650 ca. 1640 ca. 1590 ca. 1638 ca. 1584 ca.

Laudate, pueri, Dominum, motet for 5 voices (from Messa Baroque a quatro voci, et Salmi), SV 196 Motet Laudate, pueri, Dominum, motet for 8 voices & organ (from Baroque Vespers), SV 206/4 Motet Lidia, spina del mio core, madrigal for 5 voices (from Madrigal Scherzi musicali a tre voci), SV 244 Longe da te, cor mio, struggomi di dolore, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 4), SV 92 Luci serene e chiare, voi m'incendete, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 4), SV 81 Lumi miei, cari lumi, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), Madrigal SV 73 M'è più dolce il penar per Amarilli, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 5), SV 100 Ma se con la pietà non è in te spenta, madrigal for 5 voices Choral Music (from Ecco Silvio), SV 97/2 Ma te racoglie, o ninfa, madrigal for 5 voices (from Choral Music Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata), SV 111/4 Ma tu più che mai dura, madrigal for 5 voices (from Chi'io Choral Music t'ami e t'ami), SV 98/3 Madrigals (& canzonettas), Book 9, for 2 & 3 voices Madrigal Madrigals, Book 1, for 5 voices, SV 23-39 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 2, for 5 voices, SV 40-59 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 3, for 5 voices, SV 60-74 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 4, for 5 voices, SV 75-93 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 5, for 5 voices, SV 94-106 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 6, for 5 voices, SV 107-116 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 7, for 1,2,3,4 & 6 voices, SV 117-145 Madrigal Madrigals, Book 8 (Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi), for Madrigal 1,2,3,4 & 6 voices, SV 146-167 Magnificat (I), for 8 voices, 2 violins and 4 Magnificat violas/trombones (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 281 Magnificat (II), for 4 voices (from Selva morale e spirituale), Magnificat SV 282 Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, for 10 voices (from Magnificat Vespers), SV 206/8 Magnificat II, for 6 voices and organ (from Vespers), SV Magnificat 206a Mass de Cappella for 6 voices on Gomberti's motet "In Illo Mass Tempore" (from Vespers), SV 205 Mass for 4 voices da cappella, for 4 voices & organ (from Mass Mass for 4 voices & Psalms), SV 190 Mass for 4 voices da cappella, for 4 voices & organ (from Mass Selva morale et spirituale), SV 257 Mentre io miravo fiso de la mia donna, gl'occh' ardenti e e Madrigal belli, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 50 Mentre vaga Angioletta ogn'anima gentil cantando alletta, Madrigal madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 8), SV 157 Il mio martir tengo, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 6


Misero Alceo, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 114 Madrigal

1614 ca. 1640 ca. 1610 ca. 1638 ca. 1650 ca. 1650 ca. 1610 ca. 1607 ca. 1619 ca. 1590 ca. 1590 ca. 1638 ca. 1603 ca. 1590 ca. 1590 ca. 1619 ca. 1651 ca. 1582 ca. 1605 ca. 1592 ca. 1620 ca. 1622 ca. 1582 1614 ca. 1592 ca. 1619 ca.

Momento, et omnis mansuetudini eius, motet for 8 voices Baroque (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 276 Motet Nigra sum sed formosa, antiphon for tenor (from Vespers), Baroque SV 206/3 Motet Ninfa che scalza il piede, madrigal in 3 sections for 2 & 3 Madrigal voices (from Book 8), SV 160 Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum (I), for soprano, tenor, Baroque bass & 2 violins (from Mass for 4 voices & Psalms), SV 200 Motet Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum (II), for 6 voices (from Baroque Mass for 4 voices & Psalms), SV 201 Motet Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, for 10 voices (from Choral Music Vespers), SV 206/8 Non così tosto io miro, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali for 3 voices), SV 234 Non è di gentil core chi non arde, madrigal for 2 sopranos Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 118 Non giacinti o narcisi, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), Madrigal SV 43 Non m'è grave il morire, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 57 Non partir, ritrosetta, madrigal for 2 altos & bass (from Madrigal Book 8), SV 165 Non più guerra pietate, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 4), SV 88 Non si levav'ancor l'alba novella, madrigal in 2 sections for Madrigal 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 40 Non sono in queste rive fiori così vermigli, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 2), SV 45 Non vedrò mai le stelle, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book Madrigal 7), SV 126 Non voglio amare per non penare, for 2 tenors and bass Madrigal (from Book 9), SV 172 O Domine Jesu Christe, motet in 2 sections & for 3 voices Baroque (from Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 219 Motet O Mirtillo, Mirtill'anima mia, madrigal for 5 voices (from Madrigal Book 5), SV 95 O Primavera, gioventù de l'anno, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 3), SV 68 O beatae viae, O felices gressus, motet for 2 sopranos, SV Baroque 312 Motet O bone Jesu, O piissime Jesu, motet for 2 sopranos, SV Baroque 313 Motet O bone Jesu, illumina oculos meos, motet for 3 voices Baroque (from Sacrae cantiunculae tribus vocibus), SV 226 Motet O chiome d'or, neve gentil del seno, madrigal for 5 voices Choral Music (from Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata), SV 111/5 O come è gran martire, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Baroque 3), SV 61 Motet O come sei gentile, caro augellino, madrigal for 2 Madrigal sopranos (from Book 7), SV 120 O come vaghi, o come cari, madrigal for 2 tenors, SV 315 Madrigal

1624 ca. 1582 ca. 1592 ca. 1582 ca. 1651 ca. 1607 ca. 1592 ca. 1638 ca. 1619 ca. 1594 ca. 1592 ca. 1638 ca. 1624 ca. 1614 ca. 1619 ca. 1603 ca. 1619 ca. 1607 ca. 1582 ca. 1619 ca. 1651 ca. 1638 ca. 1634 ca. 1592 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca.

O crux benedicta, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 217 Motet O dolce anima mia, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), Madrigal SV 63 O magnum pietatis opus, motet in 2 sections & for 3 Baroque voices (from Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 216 Motet O mio bene, o mia vita, madrigal for 2 tenors & bass (from Madrigal Book 9), SV 178 O rosetta, che rosetta, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi Madrigal musicali a tre voci), SV 237 O rossignuol ch'in queste verdi fronde, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 3), SV 65 O sia tranquillo il mare, madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 8 Madrigal & 9), SV 159 O viva fiamma, o miei sospiri ardenti, madrigal for 2 voices Madrigal (from Book 7), SV 122 Occhi miei, se mirar, più non debb'io, madrigal for 2 Madrigal sopranos & bass, SV 314 Occhi un tempo, mia vita, occhi di questo cor fido Madrigal sostegno, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), SV 71 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 Madrigal voices (from Book 8), SV 151 Ohimè ch'io cado, ohimè ch'inciampo, madrigal, SV 316 Ohimè il bel viso, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 112 Ohimè, dov'è il mio ben?, madrigal in 4 parts for 2 sopranos (from Book 7), SV 140 Ohimè, se tanto amate di sentir dir ohimè, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 85 Parlo, miser'o taccio?, madrigal for 2 sopranos & bass (from Book 7), SV 136 La pastorella mia spietata, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi musicali a tre voci), SV 236 Pater, venit hora, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 220 Perchè fuggi tra salci, ritrosetta?, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), SV 128 Perchè se m'odiavi, madrigal for 2 tenors & bass (from Book 9), SV 175 Perchè t'en fuggi, o Fillide?, madrigal for alto, tenor & bass (from Book 8), SV 164 Perchè, se m'odiavi, aria for soprano, SV 320

Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Baroque Motet Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Baroque Motet

Perfidissimo volto, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), SV Madrigal 69 La piaga c'ho nel core, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 4), SV 82 Piagn' e sospira, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV Madrigal 93 Più lieto il guardo, aria for soprano, SV 321 Baroque

1634 ca. 1587 ca. 1614 ca. 1605 ca. 1610 ca. 1584 ca. 1582 ca. 1651 ca. 1607 ca. 1584 ca. 1594 ca. 1603 ca. 1590 ca. 1587 ca. 1605 ca. 1590 ca. 1614 ca. 1582 ca. 1582 ca. 1584 ca. 1592 ca. 1590 ca. 1619 1582 ca. 1624 ca. 1640 ca.

Motet Poi che del mio dolore, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 1), SV 30 Presso un fiume tranquillo, dialogue for 7 voices & Madrigal instruments (from Book 6), SV 116 Prima vedrò ch'in questi prati, madrigal for 2 sopranos & Madrigal bass, SV 322 Pulchra es, amica mea, motet for 2 sopranos (from Baroque Vespers), SV 206/5 Motet Qual si può dir maggiore, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), Madrigal SV 1 Quam pulchra es, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae cantiun- Baroque culae), SV 212 Motet Quando dentro al tuo seno, madrigal for 3 voices (from Madrigal Book 9), SV 171 Quando l'alba in oriente, madrigal for 3 voices (from Madrigal Scherzi musicali a tre voci), SV 233 Quando sperai del mio servir mercede, (from Canzonettas Madrigal for 3 voices), SV 10 Quante son stelle in ciel, madrigal for 2 sopranos & bass, Madrigal SV 324 Quel augellin che canta si dolcemente, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 4), SV 87 Quell'ombra esser vorrei, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 48 Questa ordì il laccio, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), Madrigal SV 35 Questi vaghi concenti, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), Madrigal SV 106 Questo specchio ti dono, Rosa, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 2), SV 56 Qui rise, O Tirsi, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV Madrigal 113 Qui vult venire post me, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 228 Motet Quia vidisti me, Thoma, credidisti, motet for 3 voices (from Baroque Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 224 Motet Raggi, dov'è il mio bene, madrigal for 3 voices (from Madrigal Canzonette a tre voci), SV 4 Rimanti in pace a la dolente e bella Fillida, madrigal in 2 Madrigal sections for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 74 S'andasse amor a caccia, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book Madrigal 2), SV 49 S'el vostro cor, madonna, madrigal for 2 voices (from Madrigal Book 7), SV 131 Sacrae cantiunculae tribus vocibus, motets for 3 voices, Baroque SV 207-229 Motet Baroque Salve O Regina, O Mater, motet for tenor, SV 326 Motet Salve Regina (I), for 2 voices & 2 violins (from Selva Baroque morale e spirituale), SV 283 Motet Salve Regina (II), for 2 voices (from Selva morale e Baroque

1640 ca. 1640 ca. 1582 ca. 1627 ca. 1640 ca. 1640 1632 1607 ca. 1587 ca. 1594 ca. 1592 ca. 1587 ca. 1619 ca. 1587 ca. 1590 ca. 1638 1610 1640 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1584 ca. 1624 ca. 1651 ca. 1619 ca. 1584 ca.

spirituale), SV 284 Motet Salve Regina (III), for 3 voices (from Selva morale e Baroque spirituale), SV 285 Motet Salve, crux pretiosa, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 223 Motet Sancta Maria, succurre miseris, motet for 2 sopranos, SV Baroque 328 Motet Sanctorum meritis inclita gaudia (I), motet for soprano & 2 Baroque violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 277 Motet Sanctorum meritis inclita gaudia (II), motet for tenor & 2 Baroque violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 278 Motet Scherzi musicali Cioè Arie, e Madrigali in stil recitativo, con una Ciaccona a 1 e 2, madrigals for 1 & 2 voices, SV Madrigal 246-251 Scherzi musicali a tre voci, arias & madrigals for 3 voices, Madrigal SV 230-244 Se d'un angel' il bel viso, canzonet Choral Music Se nel partir da voi, vita mia, madrigal for 5 voices (from Madrigal Book 1), SV 32 Se non mi date aita, madrigal for 2 sopranos & bass, SV Madrigal 331 Se per estremo ardore morir potesse un core, madrigal for Madrigal 5 voices (from Book 3), SV 66 Se per havervi oimè , madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), Madrigal SV 24 Se pur destina e vole il cielo, for tenor & continuo (from Madrigal Madrigals, Book 7), SV 142 Se pur non mi consenti, madrigal for 5 voices from Book Madrigal 1), SV 28 Se tu mi lassi, perfida, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), Madrigal SV 53 Se vittorie si belle, madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 8 & 9), Madrigal SV 149 Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara (as recon- Sacred structed by Graham Dixon) Choral Music Baroque Selva morale e spirituale, mass & motets, SV 252-288 Motet Sfogava con le stelle un infermo d'amore, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 4), SV 78 Si ch'io vorrei morire, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), Madrigal SV 89 Si come crescon alla terra i fiori, (from Canzonettas for 3 Madrigal voices), SV 18 Si dolce è'l tormento, madrigal for solo voice, SV 332 Si si ch'io v'amo, occhi vaghi, occhi belli, madrigal for 3 voices (from Book 9), SV 176 Soave libertate, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), SV 130 Son questi i crespi crini?, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 7 Sonata sopra 'Sancta Maria,' ora pro nobis, for soprano, 3

Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Baroque

1610 ca. 1592 ca. 1640 ca. 1592 ca. 1584 ca. 1638 ca. 1582 ca. 1582 ca. 1605 ca. 1624 ca. 1590 ca. 1619 ca. 1587 ca. 1605 ca. 1619 ca. 1582 ca. 1584 ca. 1590 ca. 1582 ca. 1587 ca. 1640 ca. 1587 ca. 1619 ca. 1607 ca. 1638 ca. 1592

horns, 2 trombones, 2 violins & cello (from Vespers), SV Motet 206/11 Sovra tenere herbette e bianchi fiori, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Madrigals, Book 3), SV 62 Spuntava il dì, motet for alto, tenor & bass (from Selva Baroque morale e spirituale), SV 255 Motet Stracciami pur il core, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 3), Madrigal SV 64 Su su, su che'l giorno è fore, (from Canzonettas for 3 Madrigal voices), SV 9 Su, su, su, pastorelli vezzosi, madrigal for 2 sopranos & Madrigal alto (from Book 8), SV 166 Surge propera, amica mea, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae Baroque cantiunculae), SV 210 Motet Surgens Jesus, Dominus noster, motet for 3 voices (from Baroque Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 227 Motet T'amo mia vita!, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), SV Madrigal 104 Taci, Armelin, deh taci, madrigal for alto, tenor & bass, SV Madrigal 334 Ti spontò l'ali amor, la donna mia, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 2), SV 58 Tornate, o cari bac, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), Madrigal SV 129 Tra mille fiamme e tra mille cathene, madrigal for 5 voices Madrigal (from Book 1), SV 33 Troppo ben può questo tiranno amore, madrigal for 5 Madrigal voices (from Book 5), SV 102 Tu dormi? Ah crudo core, for soprano, alto, tenor & bass Madrigal (from Book VII), SV 137 Tu es pastor ovium, motet in 2 sections & for 3 voices Baroque (from Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 215 Motet Tu ridi sempre mai, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 13 Madrigal Tutte le bocche belle in questo nero volto, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 2), SV 46 Ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae cantiunculae), SV 211 Usciam, ninfe, homai fuor di questi boschi, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), SV 34 Ut queant laxis resonare fibris, motet for 2 sopranos & 2 violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 279a La vaga pastorella sen va tra fiori, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 1), SV 36 Vaga su spina ascosa, madrigal for 2 tenors & bass, (from Book 7), SV 134 Vaghi rai di cigli ardenti, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi musicali a tre voci), SV 239 Vago augelletto, che cantando vai, for 7 voices, 2 violins & bass (from Book 8), SV 156 Vattene pur, crudel, con quella pace, madrigal in 3 sections for 5 voices (from Book 3), SV 67

Madrigal Baroque Motet Madrigal Baroque Motet Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal

ca. 1582 ca. 1624 ca. 1645 1610 ca. 1607 ca. 1584 ca. 1592 ca. 1640 ca. 1603 ca. 1603 ca. 1619 ca. 1632 ca. 1614

Veni in hortum meum, motet for 3 voices (from Sacrae can- Baroque tiunculae), SV 208 Motet Venite siccientes ad aquas Domini, motet for 2 sopranos, Baroque SV 335 Motet Venite, videte martyrem quam sit carus, motet for soprano, Baroque SV 336 Motet Vespro della beata vergine, for chorus & instruments, SV Choral Music 206 La violetta, madrigal for 3 voices (from Scherzi musicali a Madrigal tre voci), SV 240 Vita de l'alma mia, (from Canzonettas for 3 voices), SV 5 Vivrò fra i miei tormenti e le mie cure, madrigal in 3 sections for 5 voices (from Book 3), SV 72 Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse, motet for 5 voices & 2 violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 253 Voi pur da me partite, anima dura, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 83 Volgea l'anima mia soavemente, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 79 Vorrei baciarti, o Fill, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), SV 123 Zefiro Torna, madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 9 & Scherzi musicali), SV 251 Zefiro torna e'l bel tempo rimena, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 108

Madrigal Madrigal Baroque Motet Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal Madrigal

Vocal ca. 1619 ca. 1625 ca. 1632 ca. 1632 ca. 1632 ca. 1632 ca. 1620 ca. 1632 ca. 1624 ca. 1640 ca.

Con che soavità, labbra odorate, madrigal for soprano and instruments (from Book 7), SV 139 Currite populi, psallite timpanis, motet for tenor, SV 297 Ecco di dolci raggi, madrigal for tenor (from Scherzi musicali), SV 249/1 Eri già tutta mia, madrigal for soprano (from Scherzi musicali), SV 248 Et è pur dunque vero, madrigal for soprano (from Scherzi musicali), SV 250 Exulta filia Sion, motet for 3 voices & continuo Io che armato sin hor, madrigal for tenor (from Scherzi musicali), SV 249/2 Lamento d'Olimpia, madrigal in 3 sections for soprano, SV A2 Maledetto sia l'aspetto, madrigal for soprano (from Scherzi musicali), SV 246 La mia turca che d'amor, madrigal for solo voice, SV 310 O ciechi il tanto affaticar che giova, motet for 5 voices & 2 violins (from Selva morale e spirituale), SV 252 O quam pulchra es, amica mea, motet for solo

Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Vocal Music Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Madrigal for Solo Voice and Contiuo Miscellaneous Vocal Music Madrigal for Solo


tenor, SV 317 Voice and Contiuo Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandeus di G.B. 1615 Vocal Music Bonometti (1615) ca. Quel sguardo sdegnosetto, madrigal for soprano Madrigal for Solo 1632 (from Scherzi musicali), SV 247/1 Voice and Contiuo ca. Madrigal for Solo Salve Regina, motet for tenor, SV 327 1625 Voice and Contiuo ca. Se i languidi miei sguardi (Lettera amorosa), Madrigal for Solo 1619 madrigal for soprano (from Book 7), SV 141 Voice and Contiuo Su le penne de' venti, (Prologue to "La Maddalena" ca. Solo Voice(s) and by Gio. Battista Andreini), for tenor & 5 1617 Small Ensemble instruments, SV 333 Symbolae Diversorum Musicorum di L. Calvo 1620 Vocal Music (1620) ca. Tempro la cetra, madrigal for tenor & strings (from Madrigal for Solo 1619 Book 7), SV 117 Voice and Contiuo Voglio di vita uscir, madrigal for soprano (in Madrigal for Solo manuscript) Voice and Contiuo

Opera ca. 1638 1607 1642 1640

Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, dramatic cantata Italian Baroque (from Book 8), SV 153 Opera Italian Baroque La favola d'Orfeo, opera, SV 318 Opera Italian Baroque L' Incoronazione di Poppea, opera in 3 acts, SV 308 Opera Italian Baroque Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, opera in 3 acts, SV 325 Opera

Ballet Ballo delle ingrate, semi-dramatic ballet (from Book 8), Baroque Ballet SV 167 Movete al mio bel suon le piante snelle, semi-dramatic ca. 1638 Baroque Ballet ballet (from Book 8), SV 154 ca. 1619 Tirsi e Clori, ballet (from Book 7), SV 145 Baroque Ballet


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