Ciy Summer Conference Trip Packet

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 10
Sr. High Summer Conference “TRIP PACKET” June 30th—July 5th Wisconsin Dells $75Deposit due May 4th • $170 Remaining balance due June 1st TOTAL COST $245 •

What Is Sr. High Summer Conference: God MOVES. He has chosen to MOVE by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. He allowed his children to MOVE into a better land. When we were dead in our sins, it was His MOVE that brought us Life. Because of Him, we MOVE. This summer and this year, over 30,000 students on 5 different continents will follow His lead and MOVE. We invite you to MOVE. We invite you to this one event that will call our youth ministry to MOVE. This event will call tens of thousands of students into Kingdom work. MOVE is a 5 day event held all around the world calling high school students to live for the sake of the Gospel. We will focus on the importance of TRUTH, WORSHIP, COMMUNITY and moving your student BEYOND THE EVENT. We want your student to reach out in your community for the sake of the Gospel. We want your student to choose where they will work when they get home for the sake of the Gospel. We want your students to look for opportunities to serve locally and globally for the sake of the Gospel. We want to challenge your students to draw up a detailed ministry plan of what they will do in the next year for the sake of the Gospel. Students will look at their high school with the Gospel in mind. We want high schoolers to start thinking about college for the sake of the Gospel. We will call students to live differently in their homes for the sake of the Gospel. We allow the Holy Spirit to call all of us to MOVE. This event will work together with our church to raise up 250,000 kingdom workers in the next 10 years? Do you think this world would look a little different? We are not just going to an event or a camp this summer. We are going to MOVE.

What To Expect At Summer Conference: •

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Encounter Quiet Time: time for you to speak to God one-on-one. Adults and teens meet in the auditorium with their Bibles and then disperse to various parts of the campus for approximately 25—30 minutes. Specific Bible passages and devotional thoughts pertaining to the topic of the day are provided D-group: Our students will be organized in groups of 5—8 students that meet daily for Bible Study, discussion and fellowship; centered around the topic of the day. Electives: Group of classes taught by youth leaders to encourage students and help them minister to others Celebration: Evening filled with worship and dynamic speakers along with a time for decisions Youth Group Time: Time for our group to discuss the day’s events and to draw closer as a youth group. Free Time: Each day there will be free time for the students

Schedule: Monday, June 30th 7:00 a.m. Student Drop Off 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Pre-Travel Stuff 8:00 - 2:00 p.m. Travel (we gain an hour!) 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Register 5:00—6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Celebration 10:00 p.m. Youth Group Time 11:00 p.m. In Rooms, Lights Out Tuesday, July 1st 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Session 10:00 a.m. Encounter Quiet Time 10:45 a.m. D-Group 11:45 a.m. Dismiss from D-Group Noon Lunch 1:30 p.m. general Session/Electives 2:30 p.m. Free Time 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Celebration 10:00 p.m. Youth Group Time 11:00 p.m. In Rooms, Lights Out Wednesday, July 2nd 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Session 9:00 a.m. Encounter Quiet Time 9:45 a.m. D-Group 10:45 a.m. Dismiss from D Group 11:00 a.m. General Session/Electives Noon Lunch 1:30 p.m. General Session/Electives 2:30 p.m. Free Time 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Celebration 10:00 p.m. Youth Group Time 11:00 p.m. In Rooms, Lights Out

Thursday, July 3rd 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Session 10:00 a.m. Encounter Quiet Time 10:45 a.m. D-Group 11:45 a.m. Dismiss from D-Group Noon “Skip A Meal” 1:30 Extended Free Time 5:00 - 6:30 p.m./ Dinner 7:00 p.m. Celebration 10:00 p.m. Youth Group Time 11:00 p.m. In Rooms, Lights Out Friday, July 4th 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Session 9:00 a.m. Encounter Quiet Time 9:45 a.m. D-Group 10:45 a.m. Dismiss from D Group 11:00 a.m. General Session/Electives Noon Lunch 1:30 p.m. General Session/Electives 2:30 p.m. Free Time; Pack & Load Up 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Celebration 10:00 p.m. Youth Group Time 11:00 - 6:00 a.m. Travel Home 6:00 a.m. Pick Students Up From Church

Important Times Monday June 30th Student Drop Off @ 7 a.m. Saturday, July 5th Student Pick Up @ 6 a.m.

Cost: • $75 deposit is due on May 4th (non-refundable) • $170Remaining Registration due on June 1st (if deposit and remaining registration is not paid by June 1st a $35 late fee will be added to your registration) TOTAL $245

Food: • Food will be catered by CIY. • Students will need to either eat before they come Monday morning or bring a sack breakfast with them. • Students will need to either bring a sack lunch with them or cash for a fast food lunch on Monday. • We will be traveling late on Friday night. If students want to they can bring some cash for snacks on the way home. Packing List: • Bibles • Clothes for 5 days (plus extra) • Bedding (we are staying at the Kalahari Resort . Each room holds 6 people. Students will be sleeping 2 to a bed. If you do not feel comfortable sleeping in bed with another students please bring a sleeping bag & pillow) • Toiletries • Swim Suit (girls - no 2 piece swimsuits for bikinis) • Students remember we are in a Resort this year so you will not need to bring a fan. • NO: CD Players, I-Pods, MP3’s, Stereos, Cell Phones (NOT EVEN FOR ALARM CLOCKS) Youth Coaches will be able to wake you up at the appropriate time. Students you all know this is a rule and you should not pack any of these things with you at all. No’s for the Ladies: No spaghetti strap tank tops, no shirts that do NOT cover your stomach completely, and we do not want to see your bra straps. Remember our check rule. Raise your arms above your head and then make sure that your stomach is covered. All shorts must be at mid thigh. Please try and wear tops that are your size, not too tight. Girls, it’s best just to wear regular t-shirts for the week. I promise you, if you do this, you will be more comfortable and relaxed and will be able to focus better on GOD and not be distracted by guys. No’s for the Guys: No sagging pants. No exposed boxers. No muscle shirts, no tight shirts. Guys, I want you to remember what the girls have told you, you distract them by what you wear as much as they distract you.

The Alternative: The Alternative is a free time activity on Wednesday afternoon to showcase your talents and hang out with friends. Your talents can be anything from signing to poetry to ballet, etc. To secure your spot, please sign up at the CIY Station by the morning of the Alternative. Musicians will need to bring their own amps, drums, guitars, keyboards, etc. The only sound provided will be similar to a garage set up. This will be a small sound board with only 6 channels, a couple microphones and 2 direct boxes. You will be allowed to do one song (4 minutes maximum length). Lyrically Christian themes are encouraged, but not required. All styles are acceptable, but when it comes to the lyrics keep it clean! Rules: 1. Respect others and yourself 2. Alcohol or drug use is absolutely prohibited 3. No guy in girl rooms 4. Everyone must be in their dorms by the designated “In Room Time”. Quiet Hours are to be observed after 10pm 5. No student with backpacks are allowed in the auditorium or cafeteria 6. Be where you are supposed to be—when you are supposed to be there. Follow the schedule 7. Stay in your seating area during worship 8. Do not leave the auditorium once the speaker begins talking 9. Respect the resort, and conference center—NO Tp, water balloons, shaving cream, sidewalk chalk 10. No food deliveries of any kind to the Resort or Conference center 11. Absolutely no Fireworks 12. Follow the dress guidelines given Housing: This year Summer Conference is in a New Location, Wisconsin Dells @ the Kalahari. We will be staying at the Kalahari Resort. There will be 6 people per room. An adult will have to be in each room this year which is different from past years. If any student does not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as another students please bring your own sleeping bag and pillow.

Celebration Speaker: Shawn Williams Shawn Williams is the Director of Student Ministry at Community Christian Church in Naperville, IL. Originally growing up in Texas, Shawn moved to Illinois about 7 years ago to attend Wheaton College and began working at the church. He is incredibly passionate about God and loves serving with students. Shawn is also an avid Cubs fan and loves to spend the day with his wife at Wrigley Field. He and his wife Lindsay recently had their first child, Levi

Celebration Worship Leader: Aaron Pelsue Band The Aaron Pelsue Band is a high-energy praise and worship band based out of Indianapolis, IN. They bring a guitar driven, vocally pleasing, mix of songs that cry out praise to God and honor to Jesus Christ. Those who may not know Christ will be inspired and energized by the presence of God’s Spirit in their music. Followers of Christ will be drawn into the worship and adoration of the Lord.

theme The gospel is the most important thing we can know. It is what Paul preached “as of first importance” in 1 Corinthians 15. It gives us hope in that God took action while we were dead in our trespasses and sins. We were helpless, hopeless and separated from God, but God did not leave us there. In love He has moved. The gospel is the story about God coming near through Jesus Christ. It is because of this action—the life of Jesus—that we can enter God’s presence, draw near to Him, and encourage others to do the same. God is the first to MOVE…and because He has, we can. Starting this spring, over 30,000 students on 5 different continents will follow His lead and MOVE. You’re invited to one of over 24 five-day events being held all over the nation. MOVE is even held world wide to call the church to MOVE and tens of thousands of high school students to live for the sake of the gospel. Our goal is not just for you and your students to attend an event. Our goal is to be a part of God raising up 250,000 students to live for the sake of the gospel. We want students to reach out in their community for the sake of the gospel, to choose where they will work and what they do for the sake of the gospel. We want students to look NOW for opportunities to serve locally and globally for the sake of the gospel. Our hope is that students will look at their homes, high schools, and even where they go to college with the gospel in mind. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ‘For in him we live and MOVE and have our being’ (Acts 17:27-38).

Daily Themes Day 1: Jesus Texts: Hebrews 4:14-16; 10:19-25 Bottom Line: Jesus is the way we MOVE toward God. We can move because HE already has. When we were dead in our sins, God moved. He has always been on the MOVE, planning to redeem and planning to save. Jesus is the way we MOVE toward God. Because of His Move, we can now Move. Through Him, we can MOVE confidently before His throne. We can draw near and find grace and receive mercy in our time of need.

Day 2: Holy Spirit Texts: Acts 1:1-11 – The Holy Spirit is promised by Christ. Acts 2:1-13 – The Holy Spirit comes as promised. Acts 2:14-36 – Peter preaches at Pentecost. Acts 2:37-41 – People respond to the Holy Spirit and the gospel. Acts 10: 44-48 – The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles. Bottom Line: The Holy Spirit gives us the power to MOVE. Jesus promised His Spirit. His Spirit is what ignited the church in Acts, and the same Spirit is what comes in power in His church today. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to MOVE. When the Holy Spirit MOVES the church follows, causing people to reach across lines of gender, race and economy. The church exploded when the Holy Spirit did things that couldn’t be attributed to mere men. When the Holy Spirit MOVES, we Move.

Day 3: Community Texts: Acts 2:42-47 – The fellowship of the believers. Acts 4:32-37 – The believers had everything in common. Acts 5:1-11 – What true community DOESN’T look like. Bottom Line: In community, believers MOVE toward one another. Community in the book of Acts was more than what we see in most churches today. They had everything in common, and there were no needs among them. Community in the church is what tore down and rebuilt governments and societies. When everything was divided along race, economy and gender, it was the community of the church that turned it all upside down. It was the community of the church that called people to MOVE. This community moved in service, moved in worship, and moved in sacrifice. They shared everything…with everyone. God is calling His new community to MOVE.

Day 4: Boldness Texts: Acts 4:23-31 – The believers pray for boldness. Acts 5: 17-42 – The apostles cannot stop teaching about Jesus. Acts 6 & 7 – Stephen chosen, serving, preaching, and being murdered. Bottom Line: The Holy Sprit gives us boldness to MOVE against fear and apathy. Our current culture seems to be becoming more and more ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We fear what people might think if we speak the name of Jesus. We fear getting in trouble at work or at school. We fear governments, and we fear for our reputations. We fear being persecuted or ridiculed. If we want to see the gospel MOVE, then we must get rid of that fear. Over and over in the book of Acts, it was the boldness of the church that caused the gospel to MOVE into new territories. Even in the midst of persecution, the church MOVED with boldness. When you look at the book of ACTS, time and time again we hear of the people speaking boldly. So many students have a spirit of timidity. They don’t know how to make a defense of their faith. They don’t know how to always give an answer for the hope that they have with gentleness and respect. While service is the basis for worship, acts of kindness can never be a replacement for the communication of the gospel. Both must walk hand in hand. God has called His church to MOVE in service and in speech.

Day 5: MOVE Texts: Acts 1:8 – You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Ends. Acts 9:1-19 – The conversion of Saul. Ananias told to MOVE to Saul. Bottom Line: Where is God calling you to MOVE? God always has a plan. He is always on the MOVE. Too often we are content to sit on the sidelines and be a spectator. We want every student who comes to MOVE this summer to have a game plan for ministry in the next year. We want students to MOVE “for the sake of the gospel.” What would it look like if every student left with a written plan for ministry the next year of his/her life? We want students to begin choosing jobs for the sake of the gospel. We want students to be willing to choose clubs and sports in school for the sake of the gospel. We want to see students choose where they go to college for the sake of the gospel. We want to see students who would be willing to mow the yard and do the dishes just to earn the right to speak truth to a family who doesn’t know Christ. We don’t want students to simply attend an event but MOVE beyond the event to what Christ is calling them to.

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