City Profile Bellflower California 1924 By C.v. Loop President Realty Board Culver City

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Download & View City Profile Bellflower California 1924 By C.v. Loop President Realty Board Culver City as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 3
Tke Real,tyBl,ueBook al Cailornia


Three years ago we had a fourth class post ofiice. Today we have city delivery and a post office equal to that to be found in most towns oI 10,000. _Three years ago we had numerous questionable reso*s. Today Three yea$ ago we were well content with cesspools,but todey we point'with pride to our complete system of sewers, installl€d through a bond issu€, put over by a board of trustees who have endeavor€dto keep pace with the city's phenomenal g:rowth and provide for the future. Three years ago we had no ire alarm system. Today there is being installed a completeGamewellFire Alarm system. Prior to three yeaN ago the city was in an embryoiic state; that stage has be€n passed and Culver City today has embarkealon a journey from which ther€ is no backing down. She must progress.

Bellflower ELLFLOWER, is, pmctically speaking, an all new town, having grown from a srrall haBlet of 500 people to e inoil€m city of 8,000inhabitents during the parsttwo years; the causeof this phenom€nal grow'th being the discovery of oil near the city at Signal Hill and Santa Fe Spdngs, these two fields ;beingbut a few miles distant. Besides the oil wells, many large refineries have located near the city, in all directions, furnishing emplo}.Inerltto hundrealsof men, all of whom are residentsof this eity and its environs. Daitying and poulhv raising is carried on quite extensively around Bellflower. The town was odginally laid out in acre tracts for the purpose of fumishing homes for people wlo wanted more than a to\rn lot for gardening, fruit and poultry raising, but since Lheoil discoverythe latter industrics have been neglectedto a great extent and much of the a(reagehas been subdividedinto town lols. Bellflower has one of the best water systems in the State. Bellflowerloasts of having the very best of schools,hro gr.ammar schoolbuildingsnow doing ser/ice ard bondsissuedfor a third building, the erectionof which wiu begin in the near future. Th€re are seventy-fivestores and businesshousesin Bellflower, nearly all being new and of brick construction. Two bariks have embarked in businesshere during the past three years, the Commercial snd the First National, and both arl doing a gooo Dusrneaa, Drilling for oil is in progress in several localities around Belly.illtgood prospectsof developjnganothergoodfield simjlar to l9t"I Drgruunrn ano santa ! e Sprrngs, In th€ way of transportation Bellflower is well supplied, the pacifrc Electiic Santa Ana line running East and West, comecting with Los Angele-sand all lin-esout of thal (ity. Stagesfiom Long Beachpaes through here to a.llpoints NoIth. Much of the land sunounding Bellflowerhas b€en leasedfor oil.


Tlrc Re(LltABlue Book of Californi.L

which would indicatethe confidence of oil pr.omotersin this field. The leases,in nearly every instance,have beenmadeto the large oil comparnes, The future oJ B€llflower is exceedinglybright, many new residencesand storesbeing in courseof constructionand proposed,and it is predicted that in another five years the population will again double. We still hav€ rcom for many more homeseekers. lrlr)Lll.Itltvliili Thos. w, Powell, Ple8ident. J, D. Clark, Vice Presidetrt. !'troEa6 D. Flynn, Secretary-Trcasurer



r. l. xlarriott

(of Hynes).

West Hollywood B?/G. L. SCHMUTZ, Realtor f T wouldbe indepddifficulrlo find a seciionin any metrcpolislhal aq fast as Wesr Holl)wood;Wccr.HollJwoodbeing ^I has developpd thrt paft oI Los Angelpsboundpdon the east by La Brea avenue. and on the north by the Santa Monicamountains. In this district, there are areasthat were under cultivation less than two years ago; today they are almost completelydevelopedwith homesof bona fide residents. Farm lands, untillable swamps, l'ugged hill slopes, have all beensubdivjded,and improvedwith pavedstreets,coDcretesidewalks, gas,electricity and water conrections;they have beendevelopedwith a variety of charming homes,incomparableanl'lvhereon the face of Ihe globe. Bounding west Hollyrvoodon the north is the Santa Monica range of mountains, terminating at the Pacific Ocean,some eight miles to the west. It is along the southern slopeof thesemountains that Holltwood and West Holl)'woodlie, nestledagaipst the hillsid€, and spreadingsoutherly into the alluvial flats below. Ir West Hollywood.the topographyva es, as well as the prices of property; there is variety wide enoughto pleaseeither taste or pocketbook. One can live along the slope of the gentle hillside, or reside on level grouDd; one can purchasepmperty at very modest prices,or get all of the exclusiveness that moneycan purchase. fn the extreme western end of West Holl]^vood lies the beautiful village of Sheunan, vith the poinsettia fields ancl avocadogloves spread graciousl)'along the hillside, and interspersedwith maglificent homes, blendnrg into a color schemethat only the Supreme Architect could create. West Hollj'wood has the least variation in temperature of any s€ctionof Los Angelescounty; it is frostlessand fogless. Dudng the hottest days of summer West Holll'wood is fanned by the cool, refreshing breezesfrom the ocean,

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