Student Name__________________________________ Project: If technology were available during theCivil War, how would things have been different? Category Accomplished(4) Adequate (3) Developing(2) Limited (1) Writing Grammar There are no grammaticalmistakes in the presentation. There are 1-2 grammaticalmistakes in the presentation. There are 3-4 grammaticalmistakes in the presentation. There are several grammaticalmistakes in the presentation. Creativity withtechnology The presentationhas 4 detailed points ofinterest perdestination. The presentationhas 3 pointsof interest perdestination. The presentationhas 2 pointsof interest perdestination. The presentationhas 1 or no points ofinterest perdestination. Attractiveness & Organization The presentationhas exceptionallyattractive formatting andwellorganizedinformation. The presentationhas attractive formatting andwellorganizedinformation. The presentationhas wellorganizedinformation. The presentationformattingand organizationof material are confusingto the reader. Participation I participatedand contributed a
significantpart to theproject everyday. I completedwork on time. I worked most of the time, but I was offtask and did not contribute all of the time. I did not work to completethe project. Originality Product shows a largeamount of originalthought. Ideasare creative and inventive. Product shows some originalthought. Workshows new ideas and insights. Uses other people's ideas(giving themcredit), butthere is little evidence of originalthinking. Uses other people'sideas, butdoes not givethem credit.
Total points______________