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  • Pages: 18


Equality – it’s meaning. Other forms of equality. Recognize dignity. Equality in Indian democracy. Issues of Equality in Indian Democracy. Challenges of Democracy.


Acquires knowledge of Democratic Principles. Understands the social and Political Equality. Generate interest in studying Government Policies. Develops Secular attitude and respect for people. Gets acquainted with the various Civil Rights Movements Across the world.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Definitions- eg: Dignity, dalit 2) Multiple choice questions Eg: The first state in India to introduce the midday meal---------a)Kerala b) Tamil Nadu c) Maharashtra d) West Bengal 3) a) b) c)

True and False Influential persons are special before laws. Match the column Long answer type questions

Eg: In what ways was Omprakash Valmikis experience similar to that of the Ansaris?


Health- its meaning and significance. Health care facilities in India. Public and private healthcare services. Healthcare and Equality. Case study of Kerala and Costa Rica regarding health.


To understand the meaning of health. Acquire knowledge of healthcare services in India. To appreciate the role of the government in Healthcare Services. To develop awareness regarding health.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS E.g. one of the healthiest countries in North America is----------------. a) USA b) Canada c)Costa Rica d) None of these 2. TRUE AND FALSE a) E.g. India gets large number of medical tourists from many countries. 3. Define the following terms: e.g. public service ,health 4. Short answer type questions E.g. What did the court say in the case of Hakim Sheik? 5. Long answer type questions E.g. Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases. Explain with the help of example. MONTH JUNE -JULY CHAPTER -3 HOW THE STATE GOVERNMENT WORKS

KEY CONCEPTS     

Working of the state government. Term MLA is explained. The two houses of the state legislative assembly. Working of the state government. Public opinion and public protest.


To acquire knowledge of different types of government working at the state and national level. To understand the functioning of the state government. To generate interest in public issues of day to day life. To describe the procedure of election in state legislative assembly.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Define the terms eg constituency, majority. 2) Text book question/answer. 3) Multiple choice questions. E.g. the head of the state is the ------------------. a) Governor b) Chief Minister c) MLA d) Minister. 4) One word questions. Eg who vote for the MLA? MONTH JULY CHAPTER-4 GROWING UP AS BOYS AND GIRLS

KEY CONCEPTS      

Different role assigned to boys and girls. Various forms of work. Valuing house work. Lives of domestic workers. Womens work and equality. Aganwadis and child care centre.


To understand the different roles assigned to boys and girls. To develop feeling of equal respect and value for women’s work. To develop positive attitude towards the society and put in efforts to do away with discrimination.


Multiple choice Questions - choose the correct option


Domestic workers are usually---------------.

a) Women b)boys c)girls d)all of the above 2) Fill in the blanks

E.g.; The wages of the workers is_________. 3) TRUE/FALSE E.g. a) Harmeets mother was a bank employee. 4) Long answer type questions

E.g. write a brief note on the lives of domestic workers with an example. MONTH AUGUST CHAPTER-5 WOMEN CHANGE THE WORLD KEY CONCEPTS       

Struggle for equality. Women’s movement to challenge discrimination. Fewer opportunities and rigid expectation. Stereotype. School and education today. Women’s Movement. Strategies of Women’s Movement.


To understand and describe the term stereotype. To get acquainted to various Women’s movement to challenge discrimination. To recognize the various strategies used by women’s movement. To develop positive attitude against discrimination and stereotype.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Define the following terms Eg Stereotype, census. 2) Read the following story on page58 and answer the questions E.g. If you were Xavier what subjects would you choose and why?


Multiple choice questions

E.g. According to census of 2001, the percentage of literate girls and women is__________ a)54

b) 64

c) 74

d) 84

4) Questions from the textbook E.g. what are the various ways women apply to fight discrimination and fight justice? MONTH SEPTEMBER


KEY CONCEPTS       

Media definition and its meaning. Types of media. Print and electronic media. Advertisement. Balanced report& setting agenda. Local media. Media and democracy.


To understand the meaning and the role of media in today’s context. To acquire knowledge of different forms of media. To recognize the importance of media in democracy. To develop skills to analyze newspaper report and TV story.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Important terms e.g. Censorship, Broadcast. 2) Questions from the text book E.g. In what ways does media play an important role in a democracy?

3) Match the column. 4) True /false. E.g. News papers and magazine are examples of print media. 5) Activity - make a collage showing various forms of media.


New and old terminologies Historians and their sources. New social and political groups. Region and Empire. Old and New Religion.

Thinking about time and historical periods.


To get acquainted with the history of the past.

To appreciate the various sources of history in learning of the past. To analyze why history is divided into three periods. To develop interest and respect in studying old culture and the various facts related to it. To learn new terms and old Terminologies.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Important key words e.g.: a) Cartographer b) Patron c) MONTH – APRIL-MAY Chapter-2 NEW KINGS AND KINGDOMS

    

KEY CONCEPTS The emergence of new dynasties. Administration in the kingdoms. Revenue system. Prarshastis and Land grants Warfare for wealth. Splendid temples and bronze sculpture.


Acquires knowledge of new dynasties. To understand the political changes of the period. To generate interest in learning various administrative Organizations. To develop skills to mark and label the map work.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Important key words e.g. Samantha’s, Prashastis. 2) Match the column 3) Short answer type questions E.g. what did the new dynasties do to gain independence?


Multiple choice questions:

E.g. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni came from ___________. a) China b) Arab

c) Afghanistan

d) Russia.

5) True/false E.g. Kalhana was a Sanskrit poet from Kashmir. 5) Fill in the blanks: 1) Prashastis were written by learned __________ .


KEY CONCEPTS      

Introduction. Finding about Delhi Sultan. The expansion of Delhi Sultanate. Administration of and consolidation under the kaljis and Tuglaqs. Reign of Alaudin Khalji. Delhi Sultanate in the 15 & 16 century.


To acquire knowledge about the dynasties ruling in the 12century ,in and around Delhi ‘ To compare the various administrative systems in the Sultanate period.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1) Important key words

Eg Tarikh, Kutuba , and


    

Mughal expansion. Geneology and Succession. Mansabdars and jagirdars. A close look: Akbar’s Policies. Decline of Mughals.

LEARNING OUTCOME To acquire knowledge about Mughals and their administration.

  

To understand their gene logy and succession. To show respect for the mughal art and architecture.


KEY CONCEPTS The importance of dates Bases of periodisation of history Meaning of the word ‘colonial’ Significance of the British practice of keeping records and conducting surveys

2. LEARNING OUTCOME  Understand the importance of dates  To analyze the reasons for dividing history into periods  To critically assess the contribution of British records and surveys

3. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.TRUE OR FALSE eg. 1. The British were very particular about preserving official documents. 2. Printing began to spread by the middle of the 20th century.

2. FILL IN THE BLANKS eg. 1. Historians have usually divided Indian history into ancient,---------, and ------------- periods.

3.MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS eg. 1. The History of British India was written by -

a.Charles Darwin

b. James Mill

c.Albert Einstein

d.Thomas Hardy

4.ORAL QUESTIONS eg. 1.Who was James Mill ?

MONTH – MAY CHAPTER 2-FROM TRADE TO TERRITORY –The Company Establishes Power 1.KEY CONCEPTS  Arrival of the East India Company in India  Beginning of the Company’s trade in Bengal  How trade led to battles- the Battle of Plassey, occupation of Bengal  Expansion of Company’s rule in India- powers of the Resident  Conflict of the Company with native rulers- Tipu Sultan,the Marathas  Annexation of Indian territories – the Doctrine of lapse  Setting up of a new administration by the Company


To understand the political conditions in India in the 17th century To observe the growth of British influence in India To understand how the Company annexed the Indian territories To analyze the Company’s tactics of expansion in India

3.FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. ORAL QUESTIONS eg. I)Who was the ruler of England in 1600? 2)Name the two leaders under whose leadership Mysore became powerful. 2.TRUE OR FALSE

eg. 1)The Maratha power was crushed in the III Anglo-Maratha war. 2)Lord Dalhousie’s ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ proved to be a total Failure.

3.MCQ Type

eg.1) The Nawab of Bengal after Alivardi Khan was a)Murshid Quli Khan b) Tipu Sultan



d) Mir Qasim

4.FILL IN THE BLANKS eg. 1)The Company took over Awadh in the year --------------. 2)The first Anglo- Maratha war ended with the Treaty of --------------------.

MONTH – JULY CHAPTER 3- RULING THE COUNTRYSIDE 1. KEY CONCEPTS  Appointment of the East India Company as the Diwan of Bengal in 1765  Collection of revenue for trade by the company –Indian economy in ruins  A terrible famine hits Bengal  The need to improve agriculture- Permanent Settlement and its problems  New systems are devised for devised for improvement in agriculture-the Mahalwari and the Ryotwari  Crops for Europe- indigo cultivation in India and the problems associated with it-rebellion by farmers 2. LEARNING OUTCOME  To comprehend the social and economic conditions prevalent in India after the East India Company became rulers  To assess the poor economic condition of Indian peasants and their difficulties in paying taxes 

Class VII Month-April No.of periods-6 Geography Chapter-1 Our Environment Key concepts 1.Environment  Definition  Components of Environment  Biotic  Abiotic explain with example, diagram 2.Natural Environment:   

Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere, explain with example.

3.Ecosystem: Plant life  Animal life 4.Human Environment: A perfect balance is necessary between the natural and human environment. Learning Outcome The lwbat 1 . describe our environment. 2. Develop interest to save the Environment. 3. Develop skill to draw related diagrams (domains of the Environment) Evaluation

Month-July No.of periods-6

Geography Chapter-2 Inside Our Earth Key concepts Crust -

 Sial  Sima  Nife Rocks And Minerals :    Rock Cycle-

Uppermost layer of earth

Silica and Alumina Si-silica and ma- magnesium ni—nickel and fe-ferrous.

Igneous rocks sedimentary Metamorphic Explain, with

, intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. rocks rocks the help of diagram and example.

Process of transformation of rocks Diagram of rock cycle

Minerals: -

Definition with example

Learning Outcome The lwbat 1. Acquire knowledge of the interior of the Earth 2. Define the new terms . 3.Describes the structure of the earth 4.Compares the different layers of the earth 5.Analyses the constituents elements of various layers 6.Develops skill to locate and draw various layers of the Earth Evaluation 1.Draw and label the diagram of rock cycle, and interior of the earth. Activity: Collect and paste pictures of monuments in note-book .Draw some objects made up of different minerals

Month-July No.of periods-6 Geography

Chapter-3 Our Changing Earth Key concepts  Lithospheric Plates :- Plates which carry continent and ocean floor  Endogenic forces  Exogenic forces explain with example ( book)  Earthquake –movement of Lithospheric plates  Volcano explain with example  Seismograph  Classification of earthquakes  Earthquake Preparedness Major Land Forms  Work of a river explain with examples and diagram: Waterfall  Meanders  Ox-bow-lakes  Floodplains and levees  Delta Work of sea waves    

Explain with the help of diagram: Sea caves Arches and stacks Sea cliff

Work of Ice Explain with example ( ref. in book)   Work of Wind

Glaciers Glacial moraines

 Explain with example  Mushroom rocks  Sand dunes  Loess Learning Outcome The lwbat 1.Identify and define the new terms. 2. Acquire knowledge of changes on the earth 3 .Analyse the reasons of changes 4. Develop interest in learning of the features of the earth.

5. Develop skill in drawing the various features of earth Evaluation 1. Give reasons a.Sea caves are turned into stacks

2.Short Answer Question a.How are flood plains formed? 3.Crossword Puzzle a.Sudden descent of water in bed of river

Month-July No.of periods-6 Geography Chapter-4 Air Key Concepts 1. Composition of the Atmosphere:Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Ozone, Global Warming Green house effect 2. Structure of the Atmosphere Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere Weather and Climate Temperature :- Isolation Air Pressure : Permanent


Seasonal winds Local winds Cyclone

depression , super cyclone


Cyclonic rainfall Relief rainfall Convectional rainfall

Learning Outcome The lwbat 1. Acquire knowledge of atmosphere and its constituent gases 2.Analyze the importance of water 3.Understand the impact of pollution 4. Develop interest to study and contribute to improve global warming 5.Apply his knowledge of the concepts diagrammatically. Evaluation 1.Short Answer Questions a.Which gas creates green house effect in the atmosphere? 2.Crossword Puzzle a.Instrument to measure pressure b.An Indian tree highly valued for medicinal properties 3.Draw diagrams to showthe following a.layers of Atmosphere b.Major pressure beltsand wind system c.Types of Rainfall

Month-July No.of periods-6 Geography

Chapter-5 Water Key Concepts 

Water, Sources of water, Fresh water and salty water  Water cycle o Distribution of Water Bodies  Ocean Circulation  Waves  Tides Spring tide and Neap tides  Tsunami Ocean Currents-- warm and cold currents Learning Outcome The lwbat 1. Acquire knowledge of the Hydrosphere 2. Understand that the water is important for life 3.Develop interest in study of water cycle 4.Develop skill in to locate movement of water on earth 5. Develop a sense to save water and control water Evaluation 1.Give reasons a.The quality of water is dereriorating. 2.Short Answer Question a.What is precipitation 3.Draw the diagrams of water cycle,Spring tide and neap tide 4.Map work a.Major seas,lakes and rivers of the world b.Major ocean currents

Month-July No.of periods-6 Geography Chapter-6 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Key Concepts

1. Natural Vegetation -vegetation which grows by itself. 2. Factors : Temperature, Moisture , Soil-slope , thickness of soil 3.Classified into three broad categories a. Forest b. Grasslands c. Shrubs 4. Forest : Climatic condition and Location Tropical Evergreen Forest Tropical Deciduous Forest Temperate Evergreen Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Mediterranean Vegetation Coniferous Forest 5. Grasslands:-Tropical Grasslands, Temperate Grasslands 6. Thorny bushes Learning Outcome The lwbat 1.Acquire knowledge of natural vegetation and wild life 2.Understand the physical and climatic conditions 3.Develop skill to locate the distribution of vegetation on map 4.Develop a sense to save forest and grow trees Evaluation 1.Short Answer Questions a.In which climatic conditions are citrus fruits cultivated? 2.Give reasons a.Tha animals in polar region have thick fur and thick skin. 3.Activity a.Make a collage of rainforest,grassland and coniferous forests.


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