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Recent excavations of an urban settlement at Keeladi village near Shivaganga close to River Vaigai bed has revealed a structured city with civic amenities; city which could be as large as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. This discovery has given archeological evidence to the antiquity of South Indian cities and Kingdoms. References in Mahabharata to Pandya and Chola kings proves beyond doubt the existence of independent urban settlement in Dakshinapatha, as the South India was referred to. That these kingdoms were prosperous can be judged from two references – one from Sabhaparva1, which describes the conquest of Pandya’s by Sahadeva and winning tributes from them. And Second reference from Bhishmaparva 2 , which described a certain Pandya king who has enough resources to find the Kaurava and Pandava armies. There are several other references to South Indian topography in Mahabharata. Reference to Kanyakumari 3 (Kumari tirtha)as first amongst the five Nārī tirthas and reference to Agastya tirtha4in Pandya territory shows the sanctity accorded to the region. Mr.Srinivasa Aiyangar in his “History of Tamils up to 600 A.D5”, given an alternative interpretation to Nāga region and Manipura, the two places with which Arjuna has marital relationship. He interprets the Naga region to be the coast of Malabar. He cites references from

Buddhist literature and especially Manimegalai(Xvi.11.60-61) to prove that the

Malabar region was also known as land of Nagas. The Manipura is consequently identified with Tamil territory “Manalur”. Hence we see that right from epics, the Tamil region has been considered a cradle of urban civilization, port of commerce and land with religious bearing. Subsequently we shall see references from latter literature to the cities and other places in Tamil country. There is a well-known verse, traditionally handed down from remote past, which mentions Kanchi as one of the seven sacred cities in India, renowned as bestowers of 1

Mahabharata- Sabha.Digvijayaparva-71 Ibid. Bhishmaparva. 9.20 3 Ibid.III.88,118 4 Ibid. I.21546 5 P.T.Srinivasa Aiyangar, pg.90, Asian Educational Services, NewDelhi,2001. 2

salvation. AyaeXya mwura maya kazI kaÂI AviNtka purI ÖarvtI cEv sÝEte mae]daiyka>. Kanchi6 (Patanjali in his Mahabhasya Kanchipuraka as the citizens of Kanchi) is referred as kacchi, Kamakota, Kamakostha,Tundiramandalam7 (Tondaimandalam in Tamil) Pallava kings were great patrons of scholars Bharavi the author of one of the Panchamahakavya kirtarjuniyam was patronised by King Simhavishnu. Mahendravarman I was the author of Mattavilasa Prahasana. Dandin the famous author of Kavyadarsa8 adorned the court of King Narasimhavarnan of 630 A.D In his Kavyadarsa, Dandin speaks of Kanchi and its Kings the Pallavas in III.114. In the beginning of the Avantisundarikatha, the Poet Laureate of the Pallavas, Dandin, gives a description of Kanchi and the Pallava seaport9 Mamallapuram and how he came to compose his romance Avantisundari. There is a graphic description here of the sack of Kanchi by the Chalukyas, the consequent famine and the wanderings of Dandin over many places and Gurukulas and his final return to Kanchi. Dandin describes a visit to Mamallapuram at the invitation of Lalitalaya, the architect, to see the Sthalasayana Vishnu at the shore temple and mentions among his companions Matridatta, a writer on Kalpa Sutras, Ramasarman of Choladesa and some others from Keraladesa. The Shrimad Bhagavata, Xth Skandha, ch. 79, mentions that during his Tirthayatra, Balarama visited Kamakoti and Kanchi in Dravida Country. The Skanda Purana, Sanatkumara Samhita, Kalika Khanda, there is a long text in 50 chapters of the Kanchimahatmya, which is available in several mss. There






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HastigiriMahatahatmya. In Madhuravijaya while describing the expedition of Kamparaja to Kanchi, poetess Gangadevi compares the excellence of Kanchi with Alakapuri of Kubera10 -pitinRxIna< AlkapurIimv- the said verse describes the victory over Champa vassal of Malikafur. And also states the name of Northern Tamilnadu as Tundiramandala. Pleased with the victory king Bukka grants the Lordship to Kamparaja(III.45). Fifth sarga dedicates 13 verses describes Kamparaja’s rule over Kanchi. Kamparaja is described ruling the city called Marakatha. mrkataþyÉaij mhapure …..(V.1). Prosperity of Kanchi is mentioned by name mrktapurI (V.7) prosperity.


Patanjali- Mahabhasya.IV.2.102. Visvagunadarsa campu-p.161 8 III.114 9 Avantisundarikatha, p.6 10 Madhura Vijaya.III.41 7

The city of Kanchi11 is described as holy and removes sins of those who live there, the deity by name yathoktakarin shrine as a dam for the river vegavati which was other wise called as Saraswathi goddess of speech and thus became a bridge for people to cross the ocean of worldly existence. So says Vedantadesika in his Hamsasandesatui{fraOy< tdnumiht< m{fl ]eÇ< yaya> ]iptaÊirt< tÇ sÅyìtaOy< , pTyaE zezaTsillvpuzae yÇvaGdevtaya> setujR}e skl jgtamek setuSsdev>. Kanchi is considered as the abode of learning. At Kanchi one can see the opulent and splendourous by the presence of innumerable precious gems and resonant with music and as if it is a girdle to the earth12. nanarÆEépictgu[a< ivSys. 26 The swan is asked by the kavi Vedantadesika to take a dip in the river Vegavati which flows through Kanchi. The mere bath destroys sins, along with sages who are free from sins. The result of this would be the swan’s mind is free from Rajo guna. The river vegavati is compared with viraja river and coming out completely purified to get sayujya at Srivaikunta. tIweR pu<sa< zimtklu;e tÇ sarSvtaOye SnaTva saxR< muiniÉrn"ESsMyguLlaista¼>, ivZv icTte ivgtrjis VyÃyNtImze;< vúySyNtbRihrip pra< zuiÏm]epnIym!. I.30 You will bathe with faultless seers in that river which expunges men’s impurities. Once your body has been wholly cleansed, you will possess a pure radiance both within and without which cannot be removed, a pure radiance which lights up in your mind – now freed from rajas – the universe entire. Poet Venkatadhvarin also echoes the same idea in his Visvagunadarśā campu ké[aHrIv Égvit vegvtI nam àvhit pavnI. Venkatadvarin says - tu{fIrm{flinvais;u ÊGxisNxuif{fIro{finÉkIitR;u pi{fte;u, AaPyaymanmiolErvgItmetraecet xUtÊirt< cirt< n kSmE.

11 12

Hamsasandesa.I.25 Pg.119

Those who live in this Tundéramaëdalai there fame is compared that of milky ocean and flawless. And their deed and character is incomparable . After worshipping the place the swan is asked to bow to that place which qualifies those who live there get mokña or salvation. The swan is therefore asked to procced his journey. तामासीदन्प्रणम नगरीीं भक्तिनम्रेण मुर्ध्ाा जातामादौ कृतयुगमुखे धातुररच्छावशेन। यद्वीथीनाीं कररगगररपतेवाा हवेगावधूतान् धन्यान् रे णूींक्तिदशपतयो धारयन्त्युत्तमाङ्गैः॥1.27 Chañjépuri otherwise called as Thanjavur is described in Visvagunadarśā campu as – (pp.167-8) oiÃk«taiolùda< rm[Im[Ina< mÃIrmÃutriziÃtriÃten, cÃIpurI yuvg[en ckaiSt pU[aR ÃIivtae¢pirviÂtpÂba[a. The residents of this place were well versed in the vedas , smrti ,purana, finearts and logic \Ksamyaeí yju;a< c invasÉUta> pUta iÖja> Sm&it pura[ klaxuir[a>, k…vRiNtvasimh kkRztkRzBdtÙÈyIizorisNxutlSp&zae=mI.

The city is auspicious and abode of good , the kings who rule the ten directions leaving other cities, wants to attain this city Thanjavur through their death at least. Householders they perform the yäga and yajïas like jyotiñtoma and Atirätra, Väjapeya etc at their houses -p.205: JyaeitòaemStaem %KWvae=itraÇae=PyaÝaeyaRm> ;aefzae vajpey>, àaEFa y}a> paE{f+Ikadyae ye caele:vete icÇmaepasniNt,

People by learning the Çästras and taking that as their medicine for the ailment live happily without any mental sickness. Live blemishless Vedas as wealth and make the world pure by their deeds. Venkatadvarin describes the Srimushnam 13. In the Hamsasandesa the swan is asked to take the route to Lanka. This provides an opportunity for the author to describe the south India and holy places; Thiruvellarai, Srirangam and Thirumaliruncholai. At Srirangam the river Chandrapushkarini 14 the tank excels the Manasarover, where in Chandra got cure of his disease consumption and relived from the curse of Dakña. tiSmNÔúymrmihlamaEilgNxEvRNXya matNvana< Vypgtrs< mansmans, 13 14

Pp173-4 Hamsasandesa.I.44

tIweRrNyEipRpirgta. The place Srirangam wherein Adiśeña is lying as platform. Pious men worship that platform. The swan is asked to worship it with the body well bent- vinamitatanuh. tIretSya>ivrictpd<saxuiÉSsevyman< ïÏayaegaiÖnimttnuZze; pIQ<Éjewa>, ………… ïImtaer¼xaç>. At Thiruvellarai the deity was brought there by Vibhiñaëa, after the coronation of Çrirāma. The mere glance of Lord Puëòaréka dispells the Tamoguëa of all the people. In the words of Venkatadhvarin15 the houses and garden of Sriranga the young damsels with fawn like eyes sport in the place around who are well versed in NétiÇästra and Tarka.In the gardens swans chirps the Tarka śāstra, the male cuckkoes sing the Vyakarana Mahābhäñya and play, the peacocks dance with Dvaita and Advaita siddhanta. The female parrot with Mimämsa Çästra in louder voice. The yogins with detached body take dip in the river Kaveriàat> àat> pyis ivmle pavne sýpuÈya> õay< õay< skliv:yTyaignae yaeignae=mI,

Hill by name Våñabhäcala 16 (Thirumalironcholai) is the permanent abode of Viñëu called as Sundararajaperumal the granter of good fortune. Here the swan is asked to bend before it.


the lap of this hill the divine water is flowed from the anklets of Lord who conquered the Bali shines. (description of Nupura Ganga or silambaru is seen.) inTyavas< v&;Éacl< suNdraOySyiv:[ae> àTyasIdNspid ivnmÑagxy< ntSSya>, ySyaeTs¼e bilivjiynStSymÃIrvaNt< pawaeidVy< pzupitjqaSpzRzUNy< iv_aait. The paëòya kingdom in the words of Vedäntadeśika – the crops were watered by the clouds out of fear of mighty warriers whose masters had once impriosned them $zadôa{yixgtavt< ]iÇya[a<àÉavat! karavasSmr[ciktESs´sSyaNpyaedE>, pZyNyaya> prmlkayaSpxRmanErjö< pu{yavasE> purjnpdEmRi{ftaNpa{fydezan! .

15 16

P.161 Hamsasandeśa.I.49

Térthayātraprabhanda17 of Samarapuìgavadikñita too describes the holy cities like Kanci , Chidambaram, Setu and Pandya kingdom. The











Mayurpuri18,Brndāraëyanagari19, Mahapuri, has been found Visvagunadarśā campu and Sarvadevavilāsa. The latter work it adopts and the humour of the that of Vishvagunadarsha of Venkatadhvarin. This work, passes under review the whole of the country through two observers, one whose sees the good in men and things, and the other who sees the opposite. when it comes to describe Triplicane and the Parthasarathi temple there, it speaks also of the Englishmen who had settled near Triplicane. Tiruallikkeni or Kairavini and the sacred tank of that name after which the place is also named,@;a kEriv[I ivzLykr[I dae;azugatRTmnametÔaexis pawRsariwirit ˆOyat> simNxe hir>, yTpadaMbujcuiMbna< surpte> kaeiqrgaéTmtStaemana< tulsIdlàkrtae nae ved _aed< jn>. The citizens of this place always immersed in vedanta and they do always the good things and live by their respect and honour.And other side is stated that the proximity of the Hunas had spoiled its sanctity; for the latter had been unkind and neglectful of the Brahmins. List of cities and villages used in Sarvadevavilasa Ädhipuri- Thiruvorriyur Nungapuri-Nungambakkam Toyadri- Tiruneermalai Pravalanagari- Muthailpet Vrksaranya- Tiruvellore There is verse in praise of

àvalngrI rMya ceNnpuyaR ckaiSt c , tNnawvLlIvnawalyxmaeR=Sy vtRte.20

In Sanskrit there are numerous works of this type which have similar geographical, historical and other popular interest, Sanskrit had tried to sail with the current of affairs and employ herself for contemporary documentation and expression. There are much more popular works in this regard it should be studied and brought to light. 17

Asvasa III,V ÇriBrandaraëyakñetra Mähatmya.I.29 19 Sarvadevavilā 20 77 sloka of Sarvadevavilasa 18

Thank you for the opportunity given.

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