Clarification On Tender

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 2,069
  • Pages: 7



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Do we require to issue a letter as Expression of Interest? What is the format for the same and deadline to submit the same. Ours is a partnership firm and hence we do not have letter of incorporation which is applicable to only in Pvt. Ltd. Company. We can provide registration certificate of the firm with the Registrar of Firms instead ? Is there specific format of declaration required? If no what all should be included in the said declaration? In place of a certificate by company secretary, can we provide the information duly certified by Manager – Corporate Finance. The EMD shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee, please provide the format for Bank Guarantee (if required in a specific format) OR Do the LSP is free to provide the Bank Guarantee in the standard format available with them? Please clarify! Are you not going to insure the goods as a principle owner of the goods to be stored in the warehouse? The consultant need to Insure the equipment, vehicles and materials of Purchaser at the expenses of Purchaser, In that case the insurance premium need to reimbursed by the purchaser. Will this premium need to be quoted separately and not as a part of commercial bid? If no and

Yes, all the formats are provided under Section IV – contents of the Bids, Last Date of submission of Bids is 1400 hr. on 04th December 2009. Yes.

Yes, Please refer, Section – IV Contents of the Bids, 3rd point Form III. No, in absence of Company Secretary it should be certified by Statutory Auditors or CEO in the prescribed format(Page 67, Form IV) EMD could also be in form of Demand Draft also, regarding format for Bank Guarantee you can get it from any bank.

No, LSP has to do insurance. Tenderers are required to provide an all inclusive lump sum fee quote,

26174012.doc this cost happens to be the cost to be included in the commercial bid, we would like to know the replacement value of the said equipment/Vehicles and material. ? 8.



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The Team to be deployed can be done in due course of time and the majority of the staff will be on contract payroll due to the requirement for the duration of CWG 2010 games only. Hence it will not be possible to furnish the credentials well in advance, please advise? For Freight forwarding and customs clearance services the freight load from which ports to which customs clearance service is needed at which port? Any particular requirement of Inventory Management software? It is required to be on line or stand alone or at discretion of the LSP? Please provide time line and venues and routing of QBR National Let ?

It is one of the mandatory condition for security purpose, thus it is essential to provide the employees details (form IX), address proof and identification proof of the employees well in advance.

Through which port , customs clearance and CHA activities is required for normal imports and also under ATA scheme.? With reference to Section V, page 93, under head CWG Delhi 2010 Supplied Items, installation of adequate terminals for the CWG Delhi 2010 – How many terminals ? Who will install CCTV System? And will be under vigilance of whom? 3 shifts operations are for the whole period of the contract? Formats of the operations reports.

There is not any definite port.

There is no specific port or services for customs clearance.

Number of terminals is under planning.

This question concerns to Security FA. No, it is required only for Games time. Would be provided to LSP.

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Accept liability to cover the cost of items lost/damaged while in the custody of the LSP – Since LSP does not hold the tile of the goods then how LSP will be able to carry out the insurance except the resources deployed by the LSP ? How many charging points for MHE is It is on the basis of requirement of particular venue. going to be provided ? What is SWL (Safe Work Load) capacity of the forklift required? When OC Reporting system will be provided. What is escalation matrix in case of issues? Supply and utilize electronic data and communication systems as required to provide services in a timely and efficient manner in line with the schedules laid down by OC ? QBR will be in 89 cities, which are the cities planned ? Process of order placement ? Who will provide the Packing materials ? LSP. What is the timeline for the Road Events? For Road Events all the logistics activities required is for the same day. Please explain Capacity of Forklifts and type and capacity of Crane and Trolleys ? Please provide specification what kind of vehicle is required for road show? No separate Forklift License is generally Fork Lift should be provided with its operator, having the given for Forklift operators? Which type of experience/Knowledge of running it. Certification/License required and who is the issuing authority ? Please clarify CGA/CGF and Host Broadcasters? Timeline for National leg and cities – routes it will travel

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Is it Possible to add additional member at Tenderer can modify its bid after the bid’s submission, they have to later stage ? provide a written notice of modification, but before 1400 hr. 11 th Dec, 09 which is the last date of submission of Bid. Can you provide approximate total value of arranging insurance ? For International leg of QBR, can you There is no specific data available. provide us the list of the countries where the small cargo up to Max 30 kgs will be sent. ? Once cargo delivered at respective venue, Yes, any of the further services could be required mentioned in will further services be required from LSP Section V – Scope of Work. or VLM will take control further? Please specify Heavy, Medium, Small, goods vehicles in terms of capacity ? Please specify types & capacity of Trolleys Already answered. Please refer Q.28. ? Will OC get exception of Terminal No, Charges at airport / Ports. ? Please confirm that it will not be the LSP will provide freight forwarding and CHA services to responsibility of LSP to provide Logistics CGA’s/CGF and Host Broadcasters, under the direct commercial services for Ex-Work shipments from arrangements between the parties concerned but, LSP has to India / Abroad until unless asked, against provide all the rates to OC in advance for approval. additional cost as applicable.? OC will require Freight Forwarding and CHA services from LSP for QBR International leg and may be for certain imports from OC FA’s for the games. Please confirm, the tender covers There would be no specific port for import. shipments consigned to Airport/ICD Delhi only? Please confirm, the 3rd party charges, e.g. OC will only pay Customs Duty if applicable, delivery order , demurrage, detention etc. will be extra & not part of the quote price. Will non-appointed agents (if get freight CGAs/ CGF and Host Broadcasters are free to choose their own from any supplier) be allowed to get Freight Forwarding agent and CHA and they can deliver the goods accreditation for their drivers and vehicles to venue through MDS. Accreditation of drivers and vehicle is must and allowed to deliver cargo to Venues in any case. through MDS/LCC or have to use only OC

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appointed LSP. In case of a consortium the turnover of the prime bidder will be considered or consortium a put together can fulfill minimum eligibility criteria of INR 50 Crores each for the past three years.? While you have mentioned competition and non-competition venues what would be the approximate percentage of movement of vehicles and deployment of manpower of these two ? What are the vehicle, manpower and distribution requirements for the training venues and the period when this would be required? What will be the number of terminals deployed at the Central WH and the Venues for the warehouse and distribution management, are these requirements scalable based on the increase in scope and the requirement of the WMS of the service provider. What will be the connectivity infrastructure provisioning at the Central warehouse and the venues-Broasd band/leased line.? Does the IT infrastructure to be provided include all terminals, peripherals, networking & networking devices along with support staff for managing the same. Does the Games management system of CWG require integration with the service providers Warehouse Management System (WMS) If so then does the system provide for standard application interface for integration also will the support for the

Consolidated turnover will be considered

There is no specific or approximate no of movement of vehicles, and regarding deployment of manpower it will be on the basis of requirement of the particular venue There is no specific, approximate number is already mentioned in our scope, the vehicles and Manpower belongs to OC once they (LSP) sign the contract with OC, it is up to OC when to utilize it. Number of terminals at CWH and Venues is not certain yet.

This is up to Technology FA.

Only the software is needed by OC for games, support staff for managing the same is required which is covered under Form IX




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integration to the games management system provided by CWG. Under Technical Bid Form VII – Infrastructure, the listing of owned vehicles and leased vehicles does not corelate with the serial no a, b, c, d of the scope of work which is repeated again in section II at page 74 asking for the details of equipment which can be leveraged for executing the assignment. Please refer and explain in details? There is no difference in form X on page no 81 and 82 as the requirement of both the format is same and it is not clear what the actual requirement is? How do you propose to resolve the dichotomy of accounting Practices? Would you entertain a separate certification from statutory auditors certifying the ‘gross revenue’ and ‘net revenue/commission’ (Which should match with audited financials) OR would you only go by certified financial statements? For packing & Labeling of items at warehouse & for QBR, packing material & labels will be provided by OC or LSP? Any type of exemption on service tax is there? For QBR, it has been mentioned that weight of packages will be maximum 100 Kgs but what will be the frequency of deliveries of packages to all locations? Under commercial bid, do we need to

There is no difference between the forms because of the nature of the questions, as both are related to each other, in the first form tenderer has to provide us the detailed write up mentioning his Understanding of Scope of work, whereas in second form tenderer is required to provide the details how they (tenderer) will implement the same.

LSP has to arrange for Packing materials and labeling.

OC will handover whole lot and schedule of material for QBR to the LSP for distribution to various destination, it is up to LSP how to deliver it at the particular destination at the particular time . Yes the Tenderer is asked to provide the lump sum fee.



quote lump sum value of services & transportation cost? Since details of costing is not asked & neither any standard template for the cost heads is given. Does the rate card mean that expenses for the freight forwarding and CHA shall be paid after approval from OC and the same is not to be quoted in commercial bid service cost now?

Rate Card is the service which the Logistics FA is providing to CGA / CGF and Host Broadcasters, under which they can hire or purchase the items which are necessary to carry out their responsibilities, for example: Office Technologies, Furniture Fixture and Equipments etc. which includes the Freight Forwarding and CHA services, LSP is required to provide their rates to OC for approval, no these rates are not to be quoted in commercial bid, only the LSP appointed by OC will provide these rates.

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